Team Crafted's New Member (Te...

By ToxicDJ

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Meet DJ. She's a 17-year-old girl who lives with Mitch who is also known as the BajanCanadian in Team Crafted... More

Chapter 1 - Mitch and his Minecraft
Chapter 2 - Skateboards and Songs
Chapter 3 - Surprises
Chapter 4 - Day at the Races
Chapter 5 - Party Time!
Chapter 6 - Fighting
Chapter 7 - The Hunger Games
Chapter 8 - Recordings
Chapter 10 - He asked me...
Chapter 11 - Betting and Vlogs
Chapter 12 - New Friend Alert
Chapter 13 - Secrets Spilled
Chapter 14 - Skateboarding
Chapter 15 - Captured
Chapter 16 -Tortured
Chapter 17 - Critical
Chapter 18 - Hospital Trip
Chapter 19 - Thee Results
Chapter 20 - First Kiss
Chapter 20 - Livestreaming
Chapter 22 - Birthday Planning
Chapter 23 - First Date
Chapter 24 - DJ's Birthday
Chapter 25 - Heart Break
Chapter 26 - Set Things Right
Chapter 27 - Too Late?
Chapter 28 - Forgotten
Chapter 29 - Bowling
Chapter 30 - Minecon
Chapter 31 - Minecon: Day 2
Chapter 32 - Minecon Singing
Chapter 33 - Home Again
Chapter 34 - DJing and Happy Faces
Chapter 35 - Rage
Chapter 36 - Vlogs and Video
Chapter 37 - SPRING BREAK?
Chapter 38 - Summer Party!
Chapter 39 - Summer Partay!
Chapter 40 - Final Chapter

Chapter 9 - Editing and Youtube

5.4K 144 61
By ToxicDJ


Ty dragged me off to teach me how to edit a video. He downloaded some software and showed me what everything did as he editied his own. It took around three hours to cut down a few hours worth of cops 'n' robbers to just under an hour. I got used to it now thanks to Ty.

'Now I upload yeah?' I say as I sign into Youtube.

I felt my cheeks go hot as I saw what was on my homepage (According to Mitch I don't blush but go really hot instead because normally I was always cold). There was uploads from all of Team Crafted everywhere. My subscription list came up and It was filled with Team Crafted and their friends. Antvenom, Bashur, their gaming channels, you name it, I subbed to it. I saw Ty stare at it with shock.

'Just a small fan then?' He joked, his cheeks going pink.

'Yeah. I'm subbed to everyone and their vlog channels and gaming ones. If it was realated to Team Crafted, I was subbed.' I say, scrolling up and  down quickly.

Ty reached over me and tried to get the mouse. His hand landed onto of mine and his cheeks went a deep shade of pink. I heard a footstep coming this way and quickly removed my hand from the mouse as did Ty. I clicked on the upload button on my channel and selected the video. I hesitated to upload coz I couldn't think of a caption for the video. Then I had a brainwave and typed in 'Cops 'n' Robbers with Team Crafted'  in the description I wrote 'Cops 'n' robbers with the members of Team Crafted. Hope you dudes enjoy and don't forget to smash that like button with your headphones and help to get my target of 500 likes on this vid since this is my first. Don't forget to sub to all these guys!' And there I typed in their links from memory and uploaded. I lent back in my chair with my arms folded behind my head. My hair was in my face so I flicked it out the way. I sighed and got up, shutting down my computor in the process.

'Thanks for showing me how to edit Ty. I owe ya one.' I say to him and he blushed.

I left and went into the room where everybody else was. Ty followed.

'Is that your new signing off?' Mitch said.


'Y'know. 'Slap that like button with your headphones'. Must admit it's gonna be a great signing off for your future videos.' Mitch smiled.

'I don't know. You have 'slap that like button with yo forehead' and Quentin had 'slap the like button with that Kipper Flipper baby' so I kinda just typed it.' I said as I sat next to Adam. 

Adam randomly adjusted himself on the sofa so his back was on the arm rest and his legs were drooping over me.

'Adam, HASHTAG ADAM'S LEFT FOOT!' Ian squealed.

Adam facepalmed and looked at me.

'Hey DJJ. You alright there.'

'I'm good. And don't call me DJJ. No nicknames. Mitch found that out the hard way after he called me Big J.' I gestured to Mitch.

'Yep. Headlocked and got given the atomic noogie.' Mitch laughed.


