Carl Grimes {Imagines}

By -gemini13

7.9K 137 67

Carl Grimes imagines-COMPLETED More

{Only in my dreams}
{I could've danced all night}
{I smoke, you smoke}
{Please don't leave quite yet}
{Goodbye is the sweetest word}
{Hello is the worst word pt 2}
{Hold me closer}
{What if this is the end}
{What if this is just the start pt 2}
{Now and then}
{Happy Halloween}
{My tears are an ocean}
{My sunshine}
{The trees have eyes too}
{You drive me crazy}
{My youth is running out}
{Its like a memory}
{Teddy bear}
{Merry Christmas}
{Before he cheats}
{Little unsteady}
~Author note~
{Imagine for @tomoskibay}
{Imagine for @MusicLover1303}
{What's a friend}
{That's not my name}
{No sanctuary}
{Blue Hydrangeas}
{Needed me}
{Gotta love it *SMUT*}

{You drive me crazy pt.2}

166 3 0
By -gemini13

So this is a part two to my imagine, you drive me crazy. I finally started writing it lol. Hope you enjoy! Ps, I'm gonna be changing the povs a lot in this one. Sorry for any mistakes.
It felt like we'd been driving for forever. I was starving and the zucchini that Carl and I choked down didn't help. Carl had whined and said that it was disgusting but I finally convinced him after saying that I'd never 'change his bandage' again. Jesus had been pretty quiet the entire journey. I didn't know him well and neither did Carl.

"It seems like we're getting closer" Jesus murmured to us. Carl and I looked up from our conversation we were having and turned our attention to him. "We should try and get off around now, follow by foot the rest of the way" he told us. I exchanged a small glance with Carl. Carl stood up and stumbled over to Jesus. I followed. "Are you sure? We could hide again and when they come to unload, we could kill them all" Carl said. Jesus was silent for a moment, "its to much of a risk, we want to be as quiet as possible. Don't want any attention drawn to us."

Carl rolled his eyes and sighed, I glared at him and lightly smacked his chest. He glared back at me. "Ok, now would probably be a good time to get off" Jesus told both of us. I nodded my head and watched as Jesus gracefully leapt from the car and tucked and rolled to safety. Anxiety built in my stomach, I turned to Carl. "I can't do this" I said quickly to him. Carl pulled me to his chest, "yes you can, you're the bravest person I know" he whispered into my ear. I scrunched my eyes up and took a deep breath. And then without even thinking about it, I ran to the mouth of the truck, jumped out and tried my best to copy Jesus. Except, I ended up scraping my knee, pretty bad. I sat down on the side of the road and hugged my knee to my chest. Jesus came running down the road towards me and Carl had just jumped out. "Oh my god (Y/N)! Are you ok?" Jesus asked me as he approached me, panting.

I looked at my knee and it was bleeding and bits of rock were lodged in it. It hurt like a bugger. I bared with it though and nodded my head. I heard Carl running up to me, breathing heavily. "Babe! What happened?" I shook my head and squeezed my knee tighter. Carl dropped down next to me and kissed my head. "Can you walk?" he asked me gently. "I think so" I said quietly. Carl turned his attention to Jesus who was standing above us. "This is all your fault!" Carl said to him. Jesus raised an eyebrow, "my fault?! How?!" he asked Carl angrily. Carl stood up and I tried to catch his hand but he shook me off. I hated when Carl got angry. Which was a lot to be honest.

"Yeah, if we'd stuck to my plan, then (Y/N) wouldn't be hurt!" Carl spat at him. Jesus glared at Carl. "Your genius plan would've got all of us killed!" Jesus said madly. "Guys! Stop! We lost the truck and we have to get going before dark!" I screamed at them. They both turned to me silently. "Lets go" I told them flatly. I shakily stood up and my knee wobbled. Carl rushed over and helped me stand. I smiled lightly at him. He laced our fingers and we began our trek to the saviours.

