My Little Swan

By swanqueenrp

194K 7.3K 1.5K

Regina use to be Emma's baby sitter, and Emma had the biggest crush on her. But Regina ended up moving away a... More

First day
I Missed You
Should I?
The warning
Tell me the truth
Heroic deeds
Im in trouble
I have to
Youre gonna get it
First night
The tree house
Meeting him
Not my daughter
The castle
Stay away
First day back
Im in charge
My son
Our son
Our prince

I wanna know you

9.4K 344 53
By swanqueenrp

"Don't run away!" The small blonde giggled as she chased Regina around the kitchen with a can of whipped cream. Regina laughed "Stay away Swan" she warns but she accidentally backed herself into a corner and her eyes widened. Emma though, her face turned into a predatory smirk "gotcha" she whispered and she lifted the whipped cream can and she put a big glob on Regina's nose and the brunette groaned. "You're lucky you're cute" she poked Emma and the young blonde smirked "I know" she winked. Honestly it took everything in Emma not to kiss her. She looked at full lips and into brown eyes. Regina bit her lip and was about to lean forward when the door opened. "Emma we're home" and she sighed.


Regina's voice was scared. She didn't know what to expect

"Regina.. I'm okay beautiful.. I'm sorry I was unconscious, are you okay? I swear to god if she hurt you..." Emma sat up in her hospital bed and was glancing around the room trying to see what time it was.
"I'm okay em.. are you okay? I was so worried, what the hell happened? The news said you got shot" Regina was currently slipping on her slippers and she grabbed a fluffy blankets and slipped out into her balcony and sat on the porch swing she had recently gotten.

Emma shook her head "one bullet hit my vest and the other Grazed my shoulder. I have stitches and a few bruises but I'll live.. please tell me the truth. I heard her Regina, did she hurt you?" The brunette let out a sigh and wrapped the blankets around herself "nothing worse than the bruise you saw before" she whispered and Emma's jaw locked. "Regina.. why.. why are you staying there, I don't understand" Emma was desperately trying to grasp the reason that Regina stayed.

The older woman sighed and set her gaze out over the city and she closed her eyes. She wanted more than anything to be with Emma right now. "It's complicated" she whispered and she wiped a lone tear off her cheek "what're you doing?" Emma whispered. She could tell from her time and the sound of her breath that she was upset. "Nothing. Talking to you obviously" Regina tried to be snarky but it didn't really come out that way.

"Sounds like heaps of fun" she teased just trying to cheer the woman up, she leaned back on the bed and groaned quietly a bit sore. "Oh yes, you should try it sometime" she joked back lightly and Emma smirked "sit outside and talk to myself on the phone? Somehow I don't think that's possible beautiful" she chuckled softly.

"Oh it definitely would be possible.. people would just think you're insane" there we go, there's the snarky girl Emma knew. The brunette shook her head with a small smile. "That's true.. but I'd much rather be talking to you" the blonde said and bit her lower lip softly. Regina couldn't help but smile. She glanced at the time and sighed softly "you should probably be resting em.. you've had a bad day"

Emma closed her eyes and just let them rest "I can't sleep, but if you're tired you can go to bed" she didn't wanna get off the phone but she would understand. Regina smiled at how caring Emma was "I'm not tired. Just worried about you" she said jumping lightly every time she heard a noise, scared Mal would find her out here. She gasped a bit and Emma frowned, she could tell something was up "Gina.. are you sitting outside talking to me because of her?" She asked softly.

The brunette bit her lip, calming down as she stared into the living room through the glass window. God Regina stop being such a whimp.. "No.. I like the view" she lied. Well.. it was all a lie, she really did like the view. Looking out her eyes landed on a cellphone tower near the hospital. "Can you see the tower from your room?" She asked changing the subject.

"You're such a bad liar baby girl, and yes, I can" Emma said as she stared out the window. Regina gave a slight smile at the nickname "I'm older" she reminded and she set her gaze upon the stars, finding all the constellations from their childhood days. "Can you see the little frog?" She asked and Emma shook her head "Age means nothing to me, so I'll call you baby girl if you want to" Emma points out in a teasing manner and she walked toward the window.

Emma eyes went to the sky finding the frog "yes.. I see it. That's one thing I love about this town is you can see all the stars." Regina rolled her eyes at the blonde's antics but couldn't hide her smile. "Do you remember when I shows you all the star signs? You wanted to go to neverland and never grow up" she whispered and leaned her head back and looked up at the stars again.

"I remember wanting us both to go, so we could be together forever" a small blush cast over her pale face and she bit her lip. Regina's face was graced with a blush as well. "Never growing up would have been perfect.. and a lot easier" she hums lightly.

"Just because we grew up doesn't mean we don't still have forever Gina.. no matter what you or anyone else says or does.. I won't stop loving you. And I will treat you as my queen until the day I die" she said honestly, she wished she could be with her, holding her hand and looking into those gorgeous eyes and holding her hand.

