Blind: Supernatural

By LadyEnd01

4K 115 59

Imagine Sam and Dean's mother had not died when Sam was an infant. but instead died when Alexandria, their si... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9


96 1 1
By LadyEnd01

Alex was sore to understate it. She coughed and felt blood on her lips. She wiped it away and took another kick to her ribs. She groans but doesn't yell out. This had been the 4th day straight being beaten by Monica.

She didn't receive another blow and sat back against the cool concrete wall of her cell. She hadn't contacted Gabriel for fear of him being able to tell her state. Not to mention she was still deaf. And now whenever she felt the floor vibrate, as little as it could being concrete, she instantly huddled in her corner more and swung or kicked at anything that she could reach.

She closes her eyes tiredly, she hadn't slept much in the past days and hadn't eaten at all.

"If Crowley wants to use me as leverage... maybe he should consider... keeping me alive." She groans though she didn't know if she could be understood from lack of water or if anyone was still in the room

Someone came up to her and tried to pull her off the ground, she started attacking them while trying to stay in her corner. The person grabbed her hand and put it on his face. It was Deans face.

"I can't hear." She whispers

She feels Dean nod and tries to pick her up again only to have him drop her on the ground harshly. He then put a knife against her ribs. She froze. This wasn't Dean. She couldn't trust her feelings either now. Nothing is real. Everything is wrong.


Sam, Dean, and Gabriel, were getting closer to finding Alex. She hadn't contacted him for a whole week now and he was getting worried but he kept telling the boys she was alive. He had no proof otherwise.

"I think... I think I've got her." Sam mutters

"What do you have?" Dean was quick to ask

"Looks like a warehouse was rented out under King Crow." Sam says with a look of amusement and also 'how stupid can you be?'


"Lincoln Maine."

"I've never heard of that town"

"Hardly anyone else has either, the town lives in the shadow of Bangor."

"Now that I've heard." Dean says

"Well this towns only an hour or so away. Let's go, it'll take us all day to get there."


"Can I hear again?" Alex asks the room, though she was 90 percent sure she was alone

She couldn't hear anything when she snapped so she took it as either alone or ignored. She stands up slowly, she was hurting bad. 3 days ago the demons found a shapeshifter and was using Sam, Dean, and Gabriels faces when it tortured her.

She was better than anyone thought and was able to take it all in stride. Minus the new trust issues she would have for a while, she was mostly fine. That is until she was tripped. Monica grabbed her feet and yanked them out from under her, she was lucky and caught herself from hitting her face on the floor but Monica knocked her out anyway.


"We're getting closer." Gabriel informs as they drive into the town

"Good, that means she's still alive, and that we were right." Sam muses

"Let's just hope she's not within an inch of her life." Dean mutters angrily


Alex can't help but yell out as a blade is dragged across her exposed chest. She was strapped to a table like thing and someone was making their day as they listened to her screams. She hears a snap and turns her head towards it.

"Why?" She moans

"Well darling, I need Lucifers attention and as long as his vessel is damaged he won't hurt us. He still needs you." Crowley's familiar accent says

"He doesn't need me alive you moron. He can bring me back if he needs me that bad. He's just not listening to you."

The king hums in response, he hadn't though about that. He motions for Monica to continue anyway and leaves promptly.

"I'm glad you can hear now. I've been waiting a long time for you to scream. You're very strong, but everyone will crumble under the right amount of pressure."

"I promise I'll end you."

"I look forward to it Sweet Thing." She says before continuing her work


Deans eyes flick back and forth, looking for a way through the concrete. Sam stood next to him using a flashlight to see the blueprints of the place. Gabriel paces back and forth, debating whether or not he should just fly in.

"Ill get the sledgehammer." Dean shrugs and runs back to the Impala trunk

"There shouldn't be a wall here." Sam mumbles

Dean comes back and momentarily looks between the wall and the hammer almost like he was saying 'move or I move you'. He swings and after a few minutes the hammer breaks and the wall had only a few cracks.

"Jackhammer?" Sam asks with a muppet-face frown

"I'll grab it."

"You have a jackhammer? Why?" Gabe seems horrified at the thought though Sam doesn't understand why

"It's come in handy a few times." He shrugs and Dean returns

They hook it up and Dean works on the wall until it's crumbled to pieces. Just in time to hear someone scream. They rush in, weapons ready, towards the owner of the voice

By the time they get to a room that was covered in blood and various tools, also bloodied, nobody was in there. The silently agree to split up and each take a hallway. After nearly an hour nobody finds anything and head back to the blood room only to find a demon sitting next to Alex on the table.

"Oh shit" the demon mutters and zaps out

Alex is unconscious and tied down. Sam and Dean work on releasing her from the table only to have her wake up and yell and back away from them. She falls off the table and hits the ground hard, emitting a horrible sound as her mutilated flesh hits the concrete.

