direct messages | gmw

By riarklerrs

85.5K 3.1K 854

[ COMPLETED ⚡️🌱 ] ; a texting story in which riley, maya, lucas, farkle, smackle and zay meet through Instag... More

one | random human beings
two | 'folks!'
three | smackle's backstory
four | their selfies
five | farkle likes smackle?
six | lucas's brief backstory
seven | their introductions
eight | farkle likes who now?
nine | farkle's backstory
ten | who's jealous?
eleven | lucas and maya?
twelve | josh
thirteen | where did riley go?
fourteen | lucas realizes
sixteen | the breakup
seventeen | riley and maya's chat
eighteen | THEIR MEET UP #1
nineteen | THEIR MEETUP #2
twenty | THEIR MEETUP #3
twenty-one | THEIR MEETUP #4
twenty-two | THEIR MEETUP #5
twenty-three | THEIR MEETUP #6
twenty-four | THEIR MEETUP #7
twenty-five | THEIR MEETUP #8
author's note ✨ - gmw cancellation
twenty-six | instagram posts
twenty-seven | riarkle
twenty-eight | zayadora... and maya?
twenty-nine | smackle's feelings
thirty | zayadora is real... what about lucaya?
thirty-one | the talks
thirty-two | his backstory
thirty-three | riley's backstory
thirty-four | maya
thirty-five | the reconcillation
thirty-six | found again
thirty-seven | updates
thirty-eight | smackle's new friends
thirty-nine | the 605s
fourty | the new girl
fourty-one | who's the angsty man?
fourty-two | 'you're a disgusting creature!'
fourty-three | smackle's reaction
fourty-four | the girl at his window
fourty-five | cory and topanga
fourty-six | betrayed(?)
fourty-seven | we find out who the blonde girl is
fourty-eight | london at midnight
fourty-nine | the theory
fifty | the fake outfit
fifty-one | the unexpected voices
fifty-two | blood
fifty-three | ally
fifty-four | the scream
fifty-five | the group hug
fifty-six | SIGNING OFF
author's note - new oneshot book!!!
author's note 💥 - 20/7/17, an iconic day
author's note 💥 - 20/7/17, an iconic day pt. 2
author's note 💐 - corey's birthday project!!

fifteen | riarkle's first "i love you"

1.8K 72 15
By riarklerrs

texasboi has started a DM with imbatman.

texasboi: hey, Farkle.

imbatman: hi.

texasboi: you like Riley.

imbatman: what? no.

texasboi: yes, you do.

imbatman: no I don't! why would you even think that!

texasboi: you got so upset after she left the chat in the middle of the night. when I thought about it, I would be disappointed if someone I liked ignored me. I would get mad at her.

texasboi: so. you obviously like Riley.

imbatman: I... no...

imbatman: fine! I do. so what? I'm with Smackle and she would be heartbroken if I left her. anyway, Riley probably likes you.

texasboi: HA I knew it! oh wait... what?? Riley doesn't like me!

imbatman: I'm sure she does. the way she talks to you in the group chat even if you don't reply to her! anyway, she definitely does

texasboi: whatever it is, I don't like her. but YOU do. tell her, you can't keep hiding it forever. think about Smackle's feelings.

imbatman: yea... I'm very confused :(

texasboi: I hope you do the right thing.

geniusisadora has started a chat with imbatman.

geniusisadora: what's up, Farkle

imbatman: not much haha

geniusisadora: sooo why'd you leave the group?

imbatman: didn't feel like staying there anymore lol

geniusisadora: you like Riley, don't you?

imbatman: you knew? how?

geniusisadora: you didn't like it when she was unenthusiastic when we announced our relationship. you left the group and got mad when she left you. even an idiot would've guessed.

imbatman: I'm sorry, Smackle...

geniusisadora: it's alright :-) anyway... I recently met this guy and he's kinda cute...

geniusisadora: shit. did I just say that to someone I just "broke up" with?

imbatman: yes, Smackle. you did 😏

geniusisadora: oops...?

imbatman: anyway, we're good?

geniusisadora: yep ;-) good luck with Riley ☺️

imbatman: and good luck to you and cute guy ;)
in school, in New York

I met Cody in school. He was a new kid. And I'm shameless enough to admit that the moment I saw him and his blue sparkling eyes, I melted inside. Mrs Durmas had assigned me to be his 'buddy' for today and so I had to give him a tour around the school. I can't believe I'm saying this but... I was so grateful for my discipline mistress at that time. Cody and I... kinda got to know each other as we walked around and I had an amazing time.

Maybe he was just a distraction from Farkle... maybe I really liked him. But I know I can't have anymore feelings for Farkle.
at home, in New York

Two people know of this. I like Riley. I can't keep ignoring her all my life, right? She probably had a good reason for leaving, right?

My finger hovered over the "Unblock" button. I need to give her a chance. I pressed the button, and her messages started popping up in my Notification Center.

catsarepurple: Farkle, I don't know if you'll ever read this... but I just wanted to say that you should forgive and forget. go and give your mum a chance to make up for what she did!

catsarepurple: she came back so that she could show how sorry she was for what she did. and for you, by holding on to the hatred, you'll only make yourself miserable. you'll definitely have doubts about her coming back after what happened years ago. but you should learn to let go and trust again. I know she's already left, but you can still get her to come back.

catsarepurple: and... I'm sorry. I shouldn't have left in the middle of our conversation. I had to go run some errands. I'm really sorry, will you forgive me? ☹️


catsarepurple: if you don't I will not be your friend :'(


As I read her messages, tears threatened to spill out and roll down like rivulets. I was wrong about her. She was freaking cute, she definitely cared about me, and that was all I needed to know.

imbatman: hmm... lemme think about it....

catsarepurple: OMG Farkle! you've unblocked me!!!! I am so so so so happy AND SO SO SO SO GLAD YOURE BACKKKKK!!!!!!

imbatman: how can I not forgive such a smol bean like you


imbatman: anyway, thank you for your advice. I'll go find my mum and get her back. I love you too ❤️

Woah. Did I just? Did she just...

at home, in New York

"I love you"??? Did I just say that?? He probably thinks I'm trying to rush into a relationship now!! Shit.

But he said it back, too. Did he mean it... as a friend? Or... more?

author's note
probably one of my longest chapters here LMAo anyway thank you for 400 views!! it means so much to me ❤️

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