My New Family MB (Vampire/Fan...

By mystery_luvslestwins

55.7K 2.2K 209

When a young vampire,who goes by the name of, Bianca Crippen dad dies in a car accident, she's introduced to... More

My New Family MB (Vampire/Fanfic)
My Mom's My Birthday Present?
How did you get us to the bus so fast?
Dont tell ANYONE....or anything.
My Necklace
The Concert
Interfering With Fate
The Process
Resisting Temptation
Going Out
What the heck is wrong with me?
How are you still alive?
I'm Taking You Back
She's Hiding Something
Stay Away From My Family You Demon
What's Up, Thirst Trap?
The Prophecy Dream
Story Time and #SmackCamGoneWrong
Apologies and Mind Links
Don't Touch My Boys
I'm Only Fourteen
Jo Jo's Secret
Amber's Friend
I Can Fix It
Blame It On Your Brother
A Lot? Try Millions.
Wake Up


1.6K 61 0
By mystery_luvslestwins

"Final round. Go." Roc called.

Prodigy came at me and tried to kick me in my face. I moved out of the way and he kicked Ray instead. Ray staggered back a few steps but didn't fall out. I watched them share a look, a look that I didn't like. They stood there for a minute, looking at me, sizing me up. I watched them both, staying ready for anything they might do.

Prodigy came at me first. He got behind me so I turned around to face him. Then Ray was behind me. I turned to him. Then Prodigy grabbed me and slung me to the ground. They both grabbed my arms and legs and hurled me at the brick wall with all of their strength. I braced myself, curling into a ball, as I smashed into the wall. I landed on the floor and pretended to be knocked out. I thought of a plan to defeat them while they were rejoicing, thinking they had won the fight. As soon as I completed my plan in my head I acted on it.

I jumped up and they all had shocked faces. Prod and Ray instantly recovered and tried to attack me from different sides again. I grabbed the person behind me and flipped them over my shoulder. Then I picked him up and slung him at his partner. I dropped whoever I was holding and pulled them both up by their necks. Then I choked them out using half my super strength. I let them go and their bodies flopped to the ground and they woke up about three minutes later.

"And Bianca wins the challenge!" Roc announced enthusiastically.

I bowed like I had just finished a performance.

After all that had settled, I thought it would be a good time to start the next step of the process.

"So, this next part. You guys won't like it." I announced.

I went over to my bag and put my leather glove on. Then I grabbed the vervain plant and walked back over to them. "Who's brave enough to touch this seemingly harmless plant?"I asked.

"What do you mean by seemingly harmless?" Ray asked.

"Touch it and find out." I said.

He came toward me and placed his hand on the plant. He immediately snatched away, a small scream escaping his throat.

"What the f- y'all touch this!" He said to the others.

They touched it and they snatched their hands away crying out in pain.

"Your turn." Ray said to me.

I rolled my eyes and held the plant in my other hand. Yeah it burned and shriveled my skin and all, but I had grown accustomed to it in training. They watched me in awe wondering why I didn't react in pain. Then I reached in my pocket and got out the bottle of liquid vervain I kept for protection against other vampires. The burning started to get irritating so I switched the items do that the plant was in the gloves hand and the liquid was in the naked hand.

"This," I held up the bottle, "is the liquid version of this."I explained holding up the plant next.

"Sometimes hunters will try to inject this into your veins and it will knock you out momentarily unless you're all but immune to it. Sometimes humans lace it in their blood when they give donations to the hospital so it can only be used for surgery." I said.

"Hey, wait a minute. Isn't drinking blood banks wrong? It's used to save lives and stuff." Roc asked.

"I don't steal it. I make a trade. My blood for human blood. It's better than killing." I answered.

"Why would you give your blood?" Ray asked.

"Vampires' blood can heal people, in case you haven't noticed yet." I answered.

"So how do you manage the taste of vervain and blood together?" Roc asked.

"Simple. You inject yourself with it and drink it until you're used to it. It will take less time than you think." I answered.

"I'm sorry. Did you just say we were going to drink that? And inject it in our veins?" Prod asked.

I nodded and went over to my bag. I got some needles and some cups. Then I passed the stuff out so that everyone had a needle and a cup. I distributed drops of vervain evenly and they looked around at each other nervously.

"Okay, everyone grab their needle and suck some vervain half way to the first line." I ordered, demonstrating as I did so.

They obeyed and put some vervain in the needle.

"Now drink the remaining drops in the cup." I said.

That's when they got nervous.

"Come on we'll do it together." I offered holding my cup up.

They held theirs up and I counted to three and we drank at the same time. While my pain left as soon as it came, they choked and started coughing. They had a coughing fit for 5 minutes straight and then I realised they were over exaggerating. So I just sat there staring blankly at them until they stopped.

"Okay now stretch your arm out and find your vein." I said. "Once you find it, inject the vervain and see what happens. I injected myself and only felt the tiniest headache.

Assuming their outcome would turn out like mine, they injected themselves and fell flat to the floor. I couldn't help but laugh. Then I stood there and waited for them to wake up. When they did, they were confused about what happened. I laughed, remembering how I reacted to my first vervain injection.

"Lunch anyone?" I asked them.

They cheered and got super excited.

I went to my bag and passed out blood banks to everyone. I decided to not enjoy the feed then because they had that look as if that was what they were expecting. We all drank our blood and put the empty banks back in the bag.

Then a quick movement in the corner of the cellar caught my eye. When I turned to look at it, the next thing I saw was a blade fly into my stomach.

A/N: Sorry I took forever to make this one chapter, but stay on the look out for a surprise!!!

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