Never Be The Same » Lirry Sta...

By HipstaaLilo

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What's life without love? What's living without loyalty? What's forgiveness without Hurt? Nothing, and that’s... More

Never Be The Same [Lirry Stayne]
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty One

Chapter Twenty

1K 39 12
By HipstaaLilo

Niall’s P.O.V

Harry had been let out of the hospital, he was told the ‘okay’ to leave but to be honest I don’t think he was. He couldn’t talk for starters, but even if he could mumble a couple words before his jaw started aching he wouldn’t dare let a word slip from his lips.

Liam. Liam was the problem of that. He missed him a lot, more than he should, I mean Louis and I miss him and are worried about him but Harry can’t even deal with his name being brought up without him crashing into a fit of sobs. 

Louis won’t say anything about it, but I’m guessing that there’s something more than friendship I mean they had gotten really close and touchy before all of this had happened and Harry has now just fallen into a hole where his lost and has nowhere to go.

We were in the car on the way back from the hospital Harry jaw wrapped pretty well. I didn’t know what to do, or say to him. It was really awkward, I just want him back, I want Harry back, I want Liam back, I want one direction back.

The car pulled up making Harry let out a weird noise. I moved my head out the window to see what he was looking at. Flashing lights where being shown from outside the car. I quickly put Harry hood over his head so the paps couldn’t get a shot of him.

“Haz, just breathe, yeah, everything’s gonna be fine trust me” Louis calm words made Harry nod and before we knew it security was forcing us out of the car. The paps where cursing and yelling at us asking the wildest questions some that confused me. Some about Liam and Zayn. Others about Harry being in hospital and some weird picture that had gotten out online.

I pushed my way past, but some arse whole pap got in my way knocking me to the ground. I cursed loudly as left side had hit the ground very harshly. “What the fucks your problem?” I shouted, he muffled a few more cursers back at me trying to make me the bad guy here.

I toppled up, pushing past; not giving a fuck about any of these dumb cunts that have nothing better in there life’s to do than chase famous people around and take photographs. We got in the house slamming the door shut widely on their faces.

“I fucking hate those dumb arse paps!” I shouted making all eyes be brought to mine. “Look at that” I pointed to jeans, I rip all the way down and my very white legs with blood dripping down.

“You okay Niall?” Louis soft voice asked me.

“Yeah, it’s not that bad, but boy do I hate those fucking paps”

Harry looked at me, then Louis, then Paul. “Harry you alright” I asked, he nodded making his way up the stairs. Louis and I both eyed each other following the younger boy up the stairs and into one of the bedrooms.

It was Louis his went into. We stopped behind him as Harry looked around eyeing it off before turning around and pushing us out the way and in hallway when he went into the next room. Liam’s.

We watched carefully as he looked, stopping and noticing the pile of clothes that were folded on the top of the draw. His hands scattered through the clothes picking up Liam’s jumper, hugging it tightly. Louis’ hand tugged on my shoulder pulling me out the room and down stairs.

“I think we better leave him for a while” Louis smiled.

I looked to my leg, nodding widely as I made my way to the kitchen.

Paul stepped into the room, his hands rushing for his pockets reaching for his phone. “Paul what’s the matter?”

“Tabloids going crazy about you guys, everyone’s thinking you guys are breaking up. And all other crazy things.” He paused “There’s just so much stress, the police have no new news on Liam, and Zayn’s gone missing-“

“Hang on, Zayn’s gone missing?” My mind sprung open “So you mean it could have been Zayn that took Liam”


“Paul you promised us that Zayn had nothing to do with this, you promised us that, that shirt was not his. You lied.” Louis blurred into a thread of tears.

“We didn’t want to upset you boys anymore.”

“All you’ve done is made it worse Paul” Louis hissed storming away.

“Sorry Niall, management didn’t want to say anything. You guys have enough on your plate already so they thought it was best that we kept it a secret” I waved him off walking into the kitchen my jand reaching out for a soda.

Damn I’m so confused.

Liam’s P.O.V

I sunk into the car seat my hands wrapped tightly around the notebook as we drove slowly back to the lads. I was nervous, real nervous, my mind kept thing about Harry. I miss him, heaps, his hurt and it creeps me a bit that the person that hurt him is next to me. I feel like I need to punch him, take my anger out on him, kill him, but I just can’t. Out of all the things his done I can’t react back.

And that scares me.

A lot.

