His World

By melcruz0319

815K 20.9K 5.4K

***WARNING*** ----SEXUAL AND MATURE CONTENT----- My name is Laylie Francis Volevoy, and this is the story of... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Author's Note
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 7

39.2K 1K 226
By melcruz0319


"Come on Papa!! Or it's gonna get us! Run faster hurry!" My short legs run and I feel free and alive. My pretty pink cotton dress flows in the air and my hair is probably a mess by now. Mama is gonna be so mad. I run as fast as I can through the bush maze in our backyard. It's late spring and the weather is perfect. I giggle loudly as I see the faces of our gardeners questioning my father and I's action.

"I'm running as fast as I can Laylie! I think they are gonna get me. Go on without me!" Papa yells as he is slowing down. I whip my head and notice him falling far behind. Come on old man, letting a 6-year-old outrun you ha. I keep running fast and then turn my head and see Papa stop completely talking to a big tall man dressed in a scary black suit. Suddenly I trip and fall face first into a pit of dirt. Yuckkkkk. I cry out because my knee is now scraped.

"Papaaaa!!" Tears start rolling down my eyes and I see daddy running to my side.

"Oh gosh! Laylie my sweetheart. It's okay it's okay. You're okay. Papa has you." He soothes me as I start to calm down from my hysterical crying.

Papa has picked me up into his arms. The big tall scary looking dude has swiftly walked over to us and I feel very intimidated by his stern green eyes. Not once does he flash a smile.

"Silvia! Please bring Laylie inside to wash up. I have a meeting to attend to." Papa says as Ms. Silvia comes rushing over to us with her aged smile plastered on her small face.

"Of course Mr. Volevoy! Come one dear" she takes me in her arms and soon Papa begins walking away with the man.

Little did I know. The next day he would disappear from my world.

Slowly gaining consciousness, my eyes began to lightly flutter open. I'm sprawled on my back and feel my surroundings. The bed feels like a cloud and the sheets are warm and soft. Am I dead? Is this the heaven people raved about?

Gaining my sight back I soon realize that I am in an unknown room. Scanning the room the walls are a beige color. The room is large and the bed is a king sized accompanied with fluffy black comforters. I soon notice an I.V sticking from my arm attached to a clear bag hanging. What? Where am I? This for sure does not seem like a hospital?

Groaning, I now start to feel how dry my throat is from the lack of consumption of liquids.

Turning to my left I see on the dark wooden night table a glass of water. I grab it and chug the thing in a couple of sips.

Memories begin to flood back to me and now I see how I got here. Stupid Derrick. He got what he deserved. A shiver runs down my spine as I remember what he attempted to do. Wait. Where's Asher? Wait. Wait a second. Am I in new clothing? What?

The thought of Asher possibly changing my clothing and seeing me nearly naked makes me blush. Gosh, how embarrassing. I am now dressed in a black v-neck and grey sweats. My clothes were probably still soaked.

Suddenly the door starts to slowly open and slightly creek. Wearing a grey hoodie and black jeans, Asher walks into the room having his stare kept on me. His eyes are a shade of light green today with specs of hazel. His hair looks as if he had showered and is pushed back. The appearance is more different from the others he had worn before but still makes him look attractive nevertheless. I quickly look away hoping he doesn't think I am gawking at him even though I was.

Wait. Back to the more important topic. Where am I?

I look up at him again, and soon he is sitting on a leather stool beside my bed waiting.

Clearing my throat, "um where am I?" I say while looking up at him.

He leans against his knees, "well after you passed out, I had to bring you somewhere fast. Since the closest fucking hospital is 45 minutes away, I had to bring you to my place, which coincidently is across from your home. However, I didn't want to break in so I just brought you here. And brought you back to life" he says with a shrug. The fact that he just cussed does not even faze me since it's a continuous cycle with mother.

I look around once more and stare at the IV bag hanging in the metal rod.

"Why do you have this stuff? And did you do this?" I say gesturing to the medical equipment and the needle in my arm.

I stare at his flawless face and see him keep the same solemn face on.

