Her Sweet Revenge

Von growyoung

3K 160 13

She has been to heaven and hell. She has felt emotions that she has never experienced before. Arianna is on a... Mehr

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 13

82 3 1
Von growyoung

Zaine's POV:

I have always had a short temper. After all, I am bipolar. On regular days, I'm fine. But under stressful situations, containing my anger feels like it was near impossible. I had been under a lot of stress the past few months. The guilt I have felt is so overwhelming, I often found myself drinking until I passed out. Each time, I hoped that I would just forget. But I never did.

Daniel knows Eaton only has a few years to live. No one else but my brothers and sister knew. We didn't want to burden anyone with the thought of his ultimate death. It couldn't be stopped, nor could he be saved. Besides, Eaton didn't want to be saved. He knew that it was the way things had to be. But why him? All of his life, Eaton had been caring and loving. He volunteered at many hospitals, human hospitals, to cheer up sick and dying children. While Marcus and Alex are off in their own world, hardly talking to the rest of the family like twins do, Eaton never missed our birthdays. As vampires, celebrating birthdays seemed silly and pointless to us. But Eaton was so damn stubborn, that he bought us all cakes every year.

When our parents died, Eaton made us feel like a family. He kept us together and without him, none of us would be talking, nor would we be civil. None of us fought for his sake. Eaton gave us a reason smile when the world gave us a reason to frown. He was the bright side to every foggy day. We all burdened him with our problems and our secrets. Eaton never complained about having the world on his shoulders.

How could you not smile when you were around Eaton? He was my little brother and I knew how soft I sounded by saying that, but I'd die for him. And that was what I planned to do. One part of me knew that I could sacrifice my life for his. I knew a witch who could change his fate and I would die for him. I had planned it 5 months ago. I kept this a secret however, if Eaton ever found out, he would be upset with me. He refused to let me die. He was selfless.

The thing was, I could no longer die. I had just met Arianna a few months ago and she was so innocent and fragile. She was hurt by the world and she needed someone there for her. Daniel had only used her to get close to Union and when I found out about it, it was too late. I thought things would work out when we rescued her, but of course not. Daniel had to go ahead and break her a little bit more. Daniel used her and once he was done, he threw her away. Daniel believed he was avenging our parents, but in reality he was tearing our family apart.

We all adored Arianna, except Vivian, but no one really cared about her opinion. She is far too gone for us to help her. But Vivian was a whole other topic. Arianna was a part of our family. No one knew about Daniel's true motives. When our old friend Gabriel warned me to watch over them, I failed in less than three hours. Arianna was gone without a trace. It was my job to watch over both of them.

How could I sacrifice myself when I had to keep my family together? Eaton deserved life and Arianna deserved a family. I had to get Daniel out of his insanity before he ruined the rest of us. I was absolutely torn between my decisions. I could not find the right way and I was losing the battle.

Days upon days, I drank and cried and yelled. We searched high and low before determining Arianna was long gone out of the state, possibly the country. Gabriel was with us, along with some of his friends and my brothers. Atticus was heart broken and destroyed. If I thought I had it bad, Atticus had it a thousand times worse. Daniel had also kicked him out of his life. Arianna's absence was taking a toll on him. Daniel was locked inside of his hotel room, where we feed him twice a day. None of us could talk to him, let alone look at him. He didn't like being caged up, but it was for his own good.

Gabriel was almost as angry as I was. He and Daniel were friends at one point, many years ago. But everything has been flipped upside down. I couldn't even look at my Samantha. I knew it was hurting her to see me like that and I knew ignoring her was not going to help. But I could hardly talk to anyone. My emotions were swallowing me whole. I would say all of the wrong words and do all of the wrong things. Eaton was with his fiancé at another hotel, where they refused to speak to Daniel. I supposed my lashing out was keeping them away from me as well.

For the past hour, I was sitting at the counter of a bar, drinking and thinking and drinking some more. I hated the man that I was. My father would be disgraced to have such a weak, pathetic son like me. As the oldest, I was supposed to keep us all together. I was supposed to keep the family happy. I failed my parents. I failed my girlfriend. I failed everyone.

