Those of Us Alone

By AshleyEmerson

124K 4.7K 686

Midori was an orphan. Hardships make up her life and she's never had it easy. When she is given a home by Mas... More

Chapter 1: Enter Midori
Chapter 2: Years Past
Chapter 3: The Fateful Night
Chapter 4: Soo-won Betrays His Friends
Character Info
Chapter 5: Into the Woods
Chapter 6: Annoyances of a Third Wheel
Chapter 7: There's No Way for Me to Actually Describe My Pain
Chapter 8: The Priest
Chapter 9: Hurtful Words, Understanding, & Rooting for HakXYona
Chapter 10: God's Will
Chapter 11: Name the Chapter Author-chan!
Chapter 12: Yoon & I Get Dragged to Hakuryuu Village
Chapter 13: I'm as Clueless as You are in This Situation
Chapter 14: New Addition
Chapter 15: Well, Now You've Pissed Me Off
Chapter 16: Kija's Strength . . . And Weaknesses
Chapter 17: The Search for Seiryuu (The Other One)
Chapter 18: We've Arrived!
Chapter 19:
Chapter 20: Awkward Sibling. . . Stuff?
Chapter 21: How Angry is Yoon?
Chapter 22: Longest Chapter EVER!
Chapter 23: Kija vs Ungrateful Villager-Who Speaks More in this Chapter?!
Chapter 24: Digging Ourselves Out of a Hole
Chapter 26: Names and Ports and Trouble-Oh My!
Chapter 27: Stuck Between a Rock (Jae-ha) and A Hard Place
Don't Hate Me!
Chapter 28: Memories and Fights
Chapter 29: Nighttime Comforting?
Chapter 30: Psychological Issues
Chapter 31: You're Oddly Excited to Be Walking into Human Trafficking
Chapter 32: Intense Torture
Chapter 33: Bro-Bonding and Some Flashbacks
Chapter 34: A Dream-Like Plane
Chapter 35: Not Exactly the Type of Meeting I was Anticipating
Chapter 36: This Isn't the End
Chapter 37: The End of the Awa Arc
Chapter 38: Trauma Has Some Consequences
Chapter 39: Telling Some People is the First Step Towards Recovery
Chapter 40: A Run-In with the King
Chapter 41: Traveling Plans are Decided
Chapter 42: Every Journey has 'Pit-Stops' I Guess
Chapter 43: First Time in Chi'Shin
Chapter 44: We're Staying a Bit Longer Here Than I Thought
Chapter 45: A - Uh - Productive Night?
Chapter 46: A Familiar Place and A Familiar Face
Chapter 47: An Insane Wake-up
Chapter 48: Gaining Knowledge but also Confusion
Chapter 49: Putting My Plan Into Action
Chapter 50: Being Blushing Messes Together
Chapter 51: Down A Group Member
Chapter 52: Festivities Ended
Chapter 53: Travel Conversation has Surprising Results
Chapter 54: Memory or Nightmare? Maybe, Both?
Chapter 55: In Which Joo-doh Tries to Poison Us
Chapter 56: Everyone Needs a Little More of Tae-yon
Chapter 57: War-Council Interlude
Chapter 58: Capital Saika
Chapter 59: When Drama Ensues . . .
Chapter 60: Things Get More Heated
Chapter 61: Jae-ha's Insight on Midori
Chapter 62: Some Crying, Some Letters, and Some Leaving
Chapter 63: R-E-S-P-E-C-T
Chapter 64: Guilt
Chapter 65: Story Telling through a Letter
Chapter 66: To the Battlefield We Go
Chapter 67: In Which Tae-jun Surprises Us All
Chapter 68: Naming Chapters is Hard
Chapter 69: And You Thought Awa was Bad Before
Chapter 70: And You Guessed It! More Letters!
Chapter 71: Why are Idiots Running the Country?
Chapter 72: The Bad Idea
Chapter 73: The "Lovely" Town of Awa
Chapter 74: Public Speeches = Good Distraction?
Chapter 75: Transition~
Chapter 76: Oh No, a Filler While I Figure Out the Resolution to this Arc! XD
Chapter 77: Recollection of a Promise
Chapter 78: Planning Session

Chapter 25: Our 'Weird' Group

2.1K 99 9
By AshleyEmerson

Young Midori in Media.

Midori's POV

I was humming a cheery tune as we proceeded to get farther and farther away from my home village. Well, 'our'.

You see, Nii decided to join us! Isn't that great?

So, being away from my second most hated village plus Nii traveling with us equals a very very happy Midori, "Um. . . Is Midori okay?" AND a very very confused Yoon.

"She's fine," Hak stated indignantly. I personally think his anger was driven by jealousy.

I wasn't neglecting him either, so why he was jealous is beyond me. You see, after Hak embraced Yona and I, we separated–well, Hak and Yona separated–I practically collapsed into his arms. The fatigue had hit me hard.

Now, miles out of the village of the Seiryuu, Kija had his run-in with fatigue.

Only I was caught, whereas Kija met with the cold, stony earth. "Kija?!" Yona and Yoon chorused.

That was my cue to stop humming and rejoin the group, "Is he okay?" I stood next to Hak–who was crouched beside Yona, who then was crouched by Yoon.

