I've Got What I Wanted

By Phoenix-54

781K 9.5K 1.1K

Sequel to I Want Mr Baker! After hiding their relationship for a year, Riley Spence and Caleb Baker finally h... More

I've Got What I Wanted. Part 1
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 2
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 3
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 4
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 5
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 6
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 7
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 8
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 9
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 10
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 11
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 12
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 14
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 15
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 16
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 17
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 18
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 19
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 20
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 21
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 22
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 23
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 24
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 25
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 26
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 27
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 28
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 29
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 30
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 31
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 32
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 33
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 34
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 35
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 36
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 37
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 38
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 39
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 40
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 41
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 42
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 43
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 44
I've Got What I Wanted. Epilouge
IGWIW Valentine's Special Chapter

I've Got What I Wanted. Part 13

18.2K 191 21
By Phoenix-54

Hey ma peeps :) That was me trying to be gangsta ;) Sorry for the lateness, but here it is anyway :) So, you'll never guess? Things start to kick of in the next chapter. Some of you may have an idea of part of what's going to happen, but none of you should expect what's going to happen :P But yeah, I hope you like it :)
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“Did I ever say how much I love Saturday’s?” Caleb said with a smirk. I laughed, tangling his soft hair between my fingers.

“You’re just saying that because it’s your birthday.” He laughed and shrugged.

“Yeah well it’s nice having a lie in on my birthday. It’s been a while,” I rolled my eyes at him. But I was nervous that he wouldn’t like his present. “So are you cooking breakfast or am I?” I groaned moving under him slightly.

“I can’t be bother getting up.” He smirked, brushed some hair out of my face.

“That’s alright, because I’m happy here.” He lowered his head, pressing his lips to mine. “By the way I said we’d go over to Lucas’ for dinner. But we can go out to lunch if you want. I know you wanted to go out to dinner, but he’s at the doctors with Lucy so I said we'd do dinner." He moved away and looked at me. "Is that okay?" I smiled and nodded. 

"You know that's okay," he laughed creating wrinkles around his eyes. "Is everything okay with Lucy though?" I asked worriedly. 

"Yeah she’s fine. She had a nasty cough for a few days, so it's just to see if everything is okay. But I did promise her I'd bring her some ice-cream." I laughed, pushing myself up. 

"What you mean to say, is that we need to go to the supermarket." He chuckled and nodded. 

"Basically yeah. But you'll go with me won't you?" He pulled his shirt that I was wearing up. "You wouldn't make me break my promise to my little niece would you?" He lowered his head and placed small kisses along my stomach. 

"You know you didn't need to guilt trip me into it. I wasn't going to say no anyway." He chuckled making my stomach tickle slightly. "So..." I slid out of bed away from him, my shirt falling to mid thigh. "You just wasted some of you energy." As I turned around he pushed himself up. I was about to walk away when I felt his hands on my hips. He pulled me back making me stumble onto the bed. 

"We it's a good thing I have energy for this then isn't it." He said before poking me in the ribs. 

"No don't," I was meant to say. But it was probably masked by my laughing. He moved so his knees were either side of me, to stop me from moving away from him. "Go away," I tried pushing his chest, but he didn't move. I was laughing so hard that my sides were beginning to hurt. "You do know where my leg is," I controlled my laughter. He stopped and looked at me, narrowing his eyes. 

“You wouldn’t dare,” I smirked and raised my leg slightly.

“Do you want to try that?” He groaned and sat back on my legs. “Yeah I didn’t think so,” he laughed as I grabbed a pillow. I placed it under my head, while he watched me. “What?” He smiled and tweaked my nose.

“I’m just thinking how cute you are.” I turned my head as the warmth crept up my cheeks. He chuckled and rubbed my sides. I felt the bed move, then his warm fingers on my jaw. He forced me to turn my head, and I saw he was hovering above me. “Don’t worry, I love it.” He smiled before pressing his lips to mine. I smiled, placing my hands on his waist. I felt the warmth from his skin on my cold hands. He slid his hands up to my hair, tangling his fingers tightly in it. “We should just stay here all day.” He said moving his lips to my neck. “It’s so much better than anything else.” I laughed, running my fingers across his abs.

“I’d like to go out though,” I pushed him off of me. I rolled over, throwing my leg to the other side. I smiled as he looked a bit shocked. “Do you not want to go out with me?” I said pouting. I leant forward and kissed his throat. “I might decide to keep your birthday present.” I felt him chuckle against my lips.

“I don’t need any presents as long as I have you.” I pulled away and looked at him.

“What a line,” I said with a laugh.

“I thought it would be cheesy enough for you.” I rolled my eyes at him, but had to smile. I was about to press my lips to his, when my phone vibrated against the table. I sighed and hung my head. I stretched over Caleb and grabbed my phone. He rubbed my back as I looked at my phone. I hit decline and put it back on the table. “Who was that?” I glanced back at Caleb and smiled.