"What a surprise." A deep voice said from behind me. I was not shocked to see Gabriel grabbing a bar stool to sit beside me. I didn't even glance at him as I sipped at my vodka. ''That won't help you and you know it." Gabriel said, referring to my drink. I shrugged absently. We sat in silence for a few moments before Gabriel decided to continue the conversation further. "I'm worried, Arianna is too far for me to feel her presence. As her 18th birthday approaches and the spell breaks, I'm afraid of what will happen. She needs to be watched over, she is in a delicate state. So many things could go wrong, she is a ticking time bomb." Gabriel's voice was dangerously low. I snuck a peek and his face was an ashy grey. If he thought something was going to happen, then it was. Gabriel was never wrong.

"Don't just sit there, pretending nothing will happen. Zaine, we both know that Daniel took in that girl to use her. Now he's done and he just plans to leave, with nothing to do with her. He even had the nerve to lie and make up a story to Atticus. You don't have to care, but tell me if you do right now and here. I'd rather not waste my time." Gabriel lashed out at me. He cared an awful lot about Arianna, which was a good thing. Though his words stung, they got me out of my alcoholic trance. I pushed away my glass before turning to him. "I do care."

"Then I need your help. Your family needs you. Stop sulking at the bar and do something productive." And with that, Gabriel turned around and left.


Shadow's POV:

I had no idea how she did it, but she did. Arianna warmed my frozen, cold heart. I was so accustomed to the harsh reality of being alone, that I didn't even care about who I took, or who I killed. Bane Vega had offered me a precious opportunity that I wasn't going to give up. He was the devil and I sold my soul to him. I was young, so young when I first came to him. I had grown up on the streets, I was the bad apple. When I turned 19, I discovered Union. Union was the ultimate bad guys. I could destroy my enemies with their help.

But to understand my story, a trip to my child hood would have to be made.

My mother had abandoned me on the streets. She was a crack addict, that was all I know about her. I was only a few weeks old when she left me on the doorstep of a church. From there, I was taken in and illegally adopted by Jannette and Jason Forrester. They both were church goers and absolutely religious. From my earliest memories, Jannette refused to let me call her mother and she didn't deserve that title. She would yell at me and verbally attack me.

"Sebastian, you are fucking worthless. Your crack head of a mom should have died with you in her womb. We should have never taken you in."

Jason took a different approach at parenting. He often beat me until I could barely move. I would be bloody and bruised for days. I attended a private school for 'troubled' children, so nobody asked questions. My power began to show when I was 6 and to say they were upset was an understatement.

I came home from school one day and I guess I tipped over a vase or something. I don't know what I did, but it really doesn't matter. As Jason was about to punch me, I teleported. My entire being left from underneath his fist, to across the room. Jason and Jannette saw me as a possessed demon against God's will. The beating and the emotional abuse grew more intense. It fueled my hatred for the world. I became stronger each and every day. I discovered new powers within myself.

At 15, I ran away from home. I stole thousands of dollars from my parents and I took a few weapons with me. The next few years, there was nothing that kept me alive other than the will for revenge. There was nothing I wanted more than to hurt the ones who hurt me. I had never met a kind, or gentle person nor had I ever experienced love of any kind. I was raised on hatred.

Eventually, after years of research, training and searching, I found Union when I was 19. I was so used to boring human gangs, that Union was a whole other level. Bane Vega seemed nice at first. He stroked my ego and told me whatever I wanted to hear.

"I can grant you a wish, any wish. Whatever you want, I will deliver."

What I wanted was the death of Jason and Jannette. I also wanted to find my real mother, but only my first wish came true, thanks to Bane and Pierce Vega.

He and his brother gave me a place to live. From there, I went through intense training. It ranged from regular fighting, to using my powers to their full extent. When I turned 21, Bane gave me a gift. I no longer aged, I wasn't immortal, but I could not physically age. Bane believed I would be loyal after an incredible gift like that. They sent me on many missions and I have done them all without question. I have honestly lost count of how lives that I ended. I was truly bad and that didn't matter to me. Then, the whole Sinclair drama began. Union its self had to go completely under cover. We were playing a risky game. The Sinclairs had made a deal with Union. They meant well at first, but they didn't understand what they were getting into.

Then, Bane and Pierce both decided that they must meet the girl behind the prophecy. The Sinclair's were some of the most powerful bloodline's known to man. The oldest living Sinclair was an oracle. She told of prophecies that could save or end humanity. The prophecy said Erika and Tobiah possessed a power that could break the barriers of death. Their firstborn would be touched by a demon and an angel spawn, creating a 'key' to the after life. Arianna was destined to have great power before she was even born.

