By DivineBeauty17

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Hiccup and Astrid has to keep a secret to themselves. The other teens are already getting suspicious. But the... More

Chapter 1: The Secret
Chapter 2: Hiding the Secret
Chapter 3: The Argument
Chapter 4: I didn't Mean To
Chapter 5: Trust
First Ever Tagged
Chapter 6: Denial and Acceptance
Chapter None: Please Read
Chapter 7: Suspicions
Chapter 8: Secret REVEALED?!!
Chapter 9: The Truth
Chapter None 2.0: Tagged and Author's Note
Chapter 10: The Story Behind
Chapter 11: Explanations
Chapter 12: Some Time Alone
Chapter 13: But I always -
Chapter 14: Waking Up with You(s) In Front of Me?
Chapter 16: Mother Knows Best
Chapter 17: From MANY, to ONE, and finally NONE
Basically just me Blabbering
Chapter 19: Finding the Cure
Chapter 20: Seeking Help
Chapter 21

Chapter 15: The Girl Who Cried Hiccup

2.8K 62 16
By DivineBeauty17

I'm not really sure if you'll like this but I gave it a try. I'm sorry if my deliveration of this chapter in the story wasn't good enough but I still hope that you enjoy reading it.

Btw, the picture might be Astrid's reaction in this chapter.


The girls were out training in the Arena and me and the guys decided to make protection suits for our dragons to prevent Viggo from hurting us. Last time we fought him, Astrid injured her leg from shielding Stormfly and I don't want that to happen again.

"You really know your stitches, Snotlout." Fishlegs commented at Snotlout's work. We decided to try both the left over Screaming Death scales and Gronkle Iron. Snotlout and Tuffnut were working on the scales while me and Fishlegs were experimenting with Meatlug to make the iron as lighter as possible for a dragon to wear without preventing it from doing its normal movements.

We were all working quietly that is until Heather, Ruffnut, and Astrid entered. It's not like they were yelling or anything but they all wear the same expression of worry except for Astrid who was... shocked?

"What happened?" I asked.

Heather and Ruffnut started with how Astrid disappeared suddenly after volunteering to get them water. "And when she woke up she was normal for about a minute before she goes on questioning "Hiccup?" "Hiccup?" Then she ended up calling a terrible terror and writing someting to it sending it to somewhere before staying quiet and avoiding eye contact so we thought of the only reasonable thing to do and brought her here." Heather finished.

"We tried peeking on the letter that she wrote but she wouldn't let us." Ruffnut added. I nodded in understanding before walking towards Astrid who was looking on the floor.

"Careful, she freaked out the last time we tried to approached her. We even needed Stormfly's help to bring her here." Heather said.

"Astrid? Astrid, are you okay?" She shook her head but she didn't look ip to meet my eye. I noticed Astrid raised her head a little to look at me and when she glanced from behind me, she made a sour look.

"What's going on here?" Snotlout asked leaving his work. Astrid bowed her head down again as soon as she saw him.

"Is everything okay?" I asked her.

"I'm fine." She said.

"Okay, so since work is improving. Why don't we have a dragon race?" I suggested, mainly because Astrid was acting weird and Dragon Racing always manage to calm her down and it brings out her competitive attitude. Everyone instantly got off from work and agreed before rushing off to their dragons.

"But we don't have any sheep?" Fishlegs suddenly remembered.

"We could use the boars that escaped from our boarpit last night. And the pit will be the basket." Tuffnut suggested.

"I guess that settles it." I said.

"You guys do know that we said to trick you into helping us catch the missing boars right?" Tuff asked.

"Yes, Tuffnut, we know." I answered. "Now ready your dragons and we'll meet near the pit." I instructed and they followed. Soon, there was no one left in the Clubhouse but me and Astrid.

"Astrid, are you sure you're okay? You seem to be a little on the edge." I said concernly. She was hiding something again, like the time with the Scourge.

"Hiccup, I'm fine. And I am on the edge. We both are." She said looking more relax than earlier. I sighed mounting on Toothless as she did the same with Stormfly.

"Very funny, Astrid. Just promise to tell me if anything goes wrong." With that, we left the Clubhouse to meet with the others.

◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇ ◇◇◇◇◇◇

"Ready! Set! Dragon Racing!" I yelled and we all speed out in the forest searching for boars to put in the pit. "Yeah! Woohoo!" I cheered as Toothless and I went full speed getting the lead, the others trailing behind us.

"Come on, Stormfly!" I heard Astrid said from behind. "There!" I turn around only to see them diving for the boar in the forest.

"Why are we just watching here?" Heather inquired. The gang had already formed an audience behind me.

"Because we don't wanna get in a fight between them. There's plenty of boars in the sea. I'm sure we'll have enough for each of us, maybe more." Tuffnut said gesturing to Astrid and Stormfly making their way for the target.

"If you put it that way." Heather responded.

I saw Snotlout made his way too. Stormfly grabbed the boar first but before they could fly away, Hookfang has gotten hold of it too.

"Quick, let's bet. Which side are you on?" Ruffnut asked. Astrid has most of the favor including mine. Almost no one will go on Snotlout's side until Ruffnut forced Tuffnut to do so since he was the last to decide with the reason it was a bet so we all can't go to one side only.

"Oh, this gonna be fun! I bet the boar will be cut into half once they played the tug of war." Tuffnut commented enjoying the sight.

"He's right. Both were competitive riders. No one will let go." Fishlegs said. "Or not." He added quickly when Astrid surprisingly let go of the boar. All of us were wide-eyed. Astrid will never let go of a competition so why did she?

"Oh! I win, you owe me guys my night-watch duty for three days!" He cheered. The gang and I didn't bother responding but we all agreed to do his night-watch duty for the said time. We were too busy processing what happened. After Astrid let go of the boar she just left immidiately with Stormfly.

"Are we gonna continue or not?" Tuffnut asked. We all nodded, this is the only fun excuse to catch the boars so we have to finish it until the final boar is thrown into the pit.


"Hiccup?" I asked not believing what I'm seeing.

"Hiccup?" I called again. It was clearly Hiccup looking at me, right? But there were two of them so it's not real, right? Because Hiccup wouldn't wear Heather's or Ruffnut's outfit nor he would have the same voice as them.

"Astrid are you okay?" Hiccup that was dress as Heather asked in a Heather tone. Okay Astrid, this is definitely not Hiccup. Not even with the hairstyle and that adorable sweet face. Am I hallucinating? Yes, I am. This is just my imagination.

I called Sneaky using a dragon call and wrote a letter to my mother. She must've known why am I feeling like this. Besides from being a warrior, my mother also trained with Gothi to know the basics but she got interested so she did both being a warrior and a student healer with full passion. She wasn't as good as Gothi, she's more on the herbal stuff and ways to heal battle scars or anything that relates to wounds or something.

Heather Hiccup and Ruffnut Hiccup tried glancing at my writing but I didn't let them. It's better to keep it to myself since it's nothing serious, besides this is not the right time. We were preparing for any surprise attacks. And how hard could it be to handle Hiccup or any Hiccups around?

The girls told me to go to the Clubhouse with them since I'm looking for Hiccup. I agreed but didn't allow them anywhere near me. I mean, Hiccup is cute to say the least and I love having him around me all the time but Heather and Ruffnut as Hiccup is a total no. It creeps me out. I like hanging out with the two but not with Hiccup faces. It's just plain creepy. If you were me you'd also be creeped out, right?

I thought bringing myself to the Clubhouse would calm me down but as I set foot there and mounted off Stormfly. The Hiccup-everywhere-itis ~ that's what I decided to call it for the mean time ~ has gotten a lot worse.


There was a Tuffnut Hiccup, Fishlegs Hiccup, and even worse than I thought. A Snotlout Hiccup. I keep my head glued to the floor because I cannot face all of them. I couldn't even believe that I'm saying this but please bring back Snotlout's real face. I thinks it's very inappropriate to see Hiccup's face in Snotlout's clothes and body. For the first time in Viking History, I actually have a reason to be annoyed at Hiccup. Well... Snotlout Hiccup in this face.

It's a good thing that the real Hiccup was there to help me keep my sanity. He asked me if I was okay and I said that I was until an idea came to him and go Dragon Racing. That would keep me distracted.