“Adam,” he nodded but tensed slightly.

“So he’s still calling and texting you them.” I smiled and nodded. I rolled off of him and sat up. “And he just ruined my fun time.” I laughed as he sat up. “If he’s pissing you off, I can always go any show him where to go.” I looked at him and smiled.

“It’s alright don’t worry. I just can’t be assed with it all.” I stood up and walked over to the wardrobe.

“Yeah I know,” I grabbed a pair of sweats from the wardrobe. “But let’s not talk about it today. Or any day to be honest.” I laughed and turned to face him.

“That’s fine by me.” I pulled on the sweats and walked over to him. “Can you make your pancakes please? You haven’t made them in a while.” He smiled placing his hands on my waist.

“Any one would think it’s your birthday.” He stood up, towering above me.

“Please?” I rubbed his chest with a smile. He chuckled before kissing my forehead.

“Only because it’s you and I love you.” Yes, I love his pancakes. “And you’ll probably not marry me if I didn’t make you them.” I laughed and pulled away from his.

“You know I’m still not used to hearing that.” I turned around and we headed downstairs.

“I know,” he said with a slight chuckle. “Every time someone says something about it, or even when I think about it, it just makes me smile. It’s just really hard to get your head around.”

“Just imagine when we actually do get married.” I said walking into the kitchen.

“It’ll be strange and something to get used to. But, and here comes a cheesy line, it’s going to be the best moment of my life.” Aw, he really is so cute. I really don’t know what I’d do without him.

“Will it be better than this?” I took the tickets and shirt out of my bag. It was the only place I knew he wouldn’t come across it. I set the envelop on top of the wrapped shirt and handed them to him. “Happy Birthday you old man,” I said kissing his cheek.

“Since when did I become an old man?” I smiled and leant against the table. “You know you didn’t have to though.” I laughed and signalled him to open the present. I looked on as he ripped the paper off of his plaid shirt. He smiled as he held up the shirt, scrunching the paper up in his right hand. “Is this because you stole my other one?” I laughed and nodded. “Thanks I love it,” he walked in front of me and gave me a quick kiss.

“Hopefully you’ll like the other one better.” He set the shirt down beside me and opened the envelop. His eyes widened as he read them.

“You’re kidding me?” He said looking up at me. I smiled and shook my head.

“I still have loads of money left from working some shifts for my mum, and I get some money from her and my grandparents sometimes. So I thought I’d get you something amazing this time. So you should see if Jim wants to go.” He furrowed his eyebrows setting the tickets on the table.

“Do you not want to go? I’d rather you go if I’m honest.” I laughed and shrugged.

“I’m not really that into Coldplay.” I lied hoping he would ask Jim. He should spend some time with his best friend. And if that means he takes him to Coldplay, then that’s good in my eyes.

“You’re not very good at lying.” He smirked at me. “I know you love Coldplay. You’ve got all their albums and you pre-ordered their latest one like two weeks in advance.” I gave out a slightly embarrassed laugh that he remembered that. “So, will you go with me? If you say no you’ll break my heart,” he said wrapping his arms around my shoulders.

“Are you going to guilt trip me every time you want something?” He laughed and shrugged.

“Please I really want you to go,” he pouted at me making me smile. He’s so adorable. I reached up and kissed his pouting lips.

“Only if you stop guilt tripping me.” I smiled as he grinned at me.

“Great, now let’s get some pancakes then.” He gave me a quick kiss before going back to the cooker.

“Should you not put a shirt on so you don’t burn yourself?”

“Nah I’ll be alright. You know how much of an amazing cook I am anyway.” I laughed sarcastically while I started getting plates and stuff out.

“I never knew I was going out with an old man with such a big ego.” He chuckled, glancing at me.

“If you hated it, you wouldn’t have agreed to marry me.” I smiled and shook my head slightly. I wonder how many times I’m going to need to hear that, before it finally sinks in?


“That was great. Thanks Amanda,” Caleb said as Amanda cleared the table.

“No problem, I’m glad you enjoyed it.” She smiled before leaving the room. “If you go into the living room I’ll bring in the coffee.” She shouted from the kitchen.

“It’s best to do what she says.” Lucas stood up and we followed. “So how are things then? No more accusations I should know about.” He had to bring up Stephanie didn’t he?

“No everything is fine. She’s kept her distance so far which is a good thing.” As we walked into the living room, I saw Lucy playing on her own. Not really wanting to talk about Stephanie, I walked over to Lucy.

