Creatures from the Ocean (Sci...

By paris_girl22

507K 19K 9.5K

Stiles Stilinski has been living in Beacon Hills for quite some time now. He's made great friends who have be... More

1: Everything Changes
2: A Secret to Hide
3: A Dumb Decision?
4: Weekend Getaway Disaster
5: Alone
6: Lesson Number One
7: The Siren's Song
8: A Strange New Feeling
9: New Threats, Nostalgia and Surprises
10: Dangerously Close
11: Stilinski Reunion
12: The Movies
13: Loyalty
14: The Hunters
15: Trapped
16: Saving Stiles
17: Pep Talks
18: Missing Home
19: Theo's Threats
20: Concern
21: Suspicion
22: Moving out of Scott's house
23: Pack Sleepover Fun
24: Nightmare? Or something more?
25: Kira Knows
26: The Discovery of Merpeople
27: Getting to know Kara
28: The Aquarium
29: Setting Up a Date
30: The Truth
31: Standing Strong
32: New Revelations
33: The New Girl
34: Disagreements and Disappointment
35: Jealousy
36: The Darker Side of Samantha Worthington
37: Making Up?
38: Not Alone
39: A Fatal Shot
40: Melissa and Stiles
41: The Whole Truth
42: Poor, Unfortunate Souls
43: Finding the Cure
44: Saving Scott
45: An Important Heart to Heart
46: Dread Doctors
47: Shock and Disbelief
48: What it really means to have a best friend
49: Danny's Party
50: Hallucinations
51: Uncertainty
52: Love Hurts
Exciting Announcement!
53: A Wendigo?
54: Stiles' Anchor
55: Sleep Deprivation
56: Something Suspicious
57: Manipulation
58: Just Like Strangers
59: Betrayed and Heartbroken
60: True Love
61: Confessions and Discoveries
62: Planning
63: First Date - Part One
64: First Date - Part Two
65: Filling In The Blanks
66: The Perfect Hybrid
67: Hybrids and Tridents
68: More 'Nightmares'
69: Stiles Through the Looking Glass
70: Journey to Atlantia
71: Childhood Friends Reunited
72: The Beginning of the End
73: The Final Battle
74: Success
75: The Aftermath
76: Stiles' Birthday
77: Ceremony Preparations and Jitters
78: Celebrations *FINAL CHAPTER*
Important Announcement!


2.2K 96 86
By paris_girl22

Stiles-1 POV

"Okay, so how are we going to do this?" Lydia asks the group.

"Well, since me, other me, Kara and Brody can breathe underwater, we can search the bottom of the lake. You guys can search around the edges and shallow parts." I tell the strawberry blonde.

"Taylor can bite me so he can grow gills and help us search the bottom." Brody offers.

"Um, sure, if you are both okay with that." I frown slightly. This vampire business is very weird.

"It's not the first time they have done it." The other me scoffs. I turn to the rest of the group.

"Spread yourselves around the lake so we can cover more ground. You can also make sure that the coast is clear." I suggest. They all agree and run off to different positions. Now it is only me, other me, Brody, Kara and Taylor standing by the jetty. "Are you sure about this?" Taylor asks his boyfriend doubtfully. Brody nods. "I'll be fine." Brody assures the vampire.

"Okay then." Taylor sighs before leaning closer to Brody and pulls his neck towards his mouth. I watch with horror and fascination as Taylor's teeth become sharper and longer. I hold back a gasp as Taylor's fangs sink into Brody's neck. All of my instincts are screaming that I should pull Taylor off him, but the other me places a hand on my chest before I can move. "It's okay, it doesn't hurt him." He assures me. Kara and I exchange worried and doubtful looks before we stare at Brody and Taylor again. I feel a little sick at the sight of Taylor drinking Brody's blood. I really hope I don't faint. The blood drinking seems to be going on forever. Brody starts to go a bit pale. I start getting worried again. I look over at the other me, who is also starting to frown. "Taylor, I think that's enough." The other me says, gently tugging at his arm. Finally, Taylor pulls away from Brody, blood dripping down his chin. Brody wipes the blood off his neck and glances at his boyfriend. "Did it work?" Brody asks.

