(WWE) My Love or My Dream?

By _RomanLove

147K 3.1K 416

all Christie ever wanted was to be divas champion. But what happens when sparks begin flying outside the ring... More

My Love or My Dream? (WWE love story)
The real reason, & the promise.
First Encounter?
Sparks Flying
Confession...of love
Unexpected Guests Pt.1
Its Official
I Knew All Along
I Never Stopped Loving You
Losing Focus
Everything is falling apart pt.1
Everything is falling apart pt.2
Shock and the big surprise
#1 Contenders Match
Road to survivor series
Closure? Or not..
The first step
New Approach
The Fallout
Pt. 2
This is what's best
Getting used to this
Bad Night
Survivor Series
Putting It All On The Line
Quality Time
Practice & Planning
Preparaing & Compromising
Smackdown Showdown
Suspicions From N. Carolina
Emotions Running Wild
Emotions Running Wild (Part2)
Moving Forward
Future talk
Family Bonding
2 months Later
Love birds, wedding bells
Money In The Bank Weekend
Money In The Bank; Continued
Big steps & Baby steps
Drastic Desicions
Tough Decisions
Vegas; & Preparations
Night of Champions
Secrets & Suspicions
Final Chapter!!

Jeff's Voice

1.9K 46 4
By _RomanLove

No P.O.V

Seth: What! Christie really said that to you? I don't believe that

Roman: She did..then walked out on me. I think it's over...I don't know what is going on.

Suddenly Roman's phone rings and he answers it putting it on speaker.

'Hey Jeff.'

-Hey just letting you know I landed and I'll meet up with you guys tomorrow. Where is this happening?

"That's great and the small lunch parlor. We got a whole private area"

-That's great! ill see you all tomorrow then

Roman: *hangs up*

Dean: looks like we are figuring this all out tomorrow, so why don't we get some sleep.

Seth: Before we go I have a question for you ...Do you still love her?

Roman paused and sighed heavily.


-Lets go to Christie-

"I can't believe this! I went off on him and we are already back to fighting. My dream is just 2 weeks away and the closer I get. the further Roman goes.... i really can't have both? Why me? Phil and I never fought this much....Maybe Roman & I need...

*The Next Day*

The guys meet with jeff and go to their private spot.

Jeff: Hello Dean, Seth nice to finally meet you two. So what's going on that was so urgent? I'm ready to hear.

Roman: I don't know what to do, Christie just can't get over Phil and her past with him. It affects our relationship really bad and I just don't know what it is. You've been watching. The storyline is exactly what Phil wants. They had closure and she is ended up making out with him. I told her it needs to be only us so once she gets over Phil she should come find me, and it was just yesterday I finally accepted her apology. I was kinda listening to Dean more than Seth."

Jeff: First problem. You let them decide for you. You said it should just be you two then it shouldn't be your friends making decisions. But continue.

"Alright well we stopped arguing but then smackdown was that same night and she had to showcase her storyline."

Seth: And we had to decide which of his would fight Punk. But Christie didn't want Roman to so Dean ended up doing it instead.

Jeff: And what happened?

Dean: In the middle of my match she came out and I got distracted. I had no idea so I thought she was just siding with punk. So I was annoyed. Roman & Seth came out but they got banned from the ring. long story short she cost me my match.

Roman: After that he kissed her in the ring. i was very upset. Even after the match all she wanted to do was check up on him, choosing him over me. All she said was 'Its not that serious. this is all for my dream and the championship. I love you but I want to reach my dream too, it seems like I can't have both'..... so I asked her to choose

Suddenly Jeff's eyes lit up.

Jeff: Oh HELL NO!! What in your right mind made you think you could do that?

roman: the storyline with phil is getting in the way. she says it's to get her everything she needs to get the championship but I'm coming last all the time.

Dean: she doesn't care about his feelings at all.

jeff: you guys are acting like idiots! You are tryna tell me she doesn't care about you?! NOBODY COULD GET HER AWAY FROM PHIL! NOBODY! And you did! Yes she has made mistakes and i hate that story as much as you do! BUT; that girl loves you with all her heart and more. you don't think i've tried. she wants you to be her escape. That girl has gone through so much. She didn't trust anyone after Phil. She turned down everyone! and you want her to choose. I'm damn proud of her that she said she wasn't gonna choose. I would have told her to choose her dream and dump your ass right then and there.

Dean: That's crazy you don't-

"Dean!" Roman cut him off. "He's right. Let him finish."

Jeff: She's already chosen you. She wants to be champion not just for herself but she wants to be someone you can be proud to call your girlfriend..She lost a lot of confidence when phil broke it off. And adding all this stress is not helping. You knew what you were getting into but you took that risk for her! Now its time to man up and keep your girl. Be there for her.

*Roman sighs and looks down *

Jeff: Young man. if you are not ready to be with her I suggest you think hard. I promise you right now she is not crying; but re-thinking your relationship. Great things don't last forever.

Roman: I know...

Jeff: Seth has been taking on the role of her shoulder to cry on and the person she vents to. She tells me all the time. You should be the one doing that!....I honestly believe you two are meant for one another. But I think time is of the essence right now. its all about right timing.

Seth: He's completely right. I hate to say it but maybe now just isn't you & Christie's time. So what should he do Jeff?

Jeff: Well Roman, what do you have to do?

"I need to have time to myself to really think through all of this. I now realize what I did was completely unfair and inconsiderate. I just want to feel like I'm her #1 guy and she is confused but I do feel like she doesn't know what she wants. I believe she is scared of commitment. But I want her to believe in our relationship"

Jeff: its going to take time. Please promise me if you know you aren't willing to stay tell her. And Dean. Back off! I know this is your brother and you guys are like family; but sky is like my little sister. I look out for her so leave her alone.

Dean scoffed. "fine. whatever."

Jeff: I do need to talk to Christie though. I haven't been answering her calls and I know she must be worried. I won't tell her about this. I'll leave that to you. I'm staying in a different hotel maybe I'll have her come to me. But thank you for telling me everything, it was great meeting with you all.

all: later Jeff.

They all left and headed back to their hotel.




Roman P.O.V

As soon as we got back I packed some things and headed to the extra room we bought. I had a lot of things to think about.

"I would've thought by now we'd be moving forward in our relationship." So many things were rushing through my mind. Is this really where I'm meant to be?

A/N- This was focused on Roman next one will focus on Christie. Man does jeff have a voice! he has much more to say coming up.

3k reads!! I love you guys

please keep commenting and voting!

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