Wish Granted

By AwkwardShyGirl007

748 78 28

Kimberly is a young girl clinging onto life. By a freak accident she finds something that gives her reason to... More

Dancing in the Dark
The Murderers Platform
Cereal Killer
Dont Hurt
Hand Cuffs
Who's at the Door?
The Uncle Foster Pub
Return of the Koala
The Hand Bruise
Bull Rider
Sleeping Beauty
Remember Me
Too Much Shenanigans
Back to the Pub
Food With Dude
She's Better Than You!
On the hunt.


20 2 0
By AwkwardShyGirl007

My head throbs with such a force that I'm afraid it will explode. This is my first hangover. Now I wish I never had any of those drinks.
"I'm never drinking again." I groaned to Phoenix who sat next to me drawing lazy circles on my back with his left hand. His hand slow to a stops before sliding off my side. He mumbles something that I don't quite catch and I look up at him. Did he seriously just... no.... maybe?

I wave my hand in his face. no response. I blow air at him. no response. My goodness, he's really fallen asleep sitting up. I look at his furrowed eyebrows and gently lay him down on the bed. he didn't even stir. Quickly I pick up his legs and somehow lodge them back onto the bed. his legs are so damn heavy. the quilt now over us both I lay myself on top of him. The gently beat of his heart tuning itself against my ear. I run a hand up and down his chest lightly, smiling when Goosebumps raise behind my trail. I trace the gentle outline of his abs and almost jump out of my skin when he catches my wrist gently.
"You shouldn't start turning me on until at least seven Kimmy." his whispers in a low raspy voice. his eyes open slightly and he lifts my hands up to kiss my palms.

"Sorry." I try to bury my face into the crook of his neck in shame but he puts a hand on my cheek and gently kisses me. I kiss back enjoying the calm of it. He smiles lightly when he pulls back.
"I wasn't saying to stop. Just that it might not be what you want, and I don't want to force you into anything." I blush when I realise what he's implying.
"maybe some day." I conclude sleepily

The door swings open and slams violently into the wall as it lets in an extatic looking Johnny runs in. i groan and faceplant onto Phoenix's chest.
"You. Me. Kim. go-karting. get up, get changed, meet Emily at the car in ten minutes." he babbles before running back outside and slamming the door again. Phoenix sits up gently and i slide off his chest and onto his lap.
"but i dont want to get up..." i groan loudly. Phoenix stands up and i cling onto his leg. he stands up and walks to his closet carrying me on his leg like im a feather.
"here babe." he hands me some of his maroon track pants and slips off my top before replacing it with a black tank top. i slide on the trackies as he's changing and i tie my hair up in a tight ponytail. My mouth still tastes like alcohol and i have to brush my teeth twice.

Phoenix walks in lazily behind me and wraps his strong arms around my waist. I spit out the toothpaste and wash my brush as Phoenix nuzzles his head into my neck leaving soft kisses.
"Kim, baby, we're holding them up."
"sorry." i mumble sleepily and pull out of his hold to pick up my black combat boots. Phoenix squats down infront of me and i flop down on his back. He carries me, piggyback style, to the car. When the car door flings open i am surprised to see a girl flying out at us.
"Phoenix! you took forever. Wheres Kimberly?" the blonde girl looks around making her blonde hair bounce around. who is this chick and why does she know me.

"Emily, chill out. Shes here." He turns slightly forcing me to face the girl. she adjusts her large frame glasses and smiles widely.
"Hi! Im Emily, its nice to meet you." She smiles largely and i raise an eyebrow.
"I'm Kimberly.. but you already knew that?" i say uncertainly.

"Oops! Silly me, sorry, Im Johnny's girlfriend. He told me about you." i turn to Johnny who is looking sheepishly at me. I roll my eyes at him then look back to Phoenix, he turns to me only inches from my face. Caught off guard by our proximity he gulps and smiles shyly.
"S-So are we going?" Phoenix asks and Emily claps her hands.
"Yes! Get in."
Phoenix opens the back door of Johnnys truck and sits in it with me still behind him.
"Phoenix! get off me!" i grumble and wiggle my way over his shoulder until im no longer on his back. when i turn to Phoenix he is already looking at me and shrugging his shoulders. i scowl.
"Do you really want to poke an angry hungover girl right now? That seem like a good idea to you?"
"Teach him a lesson guurl." Johnny mocks a girls voice. Emily turns to him and smacks him up the side of the head before giving him a quick kiss on the cheek.
"Shush babe, we have to get going." she raises her eyebrows and he nods.
"True. Buckle up, we're going."

Just another quick filler chapter, just needed it to built up to the next part.

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