After taking in Tobiah and Erika after they didn't hold up their side of the contract, Pierce decided that having Arianna within Union headquarters her entire life would not give her enough time to grow in her powers, so he staged her rescuing and fed her with lies. In reality, the two brothers were so power hungry, they would never let anything stand in their way. I was told to watch her until the month before her birthday. Her 18th birthday was when her powers would be released from a spell put over her; the witch who put the spell on her did it under our request. In a way, the spell was protecting her and containing her powers from her. But her powers still managed to shine through. Once the spell broke, she would have full control of her power supply.

So three months prior to her birthday, I was sent over to the Lockwood home. I noticed how everyone seemed to look at her as fragile and weak and many people still did. But I knew how strong she really is, even if she wouldn't admit it. I watched her everyday and I saw the heartfelt person she really was. I watched her become an amazing person in a few months. I was directed to do many things. I had to call her phone and leave a threat, I had to steal her purse at the mall and I had to hide in the bushes near her window so she would see me. With each act, I felt an emotion foreign to me. Guilt.

The night a week before the abduction, I snuck into her room to map out how I would take her. But I heard her crying in her sleep. For some reason, I comforted her. She stopped crying and she consciously knew I had touched her. But at the moment my hand connected with her, I felt her pure soul. Sometimes, when I touched another person, I could feel them mentally. But this was much stronger than usual. I felt her kind heart and her thoughts and emotions.

I remember how horribly I treated her, though she still gave me kindness. She saved my life when I was prepared to die. I was ready to leave this horrible world. I began questioning my life and my choices.

But, I let my selfish heart tell Arianna I would live with her. She offered me her home when she knew I was alone. I had done horrible things to her and her family, yet she still gave me another chance. My mind was blown. Why did no one else see Arianna for who she was, instead of a container for power? I knew that I would bring her a lot of danger, but I wanted to show her that the world wasn't horrible. I may be a wicked person, but I would do my best to give her everything she deserved.

. . . .

After I had bought her new clothes and furniture for 'our' home, we went back to the house to meet the delivery men. Arianna wanted the living room to have all white and light blue furniture. I wasn't going to complain. I had plenty more than enough money for the both of us. She was upset that I bought her things, but that didn't matter. Inside, she was grateful.

After hours of setting up and decorating the living room, Arianna ordered two pizza's. She gave one box to the men who set up our furniture. I thought that simple action was amazing. I would never do something like that, but she would any day.

Not too long after finishing the pizza, Arianna fell asleep. I carried her to her room and placed her on her new bed, though she only had the blanket and pillows that she bought the day before.

I walked to my room and pulled on a black sweater. There was business that needed to be dealt with. Earlier, Jake told me before I got into my car, that an old rival wanted to settle the score. I knew that he wanted a fight and I didn't mind. I loved the thrill of a fight.

I walked down the concrete stairs to my parked car. I slide onto the seat with ease and started the car. I was prepared for a long drive. Charlie and his little gang of misfits stayed in an abandoned parking complex.

As I drove out of the nicer side of town and into the scum land, I couldn't help but bring up old memories. I used to be the young, stupid kid here and now I was a man with a bank account that could feed a developing nation. I was stronger and better. No one could hurt me, or stand in my way.

Bane and Pierce would be sending an army after me, but they wouldn't find me. I knew they would kill me the next time they saw me. No one just 'quit' Union, it was unheard of. But I did it and I had no regrets.

The streets were empty. Not a single soul was daring enough to be outside in this neighborhood at night. As I saw the parking complex approach, I sped up. The dodge charger sped down the street. I jerked the wheel to the side and the car turned into the opening. The old entrance was torn up from wars that have raged on here. Nothing blocked the entrance other than guards with guns, but they were prepared for my arrival.

The two guards watched as I entered the dark building. Even the night outside wasn't as pitch black as here. I drove blindly up the parkway and I turned to drive up the next. I drove faster and faster, the engine echoed in the silent building. In seconds, I reached the second last level. I parked the car in front of the final level. I walked silently up the hill until I was on the roof. No fear was inside of me. The dark was something I have come to terms with.