Regina's eyes slipped closed as the words washed over her and a warm feeling settled in the pit of her stomach and butterflies erupted. Leaning her head back against the seat she bit her lip and forgetting where she was for just a moment. "Let's talk about something else"

Emma wanted her to respond but she wouldn't push. Not right now anyway "tell me a secret" she said as she did so many times when they were young. The brunette thinks for a moment. "I wear reading glasses at home"
Emma's face lit up at the mental image "you in glasses would be adorable. I wear contacts every day... but I have glasses" Regina shakes her head "it's not" she disagrees "you should wear them to school sometime, I want to see" she smiled and Emma narrowed her eyes.

"I will if you will" she challenged and Regina's soft laughter filled the phone "I won't" she pointed out, she was starting to relax thinking that Mal wasn't going to wake up anytime soon. "Please? I'll stay till everyone leaves to see" she chuckled and she thought for a moment "what's your favorite restaurant?" Emma asked laying back on the bed.

"In town or in general?" She asked pulling the blanket tighter around herself. "Both" Emma shrugged softly. "Well.. my favorite will always be grannies back in storybrooke but there's a really good Italian restaurant that I enjoy here called 'Italia trattoria'" Emma smiled "granny's? Maybe one day we could go visit storybrooke.. what's your favorite dish from the restaurant here?"

She wanted to get to know Regina, she had missed of many years she needed to make up for it. "God em.. I don't know, it's been so long since I've been there" in truth Mal didn't like Italian food so Regina never went. "Hmm.. okay.. what's your favorite color?" She asked looking out the window and watching people walk by in the hall.

"Purple, black, and red.. what about you?" She asked chewing her lip as she glanced at the window again checking for her girlfriend. Regina found this conversation interesting, Emma wanted to know things even Mal didn't know and they'd been together for years.

"Purple, black, and silver" Emma answered with a cheesy smile, "what's your favorite movie?" Regina's eyes narrowed "you sure ask a lot of questions Miss Swan" she teased. "I like Alice in wonderland and you?" Emma shrugged again though Regina couldn't see her "just trying to learn about you.. and Snow White and the huntsman" she always did have thing for evil queens. "Of course dear" why did that not surprise the brunette.

"Where do you want to be right now?" Emma asked quietly after a moment. Regina didn't even think before she spoke next "at grannies with you.. without your injuries and without all this time that's passed." She whispered.

Emma began thinking for a moment "can't we just run away? Tell her you're going to see family, I doubt she knows if you have family there or not.." Regina shook her head "it's not that easy Emma" she sighed softly "we both have jobs here we have responsibilities" she sighed and Emma frowned.

"Which we can both easily get away from. You have breaks and I could get time off.. it wouldn't be hard. We could go to all of our old places. Our field.. the tree house.." she paused for a moment thinking of their life there "neither of us said a proper goodbye to our home"

Regina pandered for a moment and let a small hopeful smile grace her features "if the opportunity were to arise we could go" she whispered. A shudder ran through her body and Emma head Regina's teeth chatter "are you cold honey?" Honestly the brunette hadn't even notice she was shivering "yes a bit" she said pulling the blanket over head head.

"I'm not worth getting sick over honey.. go take a warm bath, drink a glass of wine, and relax.. I'll text you if you want?" Emma offered, her voice laced with care and love and Regina couldn't help the bright smile that took over her face "let me be the judge of that" she said feeling as though it was very much worth it.

Emma smirked "weeeeell, if you get sick talking to me in the cold, I'm coming over to your apartment to take care of you, whether blondie over there like it or not.. I'll dote on me queen hand and foot" she said cutely. Regina let out a giggle for the first time in god knows how long. "You're adorable" she said in a light voice.

Emma's face lit up "oh my god that was the cutest sound I've ever heard" she gushed her idiotic smile showing in her voice and Regina rolled her eyes but kept the smile on her face. "You're also a dork" she points out and Emma shrugged softly.

"But you love me for it, cause I'm your dork" she pointed out boldly.
Regina hummed for a second as if in thought and she let a loving smile grace her gestures "I suppose you're right"
"Stop being cute" Regina groaned softly and Emma smiled "make Me Emma challenged in a flirty tone and Regina smirked. "Careful miss swan.. I just might" she purred but a voice from inside made her jump, it was Mal. "Emma I have to go now." She tells the blonde sadly and although Emma wants to protest she doesn't "I'll see you tomorrow. Call me if you need me, I love you my queen.. I hope you sleep well" Regina's heart skipped a beat in her chest. She couldn't say it. Not right now "good night my little swan" she whispered before ending the call and deleting it off the record and she slipped back inside.

Emma sighed quietly and laid her phone down and she shut her eyes, hitting the morphine button which instantly made her tired.

"What were you doing Regina?" Mal asked with crossed arms "I'm sorry baby.. I was having a hard time sleeping I just needed some air" that was a Regina thing with Regina when she couldn't sleep and in Mals half asleep state she nodded "come back to bed" Regina's nodded and took her girlfriend's hand and they went to bed. Regina finally falling asleep with only thoughts of Emma in her head and heart.

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