Holly Would You Turn Me On? (...

By salemk99

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When Holly meets All Time Lows Alex Gaskarth she has no idea the impact he'll have on her life. More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine (Ish)
Authors Note

Chapter Twenty Nine

256 8 7
By salemk99




Screaming. That's what woke me at midnight. The cries were coming from the crib in the room across the hall and it was the second time Olivia had woken me this evening.
"You go." Alex grumbled, rolling over in bed next to me, pulling a pillow over his head in the process.
"Are you kidding? I got up earlier and last night, oh and the night before that. Plus I've been with her all day Alex! It wouldn't kill you to spend thirty minutes with her." I replied. There was no response from the body beside me and I quickly realised he'd fallen asleep. "Fuck you Alex." I muttered under my breath as I hauled myself out of the bed and made the short journey across the hall to Olivia's room. Without turning on any lights, I managed to lift her out of the crib and walk downstairs into the kitchen where I proceeded to heat up her bottle and collapse on the couch with her held to my chest, still screaming.
"Come on honey." I huffed as I rocked her backwards and forwards. I checked the temperature of the milk in her bottle and sighed in relief when I realised it was warm enough to feed her. Quickly, I pressed the bottle to her lips and sighed again when she began to gulp down the liquid greedily. It took all my will power to not fall back to sleep there and then and by the time I'd finished winding Olivia, I'd been downstairs almost an hour. Slowly, I made my way back upstairs, put Olivia back to bed and then collapsed next to Alex again. His arm went around my middle but I quickly shoved him off.
"Babe." He groaned.
"No, don't babe me. God, you're actually unbelievable." I huffed, turning my entire body away from him.
"What have I done now?' He asked, sitting up and rubbing his eyes in an attempt to wake himself up.
"Olivia is six weeks old Alex. She's been home five of those six weeks and in the nicest possible way - you've done fuck all." I snapped.

The first six weeks of Olivia-Ivy's life had been the hardest six of my life. I was used to dealing with babies because of my nieces, nephews and younger siblings however, now having my own daughter, I realised taking care of someone else's baby is fine because you get to hand them back at the end of the day. With Olivia, I had no one to hand her back to because she was mine. The first couple of days, Alex had been amazingly helpful. He did all the cleaning, laundry and shopping so that I had time to recover and bond with our beautiful little girl but for the past four weeks he'd been slipping. He stopped getting up in the night to feed Olivia, he'd go out during the day time and some times the evenings too leaving me alone, he threw himself back into writing for All Time Low which was good for him however he failed to realise that I needed him just as much as his fans did. Taking care of Olivia-Ivy by myself was exhausting. She slept a lot but only slept for around three hours at a time before waking and demanding my undivided attention, which I gave her happily however it made doing simple things like housework and showering almost impossible. I couldn't remember the last time I left the house to see my friends. Rian, Zack, Cassadee and Jack visited at least once a week and Adia and Stella came sometimes twice a week but I felt as if I just needed to get out of my house. I was sick of being trapped here with Olivia. I loved her to pieces but I missed having the time to myself.

"That's not fair Holly!" Alex protested as I too sat up.
"Really? I think it's perfectly fair. I get up at night for her, I stay home all day with her. Alex I don't even remember the last time I left the house without her!" I sighed, tears welled in my eyes and it took all my strength to not cry.
"I thought you liked staying home with her." Alex replied, he put his arms around my shoulders and hugged me close to his chest.
"Alex, I love her so much but I'm exhausted. I need a break." I told him as I traced patterns on his bare chest.
"I promise, I'll start doing some more around here okay?" He whispered. I just nodded as we lay back down with our arms around each other and went back to sleep.

At five am, Olivia woke me up again. I waited for a moment to see if Alex would get up to see her and to my surprise, he did. Just I was settling back down, he re entered the room with Olivia in his arms.
"Alex, just put her back to bed." I muttered, looking over to see him sat beside me holding her close.
"I just want to hold her for a while." He replied, without moving his gaze from her.
"Then please do it where I'm not sleeping." I told him as I flipped over and pulled the sheets up over my head. I don't know how long Alex spent just holding Olivia-Ivy but when I woke up again at eight, he was no where to be seen and Olivia was fast asleep in her crib. I was as quiet as possible when walking past her bedroom so that I didn't wake her and was half way down the hall when something caught my attention. It was a picture from the photo shoot Alex and I had done days before Olivia had been born and the smiles on our faces were proof of how happy we were. Stella had curled my hair to form almost perfect ringlets and then braided strands and clipped them to the back of my head to give my usually flat hair some volume. My makeup was flawless, an almost nude smokey eye, nude lip and the most perfect eyeliner I'd ever seen (thanks to Stella). I was wearing a red dress and Alex wore a white dress shirt and black skinny jeans. I had my arms around Alex's neck and he had both his hands resting on the bump. Our foreheads were resting against each other and we both had smiles lighting up our faces. I remember Alex had made some stupid joke seconds before the picture had been taken, resulting in the stupid grin on my face however it was the happiest and most relaxed we'd both been in a long time. Being pregnant meant I constantly felt stressed but the photo shoot day had been incredibly special and I knew it was a memory I would cherish forever.

Crying shook me from my thoughts.
"Hiya beautiful." I murmured as I scooped her out of her crib and placed her straight onto her play mat. The crying stopped as her attention shifted. I managed to keep her occupied for an hour and in that time I managed to shower and dress myself in some simple skinny jeans and a tshirt. Olivia's outfit consisted of a pink dress with flowers embroider around the hem, something Alex had bought her.

I was washing up dishes in the sink whilst Olivia fussed from her basket beside me when the doorbell rang once and then someone began to pound relentlessly on the door.
"What have you done now Stella?" I muttered as I picked up Olivia and walked to answer the door.

Lisa was stood in front of me, her hair was a tangled mess and mascara stained her red cheeks. Her eyes were puffy from crying and she looked terrified.
"Lisa? What are you doing here?" I questioned, holding Olivia a little tighter to me.
"It's-it's- it's Alex, h-h he was on his way to meet me and he got hurt. I promise it wasn't my fault but the car came out of nowhere." She sobbed, clutching her hands to her chest. My blood turned to ice and a lump formed in my throat.
"What?" I managed to choke out.
"Alex got hit by a car on his way to come and meet me. He's been taken to hospital but he was bleeding a lot. It wasn't looking good, I'm so sorry." Lisa was able to explain after taking a few deep breaths. As if on cue, Olivia began to cry again and I didn't have the energy to try and comfort her. I just needed to see Alex.

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