I could see many forms of people at the end of the roof, staring at my direction. I could see the wide sky and the twinkling stars above. The crisp air gave me strength. Within moments, I teleported across the vast space and I landed a few feet in front of my enemies. A smug smirk played over my face. My feet were shoulder width apart and I was prepared. Blood would be shed, I could promise that.

Charlie had a wide scar across his forehead, curtsey of me many years ago ago. His golden blonde hair nearly met his shoulders. Charlie had the bluest eyes, that were full of hatred and evil. He smiled, though I know he was anything but happy. Charlie wanted revenge.

"Shadow, it is so good to finally see you again." Charlie spoke in a smooth voice. He smirked and he shoved both hands into his pockets. His little 'friends' circled around us. If intimidation was his goal, he failed. "Indeed it is. I hear you wanted to see me." I kept my eyes on his, my stare was cold. I felt ice running in my veins. The tension was strong and I was beginning to feel the numb sensation in my hands. My power was flowing through my body and I felt it, deep in my core. I was ready.

"Yes, I did. Why are you back here? There is no room for you in New York." I smiled at his remark. "I don't plan on leaving." Charlie crossed both arms and his expression grew dark. "I will make you pay, for what you did to me." With those last words, he placed two hands on my chest. The men around us backed away in anticipation. Power surged through his hands. I felt the tight, sharp pain take hold of me. My heart constricted and my throat closed. My limbs forgot how to move as I was incased in a hold so tight, everything stopped.

I grabbed a hold of my inner power. I pushed it outwards with all of my might to break the hold. The harder I pushed, the more tension broke away. With one last shove of my power, Charlie went falling backwards. Within seconds he was back on his feet. "Let my men warm you up," he said through his panting.

I smiled as a five men charged at me. My instincts took hold of my mind and my body followed. I felt their every movement. I felt their beings. I closed my eyes and took in a breath. I moved the air around my body. Quickly, before they could reach me, I teleported behind the biggest male. I landed in a crouch position. I was so quick and silent that they didn't even notice my disappearance before it was too late. Charlie played dirty and so did I.

With a kick square to the large male's spinal cord, I sent him flying forward. He tumbled over the side of the building. I didn't see him land four stories down, but I heard the sickening crack when he hit the ground. Adrenaline pulsed through my veins. This is what I was made for; evil. I was back to my old fighting days and I was more than ready to embrace that. In the heat of the moment, everything felt so good. I felt so alive.

Four men left. Suddenly, a foot connected with my ribcage. My back hit the ground and my head followed. I couldn't stop the pained groan that escaped me. A foot slammed into my stomach that took my breath away. I was frozen for mere moments before I regained my breath again. I sucked in the air quickly before taking the flying foot again. My hand wrapped around the ankle and as I jumped to my feet, I slammed the body to the ground. His head hit the ground so forcefully, that the man didn't move again.

Two more men ran at me I ducked down as one threw a punch and I launched my fist into his stomach. He dropped quickly, but he was up again. The third man came behind me and I was cornered. I teleported a few feet away to gain the upper hand. With incredible speed, I ran at one of the men and with force, I slammed him onto the ground. There was no near by cars, or anything for me to use, so I used my fists. I slammed them into her face and chest over and over again. His face became a bloody mess. I didn't stop, the adrenaline was fueling my fists to go faster.

I was thrown off of the bloody man and tossed to the ground. I rolled to a halt and jumped into a crouch position. The man jumped onto me, punching me across the face. With each punch, the pain hurt more severely. The man grunted with each punch. I slammed my knee into his groin and he howled in pain. I rolled off of me. In an instant, I kicked my leg into his ribs. I heard them break and I knew as the life left his face, that the rib had punctured his lung. One man came up behind me and held me under my shoulders. Another man began sending balls of electric power from his open hands into my body. I jolted as the power took a hold of me and pinched every nerve in my body. Agony filled me as my muscles twitched uncontrollably. In desperation, I pushed both of my feet into his upper torso and he went soaring back wards. I balanced the weight of the man who had a hold on me and flipped him over my back. Finally, I pushed both men over the edge of the building.

When my labored breaths finally slowed and the adrenaline had come to a stop, I turned to search for Charlie. He was gone and I was alone.

Though I had defeated the five men, I did not feel pride. After so many years of fighting, every time I won a battle, I felt so powerful and full of pride. But all I did feel was guilt and emptiness.

With that, I limped off towards my car, leaving a trail of blood in my quake.


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