"Hopefully." Taylor answers. I notice the blood coating his teeth. I shudder slightly. Suddenly, Taylor gasps and his eyes widen. "I can't breathe!" He exclaims. I watch as gills start to grow on either side of his neck.

"Get in the water!" Brody replies as he pushes his boyfriend to the edge of the jetty. Taylor dives into the water neatly. He never resurfaces. I hear some panicked voices from around the lake. I notice Kira and Lydia starting to run into the water. "Don't worry, he's fine! He can breathe underwater now, thanks to his gills!" Brody shouts out to the others. They stop in their tracks, looking uncertain. "He's right. Taylor's fine." I call out, reassuring my friends. Lydia and Kira nod before walking back into shallower water. "Well, they seem to trust your judgement." Other me points out. "Well, they probably would trust me over you guys, considering you are from another universe." I reply.

"Come on, let's get searching." Kara suggests before diving into the saltwater of the lake. Brody quickly follows her. I glance over at my other self for a moment. He grins at me. "This should be fun." He comments. I smile back. With that, the two of us run to the edge of the jetty and dive into the water also. Within a few moments, my legs transform into the usual magnificent red tail and gills form on my neck once again. I twist around in the water, searching for the others. I gasp when I see the other me with a dark black tail swaying about in the water. Wow, it looks so cool, yet so creepy. How does one get a tail that black? Sure, I've seen a few black tails before, but they were nothing like this. I can see Brody's tail is a dark blue, so there must be a catch. I was about to ask my other self about it when Taylor interrupted my train of thought.

"Brody, I think I drank too much blood." The vampire announces fearfully to his boyfriend.

"Why, what's wrong?" Kara swims up to us with a frown, her purple tail flicking back and forth.

"Because I..." He pauses for a minute then looks down in horror. We follow his gaze to see his legs fusing together and transforming into a grey, shiny tail. "...Think I'm turning into a fish..."

"What?!" I shout in shock, my eyes wide with horror.

"Surely you can transform back... right?" The other me asks.

"Maybe you just need to dry off." Kara suggests hopefully. Taylor bites his lip worriedly.

"I really hope you're right..." Taylor mumbles.

"You should probably get out of the water." Brody suggests, his eyes filled with worry.

"But I won't be able to breathe," Taylor points out, a hint of fear in his eyes.

"If you're turning into something that is anything like me, then you should be able to be out of the water for at least a good half an hour or so before you run into any trouble. Besides, the others can help dry you off, hopefully returning you back to normal. If that doesn't work, get into the water again and we will figure something out." I tell the poor guy. Taylor nods and starts swimming to the surface. Brody groans. "What have I done?" He mumbles. His brother swims up to him and pats him on the back. "It's not your fault, Brody. You haven't done anything. He will be fine, I'm sure of it." The other me says reassuringly.

"In the meantime, we should probably search the lake." Kara speaks up. I nod in agreement.

"Good call." I say. The four of us split up and search along the bottom of the lake. I run my hands through the sand and dirt, but find nothing. I look under rocks and pebbles, but still nothing. Colorful schools of fish swim around me. After several minutes of searching, I conclude that I am not going to find anything. I swim back to the middle of the lake and wait to see if the others have found anything. When the others swim back over to me, I can see they are empty handed. "Nothing? Not even a clue?" I ask, my hope quickly fading. Brody, Kara and the other me shake their heads sadly. I sigh. Well, that was our only lead and now it's gone. I doubt the others have found something near the surface, especially if they are looking after Taylor. We all swim up to the surface to see the others trying to dry off Taylor, but nothing was working. He was completely dry, yet he was still stuck as a fish.