“Hey Lucy,” she looked up at me and smiled. “Do you want some company?” Sh-e grinned and nodded. Aw she’s so adorable.

~~~Caleb’s POV~~~

“What happened with Richard?” Lucas asked as we sat down. Richard is Dr Burns, the deputy head that had the meeting with Stephanie. As I sat down, I realised Ri had gone to play with Lucy.

“Not a lot really. He just said how serious the situation was. And then Stephanie just said that she didn’t say that, people just didn’t understand her.” I sat back in my seat, crossing one leg over the other.

“Do you believe that’s what actually happened?” I laughed shaking my head.

“Not really. I mean I thought I had it under control and she would realise that I’m never going to be anything more than Riley’s boyfriend. But I’m just going to keep my distance. And I know you’ve already said that,” I interrupted him when I saw he wanted to say something.

“What does Riley think about it all? It must be hard having her half sister crushing on you?” I let out a breath and looked over at her. I smiled when I saw her doing Lucy’s hair.

“I don’t talk about it anymore. She’s stressed enough already.” I looked away from my fiancée and to my Uncle. Fiancée. I love it when I say that. “She’s got exams soon, then there’s her dad and Adam. She doesn’t need to hear about Stephanie.” He smiled slightly and nodded.

“How’s everything with her dad?” I nodded, running a hand through my hair.

“Good, she’s getting more comfortable with him. He’s actually quite a nice guy. But yeah, she’s happy.” He smiled and nodded.

“How come she’s got a different name form her dad and her mum?”

“Yeah that confused me at the start,” I said with a laugh. “When they got divorced Sam changed her name back to her maiden name. Then Johnny changed it when he turned sixteen. Riley just hasn’t done it. And then her dad changed his last name to his new wife’s maiden name. She’s an only child so wanted to carry on the name, so he changed his so the whole family has her name.” He nodded in understanding. We heard laughing from the conservatory. I turned my head and smiled at Riley. She was tickling Lucy on the floor. To be a little honest, I would love it if that was our kid.

“She’s amazing with Lucy.” My smile widened as I nodded.

“I know,” I looked back at him.

“Have you guys talked about having kids yet?” I knew he was going to ask that at some stage. And if Ri was here, she would be blushing like mad.

“Sort of, but it was just a passing conversation really. I would love to have some kids. It’s weird because most my friends have settled down and have kids. Even Jim’s getting married in two weeks. But she’s just gone to University. It’s just not the right time.” He nodded as Amanda came back into the room. She smiled as she set the coffees down on the table.

“Lucy, it’s time to get ready for bed.” A few moments later Riley and Lucy came back into the room. “Right let’s go.”

“Bye kiddo,” I said giving Lucy a hug. She ran out of the room after her mum. “Everything okay?” I asked as Riley sat beside me.

“Yeah, she’s so cute.” I laughed and laced my fingers with hers.

“That’s the Baker gene I’m always telling you about.” She rolled her eyes making me laugh. “It is the Baker gene isn’t it Lucas?” I said looking at him.

“Absolutely,” he said with a smile. “I mean just look at me,” I laughed shaking my head. “Here I was meant to ask you actually.” He said sitting forward. “Do you remember last year we took the fifth years to a talk about Universities?”

“Yeah, I managed to dodge that.” Lucas smirked and nodded.

“Well I need you to go this time. There’s one down inLondonso I need three or four teachers to stay over night with them.” I groaned slumping in my chair slightly. “Please I’m desperate,” I sighed not happy.

“When? And that’s not a yes,” he smiled and nodded.

“Next month,” I let out a breath and nodded.

“Fine but you owe me big time for this.” He chuckled and stood up.

“I’ll let you off the next meeting. I’m away to check up on them. I’ll be down in a minute.” I nodded as he left the room.

“Flip, is it okay that I go.” I realised I didn’t talk to Riley about it.

“Yeah it’s fine,” she said stroking the back of my hand. “It’ll give me some peace from you.” I moved closer to her, kissing her neck.

“You don’t mean that,” I whispered kissing behind her ear.

“Caleb, Lucas and Amanda are upstairs.” She said breathlessly. I smiled against her neck. I gave her a quick kiss before puling away. “I hate when you do that.” I chuckled, playing with the bottom of her hair.

“You know you love it,” she shook her head at me. “Are you sure you’re okay?” I asked again. “You’ve been a bit quiet tonight.” She smiled and nodded.

“Yeah I’m just a bit tired.” I gave her a small smile, running the back of my fingers along her neck.

“Do you want to go home?” She shook her head adamantly.

“No it’s fine honestly. But tomorrow I’m staying in bed all day.” I laughed and nodded.

“That’s fine by me. What’s better that staying in bed all day with you?” I smiled as I saw her cheeks gradually turn pink. He leaned over and kissed her warm cheeks.

“I swear if you get anymore cheesy, I won’t be able to stand it.” I chuckled loudly as Lucas and Amanda walked back into the room.

“Seems like we’ve missed the fun.” I smiled at Lucas and shook my head.

“You didn’t miss much.” He laughed and sat down on the sofa.

Even though the conversation had ended, I still kept thinking about Riley and Lucy. I never realised I really wanted a kid before. Sure I know I’ve wanted one. But I didn’t know my desire to have children would be this strong. But I won’t tell Riley in case I scare her. If it was between having her or having children, I would choose her every single time.


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