True Snakes.

Por LeahBates2

1.5M 37.9K 16.1K

Harry Potter had been lied to all his life. It turns out that he is not the son of Lily and James Potter, but... Mais

Chapter 1 - Not a Potter?
Chapter 2 - New Wand and New Familiar.
Chapter 3 - The Meeting and Going Home.
Chapter 4 - The Rest of the Family.
Chapter 5 - Talk of Pasts.
Chapter 6 - Inheritances.
Chapter 7 - The Dursley's.
Chapter 8 - Revenge for Hadrian.
Chapter 9 - Harry Potter Dead?
Chapter 10 - New Followers.
Chapter 11 - New Names and Second Daily Prophet Article.
Chapter 12 - The Last Year and Bonding.
Chapter 13 - Another Article, Christmas and a Question.
Chapter 14 - Another Article and Wedding Plans.
Chapter 15 - A 5th Article and the Wedding.
Chapter 16 - Plans.
Chapter 17 - 6th Article.
Chapter 18 - Christmas Time.
Chapter 19 - The First Member Falls.
Chapter 20 - Another Article and a Surprise.
Chapter 21 - Article on Kingsley and an Announcement.
Chapter 22 - Another Article and Babies.
Chapter 23 - A Trip to the Healers.
Chapter 24 - The Final Article.
Chapter 26 - An Attack.
Chapter 27 - Ministry is Taken.
Chapter 28 - Final Battle (Part 1.)
Chapter 29 - Final Battle (Part 2.)
Chapter 30 - Final Battle (Part 3.)
Chapter 31 - Trial of Arthur Weasley.
Chapter 32 - Trial of Molly Weasley.
Chapter 33 - Trial of Hermione Granger.
Chapter 34 - Trial of Ron Weasley.
Chapter 35 - Trial of Albus Dumbledore.
Chapter 36 - Trial of Ginny Weasley.
Chapter 37 - The End of Albus Dumbledore.
Chapter 38 - Epilogue.

Chapter 25 - New Family Member.

24.7K 716 388
Por LeahBates2

It had been roughly one and a half months since the last article in the Prophet came out, and already the dark has grown. A lot of them are darker children who were not sure where they wanted to go, most of them are light wizards that have heard the truth and no longer agree with Dumbledore. If someone from the light comes in they are put under a wizards oath, they are shown proof of what has been said and then they are told the truth about Hadrian.

The light was really loosing support.

Hadrian was now just over 8 months pregnant, his mood swings have lessened and his cravings have stopped, Hadrian would also not stop complaining about the bump. If Tom was being honest with himself he would openly admit that he loved that large bump, it proved that their child was alive and safe within his mother.

It was a normal day, they were discussing the take over of the Ministry followed by the final battle, going over the plan to make sure there was nothing that could go wrong, they were planning on attacking quite soon now.

However problems for Hadrian began to show. It started out as small pains in his stomach and his kicking him a lot more then was normal for the child, however the pain would leave not long after he felt it so he didn't say anything. Not long after this small pain there was another one, this one much sharper then the previous one and he could feel a liquid running down the back of his legs through his pants, Hadrian knew what this meant.

His water had just broken, and the baby was on its way.

"Tom, we need a healer." Hadrian said while panting, when the group he was with heard this they were all on their feet and moving to Hadrian.

"Hadrian, what's wrong? Why do we need a healer? Is the baby okay?" The questions started firing one after the other from everyone in the room, the loudest ones were coming from Tom.

"Relax Tom, my water had broke, the baby will be coming any time now." Hadrian said, expecting Tom to calm down and get under control, instead the panic increased.

"The baby is coming now? But we still have a few more weeks before that is meant to happen. Oh My God something is wrong." Tom was panicking, this was the first time he had ever gone through something like this and it was a scary thought that maybe in a few hours he was going to be a father.