"It's probably just fatigue," Yoon stated looking over Kija. "He was digging with all his strength earlier."

I nodded, "He was using any ounce of power he had to free us."

"Kija. . ." Yona said solemnly.

Then Hak decides to completely ruin the serious atmosphere, "Rest in peace."

"I'M ALIVE!" Kija exclaimed and jumped up before Yoon and I were able to force him back down again. Afterwards—much more calmly—he stated, "I apologize. My body feels heavy. . . The location of the next dragon is hazier than usual."

Yona was quick to dispel the guilt Kija felt at that moment, "Don't push yourself."

"Yeah, ya brute," I said playfully slapping at his shoulder nearest to me, "We can't do anything with you out."

There is a really good chance that the words that just left my mouth were a lie, but I decided to keep my second-guessing to myself.

BUT if I was right in who I THOUGHT was Ryokuryuu. . . Let's just say that I'm not really mentally prepared to face my fears. . . Again. . .

Maybe I'd get lucky and Oryuu was closer than my–uh–guess.

Probably not, though, because life hates me.

I went over to Nii after my 'words of encouragement' and we spoke quietly, "Kija's okay. He just needs some rest."

Nii answered in a nod, but he spoke up to me, "There's a river up a mile into that brush."

"Oh," I said looking in the direction he pointed in and I nodded in agreement, "I see it. That would be a good place to make camp."

"Well," Yoon stated—as if he wanted to prove me wrong, "we do have one–two people who can sense the location of the four dragons. . ."

All eyes looked at the two of us. I had heard the words come from Yoon, so my hands were in an 'X' formation across my face, "Nope. Can't do it."

Nii—in the same dilemma as I was a few seconds ago tilted his head in confusion. And like always, Kija had to make a big deal out of it.

"Oh," exclaimed Kija, "how wretched!" Kija came over to the two of us, and I moved closer to Hak. Kija took Nii's (who I left to get away from the over exaggerating Kija) hand and proceeded, "It's not your fault that you do not know. Nobody has told you about it until now."

Hak leaned towards me and whispered, "Is it okay to leave him to fend for himself?"

"Do you want to deal with whiny Kija?" I retaliated. His hands were up in the air in surrender.

Though the two of us missed a tiny bit of the conversation, we heard Kija announce, "You may call me Big Brother!"

Nii abruptly jumped away towards the river we had previously seen, not that anyone knew, of course.

"Ehh?!" Kija said looking after Nii, "He ran away?!"

Hak never missed an opportunity to annoy Kija, "Was it because 'Big Brother' was making him uncomfortable?"

Yona went to run off in search of him, but I grabbed her wrist, "He went this way." As I pulled her in the direction opposite of which she tried to go, I said, "Just through this brush."

As we exited the brush, we seen Nii, and Yona yelled, "Seiryuu!"

We stood at a distance (Nii's back was to us, but he was begining to take off his mask), and Kija softly said, "Seiryuu. . ."


Nii jumped into the river.

I blinked, and Hak turned to Kija, "What are you going to do now, White Snake? He's gone and killed himself."

I slapped Hak's arm playfully.

Kija had a minor freak out until Nii emerged from the water once more. There was a fish in his hands.

Kija, though confused, took the fish from Nii with gratitude, and felt great about himself until Hak opened his big mouth once more.

"What are you going to do, Mr. White Snake?" He asked emotionlessly, referring to my shivering brother. "He's freezing."

"It's my fault?!" Kija exclaimed.

I sighed before crossing my arms, "It would appear so, Kija."

"Seiryuu," Yoon stated looking towards my freezing brother, "you knew quite well that the river was here."

Nii touched his mask by the holes meant for his eyes.

"Oh?" Yoon was fascinated, "It's because those eyes have the ability of far sight—and depth perception, apparently." Yoon then turned to me, slightly seething, "And I'm guessing that you have this power too, don't you, Midori?"

My hands were up in surrender, "Yes, but since I've always had it, I thought it was normal. Besides, Nii basically told me he was going over here when he pointed out the river to me earlier."

Yoon sighed, and then turned back to Nii, "Is it true that if we look into your eyes we will turn to stone?"

Nii shook his head, but I spoke, "You've looked me in the eyes multiple times, and most definitely have not turned to stone."

While Yoon turned towards me to retaliate, he paused, blinked, and muttered, "I guess. . . . That is true. . . "


Dinner was made by Yoon who cooked The fish that Nii caught.

Though we had been here for a while with the fire burning, Nii's clothing wasn't anywhere near dry yet. Yona had just asked.

Yoon responded with, "Yeah, even so. . ."

Everyone looked to see Nii, covered in his fur–making him look like a little, round, furry monster, of sorts.

"What kind of demon is that?" Hak said.

Yoon tried to salvage the situation, "This group is becoming more and more diverse."

"It's okay, Yoon," I said softly patting his back. "You can say 'weird'."

Guess who's back from the dead?

. . . This Girl!

I'm sure you all have been waiting for this.

Since, you know, I'm SO good at updating my stories.

Anyway, it's February, & my birthday just passed, so I figured I'd try to get this chapter out.

Hope you guys liked it!


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