"Well I had learned how to use this stuff back at my old school for emergencies and yeah I guess it came in handy," he says getting up now leaning against the wall crossing his broad marked arms. His eyes bore into me and I suddenly feel shy. I stare back down at my lap. The glass cup in my hands is cold with ice and my hair slightly falls over my face. I push it behind my ear, and let out a large exhausted breath.

Suddenly a thought consumes my head. How did Asher know I was there? I furrow my eyebrows at the thought. Did he follow me?

"How-how did you know I was there?" I ask timidly now looking him in the eyes.

He blinks rapidly and lifts his brows a bit but quickly recovers, "I-a-well I was just there because, well I'm sure you saw our argument in the cafeteria yesterday, I was there to finish what I had started. So it was just a coincidence you happened to of been there." He says as he shoves his hands in his tight-fitting black jeans.

"Oh well. I'm glad you came when you did. Thank you" his eyes have now become soft and calm, but soon go back to their hard facade.

"It was nothing. That guy is a fucking asshole who needed to be put in place. I'm just glad I got there when I did or he might have done worse to you," his jaw suddenly clenches and eyes are full of anger, "he didn't touch you though right?" He asks me quickly.

"No, no he didn't," I say looking down at my lap then up at him again. He now seems a bit calmer.

"Wait! What time is it?" I suddenly ask. Oh god, Nace! She probably already called the FBI by now. I start fidgeting and try to get the sheets off of me.

"Stop don't move! You're gonna rip the needle out" immediately he quickly moves towards me and grips onto my shoulders steadying my movement. I shut my eyes and try to control my flinching and soon start breathing in deeply.

"Okay, okay, I'm fine," I say settling down. Surprisingly, his touch is soothing and calming. I don't know why maybe it's the way his voice is laced with worry or care. But I soon calm down.

"Okay," he says breathing out, then sitting on the edge of the bed. I can feel his body heat radiating off of him and it is soothing and comforting all at once. A feeling I am foreign to. "I spoke to your friend, she knows you are here. And trust me she had informed me of the consequences that would be implemented if anything were to happen to you while in my care" he says chuckling at what Nace told him.

Relief sets in and I'm glad that is out of the way.

A loud grumbling noise soon erupts our silence and embarrassment now sets in. I look up at Asher and see him smirk.

"Well, that answers my next question. How about we head downstairs to get some food in you" he says grabbing my arm. He then slowly and carefully takes the needle out of my arm, the pain is small and soon disappears. A bandage is then placed on it.

He stands up straight backing up slightly waiting for me to stand up as well.

I bring my legs over the edge of the soft bed and steady myself before standing. It feels a bit strange at first now standing but soon feels okay. Looking up at him, he flashes a small smile.

He then turns and we head downstairs. This house is absolutely magnificent. Not as large as Nace's that's for sure, but a pretty decent size. Two stories, with a large open floor plan. My house compared to the rest of the others is like the ugly duckling amount the rest of the beautiful swans. The place is modern yet in a cozy warm atmosphere. I don't spot any photos of him anywhere, maybe it's because he just moved here? Yeah probably?

I don't notice it but I guess I've been standing at the bottom of the stairs for a while because Asher then grabs my hand, "come."

Gosh, I have got to stop doing that.

His grip on my hand is comforting and fits perfectly. His hand is rough but soft at the same time and I wish he would never let go. But eventually, he does.

"Here. Sit" he pulls out a tall black stool for me I sit down.

He then goes on the other side of the brown marble table. Is he gonna cook? My question is then answered when he pulls out a frying pan. And then heads over to the fridge.

"Uh, do you like eggs?" He asks setting the carton of eggs on the counter. I merely just nod my head. I am beyond starving since I hadn't of even eaten lunch yesterday. "Good" he smiles. His smile is genuine but it seems alien for him to even do so. I need to stop. Don't get attached, you will leave in the end.

The thought lingers in me as a reminder. And it's right. But I can't stop.

I then notice a small black book placed on the counter and as curiosity consumes me. I can't help but grab the leather thing.

Asher's back is to me as he cooks the eggs. I open the book. The Great Gatsby. A classic.

I smile at the book. This is one of my absolute favorite novels. Maybe Asher does have a soft side to him he likes to keep hidden? I soon start to scan the book and absorb the beautifully written words of Fitzgerald.