But I was wrong. When Stormfly grabbed the boar, Hookfang grasped it too with his claws. We were about to tug at the poor creature but when I saw Snotlout Hiccup, I changed my mind and let go of it. I can't take this anymore. I can handle Hiccup but when it comes to two of him, let alone six, I think I'll pass. So I did the only rational thing to do. Ran away with Stormfly.

When I calmed myself down a little in the hideout, Stormfly got hungry and we decided to get back with the others. Hopefully, I will be able to face them during dinner.

We flew to the Clubhouse with ease but when everyone's attention focused on me, that's the part where I'm starting to get creeped out. Six Hiccups eyeing me intently as I walk.

"Astrid!" I thought it was Hiccup that I heard but when I turned my head. It was only Heather Hiccup. This has gotten a lot worse whatever this is. I'm not only seeing them as Hiccup. I'm also hearing them as Hiccup. Earlier was a lot better. Now I can't identify them except for their clothes and body. I sat in the corner and massage my head closing my eyes. It wasn't aching or anything but creating soothing circles might help me. The headache earlier is better than this. My world has gone mad. The moment I opened my eyes the sight in front of me were six Hiccups. Not Heather, Fishlegs, Ruffnut, Tuffnut, and Snotlout Hiccups but they were all him. The clothes, the body built, the face and even the voice. I couldn't quite tell which who is who. Thank Thor that the dragons and Chicken look normal to me or else I don't know what I'd do.


"Please, get back and never mind me. Don't come close or I'll punch you. Hard." Astrid threatened. She was sitting in the corner with an unreadable look on her face. Being the stubborn viking I am, I refused to follow her warnings and walked towards her cautiously.

I kneeled right in front of her to reach her level since she refuse to look up. I search her face for some answers but I found nothing beaide from the shock and alertness she's showing. "You're Hiccup, right?" She asked finally having eye contact with me. I gave her a puzzled look but nodded nonetheless. "Of course, I am Hiccup." I said to her in a hushed tone. She caressed my face with her hand before punching me in the shoulder.

"What was that for?" I asked rubbing the spot. "I guess I'm not that use to it." I mumbled.

"Hiccup." She muttered before hugging me suddenly. "Please get me away from here. Please, one of you is enough for this world. I don't need another five." She whispered.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"Just do it please." She begged.

"Guys, can you eat at your own huts? I need a time alone with my girlfriend." I said to the gang without pulling away from Astrid's hold.

"Girlfriend?" A voice boomed through the walls of the Clubhouse. I turned around to find that the gang already left and a stern Asmundŕ Hofferson standing in the middle with his wife, Helka, alongside with my father, Stoick.

"Dad. What are you doing here with Astrid's parents?" I asked.

"Astrid wrote a letter to me and asked for my assistance. Both your fathers decided to come with me. What is it that we heard you say, Hiccup?" Helka Hofferson asked.

"Uh..." before I could answer we all heard a low growling sound.

"Sorry, I haven't eaten yet." Astrid said quietly probably embarassed.

"We'll deal with this later. Right now, I'll prepare food for my daughter. Take a seat gentlemen." Helka said before leaving. She must've bring the things she needed for cooking.

We all sat waiting in the Clubhouse. Astrid and I haven't spoken a word and neither did Asmundŕ nor my Dad. All I know is that after dinner, we might get ourselves in a situation harder than taming a Changewing.

First of all (belated) Mery Christmas and Happy New Year to all of you guys. Thank you for reading this book, for commenting, voting, following, and adding this to your reading lists. It really means a lot. If you got confused why Astrid got those hallucinations of Hiccups everywhere, it will be answered in the next chapter.

Also, guys, I'm planning to write a new story but it won't involve Astrid and Hiccup in it and it won't be a fanfiction. It's kind of in the teenfiction level and I was wondering whether I should put it here or create a new account for it. What do you think?

Third, I will be discontinuing Broken Voices because some of its plot will be added to a different story so sorry for those who started reading it already. I might post a one-shot of it in Hiccstrid Shorts though, for those who would like to see the whole point of the story.

Lastly, How to Tease Hiccstrid will be updated but I don't know when. If you have request in HTTH feel free to say it to me and I'll write. As for this story, Secret Revealed, I will update it as soon as I finish writing the chapter.

Thank you again and have a joyful start of the year 2017!

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