"Well shit, looks like you're not going anywhere." The second Liam comments as he and our Liam roll the vampire back towards the water.

"Haha, no shit." The vampire groans. I glance over at Brody who looks very upset with himself. The other me and Kara are comforting him to the best of their abilities. I could tell it wasn't working though. He keeps the biggest frown on his face. It was so sad to see. His expression is just breaking my heart. If I'm feeling like this and don't even know the guy, I wonder how the other me is feeling.

"I'll stay here with you." Brody insists, looking down. Taylor plops down in the water then swishes around to see his boyfriend all depressed. The grey tailed boy swims over to his love. He lifts Brody's head, places a kiss on his lips, then tackles him down under the water. The other me peaks his head under water then comes back up whiter than a ghost. "Yeah, don't look under there." Kara looks at him confused then peaks like he did. She shot back up with the same expression. "Um, what he said."


I'm pacing up and down the jetty, very uncertain on what to do. I sigh in frustration. I don't really want to leave Brody and Taylor here. What if someone comes to the lake and sees them? Where the hell could the mirror be if it isn't in the lake? However, the better question is why isn't Taylor turning back to normal? "Stiles, calm down," Kara tells me. I turn to look at her.

"How can I calm down? This whole day has turned into crazy town and the surprises won't stop coming!" I reply loudly.

"Yelling won't achieve anything." Lydia reminds me. I sigh, knowing she's right.

"I know, I'm sorry. I'm just really stressed right now..." I say as I run a hand through my hair.

"I'm going to call Deaton, he might know what to do." Isaac informs the group before pulling out his phone.

"I'll call Tyler. She should know about her brother's fishy situation." The other me speaks up. Everyone rolls their eyes at his lame attempt at a joke. "Not funny, Stiles." Brody and Taylor scowl.

"Leave now. I am so disappointed in you and your horrible excuse of a pun." I tell the other me as I point towards the trees. The other me shrugs. "Sorry, I was just trying to lighten the mood." He shrugs.

"Stiles, just go call Tyler." The other Scott sighs. The other me nods and pulls out his phone before walking a little further away from us. I walk away from the group. "Where are you going?" Malia asks.

"I need to call Scott." I reply simply. I walk over to a tree. I pull out my phone and dial Scott's number. He picks up on the sixth ring. "Hello?" Scott answers the phone.

"I get that you wanted to check on Samantha, but you need to get to the lake. Now." I hiss.

"Why, what's wrong?" Scott asks worriedly.

"Uh, it's a little hard to explain over the phone and I am not using the other me's stupid joke to explain. Just get here quickly! It's urgent!" I exclaim before hanging up the phone. I place the device back in my pocket before I walk back over to my friends again. "He should be coming." I inform them. The other Scott smirks.

"You got straight to the point, didn't you?" He remarks.

"You listened to the conversation?" I raise an eyebrow.

"I was curious as to what I had to say." The other world's Scott shrugs. I roll my eyes. I swear I'm getting a huge headache from all the craziness of today. Soon enough, the other me and Isaac return as well. "Tyler is freaking out," The other Stiles comments.

"Deaton is on his way. Apparently he may have a theory about the mirror." Isaac adds.

"Well, that's a relief. Maybe we can finally get somewhere." Malia replies. I couldn't agree more with her. I walk to the edge of the jetty and look down at Brody and Taylor. "Are you guys okay?" I ask. "Yeah, we're fine Stiles. Just find us a way to get Taylor back to normal." Brody replies.

"You know, I wouldn't mind too much if I was stuck in this form forever, just as long as I'm with you." Taylor tells his boyfriend quietly, but I can still hear him clearly.

"Really?" The other boy asks. Brody looks like he is blushing a little. I decide that I'll leave the two lovebirds alone. For now, they seem quite content. I walk back to the others. "I'm pretty sure they are doing okay." I give everyone a thumbs up. After a few more minutes, Tyler rushes into the clearing. She runs forward onto the jetty. "What the hell happened here?" She shouts at us. Malia growls menacingly, eyes glowing blue. "Malia!" I call out, gaining the werecoyote's attention. Her eyes fade back to brown. "Stay calm." I remind her.