It’s like I’m trapped in some sort of hole and there no going back. He hurt me, I can’t do anything about it. He hurts someone I love, I just blank out. I feel useless, worthless, lost. And it’s all because of him; Zayn Malik, the boy who took my virginity, my love and my life, all causing me to shatter and be half the man I was.

I looked to the left eyeing him steadily; sadness filled his eyes as he fiddled with his fingers. My thumb rubbed over warn leather causing Zayn to look to the side.

“Zayn…Where are you going after this?” I mumbled, he took a deep breath turning his head towards the window.




“Zayn stop this and just answer the damn question!” my voice raised with anger, my fingers snapping as I turned my body completely facing him. He flinched at my sudden raise of voice causing me to back away a little.

“Zayn look at me” I threatened, he looked at me eyes starting to shine with a very vulnerable side starting to show, making me want to hate him as he crushed my heart.

“I don’t- somewhere far away where I can’t hurt you” he bowed.

“What about One Direction?” I questioned “You can’t just give up, because if you do we aren’t a band anymore. There’s no way management will continue us, were done, One Direction is over.”

“Of cause they continue just because I’m not there, no one’s going to care anyway Liam, no one will care that the shy little Bradford bad is gone, who’s going to even realise? Who Liam? Who?” he spat twirling his foot in frustration.

“Don’t be so fucking stupid Malik, what about all you’re fans Zayn, what about them, you’re just going to give up on all of them let them all down the ones that spent all there hard working money on buying our albums and tickets to come and see us. The fans that look up to us as inspirations and just like that you’re going to let it all slip. Are you serious? You’re got heaps of fans Zayn, don’t let them down.” His eyes cringed, his hands going numb looking down at his shoes.

“Liam, they don’t like me. I have the least amount follows on twitter-“

Fucking- Zayn- are you serious? Have you looked at me, seen the fucking hate I get ever fucking minute of the day? Just because you have least amount of followers then all of us means nothing. You’re not the one who gets the quietest screams at a concert, you’re not the ones who gets hate sighs, you’re not the one always getting judged on the way you look, the way my nose is too big for my fucking head, how I’ve changed so much that I’m trying to be an attention seeking whore. You have it much better than I do, count yourself fucking lucky!” I ranted kicking my feet about letting the pain sweep into my system thinking on how bad I’ve got it. 

“I’m sorry, you never told me” his voice fell with sadness and guilt, pausing lifting his right hand to my shoulder. “Why didn’t you tell any of us?”

“What do you mean? You know about the signs the concerts all the boys do.” Sure you didn’t.

“I never knew you got it that bad. You never seemed upset, never, why didn’t you tell me?” Liar.

“Maybe I did Z, maybe you never listened or was to drunk, maybe you had just given up on me-‘ True.

“I never gave up on you, I still love you, and it still hurts me not to be able to kiss you right here and now. I never gave up on you” Huh?

“You just stopped caring” I whispered under my breath stating the obvious.

“Shut the fuck up Liam before I bash you one” his eyes were dark, filled with hate. I could feel the anger rising off his body, his fists started to tighten making me snuggle into the door for dear life.

The car came to a stop, the person driving turning in his seat. He eyed me looking as I pilled more into the door.  “Zayn, mate, stop yeah, your scaring him.” He spoke worriedly, scared for me, and scared for him.

Why was he helping me? I remember seeing him, the one that just shot me a sad look just checking up to see if I was alright. He was one of Zayn’s mates for shore, from Bradford as you can tell from just looking at him.

My eyes made their way back to Zayn, his head in his hands and his shoulders shaking terribly.

“I don’t know what’s wrong with me Liam.” He chocked, his hands ripping at his short stubble hair.

“You need help Zayn, you need to get yourself out of this mess.” I spoke my muscles relaxing a little. “Promise me you’ll get it, yeah?”

“I don’t know Liam”

“You do know Zayn, you know you need help. Get yourself out of this mess, yeah, so we can start new. I need you Zayn, I need you as a brother, I need  you hear for me, I need you by me when we go on tour I need you there so I can talk to you like we used to. I need the Zayn back, the one I first meet at boot-camp, the timmed and shy little boy that couldn’t dance yeah, I need my best friend back Zayn, not this monster that’s not the real Zayn.” My hand ran across his back, his eyes flooding with tears. “Promise me you’ll go”

“I-I-I- I’ll g-go, I pro-promise Li, I’ll ch-change” the words that feel from his sobbing mouth, made the corners of my lips rise. I believed him, I believe that he’ll do it.

“That’s my boy” my arms wrapped around his shoulders squeezing them lightly.

