A Dark Sky

By WolfWallace

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Through pain we live on. The first time I saw Sky, I just knew that we would become friends. We have fought m... More

Character Info
Chapter 1: A Dark History
Chapter 2: I Make a New Friend
Chapter 3: A Difficult Time
Chapter 4: A Nearly-Dead Sky
Chapter 5: I Tell my History
Chapter 6: My Dark History
Chapter 7: A Hunger for food
Chapter 9: I Check on Sky
Chapter 10: The Cause of it All
Chapter 11: Saved by a Stranger
Chapter 12: A Step Back in Time
Chapter 13: The Beast Within
Chapter 14: The Start of Something Big
Chapter 15: A Disappearing Act
Chapter 16: Pity to Hate
Chapter 17: The Interrogation: Part One
Chapter 18: The Interrogation: Part Two
Chapter 19: Jewels' Humiliation & The Start of a Story
Chapter 20: The White Wolf
Chapter 21: An Unexpected Meeting
Chapter 22: The Confrontation
Chapter 23: A New Suspect & Witness
Chapter 24: The Life Saving Lullaby
Chapter 25: A Fiery Grave
Chapter 26: A Promise to Uphold
Chapter 27: The Hunt is On

Chapter 8: School is Dreadful

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By WolfWallace

My train of though was cut short by a howl. I walked up my driveway and was welcomed by my two canine friends, Luna and Ares. As you may know, they are my two loyal companions whom I had raised since they were pups. Those two always bring a smile to my face, they are so cheerful and full of wonder it's exhilarating. Many times before I have wished that I could be like them; oblivious to human ways and problems, even though they aren't fully aware of it. Yet they never let me down. They have an interesting ability to sense emotions; they provide me with comfort when I am feeling down, fun when I'm bored, and protection when I'm in danger. I could not ask for anything more from them. They had always been there for me, especially when I was dealing with the loss of my parents. Umm, yeah, let's change the subject. Anyway, after a long exhausting day I was worn out. So in order to retain my sanity, I headed off to bed.  

I awoke to ferocious growling accompanied by loud barks. As soon as I heard it I got dressed and ran to see what all the barking was about. At first didn't see anything suspicious, but after looking around for a while I noticed that Luna wasn't moving. I moved toward her, but stopped in my tracks when I saw it. It was the biggest snake I had ever seen. It was pitch black, with beady silver eyes. My first impression was to scream, or make a run for it, but Luna being in danger kept me in place. Not only that, but I didn't want Ares to try an attack it until I knew for sure that I could have its full attention. My plan was simple; I would poke it with a stick. 

To my disappointment though, it only became enraged and tried to bite me. After swiftly avoiding the snake's strikes, I then proceeded to repeatedly hit the snake in the head. Yeah I know, stupid right? Well when it comes to situations like this, you make stupid decisions. While I was continuously whacking it in the head, Ares waited patiently for the right moment to strike. Silently he stalked it until the time was right, and it was over as soon as he took that final blow. 

To be honest, I thought that the giant snake would put up a better fight, but what can I say, "My wolves are killers!" Anyway, I figured that I should bury the snake, so I grabbed a shovel and dug a hole. What was weird and a little annoying about this was that when I put it in the hole it seemed to sink into the ground and vanish. Not only that, but all that was left was a silver imprint in the dirt. 

I was really confused, but I soon snapped out of it and came back to reality. I had to get ready for school even though that was the last place I wanted to be. I made my way back toward my house. Ares followed me closely with his head down as if he knew that something bad was going to happen later. When we reached the door he nudged me as a reminder to keep my guard up. I simply replied by saying, "Don't worry Ares, everything will be okay." and walked inside. My optimism failed me almost all the time, but in these unexpected situations that was all I had. I needed to believe that things would get better and that nothing dire would occur. Though for the most part it never turned out like I wanted it to. It was 7: 30 so I ate and headed out. 

I didn't know what it would be like when I arrived at school. People tend to act differently when something happens that you're involved in. The fact that Sky had only been at the school not even two full days, and nearly died put me in an awkward position with my classmates. Many people were quiet and didn't say anything to me, but there were those who couldn't stop talking about it. They all knew that I had protected Sky from Luke and they all had witnessed Sky punch the wall. 

Mixed feelings filled the air giving me a terrible headache. Most people felt pity towards me, but some were envious that I had been getting so much attention. In all honesty, I didn't care about what they had thought or said. I was too exhausted to start any drama with them and I really didn't feel like talking anyway. I kept to myself trying to ignore glares and frowns that came from jealous people. Their jealously surprised me. I couldn't quite understand as to why someone would be jealous toward another when it came to a friend nearly dying. Call me crazy, but I don't believe that is a humane thing to do. Well anyway, like I said before; I hadn't planned on starting drama or talking, but when I noticed Luke sneering at me, I had to react. Instinctively I turned to him and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

"What?" He asked sarcastically.

"Why do you feel the need to smirk, especially when Sky is in the hospital? Does his pain amuse you?" I questioned. I was beginning to lose my cool as every word I spoke became more intense. The strength of my anger forming was overloading my brain and I nearly lost it. You see, I am the type of person one might call a "stuffer". For those who don't know what that is, I'll explain briefly. A stuffer is a person who holds in all their feelings that continuously builds up. After a while they can't control their built up emotions, and they release them all at once. These types of people, such as myself, can be dangerous. Not knowing when our breaking point is and not knowing what will set it off is enough to drive one crazy. We can't control being a stuffer, but we can learn to deal with it over time. Anyway, Luke hadn't made the situation any better from his next ignorant comment. 

"His pain?! Ha, I could care less. I'm simply "smirking", because you've been caught." He replied laughing.


"Yeah, everyone can tell that you have a "thing" for Sky. I've seen the way you looked at him, it's the same look you used to give Griffin." he answered.

"I haven't heard that name in a while. Why are you so intent on bringing him up? Especially when you know quite well how I will react." I replied in a rising tone.

"Your Pain amuses me, not his. I have only known you for a short time since you arrived, but I can honestly say that you become difficult to talk to when it comes to bringing up your past. Not that I care or anything, but just to give you a tip, you could be a little opened about your history, even if it is a dark one."

"I don't need any tips from you, you have no friends." 

"Oh, but I do. I have many friends, yet you never pay any attention so your knowledge of me is at a minimal. I on the other hand, have paid attention to you and can tell most of what troubles you and use it to my advantage." He replied cunningly.

"You can't tell the difference between my problems and your own. Why do you even care?" I questioned

"I don't care, like I said, "Your Pain amuses me." Your love life was only a tease. I know you feel deeply for your friend's disappearance. Yes, it was tragic that they never found his body and that his whole camp was destroyed mysteriously. Watching you cower at this memory of your best friend, Aiden Griffin, gets me laughing. Yes Sennon, for the night you lost Aiden, was the night you lost hope. That is, up until Skyler came along." He finished grinning. Before I could say anything the bell rang and I headed off for class.

Since everybody knew about the whole incident it was difficult for me to try and forget it. I didn't really want to have to take in all the guilt, anger, and sorrow all at once. So I tried to ignoring people, which proved to fail. I could hear people everywhere I went, whispering about Sky. My attempt to listen to music proved to be no better. Unfortunately, the loud blasting music didn't help at all. I just gained a major migraine and heard multiple people complaining about the music distracting them.

After suffering through first hour and all the pitiful looks I had been given, I decided to just take the rest of day off. So I signed out during break and headed over to the hospital. I just couldn't withhold my concern and had to check on Sky.

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