We finally made it. The sun was slowly setting and my knee felt like it was on fire. Carl had carried me for about an hour but I had made him put me down. Now we were here, and I had no idea what we were supposed to do. All I knew was that I needed to find my dad. We hid in the bushes and watched as the 'saviours' unloaded all the trucks. Eventually there was only one truck left and about five guys unloading it. I turned to say something to Carl but he wasn't there. Panicking, I looked around for him. That's when I saw him inching his way over to the truck and the guys. "Carl!" I whisper yelled. Jesus glanced at me and then where I saw looking. "Oh god" he groaned under his breath. We took off after Carl. He was still far ahead and it was hard for me to run.

That's when we heard the gunshots. Five. One after another. All the men dropped dead, practically at Carl's feet. My eyes widened. Carl you stupid idiot! I thought in my head. I'm pretty sure that's what Jesus was thinking as well. I hobbled over to Carl and smacked him across the face. Carl's cheek turned bright pink and I immediately regretted it. "What the hell was that for?!" Carl yelled. I glared at him and gestured towards the dead men. I was about to say something when I heard someone approach us. "Well, well, well. What do we have here?"

I turned my head and so did Carl. Jesus stood silently behind us. Negan stood in front of us, a dangerous smirk on his face. Lucille was held threateningly in his hand. A wave of nausea washed over me and I realized how horrible of an idea this was. "Drop the gun boy, that's not how you treat an old friend! Is it?" he asked Carl. Carl just glared at him and I weakly stared at him pleadingly. Carl's glare softened and he dropped the gun on the ground. "What I thought!" Negan bellowed. It looked like he hadn't even seen Jesus. That's when I looked behind me and noticed he wasn't even there! "Son of a-" I started to whisper, Negan cut me off. "Let's get you two settled" he whispered to us.

2 hours later ~
It seemed as though I blacked out. I can't remember what happened. All I remember is being brought into a brightly lit room. Negan took Carl somewhere and I was left here. The pain in my leg had become considerably less intense. I glanced down at my leg and saw that someone had stitched it up. I cocked my head and looked around. There was a desk that was covered in medical supplies. A table where patients must sit. A small pantry and a bed, which I was laying on. The door was closed and most likely locked. I sighed in frustration and threw myself back down on the bed. Tears dotted my eyes and I blinked them away. Where was Carl? Where the hell did Jesus go? Where was my dad? Why did I even come here? Who stitched my leg? The questions tumbled around in my brain and I squeezed my eyes shut.

I heard a key jingle and the door flew open. A man, who must've been the doctor walked in. A girl with longish blonde hair, trailed behind him. "Ahh, I see you're awake. How're you feeling?" He asked me as the girl sat on the table. "Ok, I guess" I mumbled as I sat back up. The girl studied me with a scared expression. I snarled at her and glanced at the doctor. He stood in front of the girl and held a stethoscope to her chest. He walked back to his desk and turned his back to me. That's when I did it. I bolted for the door and slammed it shut behind me. My knee throbbed and begged me to stop but I kept running. I ran until my lungs burned and I lost myself in the endless halls. I didn't know how I hadn't of run into someone but I wasn't complaining. I saw a metal door and I pushed it open. Bright sunlight shone into my eyes and I squished. I stood in an enclosed area. There was a tool shed, a couple other doors, some motor bikes. Nothing interesting. Across the cracked pavement was another enclosed area, I heard the raspy gargle of walkers. Curious, I took a step forwards. Inside, were multiple walkers, chained up or roaming free. Men, covered in filth and wearing ugly track suits, ran around with little or no weapons. "What the hell?" I whispered as I stood there in awe. "(Y/N)?!" I heard a raspy voice ask me. I whirled around. Standing a few feet in front of me was my dad.

