The Prince and Fashion Design...

By Book-Lover2001

79.6K 4.1K 1K

Magnus is fashion designer who runs his own shop in New York, but when Alexander Lightwood, the Prince of Idr... More

Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Bonus Chapter

Chapter Two

5.4K 286 143
By Book-Lover2001

"You know, Magnus—" Cat started.

    "Nope! Don't even go there." Magnus cut her off. He knew exactly what she was going to say.

    "What! All I was going to say was that you should have asked him out!" Magnus rolled his eye. About half an hour ago, a nice looking guy with red hair walked in to get his pants tailored, and he was obviously flirting with Magnus, although Magnus had none of that. He just served him and sent him away like every guy who walks into the shop.

    "Cat, I'm not going to date everyone that has an interest in me, 'cause if I did, I would be dating everyone."

    "Oh, shut up! You're a lonely cat lady!" Cat told Magnus, as she threw a rolled up ball of tape at him.

    "One, I only have one cat. Two, I'm not a lady. Three, I'm not lonely, I have my cat."

    "But Mag—" Cat was cut off by the bell above the door. The two friends looked away from each other and at the new customer entering. Magnus almost fell off the stool he was sitting on. The boy was smoking hot. Figuratively of course. But wow. He was tall, yet not as tall as Magnus. He had black hair, and had the most amazing blue eyes he had ever seen. Magnus couldn't look away. The man eventually made it to the counter, and cleared his throat.

    "Hi." Magnus said finally breaking out of his trance.

    "Hello." The beautiful man said. "I was wondering how quickly it would take for you to fix a rip in a suit jacket?" Magnus didn't reply because he was too busy admiring the mans voice. It was like silk. Thank goodness for Catarina or else it would have been more awkward then it already was.

    "Hi! I'm Catarina! May I see the jacket?" The man nodded and placed the jacket down. Magnus almost gasped. This jacket was worth more than what he made in a year.

    "It will take me about two hours to fix it." The man nodded.

    "That fits perfectly in my schedule. I'll come and get it in two hours."

    "Before you leave, I need you to fill this out. Name, phone number, and signature." The man listened and filled it out.

    "How much do I owe you?"

    "Nothing." Magnus blurted out. The man and Cat's head turned to face him. "First alteration is free."

    "I can't just give you nothing." the man said. "Here." he said, placing two, one hundred bills on the counter. "One for each of you."  Cat and Magnus stared at the money.

    "We can't." Magnus and Cat said simultaneously.

    "You can, and you will. I'll be back to get my jacket in two hours. Thank you, once again." The man said leaving to store. Cat, with wide eyes, turned to face Magnus.

    "He's hot, wealthy, and nice? Marry this man before I do!" she cried.

    "What?" Magnus said.

    "What do you mean, What?. He was definitely into you and he's not married! And you were definitely gawking over him!"

    "I don't even know his name."

    "Alexander...Lightwood. Mmm...let's google him!" Before Magnus could protest, Cat was already typing his name into the search engine. "Holy mother of God! Oh my Lord!"

    "What? What? Is he a murder? I knew it was too good to be true." Magnus said, peering over her shoulder. His jaw dropped.

    "He's a Prince!?"

"Alexander Gideon Lightwood, is the Prince of Idris, along with his sister Princess Isabelle Sofia Lightwood. Idris, is an old nation on a remote land in-between Germany and France. It is usually discarded on American maps, due to it's lack of use to the USA." Cat read off the internet. "Basically it's like Switzerland. It's never been in any wars. Doesn't have any trading with America and is basically unknown to like 80% of the world."

    "Then what's he doing here?" Magnus asked.

    "How should I know? Maybe Idris wants to strengthen it's bond with the US?" Magnus nodded agree with her assumption. "Can you believe that we just talked to Royalty? He walked into our shop! He touched this money! He's worn this jacket!" Cat stated, as she picked up the Prince's suit jacket. "I'm going to get this fixed ASAP!" with that, Catharina ran off into the back of the shop.

Magnus laughed as he walked to peer out through the window. All he could see was blue, like Alexander's eyes. Smiling to himself, Magnus had a moment of inspiration. He ran for his sketch book, and picking up his pencil, he drew out a rough design for his new clothing line.


Alec walked out of the tailor shop smiling to himself, as he walked to the car. As he approached, Hodge held the car door open, and Alec slid into the back seat, not even thanking his butler. He was too absorbed in his thoughts. The man in the shop was gorgeous, and he had the most hypnotic eyes that were a unique shade of amber. Alec giggled like a school girl, and only then did he realize Hodge was still watching him.

    "Are you alright, your Highness?" Hodge asked concerned. Alec looked up.

    "Yes, very. In two hours we must return to collect the jacket." Alec said changing the subject, although just the thought of returning made him giddy.

    "Very well." Hodge said, before he shut the car door. Alec looked at his watch. Only two more hours before he can have an excuse to walk back into that shop.

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