Team Crafted's New Member (Te...

By ToxicDJ

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Meet DJ. She's a 17-year-old girl who lives with Mitch who is also known as the BajanCanadian in Team Crafted... More

Chapter 1 - Mitch and his Minecraft
Chapter 2 - Skateboards and Songs
Chapter 3 - Surprises
Chapter 4 - Day at the Races
Chapter 5 - Party Time!
Chapter 6 - Fighting
Chapter 7 - The Hunger Games
Chapter 8 - Recordings
Chapter 9 - Editing and Youtube
Chapter 10 - He asked me...
Chapter 11 - Betting and Vlogs
Chapter 12 - New Friend Alert
Chapter 13 - Secrets Spilled
Chapter 14 - Skateboarding
Chapter 15 - Captured
Chapter 16 -Tortured
Chapter 18 - Hospital Trip
Chapter 19 - Thee Results
Chapter 20 - First Kiss
Chapter 20 - Livestreaming
Chapter 22 - Birthday Planning
Chapter 23 - First Date
Chapter 24 - DJ's Birthday
Chapter 25 - Heart Break
Chapter 26 - Set Things Right
Chapter 27 - Too Late?
Chapter 28 - Forgotten
Chapter 29 - Bowling
Chapter 30 - Minecon
Chapter 31 - Minecon: Day 2
Chapter 32 - Minecon Singing
Chapter 33 - Home Again
Chapter 34 - DJing and Happy Faces
Chapter 35 - Rage
Chapter 36 - Vlogs and Video
Chapter 37 - SPRING BREAK?
Chapter 38 - Summer Party!
Chapter 39 - Summer Partay!
Chapter 40 - Final Chapter

Chapter 17 - Critical

4.1K 118 67
By ToxicDJ


We turned around to find Ben pointing something at DJ's head. A gun. One with a 0.78 mil bullet intake to be exact. Small but deadly. I should know having been in the militery.

'Let her go. I'm gonna put her back in her chair again,' Ben said.

I knew he would pulled the trigger. I nodded towards Ty and Adam and they placed her back in the chair. Ben got out some more rope and tied her to the chair again but loosly. This can't be good. DJ was losing way too much blood and she hung her head, the drops of blood landing on the floor. Then, Ben locked the door and called out.

'I have them here. Time to do your work,' and on cue, four guys in black suits came up behind us and held our arms behind our back meaning we couldn't run. 

They shoved us onto four chairs that faced DJ. Ben still pointed the gun at DJ, Ty began sobbing and I looked at him and mouthed, 'this is the plan, it's going to be fine,' and he nodded once. Ben got the knife again and ran it lightly along DJ's arm again. She screamed and cried. This was hell for all of us. A small stream of blood came out and she looked at us.

'I'm.....s...orry.' She said with a dry throat.

'I can't hurt you four. Gotta have something to play with if DJ gives up,' he laughs insanly. 

I let one tear roll down my face as I looked at DJ, he head was hanging limp as she was slumped in her chair.

'Don't give up fighting DJ! You aren't gonna die on me. DJ isn't a quitter. Don't die!' Ty shouted at her.

She looked up and smiled. Her eyes were dull and lifeless, her smile weak. She was trying to fight. That's the DJ I know. Ben chuckled to himself.

'If only you had gone out with me we wouldn't be here,' He said to her.

Ty was crying next to me, Adam was looking away as he couldn't bear to see his friend like that and Jerome was sobbing sliently. DJ hung her head, her breath drawn and painful. Her hands slipped out the weak rope and she fell to the floor, half on the concrete the other in her blood.  I heard Ty say something but I didn't catch it. Then DJ went almost completely limp.

'Don't go to sleep, DJ. Stay awake!' I begged her.

'Ju...just...fiv..iv mi...minu..minutes,' she managed to say as she went limp.

'NOOOOOOO!' Ty screamed as she stopped moving.

'Stop this. You are gonna kill her!' Adam shrieked.

Ben shrugged, 'She's lost the fight. No more DJ.' A few minutes passed and DJ still hadn't moved. She was covered in blood but she looked like she was asleep. I began to fear the worst. Ty was bawling and begging for her to wake up. Then, her finger twitched. I stared at her and whispered, 'she twitched. Look.' To Ty. We stared at her and sure enough her hands clentched and unclentched as she regained control of her body. Her head slowly lifted up. Ben twirled around to find her moving.

'You are supposed to be DEAD!' Ben screamed at her.

'I...I don't...give up...a...f..fight,' She said in whisper.

'Let us go! Stop this madness now!' Jerome called out to him

'She knows what she has to do. It's up to her.' Ben said.

DJ tryed to get up but kept failing. Ben walked up to us and stared. He stepped backwards as DJ managed to get to her feet. She used the chair as support because her legs were weak. 

'Time's up DJ. Last chance. Do you let them live, or be the reason of their downfall?' Ben said.

Trying to prove she was strong, DJ let go of the chair and stumbled a few step forward. ' I wil...will never...go..out...w...with you,' She said slowly.

'Your choice,' He pointed the gun at Ty. DJ gasped and I was Ben's hand tense. He was ready to pull the trigger. Ty braced himself but DJ used up the last of her energy to run (kinda) to Ty and stand infront of him as the sound of the gun went off. Almost straight after, DJ landed in a pile on teh floor, clutching her shoulder. That was it. I grabbed byrope and untied it. Then I grabbed the belt of one of the guards and pulled out his gun. I shot at the guard who was behind me and he fell to the ground, dead. I shot at the others but I missed and they ran away. 

'NO! COME BACK HERE!' Ben shouted as the guards left. I cut my friends free and Ty and Jerome  looked after DJ. Adam and I turned to Ben and I shot a single bullet which went into his leg. He screamed and collapsed to the floor, unable to move. We turned back to DJ. Ty had her head cradled on his lap. She had a wound down her face (from the top of the right side forehead downwards, missing her eye but reaching just under it until the chin), one on her arm and other wounds as well as a faint shot through her left shoulder. Thankfully it wasn't fatal and the bullet didn't go in that far. Good thing Ben was standing far away enough to not be deadly. 

'DJ? It's gonna be alright. I promise,' Ty said. 

She opened her free eye (the other eye was kinda glued shut by her hair and blood) and looked at us. Her eyes were a dark grey rather than her usual pale grey.

'Di...did goo..d bigg..biggums?' DJ smiled faintly.

'Yes you did.' Ty answered.

'Did...I wi..n the Hun..ger G...Games?' She joked.

'You sure did, biggums.' Jerome smiled faintly through his tears.

'Come on. We gotta get her outside to the ambulance,' I say. 

Ty picked DJ up, her blood on his clothes and hands. 

'I'm so tired...' DJ said.

'Try and stay awake. Don't close your eyes alright?' I say softly to her.

'I can't....' DJ shut her eyes and went limp. We went outside to find police, amublances and other people with guns standing outside, as well as Team Crafted.

The second we came out, everyone ran up to us. They either had tears down their faces, had cried or were about to. 

'Dear God, what the hell happened!?' Mitch said, crying.

'DJ got cut and shot in the shoulder. We need to get her to hospital now.' I say.

We walked to an ambulance where the paramedics began checking her and hooked her up to a machine. 

'Who's going with her? Only three of you can come but you are more than welcome to ride in the other van and meet her at the hospital.' A lady said.

'Ty, Mitch and Jerome can go.' Everyone agreed.

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