 We chatted for hours about random things before I pulled out my phone out of curiosity. I looked at the video which had been uploaded for just over four hours and already got 5,874 views. People must really like it. I clicked on it and looked at the comments. Loads were commenting on parts they found funny like when I got locked in the cell with Jerome and had a three minute fist fight and when we locked Quentin who was warden in a cell and my favourite part where we all chased DJ around the prison slurrping. Several said 'I thought ToxicDJ was a guy. Never would have guessed until she spoke. There was one basically summing up into, 'Can't believe Mitch has a girlie friend. Wonder how long they have been dating. Jerome must be jelous <3' but I didn't read it all because I was doubling over laughing. I laughed really loud and everybody stared at me.

'What's funny budder-sucker?' Jason said.

'Something a fan posted on the video comments. It's funny as!'

'What is it?' Jerome slurpped.

'Secret.' I said.

Mitch glanced at DJ who smirked. I switched beteen the two when DJ punched the underneath of my phone and it flew out my hands. It flew in the air and Ian caught it. Ian read the post before laughing too.

'That is crazy!!' He said through fits of laughter.

'What does it say?' Quentin said.

'It says give Adam back his phone so let's do what the fan says.' I say reaching out to Ian to hand me back my phone.

'It doesn't say that Adam. Don't lie.' Ian tutted

'Just give it!' I say in a girly voice.

'What does it say Ssundee? Tell us!' Ty said, wanting to know what it said.

Clearing his throat, Ian read it out loud.

'Awwwww! Mitchie has a girl friend. It was only an amount of time before he went soft. And now that time has come! Can't believe Mitch has a girlie friend. Wonder how long they have been dating. Hope Merome doesn't get split up. Or will it become ToxicMerome because of the way Jerome secretly kept crouching behind ToxicDJ when they were escaping. That was so funny!  Jerome must be jelous <3.'

Mitch's jaw dropped and he went bright pink whereas DJ went hot. I could tell because she was resting her arms on my leg. Everyone laughed except the two 'love birds' according to the fan. 

'What...We aren't dating! Where did they get that idea from? And why was Jerome crouching behind my character?' DJ said. 

'For the lolz!' Ty said.

'That must be well awkward for you guys! Poor Mitchy here is now a tomato.' Jerome said pointing to Mitch.

He was so red it was unreal. Everyone began laughing as his face returned to normal. DJ cooled down as well. So the two were now normal again. 

'Dude, why did you do that? You don't do that unless the warden tells you to. Especially with a girl!' DJ shot at Jerome. 

'In defence your character does look like a guy. Also we all thought you were a guy until you spoke.' Jerome said standing up.

'I'M A GIRL FOR GOD'S SAKE!' DJ shouted.

'Chill dude. Want us to throw you in the pool again? Or we could lock you outside coz is basically like a shower out there.' Jerome walked over to her.

Thankfully my legs were still resting on DJ so she couldn't get up to attack Jerome because I was pushing her down. Jerome headlocked DJ and dragged her off the sofa and stood heroically. 

'I, King Jerome of the Baccas, have captured the dangerous monster DDJJ!' Jerome said.

We all laughed except DJ who was still headlocked.

'You are gonna want to let go Jerome. She can break out of a headlock in a second.' Mitch said, smiling.

'Yeah right. No one can break free-' Jerome said as DJ kicked Jerome in the back of the leg and twisted his arm to break free.

'Ow! That looks like it hurt Biggums.' Quentin said.

Jerome nods and DJ stands by Mitch who was on the sofa. I sat up and stretched before Ian shoved DJ onto the floor. She fell with a thud and Ty laughed before running and jumping ontop of her.

'DOG PILE!' I shreik as I jump ontop of Ty.

Soon everybody had joined the dog pile with Jerome on top. In order from bottom to top it went DJ, Ty, me, Jordan, Mitch, Jason, Ian, Quentin and finally Jerome

'Guys, my spine is breaking and I can't breath!' Mitch said who was under Jason.

'I'm not that heavy!' Jason moans.

'You guys are telling me! I'm on the bottom!' DJ said.


My hair was drooping in DJ's face and she kept flicking her own hair out her face. This was fun but awkward being sat ontop of a girl (DON'T TAKE THAT WEIRDLY!).

'You alright there, Ty?' Adam says to me.

I nod and look down towards DJ who was looking up towards me. I could feel myself going red as I stared into her visible grey eye. 

'Are ya alright with us on you?' I ask her. 'That sounded really wrong...' I say.

She giggled slightly and replied, 'I guess. My back kills and my stomach hurts but I'm alright.'

'CAN YOU GUYS GET OFF NOW I CAN'T BREATH!' Adam shrills in my ear.