Carl's POV ~
I paced the room I was trapped in. Where the hell was was (Y/N)?! If anything happened or happens, I'm gonna kill someone...again. I collapsed against the wall and slid onto the floor. I closed my eyes. Images of (Y/N) kept floating into my mind. I pushed them away. The door creaked open and someone slipped inside" I cracked my eye open and saw Negan standing in front of me. A chair was now sitting in the middle of the room. "Where is she?!" I yelled, jumping up from the floor. Negan stepped back. "Hold it squirt. It's my turn to question you. You'll have your moment." I glared at him, anger coursing through my body. "Mind if you sit down?" Negan asked me. I glanced at the chair and then at him. I walked stiffly over to the chair and sat down, brushing a strand of hair from my face. "What do you wanna know?"

(Y/N)'s POV ~

"D-dad?!" I said. I broke out into a smile and ran over to him. He scooped me up and hugged me tightly. He looked totally different. He was wearing a track suit like all the other guys. A big A, was spray painted on the front. His hair was dirty and a mess and he looked like he'd lost weight. I pulled away. "Oh my god" I stammered, tears brimming my eyes. "You have to go! They'll be out any second, go now!" Dad whispered to me quickly. "W-what?" I squeaked out. "I came all this way so I could get you back! We can go! I just have to find Carl!" I pleaded. Dad looked at me with sad eyes. "Honey, I can't escape, they'll see. Go! I'll figure something out. We will be together again soon." A tear rolled down my face.

I was about to give him another quick hug when I head a door slam. Five men walked out. One of them had longish blonde hair and half of his face looked warped and distorted. Dad quickly kissed my head and pushed me in the opposite direction. I stumbled backwards and was about to break into a run when I ran into someone. "Going somewhere?" he asked me with a smirk.

Carl's POV ~

Negan loomed in front of me. "Take off your bandage" he said flatly. Panic rose in my chest. "No." I said, almost in a whisper. Negan cocked his head. "Take it off, or else..." his voice drifted off as he motioned to Lucille. I gulped and looked at the ground. I finally gave in, not because I was scared he'd hurt me. I was scared he'd hurt (Y/N). I glared up at him and started to carefully unravel my bandage. When I had unraveled it all, I dropped the bandage on the floor. (Y/N)'s kiss still lingered on the gaping hole.

Negan took in the horrible sight. "Holy hell" he whispered. Before he could say something else the door opened. Someone that I didn't recognize, shoved someone into the room. He said a few words to Negan and left. The person stood up and leaned against the wall. That's when I noticed who it was. (Y/N). Her lip was bleeding and she had dirt smudged on her pale cheek. Her eyes looked red. She noticed me, her lips parted like she was going to say something. Instead she bit her tongue and stared at the floor.

Negan didn't take a second glance at her. "Now, where were we?" Negan whispered to me. "Oh right, I was about to get to the part where I wondered how you could even stand to look at yourself. I'm not gonna swear 'cause there's a lady in here. So let's put it this way, that's effed up, that is real effed up boy." Negan smiled terrifyingly down at me. Expecting me to breakdown, yell, cry, something. Well if he wanted that then he better say something I didn't already know. "Are you a virgin?" Negan asked me, squatting down. I didn't answer his question, I just stared straight ahead. "I bet you are! I mean, if you could get anyone to kiss you, let alone, you know, that's insane. I can't believe I'm even in the same room as you right now." I felt anger boil inside me. I wanted to rip his head off.

"I should've killed you. Not that ginger or the Chinese kid." Negan said nonchalantly. I glanced up at him for a moment. "Abraham and Glenn. And he's not Chinese, he's Korean." I spat out at him. "Well whatever the hell their names were, at least they had an eye. You son, you are truly gifted. You're gifted with the ability to look quite normal, even attractive. But when you take off your bandage, you're a monster" he said with a coy smile. "If your mom was here to see you, would she cry? Would she hug you and say, it's ok son, you're gonna beat this world?! Or would she run and hide from her monster of a son?" Negan asked me. And then the thing I feared most happened. A single tear spilt from my eye and rolled down my cheek.