"Stay the hell away from me" she yells

"Alex it's us." Dean says wide-eyed, he wasn't sure what happened to her in the past week but it must've been bad.

"No! Stay away" she fumbles around with her hands until she finds a long knife and holds it up as defense

"Lex..." Dean breaths

"No" she yells again and her eyes form tears

Gabriel steps forward cautiously and speaks quietly, too quiet for the brothers to hear.

"Sugar, we found you. It's really me. Can't you feel it?" He says gently, reaching for her

She lowers her weapon and reaches for his hand. She feels the connection they share and quickly drops the weapon, clinging to him like a lifeline. He hugs her back and whispers comforting words the best he can.

Sam and Dean glance at eachother worriedly. Gabriel picks her up and carries her carefully out of the warehouse. Sam and Dean follow, keeping watch out for demons.

Dean drives fast back to the Bunker, he wanted Alex to feel safe. Sam kept trying to check on her but she refused to let him touch her. She huddled between the seat and her angel, shivering from fear, cold, or hunger none of them knew. She was painfully thin and nobody knew the last time she ate. She was badly bruised and cut, her lip swollen, her chest had a long diagonal cut, and various other dangerous looking injuries as well.

"Alex please, let me see" Sam begs

She shakes her head no and presses herself close to Gabe. At this point he also wrapped his large wings around her small self to which she relaxes at their familiarity.

Dean glances at her in the rearview mirror to see her sleeping lightly and seemingly with nightmares.


Gabe walks out of Alex's room quietly, leaving the door open. He'd had to lay with her for an hour before she fell into a rough sleep. He goes to the library to meet the Winchester boys looking worried. Okay that was an understatement.

"We have to be quiet, she isn't sleeping easily at all." Gabe whispers

"How is she?" Dean whispers back

"I dunno yet, she won't let me near her wounds, I barely got her to tell me what happened."

"So?" Sam asks

"Crowley figured if Lucifers vessel was damaged, he would back off, so he had her tortured by a demon named Monica. The same demon she exorcised back when we got caught in Lawrence. Before that, she was kept in a solid concrete cell, no food or water for a week solid. Monica beat her. After she got used to it, Crowley sent in shapeshifters with our faces to make her trust them and then would beat her too. Eventually she became depressed and hopeless so Monica used blades and other instruments instead of just hitting." Gabe struggled to say all of this, he hated the thought of it happening, and he knew the boys would be hard to hear it as well

"Jesus." Dean rubs his face and Sam stares off into space

"We have to get her wounds cleaned and patched." Sam says glumly

"I know that tone. What do you want to do?" Dean replies warily

"Remember the morphine you stole when she got hurt by the Wendigo? We ended up not using it. What if we drug her up enough to get her patched?"

"You guys won't make it through door." Gabe warns

Dean didn't want to but he agreed with Sam. If those wounds didn't get cleaned at the very least, they would no doubt get infected, a warehouse is rarely clean and torture tools are rarely cleaned either. Sam goes to get a needle while Dean mentally prepared himself to hurt his sister even if it is to help her in the long run. Gabe stands by and follows them in.

But as he said, she was awake before they were through the doorway. Gabe, regretfully, goes to her side and calms her down saying it was just him while Sam and Dean went on either side of the bed. Sam quickly but efficiently stabs the needle in her neck and drugs her up. She struggles for a moment before relaxing and leaning into her angel.

"Sorry babe." Gabe mutters into her ear

Gabriel carries her into the kitchen and Dean helps Sam carry all the medical things. Gabe lays her on the metal table and puts a folded sweatshirt under her head to try and help her relax, even though she was on morphine, she was tense.

Sam soaks a cloth in warm salt water and looks at Alexs main cut along her chest. It wasn't deep and wouldn't need stitches but after so long being untreated, it might leave a scar.

"Alex... fair warning so you don't kick my ass when your sober... this is gonna hurt like hell." He admits with a touch of humor

He starts cleaning the cut and she squeezes her eyes shut and grabs Gabe's hand. Sam wanted to stop but all of her wounds had to be taken care of, hopefully this one would be the worst. When he got to the deepest part she arched her back in pain. Dean quickly came around and pushed her back flat to the table.

"Sorry Sweetheart." He grumbles

She had to stay still or this would take a lot longer and nobody wanted her to be in pain.

Sam finished cleaning the more prominent injuries and patched the ones he could before stitching the others. She was a complete wreck, none of them had been tortured before, minus Hell but they didnt have to suffer the wounds when they came back too. Or if they had, it was only getting punched around a little. She wouldnt be normal for a while after this, but none of them knew just how bad it would actually be. Not nearly.

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