While Hadrian thought the panic was cute and showed that the man cared about him and their child he needed a calm Tom, this was not a calm Tom. So Hadrian did the only thing he could think of to break Tom out of it, slapped him none too gently on the face. The rest of the room watched in shock as the boy slapped the dark lord on the face, but whatever Hadrian intended to do it did as the boy had a smile on his face.

"Thank you love. Now come on, I will go get the healer." Tom said leading Hadrian out of the room. He turned back to the death eaters before he left the room telling them all stay where they were and that the next time they saw him or Hadrian, one of them would be holding a child in their arms.

Not even 15 minutes later Hadrian was lying on their bed, all of his clothes of and inside the blanket, Tom was sitting on the bed next to Hadrian and holding his mates hand, wincing a little when Hadrian squeezed his hand in pain and then there was the healer, she was standing at the end of the bed keeping an eye on how Hadrian was doing and when was going to be the right time to push.

Hadrian was in so much pain, it felt like he was being eaten from the inside out, and all he could do was squeeze his mates hand tightly when one of the contractions hit him.

For another 4 hours they did nothing, Hadrian trying to cope with the pain of the contractions, Tom dealing with a nearly broken hand due to Hadrian's pain and the healer dealing with the screaming of Hadrian as he dealt with the pain.

However after 4 hours the healer gave them some good news. "You are now fully dilated Hadrian, it is time for you to push." The healer said as she lifted the end of the blanket up revealing his lower body to her.

If Hadrian had not been in so much pain this may have bothered him.

"Now Hadrian I want you to breath just like you and your mate have been practicing." She told them as she rolled gloves up her hand and forearm so that she would not contaminate anything. It is true the healer told Hadrian and Tom to practice a certain way of breathing, this was less through the chest and more through the nose meaning there was less chance of there being any pain.

"Okay, love, we can do this. In through you nose and out through your mouth, whenever you need to okay." Tom said, as his mate was doing this Tom himself was also doing this he was not going to allow his mate to be alone.

Each time Hadrian pushed he could feel the child slipping further down and out of him, but it was still a human being and still quite large, which meant they were big pushes and a lot of them.

Hadrian had to go through this for 2 more hours, during those hours Hadrian had shouted every curse word known to both the healer and to Tom, also adding in for Tom that he was not allowed to touch the boy ever again. Tom knew this was never going to happen, they had both read up on things during the pregnancy, and Tom knew that during the birth the mother goes through a lot of pain and they blame their partners as it is partly their fault.

2 hours after he started pushing Hadrian gave one more big push and he could feel something slip from his body, a cord connecting it to him. He then heard a babies cry coming from the other end of the bed, and he also heard the healer asking Tom if he would like to cut the cord still attaching their son to his mother, Tom did so and once the baby was free she took it over to be cleaned and put into some clothing.

"Congratulations, you have a healthy son." The healer said handing the baby boy to Tom.

Once the baby was in his arms Tom was smitten with him, even as a baby you could see that he had the perfect mixture of his parents in his features, he was going to be a very handsome boy when he grew up.

Tom then saw that Hadrian was a little more awake now so he moved over to the bed and placed the baby in his mother's arms, this was a sight Tom could get used to. Watching his love, his mate and husband holding their baby boy close to his chest was something that Tom would never forget. He sat beside Hadrian wrapping his arms around both his husband and his son, and then asked the healer to take picture of the moment.

"What are you naming him?" The healer asked, she was going to put their names of the photo she had just taken, but she didn't know what they were naming their son.

"Steve. His name will be Steve Malfoy-Riddle." Hadrian said, and Tom nodded. As soon as he had seen the baby before Hadrian he knew that he was going to be called Steve, the boy just looked like a Steve.

The healer then left saying that both the mother and the son were tired. So Tom let Hadrian kiss Steve on the head, then lifted the baby from his mother and then placed him in the cot that was next to their bed, Steve fell asleep quickly.

Hadrian was already falling asleep when Tom returned so he just climbed in with his mate and they fell asleep, dreaming of their family.

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