"I was calm," Malia mutters, but she listens to me anyway and backs away from Tyler. The other me and the other Scott walk up to Tyler and explain what happened. I watch as Tyler's eyes widen in shock. She runs over to the edge of the jetty to find her brother. I turn away, thinking that they would like some privacy. "I'm still freaking out how there is another version of me," One of the Liams mutter. I can't tell what universe he is from.

"Um, which one are you?" I ask. The Liam that talked looks at me with annoyance.

"The one from this universe!" Liam states.

"Okay, we really need to start wearing different clothes," I mutter.

"Hey, at least we can tell which Stiles is which. One has a locket and one doesn't." The other Liam points out.

"And one has a tattoo while the other doesn't." I add.

"The other Stiles has a tattoo?" Kira raises her eyebrows.

"Yep," I nod. Suddenly, I hear a noise. I turn towards it to see Scott running through the trees, Samantha following closely behind. Scott rushes up to me, a little out of breath. "What happened?" He asks me worriedly.

"See for yourself." I gesture towards the end of the jetty. Scott and Samantha walk to the edge to have a look. I hear their horrified gasps. "How? I thought you were a vampire?" I hear Scott exclaim.

"Um, let's just say I have a really rare power that allows me to take on the abilities of whose blood I take. Long story short, I got a little too much of Brody's blood." The blood sucker explains.

"Right..." I hear our Scott comment, still very confused and lost. Welcome to my world, Scott. I watch as Scott and Samantha walk back to the rest of us. "Why did he drink Brody's blood?" This world's Scott asks suspiciously.

"Because he was going to help search for the mirror." The other me answers as him and the other Scott walk back over to us. "He might not have needed to do it if a certain someone actually decided to help us out." The other me adds, looking at Samantha nastily. Scott growls at the other me. As a response, the other Scott growls back at his doppleganger. Samantha looks a little taken aback by the situation. I'll admit, I'm bewildered as well. "Guys, stop." I order them in a stern voice. The two alphas and the sirenex turn their heads towards me. "We don't need anyone to rip anyone's head off. Can we just focus on the problems at hand, please?" I add. The two Scotts look down in shame.

"Sorry, I'll try my best to not make anymore comments." The other me smiles, knowing that I do secretly agree with his opinions. However, I can't let Scott from this universe or Samantha know that.

"Okay, since we didn't find the mirror here, we should try other places. Any other suggestions?" The other Scott asks, changing the subject. "Not really, no." Lydia answers.

"You guys are probably going to have a hard time finding that mirror," I hear Deaton call out. I glance over at the shrubbery to find Deaton walking towards us. "What do you mean?" One of the Liams ask worriedly.

"I found some information on the mirror and it isn't good." Deaton sighs as he stands by our group.

"Go on," Isaac encourages.

"Well, from what I have found and what you have described, this mirror is an ancient underwater artefact of the most powerful merpeople ever to have lived." Deaton begins to explain.

"I think we knew a bit of that already," Kira points out.

"Yeah, but here's the thing. A mirror just like the one you described exists in every universe, but only one. I think the reason why the mirror didn't travel with you is because only one mirror can exist at a time in each universe. This universe already has one." Deaton continues.

"So the mirror could be anywhere, not just in Beacon Hills." Kara says in realization.

"It is a completely different mirror, so yeah, it could be anywhere. The mirrors don't have the same location in every universe." Deaton replies. I groan. This just keeps getting better and better.

"Well, shit." The other me hisses. Yeah dude, this is bad.