'Try being me,' DJ whispers to me as she flicks her har out her eyes. I like it when she does that. We look similar and everything so it's funny when we do it at the same time.

One by one everybody clambers off. Adam gets off me and I get off of DJ. I put my hand out to help DJ up and she accepts. I haul her to her feet and she smiles in thanks before walking off to sit on the sofa holding her stomach. I sit next to Jerome who is sat next to DJ. She's sat in between Jerome and Ian. 

I check my phone at see it's getting on for half 8. Any second now Adam would moan he's hungry.

'Guys I'm hungry.'

Told ya. I face palm and DJ asks us what we want. We made a list of prizza, toast and McDonalds.

'What about those pancakes you keep rubbing in our faces. Y'know the ones you get in the store that you say are lush.' Jordan asks.

'What? We don't get shop bought panc-' DJ says before stopping.

She looked at the floor awkwardly as Mitch explained, 'We don't get shop bought pancakes. DJ makes 'em.'

'Why didn't you tell us before about them. I'm curious to know why she never was mentioned in any of your vids or Skype calls.' Quentin says.

'No idea. She keeps saying to me about not even mentioning her for some reason so I lied about the pancakes. But they kick ass!' Mitch says.

We all agree to have those so we all go into the kitchen and chat whilst DJ cooks. The smell was amazing when they were cooking. They smelled sweet and not to mention lush. Jerome slurrped as he smelt the air. She flipped the pancake and it hissed slightly as it cooked again. Soon DJ made a stack of aorund twenty or so. She also had made some chocolate sauce and put out some syrup. We all grabbed a pancake which was still warm and I put on some syrup on mine. I cut off a piece and was greeted by warmth and perfect sweetness. Dear God Mitch was right about these. It didn't take long for us to finish them.

'Wow. Those are freaking awesome!' Jason said.

'Thanks.' DJ smiled. 

We helped wash up and pack everything away and it was now basically ten at night. 

'I'm off to the guest bedroom to do something. See you guys in the morning,' DJ said as she hopped upstairs.

We called good night to her before we all too hit the hay.



We woke up at around the same time and had breakfast. DJ wasn't up yet but Adam woke up last coz he's lazy. We had cereal (we are around Mitch's house so what do you expect?) and it was around 8:45am and DJ still wasn't up.

'Where's DJ? Does she normally sleep in?' I ask Mitch.

'No. She's up pretty early.'

'Should we check on her?' Jason asks.

'Can do. I'll go in first to see then you guys can come in.' Mitch says.

We tip toe up the stairs and stood infront of the guest bedroom door. Mitch put his finger to his lips as he went inside an dhsut the door behind him. A second later he emerged smirking.

'What's so funny?' Jordan asks.

'Go in and you will see.' He said opening the door. 

We creeped inside and surronded the guest bedroom where DJ was laying asleep. In the corner was a drum kit which I guessed was Mitch's. Gotta try that out later. I focus back on DJ. She looked so cute asleep. Her hair was over her eyes and she had a small smile as she slept.  There was some things that were quite funny. She had headphones on that were like Ty's but red and not green which were plugged into a laptop. Mitch pulled back the screen so we could all see what was on it. It was on Youtube and a video was playing. We all glanced down at the name of the video and read it. 'The Hunger Games with Youtubers'  and I looked at the person whose channel it was on. My cheeks flushed red as I saw JeromeASF and my Youtube picture. Everyone looked at me and stiffled laughs. DJ twitches slightly as I yell on the video but smiles again before going back to sleep again. 

'What do we do now?' Quentin asks.

'We could wake her up I guess.' Mitch said.

'How are we going to do that?' Adam says.

'Got an idea. Mitch what's her favourite parody?' I ask him.

'Either New World, Revenge or The Hunger Games song. Why?' He said.

I carefully turn the laptop to face me before typing in the search bar 'Revenge by Captainsparklez'. I turn off the sound and play the video. Jordan smiles when he found out that I was picking his song and I pause it quickly. I turn the sound on full volume and smile as I play the video. It was so loud that we could hear the song perfectly from where we are standing. 

As the lyric 'So way back in the mine' came on, DJ shot up in her bed and threw off her headphones. She gasped as she saw all of us and we burst out laughing.

'What the hell guys! Not cool. Especially you Jordan. Don't blas tthe song in my ears when I'm asleep,' she accuses Jordan who steps back defensivly.

'Woah, I did nothing! It was Jerome!' He says.

'I don't care, I'll get him later.' She says as she gets out the bed. She fell asleep in Mitch's clothes and her dry ones were in a drawer so we leave her to get ready.

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