Writing Our Story (Complete)

By Monsi_Salcedo

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Demi Lovato & Harry Styles Demi Lovato moves into a new town after the death of her mother. Her dad wanting... More

Writing Our Story
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Thank You
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Fun Facts on Writing Our Story

Chapter 12

97 10 11
By Monsi_Salcedo

Time has pass by as Demi started to focus more on her school work. For an odd reason she started to struggle in English. One day after school she had ask Mr.Styles for help. He seem upset as he read something in his phone before answering her.

"So you want tutoring for my class?"

He said looking up from his phone. Demi nodded her head as she place a loose strain of her behind her ear.

"Yes, for some reason the last few test have been difficult for me. I want to make sure I understand everything in each of my classes before moving on to the next grade."

Mr.Styles nodded his head before putting away his phone.

"Okay what you need help with? "

He asked as place down his phone.

"I want to understand completely how to write a persuasive essay. I don't fully know what it means."

He nodded his head understand.

"Okay, take out your notebook so you could write some notes."

Demi nodded her head as she took a seat on the desk that was in the middle row. Harry grab a small squeeze ball as he thought about the topic. Getting up from his chair as he start to pace in front of Demi's desk.

"Okay from what they had taught me. Writing a persuasive essay is giving facts on why you should think this way. Or make you agree with the person. For example if I were to say that working late hours each day is bad for you. Because you don't get enough sleep, your stressed out more and because you don't get to see your fiance as much."

Harry exhale as he squeezed the ball harder. Demi look up after he finished that sentence. She knew something was wrong as she could tell by the way he acted during class but everyone just ignore it. She could see the anger in his eyes along on how tight he was squeezing the ball. Which looks like it's about to explode. Looking confuse as she place her pencil down.

"Mr.Styles are you......"

Demi began her sentence before getting cut off by him.

"No i'm not fucking okay. Excuse my cursing but she just ah."

He said as he threw the small ball to the other side of the room knocking a book down. Demi ducked her head as her eyes went to the book on the floor. Turning her head quickly around as Harry had place his hands on either side of her desk.

"Do you have any idea how much pain is causes to see a love one only for a few minutes each day. And on those minutes they are on the phone. This has been going on since the second week of me staring working here. I know I must sound selfish like hell right now but I don't give a fuck."

He let go of the desk as he back away from Demi. Her heart was running faster as he had scared her after he threw the ball. It was odd for her to hear him cussing as he was always so polite and nice to every student and teacher. He walked over to his desk she could see him calming down. He sat down on a corner.

"I sometimes feel like she doesn't even want this relationship anymore."

Demi bite her bottom lip as she tried to figure what to say to him. Getting up from her desk as she walked over next to him. Seating down next to him as she bump her shoulder with his.

"Love is unpredictable, I can tell you that much. It also hard to find that one person you truly want to spend the rest of your life with. When you do find her don't ever let her go. Yes you might not see her that often but when you do. Your like a happy puppy. I would recommend you to stay with her and try to talk to her. Tell her that once she and you get home that you don't talk about work. Talk about how lucky you are on having each other. You never know how fast they could take her from you. I can talk from experience."

Harry looked at Demi with sadness in his eyes.

"If you don't mind me asking. Who ? Who did you lost ?"

Demi look at her hands that were resting on her thighs.

"Uh my mom. I lost her to something, don't fully know but i'm pretty sure it was an illness. I was send to a family member while my dad stayed at the house. After that we moved here in August."

Demi told him with a sad smile as she look at him.

"I'm sorry."

Demi look down at the floor as the topic of her mother have been a touchy subject. Nick was the only one that help her with it. Licking her lips as she look up into his green eyes that shocked her on his first day. Harry ran his hand threw his curls as he grab a sticky note from his desk. He grab his pen as Demi watch him scribble something down. He stood up straight as he walk to her. Handing her the sticky note as he look at her.

"Here's my number. In case you want to talk about anything. My doors always open, Demi. If you got questions about class or you want to get something off your chest. You can come to me."

Demi took it as she look down at the sticky. A warm feeling buzz around her stomach. When she look up he was taking something out from a folder. Walking to her as he handed her a packet.

"Here's more information on persuasive writing. I would give it a read or two."

Demi took the packet as she grab her things. Placing everything neatly inside before sipping it up. Placing it on her shoulder as she look at him. He was sitting down at his desk on his computer with a paper next to him. Walking to the door before she exit she stop. Turning around to him as see him.

"Thank you for helping me Mr.Styles."