"To top all this crap off, tonight there is a full moon, but at least that's not that bad ." Malia points out. The other me and his Scott groan out loud. Well, that isn't a good sign. That usually means there is going to be another obstacle that's going to keep us from getting them home. Great, anything else want to pop out to try and make this harder? Because at this point, we are basically trying to complete mission impossible. I just want these guys to get back home. Then life can resume as normal as possible for our pack. "Why are you acting like that?" Kara asks. I'm pretty sure everyone was thinking that, but she just beat us all to it.

"On our Earth during a full moon, sirens get angrier and merfolk get more powerful." Brody states with a sigh.

"Are you kidding me?!" Samantha snaps.

"For once, I agree with her. This has all gotten too complicated for me!" Kara exclaims. Isaac puts a hand on her shoulder, but she pulls away. "No Issac, don't try and calm me down because it's just not happening! I've kept my mouth closed this whole time as the list of weird piles up, but not now! This is where I draw the line! You guys get more powerful and aggressive! On top of that, just one of you are more powerful than an alpha werewolf! How are we supposed to take on two, maybe even three of your kind?!" She adds. All of us look at her with wide and fearful eyes, even Samantha. We could all see genuine horror in her now teary eyes.

The doppelganger of me sighs then walks over to her. He went to place his hand on her shoulder but she pulls away. "I'm sorry we've done this to you Kara." I hear the other me say.

"Just don't." She whispers. I walk over to Kara. I glance over at other me.

"I'll handle this." I tell him and everyone else. The other me nods and walks off the jetty, everyone else following in pursuit. Well, except for Brody and Taylor, that is. "What's wrong, Kara?" I ask gently.

"It's all just getting too much for me." Kara sniffs, wiping her teary eyes.

"We've faced worse. Don't worry, we'll get through this." I smile at the mermaid.

"How can you be so sure, Stiles?" Kara asks skeptically.

"Because I know us. We won't let anything bad happen." I answer as I take her hands and squeeze them gently.

"Maybe I should just go back home, I haven't been much help here..." Kara mumbles.

"Of course you have helped here! I am not going to stop you from going back to your home, but Isaac needs you. I can see that. He has never been happier. If you are going back to your kingdom, have you thought about how you will stay in contact with Isaac?" I point out. Kara looks down at the ground.

"Not really..." She sighs.

"You really like him, don't you?" I ask with a small smile.

"Yeah, I do. I don't want to leave him, he makes me happy too. I just don't know what to do!" Kara exclaims as she looks back at me. "If you decide to go back, you really should work something out with Isaac so you can still contact and see each other," I tell Kara. She nods in understanding.

"But for now, let's just focus on tonight. I promise you that it will be okay. We just need to keep a close eye on the other me. Actually, let's just keep an eye on anyone who has any chance of going crazy on a full moon." I continue. Kara nods.

"Okay." She replies.

"Feeling better?" I ask.

"Heaps better." Kara smiles.

"Come on, let's go back to the others so we can figure out what to do with Brody, Taylor, the mirror and the full moon." I suggest. The two of us walk back down the jetty together.

"Today has been so crazy," Kara sighs.

"Agreed. Just when I told myself things couldn't get more strange." I laugh. Kara joins in with me. As we walk back into the group, Kara walks over to Isaac and apologizes. Isaac gives her a hug and tells her that it's okay. "Wow, you have a really great connection with her." Kira comments quietly in my ear.

"Yeah, I guess it's because we can really relate to each other and understand our different situations." I smile back. I look around at the others.

"So, how are we going to find the mirror and how are we going to get Taylor back to normal?" Lydia asks Deaton curiously, getting down to business.

A/N: Hi guys, I hope you're enjoying the crossover. I also hope it's not too confusing to understand. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me or FanFicForTheFace . Anyway, I just wanted to give a shout out to my awesome sister oopsydazee who has started writing her own story. I am really happy for her and I am loving her story so far. It's about the Youtubers Dan and Phil. If any of you guys like Dan and Phil or are just interested in reading something new, I recommend you read 'Alone: a Phanfiction' written by my sister oopsydazee. Until next time, happy reading!


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