Partly being able to get into the complicated world of Gatsby and Daisy, a plate of eggs and chocolate chip pancakes is suddenly pushed in front of me. My mouth begins to water and I slowly set the book down. My chair is turned to the side and notice Asher now sitting in the seat next to me. I see he has already poured me some orange juice and put some fruit out on the side. I feel like royalty right now.

"Thank you," I say smiling and staring into those gorgeous emerald eyes. I then look back down at my plate and dig in.

God this is so good. I am beyond starving. I then look at the corner of my eye to Asher and notice him never taking his eyes off of me. I must look like a complete psycho eating like a caveman.

"Sorry," I say setting the fork down and grabbing the napkin to wipe my face.

"No, it's okay. Don't apologize for being hungry" he says smiling slightly.

I then start to play with the strings of his sweatpants I'm wearing. Ugh, my stomach hurts now from the feast I just had. Why did I have to eat so fast?

"Aren't you hungry?" I ask noticing he hasn't even touched the food.

"Nah I'm good, I just wanted to make sure you got some food in your system." He says shaking his head and studying my face.

"Oh well, thank you. It was really good," I say sitting up straight in the chair crossing my legs.

"Yeah I could tell you really enjoyed it," he says chuckling. I look down smiling and blushing. He gets up and grabs my plate to put it in the sink.

While he's doing so I start to think. Which is probably the worst thing someone could do. My mind wanders to my mother, as usual. The last time I saw her was when she was wishing for my death. How am I to face her now? Maybe she forgot? I'll probably stay away from home for awhile I suppose. Oh crap. Tonight is Oliver Grace's "get together", I had promised Nace I would make an appearance and when I make a promise I make sure to always keep it.

I look up at Asher and notice him texting someone with his eyes full of frustration. I wonder what's wrong? I probably shouldn't bother asking.

I look around, there is a warm fireplace and a brown leather couches surrounding it. This place is an absolute dream. Even the carpet looks more comfortable than my own bed. I then notice three very large black duffle bags. It seems like he is about to leave, come and go. I hope he doesn't.

"So you live alone?" I ask out of curiosity since I see no sign of any other person living here.

He then puts his phone back into his pocket and leans against the counter, "yeah, my parents usually move around so I decided to stay put in a place, so here I am" he says staring at me, his star is comforting and intimidating all at once.

I let out a breath getting up from the chair. I start walking around the open area and pass by the large duffle bags. I cross my arms and slowly walk by them, he seems to stand up straight now. Hm.

"You going somewhere?" I ask.


"I mean it seems like you are all packed ready to go with these bags," I ask.

"Oh no they are just, stuff I haven't finished unpacking," he then strides to grab them moving the bags now at the end of the stairs.

"So have you heard of Oliver Grace's party happening tonight?" Why did I just ask him that?

He turns now facing me, "no I haven't"

He then goes and sits on the couch sprawled out. He then gestures for me to sit down as well. I go ahead and sit crisscrossed at the end of it facing him.

"Well, I had promised my friend, Nace, the one who had threatened you and stuff, that I would go with her. So I was wondering now if you know, like just for a bit- if you wanted to like- go to it to just hang out, I mean you don't have to just go with me- if you want to that's fine but like-" my rambling is cut off and thank god.

"Laylie. If you wanted me to go with you so badly you should've just said so," he says smirking.

"No no, I mean like-"

"Hey!" He placed his hand on my knee and starts laughing, "I'm only messing with you, and yeah sure I'll go" he says.

My face then starts to heat up and I look down at my lap. I look up at him again and notice how he hasn't taken his eyes off of me, I examine his face and notice the creeping tattoo coming from his neck. His face looks as if it is sculpted to perfection. His face is now stern and serious and he looks conflicted. Opening my mouth to ask what is wrong a loud bang at the door makes me jump and suddenly,

"LAYYYY, GIRLL you in there??? Yo Asher kid she better be alive or so help me"....

Oh, Nace.


Heyyyy lovelies OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 500 READS. That's may not seem a lot but for me it's absolutely amazing. Seeing more and more people read my book just makes me feel like I am helping them escape reality for a short period of time.

Anyway thanks for reading. This chapter finally has Laylie and Asher talking and I love it. The end thou lmao.

Anyway don't forget to

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