Lady And The Tramp (Lauren/Yo...

By _Grakie_

221K 9.1K 1.3K

The war was horrible. Disgusting. My kind wiping out all humans from the face of the earth. We were known as... More

Help (Chapter 1)
Invitation (Chapter 3)
Beautiful (Chapter 4)
Dance With Me (Chapter 5)
One Of Them? (Chapter 6)
Truth (Chapter 7)
Fury (Chapter 8)
Free (Chapter 9)
Reminiscing (Chapter 10)
I Pledge (Chapter 11)
Watching (Chapter 12)
Highness? (Chapter 13)
Cousin (Chapter 14)
Marked (Chapter 15)
Love Of A Mate (Chapter 16)
Loosing Control (Chapter 17)
Positive (Chapter 18)
Lady And The Tramp (Chapter 19)
Leave (Chapter 20)
One Of Us (Chapter 21)
Sentence (Chapter 22)
Be Strong (Chapter 23)
Meeting Each Other Once More (Chapter 24)
Always My Cousin (Chapter 25)
Execution Day (Chapter 26)
The Fight (Chapter 27)
Last Words? (Chapter 28)
By Your Side (Chapter 29)
Coronation (Epilogue)

I Like Your Eyes (Chapter 2)

11.7K 458 58
By _Grakie_

A/N: Hey Guys! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter and I have to be honest with you guys that I am extremely excited about writing this book cause this is one of my favourite type of Lauren/You book to read. So being able to actually write one is amazing! Anyway, I hope you enjoy the chapter!


Lauren's P.O.V
It must of been at least twenty minutes since the encounter with the girl and to be honest, it felt like I finally had blood in my veins.

What is this girl doing to me?

Talking about her, she was currently sniffing the air for any trace of the wolf. Every so often she would growl slightly as if she picked up on the scent. After about five minutes, she sat down in front of me.

I tugged slightly at the sleeves of my hoodie, slightly on edge at the girl in front of me.

"Hey...I won't hurt you mi amore..." Her voice was full of hurt as she tilted her head to the side. The slight pinch of guilt ran through my body at the tone.

"What's your name mi amore?" Her sultry voice asked as she kept her distance. Obviously she was feeling my distress and for that I was grateful.

"L-Lauren..." I stuttered. A smile appeared on the muscular girl's face as if she just won a million dollars.

"Beautiful name Lauren. Mine's.        (Y/N)." Just the sound of name rolling off her tongue made my mind full of erotic things.

A blush appeared on my cheeks, causing me to look down. It wasn't long before I felt a hand gently grip my chin, gently pulling it up causing my eyes to connect with (Y/E/C).

"Don't look down mi amore. You're cute when you blush." This wasn't helping my situation any better.

"What were you even doing out here Lauren?" (Y/N) questioned me. To be honest, I liked it more when she called me mi amore better than my own name.

Lauren now isn't the time...

"I kind of had an argument with my dad and basically ran away due to my anger." I was currently getting lost in those amazing (Y/C/E) orbs as she looked towards me, completely engrossed in every word that left my mouth.

It was honestly flattering that somebody was actually paying attention to me and was finally caring about what I was saying.

"Why's that?" Her eyebrows were furrowed as if she was trying to figure me out.

"Well...My dad told me I was to be married to somebody...and they're not even my mate..." As if on cue, a growl erupted from (Y/N). It was like she didn't want me to get married.

"That's...outrageous...wait...did you say mate?" My eyes widened as I realised I said too much. She urged that it was ok and that I could trust her.

She just saved me so of course I trust her.

"I...uh...yeah. I'm a vampire." (Y/N)'s expression dropped once she heard this new information. It was as if I just crushed her dreams.

"I'm sorry...I didn't know..." Her tone of voice sounded hurt as she looked down at the ground. My heart couldn't help but ache at the sight. It was even starting to become unbearable.

" can trust me..."

"I'm not like the others..."

Those words seemed to echoed through the wilderness once they left my mouth. So much so that the tension between us only strengthened.

"Ok...I trust you." Her smile was small but it was still a smile. A sigh left my lips as I ran a hand through my raven hair.

"How about I take you home? It's starting to get dark." The small smile that she flashed my way made my heart flutter. Just the feeling was amazing. I wanted to feel that all the time.

What is this girl doing to me...

"Uh...Sure." A small smile appeared on my face causing the girl opposite me to flash a charming one in my direction.

(Y/N) got up and held out her hand for me to take, which I did. Shivers erupted from my being, running up and down my spine. The sensation was pure bliss.

What I'd do to feel that sensation all the time.

Once I was up, I led the girl back towards my home. Or castle should I say. The journey back was silent. It wasn't uncomfortable. In fact, it was peaceful.

"So tell me about yourself." (Y/N) turned towards me with a warm smile plastered on her face. It looked so sweet and kind.

She was so sweet and kind.

'Lauren, you shouldn't be thinking like this, she's a Werewolf.' My vampire half spoke to me. So much venom was laced in her tone, especially when she said Werewolf. I couldn't help but mentally roll my eyes at her comment.

"Well, what do you want to know?" I smiled humbly towards the muscular girl next to me as we walked.

"Anything. Like, what's your favourite band or colour. Absolutely anything." Her tone was soft as she spoke. It even made me, dare I say, swoon.

I couldn't help but giggle at her enthusiasm. She looked so aggressive on the outside but on the inside, she was just a big kid.

"Well, I like Lana Del Rey and the 1975. My favourite colour changes but I'd have to say that it would currently be (Y/E/C)." I couldn't help but blush slightly when I unintentionally said  (Y/N)'s eye colour.

(Y/N) smirked softly, obviously by my previous statement and possibly due to the light red that was dusted on my cheeks.

" like my eyes?" She wiggled her eyebrows as her smirk widened. The action made me giggle slightly. Even made my heart warm.

I refused profusely but with (Y/N), she was having none of it. Sighing, I gave up in defeat.

"Yes. I do like your eyes."

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