(Y/N)'s POV ~

I watched from a far. Everything seemed to be in slow motion. First I was with Carl, then I was in the doctors office. The memories felt slow and sluggish. I remember running down the halls. In search of something, but what? Then I was in the sun. The sun yes, and-and then I saw what I was looking for. Dad. But they slipped through my fingers like so many times before. I was pushed to the ground. A new found pain once again coursing through my body. Dirt attacked my clothes and face. I stood up and got slapped so hard I felt faint. Maybe I wasn't slapped, maybe I was punched. Then yelling, more hitting. Dad was on the ground, yelling something.

The men took me away, practically dragging me. My ear rung and my head spun. Then I was here. Carl. Carl was here. I had a sudden urge to run up and kiss him. Push him against the wall and whisper sweet nothings in his ear as he kissed my neck. But I couldn't. Not now. I leant against the wall and tried to concentrate. I could hear Negan faintly yelling horrid things to Carl. If I had the guts I would've screamed at him to stop. I would've let the tears flow down my face. I would've fallen to the floor and beg for him to let us go. Let dad go. But I didn't, I couldn't. There was to much at risk. To much to risk and no time to risk it.

Carl's POV ~

The tear slipped off my cheek and onto my dirty shirt. I held back any others who were begging to escape. Negan raised an eyebrow. "Well looks like we've cracked the stone" he whispered. I blinked my eyes rapidly as I stared at the floor. "Boy, I'll let you and you're little girl go home, only because I honestly don't give a rats ass about you and I have better things to do." I looked up at him with relief. "On one condition" he started. I held a groan back. "You sing me a song. Any song." He cried out with a laugh. "I don't know any songs" I said flatly. Negan cocked his head. "That's a lie and you know it. Your mom never sang you any songs? You never sang some retarded song in a circle at school? Never went to camp? Never listened to the radio?"

I glared at him for a minute. He stared back at me, (Y/N) was silent. "Fine. One song, and then we're leaving" I told him. I racked my brain for any songs that I could remember. Then it hit me, I'd heard (Y/N) sing it to Judith before. "If I leave here tomorrow" I stared to softly sing. I cringed at my voice, I never sing. "Would you still remember me? For I must be traveling on now. There's to many places I gotta see."

(Y/N)'s POV ~

I stared at Carl as he quietly sang the lyrics I've sung a million times. I didn't even know he listened to me when I put Judith to bed. He wasn't that bad for a guy I've never heard sing before. "If I stay here, with you girl. Things just couldn't be the same" Carl continued to sing. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Eventually Carl finished the song, or what he could remember anyways. He stared blankly at Negan and then rose from his seat. Negan pointed Lucille at Carl's chest, motioning for him to stop. "Not bad boy, not bad. I like you, and that's quite unusual for me. I might just keep you around" he said with a smirk. He walked over to the door.

"You know the way out. Safe travels!" He yelled over his shoulder with laugh. Carl sighed and scooped me into his arms. I kissed him gently and lightly kissed his missing eye. "I love you" I whispered. "I love you too" he whispered into my hair. "I'm sorry about your dad" he added. I just silently nodded. "I'm sorry about a lot of things I finally murmured.

About ten minutes later, we were ready to go. I'd fastened Carl's bandage back on. We'd found our way outside and we'd snuck out of the gates. We still didn't know where Jesus was though. "Let's just go" Carl whined into my ear. I glanced back. "He knew what he was getting himself into. He left us, he can get back on his own if we can." I nodded my head once and grabbed Carl's hand. And then we started walking. Walking back to Alexandria, back to home. Back to the place that will only ever be a distant memory.
Omg that was kinda bad but kinda ok. Idk! It was super long though lol. I really hope u guys liked it. Once again thank you too all of you who read these! It's finally December which means it's officially Christmas time! I love Christmas! Have a good Friday!

Song you should try: Feelings/Haven


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