Before I knew the car pulled up a couple houses away from the one the lads and I shared for the time being. I looked at Zayn smiling, pinching his cheek. “I’ll miss you Z, take as long as you need yeah. You’re not leaving this band you got it? You’ll come back and you’ll be that little boy we used to okay? I have faith in you Z.” His arms pilled around my waist this time hugging each other properly.

“I love you Li” he said as I got out the car, I waved started walking away leaving him behind when I heard the car door open and two strong arms wrapped around me. His tears was all I could hear.

He broke away handing me the notebook that I left behind by accident. “You forgot this” a smile tugged on my lips, he smiled back before running into the car, slamming the door shut and off it went blasting down the street at full speed. Just like that he was gone.

I stood there staring down the street, my heart started to ache. Like fully ache. That much it hurt. I eyed the notebook my hands exploring it as it was like the most priceless thing I had ever seen. I tucked it away at the brim of my skinny jeans and my top handing over the rest so no one could see it.

My hands started to go clammy as I walked towards the house, what are the lads going to say when they see me? Is Harry going to be there? What will he look like? Will he have given up on me? All these thoughts came rushing through my mind.

My hands steadied on the door knob, staring at the brown shade of door. I could hear them, I could hear my boys, Niall and Louis. There amazing voices. I seemed like so long since I had heard those voices.

My hand twisted on the handle, slowly opening the door. The voice had gone silent. I pushed the door further to see two very shocked and scared faces looking at me. “You just gonna stand there all afternoon and not give me a hug already” I chuckled.

Before I knew too strong bodies jumped on me pushing me towards the ground.

“Li, oh my god, your safe”

“Where have you been buddy?”

“Are you okay?”

“Are you hurt?”

“Li why are you covered in bruises?”

“Who did this to you?”

Niall and Louis both bombarded me with questions. I pushed them both away carefully, struggling to breathe. “Give me some space, yeah.” I chuckled. They both backed away their faces filled with concern. “Don’t look so worried, yeah? I’m fine.”

“Liam where were you?” Niall chattered, his voice sounding like it was on the verge of tears. I just stood there my foot twirling over the other.

“…I don’t want to talk about” I whispered under my breath. Louis stepped forward wrapping his long dangly arms around my shoulders. His body was trembling strongly. My hand rubbed his back calming the poor lad as tears threatened to fall. I missed these lads so much, it seemed like moths since I sore them last.

“Li, you-your s-s-so skinny” Louis unwrapped me, I frowned not realising how skinny I really was.

“Well I guess two weeks of no foods does that to ‘ya doesn’t it” I fake laughed whipping the tears falling down my cheeks.

Niall hovered over his head flying into neck, my arms wrapped securely around him. “Liam, I’m so sorry”

“I missed you lads so much” I broke out. “They did bad things to me”

Louis hands meet his face, twisting his body around and sitting on the couch. “Li-Li, I-I-I don’t know what to say.”

“You don’t have to say anything, Ni”

The room was quiet, Niall still wrapped around my body until Louis broke the silence.  

“Li, why are you wearing Zayn- his clothes?” my body tensed under his and I felt the anger boil up inside of him. “Did Zayn, do this?”

My heart froze.

Should I lie? Or should I tell the truth?

“No he saved me” I blabbed out, I half Lied and half told the truth. Niall face was shocked not knowing what to do or say. I just nodded at him refiring it was the truth. Kind of anyway.

“I gonna be in my room yeah?” I passed the lads heading off towards my bedroom. I was walking away and suddenly I heard the most beautiful voice in the world.

“L-L-Liam, b-b-bab-baby?”

Harry’s P.O.V

My body was awoken from loud voices down stairs, I got out of bed wrapped tightly in Liam’s jumper. It smelt so good, it smelt like him, it was like he was here with me his arms wrapped around me hugging me tightly.

I walked down the stairs passing when I heard the voice that struck me from my thoughts making me freeze. My body was stiff, my legs crossed falling sitting on the step.

“I missed you lads so much…They did bad things to me”

 “Li-Li, I-I-I don’t know what to say.”

“You don’t have to say anything, Ni”

“Li, why are you wearing Zayn- his clothes?...Did Zayn, do this?”

“No he saved me”

“I gonna be in my room yeah?”

My heart was twisting in my chest as I heard there conversation. My body still coundnt move I was stuck there, any minute he will walk up those stairs and I’ll see my beloved little batman. The footsteps where getting louder and louder.

I eyes filling with tears as I sore him, so small so weak so broken.  

“L-L-Liam, b-b-bab-baby?” was all I could manage to say as we stared at each other shocked. 

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