He smile at her for a moment she thought his eyes sprinkle under the light. Shaking her head before she walk into the hallway. Grabbing onto the strap of her back pack as she replayed what happened. His outburst was unlike him. Well at least his professional side. Demi stop in the middle of the hallway as she look back to his class. He could be one of her favorite teachers as when during class he's very animated and funny. Smiling at the thought as she whisper to herself

"You can also come to me, Mr.Styles."
Demi was laying down on her bed, reading the packet he gave her. She had her pajamas on and her hair was in a messy bun. She had a highlighter in her hand as she read the packet. She had found some of the information interesting but she couldn't get something out of her mind. He's random out burst. What happened? Was it in that text he read as she explained that she needed help? Looking at her computer as she thought about him. Looking him up as Nick did. Getting off her bed as she turn on her computer. Going to the internet as she looked him up. Finding his Facebook page as she quickly went threw it. He had a few things written most about knock-knock jokes that weren't that funny but still made her giggle. What got her attention on how good he was in writing. He was very poetic. Looking at the message button as she bite her bottom lip. Pressing the button as she typed out her message. Rereading it to make sure there weren't any mistakes. Taking a deep breath as she close her eyes. A loud sound made her jump out of her seat. Turning around as she saw her dad calling her. Walking to her phone as she pick it up.


"Hey Dems. I know it's kinda late but put on jeans and a sweater. We are eating out for dinner. Be there in 10 minutes."


Demi said as she hung up her phone. Placing her phone on the nightstand as she went to her closet. Picking out the first blue jean she saw as she took off her bottom. Putting on her favorite boots as she grab a random sweater. Grabbing her phone along with a hair tie as she put up her hair on her way to the front door. Opening the front door as she saw her dad headlights. Walking to the sidewalk as she got in the car. They made small talk as her dad drove to the restaurant. He dad park out front as Demi went inside to get a table. Within minutes her dad was walking in as he sat in front of her. They look in the menu as Demi's eyes went up for a moment. This being the first time coming here, she wanted to take a quick look. She like the style they had decorated the place. It was nice and welcoming. As she turn her head she could see a couple of people eating and chatting their night way. She smile at the picture, turning her head to face her father as he was looking at the menu. Demi raise her eyebrow as something in the corner caught her eye. Turning her eye in that direction as it was her teacher. He was still wearing his clothes but his sleeves were folded and a few buttons were undone. He had a rose next to him as he was on his phone, but he kept looking at the door. Was he waiting on somebody ? Taking her eyes off him before she got caught. Soon the waitress come and took their order. Soon Demi started to play with her sleeve. Looking at her dad as she asked about his day. He said tiring but glade that he got out earlier then usual. Demi smile as they soon started to make a conversation about random subjects. It was never hard for them to find something to talk about. As she was their only child, she wasn't spoiled but they gave her what she need. Her dad has said that she looks exactly how her mother look at this age. Demi love how perfect her parents relationship was. They were high school sweethearts, they meet in 9th grade as they started to date shortly after. Demi always saw their relationship like a real life fairytale. They soon got their food as they said thank you to the waiters who look to be in her mid 30s. Demi took a drink of her soda as she look around. Turning her head to her dad who was smiling at her.

"What? "

Demi said as she place the cup down.

"I'm so proud of you. You have been so strong. I only wish I could have your strength, Demi."

Demi smile at him but she could feel tears forming in her eyes. Shaking her head and one hand to him.

"No, both of us. We have both been strong for so long."

Reaching out for his rough hand as she grab it. Smiling at him.

"We made it through. We are making a new beginning for both of us. Now let's make sure we make memories for mom."

They smile at each other as they eat their meal. Neither of them mentioning what happened. Her dad would tell really bad jokes but still made her laugh on how bad they were. Demi was drinking what she had left as her dad paid their meal. As he got his credit card back, they got up. Demi fix her jacket as they made it to the door. Taking her eyes were she saw a mop of curls still sitting there. He looked piss and sad, he got up as he threw a few bucks on the table. Grabbing the flowers as he went out to the exit that was next to his table. Once they made it outside they walk to where her dad park his car. Looking where she was going, she saw him again. He was looking down at the ground as he pulled on his hair.

She was positive that he was crying, it broke her heart as he threw the flowers to the closes bin. Placing her hands close to her heart as she gave him worried eyes. Walking next to her dad as he didn't notice her looking. She didn't fully understand what he meant in the afternoon with his out burst. After seeing him cry, now she understands his pain. Making up her mind as she would talk to him after school tomorrow.



Happy holidays to everyone!!!!

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