The Never Beginnings

由 Serindiel

22.6K 827 478

"Do you want to go home?" He asked bracing himself for the answer that was sure to come. The girl looked at t... 更多

Prologue; An Awfully Big Adventure
Chapter 1: The First Story
Chapter 2: Nightmares
Chapter 3: The Most Wonderful Boy Who Ever Lived
Chapter 4: The Lost Boys
Chapter 5: Curiosity
Chapter 6: Shadows and Stitches
Chapter 7: Not a Dream
Chapter 8: Telling Stories
Chapter 9: Flying
Chapter 10: Kisses and Happy Thoughts
Chapter 11: A Dangerous Pirate
Chapter 12: Stories From a Girl
Chapter 14: Neverland
Who Shot the Lady?
The Clever Kiss
Little Sparrow
Plans and Promises
Introductions and Interrogations
Skull Rock
Fights and Feelings
Training Lost Boys and Mothers
Triumphs, Thimbles, and Tears
The Fairy Returns
The Accord
Beach Break
Mermaid Lagoon
Offers by Candlelight
The Chief of Wisdom
In Need of Help
The Pirate's Trade
Done For
Don't Leave
A Story and a Thimble
Just the Beginning

Chapter 13: Trouble

422 24 9
由 Serindiel

Wendy was in trouble. And she knew it. She knew it the moment she saw Aunt Millicent's great black coach in front of the Darling's residency. Wendy didn't have lessons with her aunt today, so seeing her coach could mean only one thing. Someone was in deep trouble.

Wendy soundlessly turned the doorknob and walked inside the house, trying to enter unnoticed. She slipped off her shoes and tip toed passed the parlor door. It was shut, but there was quiet murmuring inside. Trying to remember which stairs creaked and which ones didn't, Wendy made her up the stairs and to the nursery. Once inside she was finally able to let go of the breath she had been holding.

"Trying to avoid your impending doom?"

"AH!" Wendy jumped clutching at her heart. She turned around. John and Michael were on the floor laughing.

"John! That wasn't very nice."

"Haha but it was funny! You should have seen your face!" John whipped away a tear, "Oh your face, it was white as if you had seen a ghost! And you jumped so high!"

Wendy folded her arms and gave John a withering glare. She was about to reprimand Michael for laughing at her when she was interrupted.


Wendy closed her mouth and swallowed hard. John and Michael stopped laughing and looked at their sister with pity.

"WENDY! GET DOWN HERE THIS INSTANT!" Her father bellowed.

"Coming!" She called back.

John turned to his sister. "I am sorry, I don't know what it's about, but father is awful upset. If...if you don't make it, may I have your sword?"

"No!" Wendy snapped. "Nothing is going to happen."

Chin held high and defiant Wendy walked out of the nursery at towards the room full of grownups. Wendy entered the parlor, curtsied to her aunt and moved to sit in the window seat. She glanced at each adult.

Her father had already worn down the carpet in front of the fire place pacing. Her mother had a deeply concerned look on her face, wringing her hands and looking from defiant daughter to fuming father. And Aunt Millicent looked at Wendy as though she had tracked mud into the parlor, filthy.

Finally her Father broke the silence. "WELL?! What do you have to say for yourself young lady?"

Wendy was not ready for that attack and the look on her face clearly showed it.

"George Dear, maybe it would help if she understood what the problem is." Her mother turned to Wendy. "Wendy your father and I and your aunt are very concerned about some of the behaviors you have been displaying as of late. Would you be so kind as to tell us what might be troubling you to act this way?"

Wendy was still confused. "What behaviors mother? I don't understand why I am in trouble."

This time it was Wendy's aunt who spoke up, and she was livid. "Behaviors such as bringing a street urchin into your room! A boy no less, and in your night dress too?! Child what possessed you? Close that gaping mouth young lady it is most unbecoming. Yes we know all about last night."

"ALL ABOUT IT!" Her father reiterated.

Bewildered Wendy's heart quickened and her stomach felt sick. They knew all about it? Everything? How? No, they couldn't know everything... could they? The flying, the falling...the kiss? She sat there mind whirling and mouth flapping like a fish. For once she was out of words.

"But...but how?" she asked.

"My dear girl, it's not a question of how but of why this happened! This is scandalous! Think of what this will do to your reputation as a decent young lady! But for your information, a very dear friend was traveling home last night and so happens to live across the street. She was getting out of her carriage when she saw two figures up on the window ledge of the nursery. She almost fainted when she say you with that urchin boy. She had the common courtesy to inform me and then I informed your parents. But dear girl whatever were you thinking?!" Her aunt finished her piece and began to fan herself.

"NOW we want an answer young lady. Who was the boy? Why was he in the nursery? And What in heavens name were you doing? AND we want the truth!" Mr. Darling glared down at his daughter.

Wendy looked from one adult to the other and then mumbled.

"What was that?!" Her father demanded.

Wendy took a deep breath. "I said, you wouldn't believe me if I told you the truth!"

"Please try darling, we will believe it if it is the truth." Mrs. Darling coaxed.

So Wendy began to tell the story of how she met Peter Pan. Finding his shadow, the pixie dust, learning how to fly, and Neverland.

As Wendy was retelling her tale, a flying figure and a little ball of light stopped outside the parlor window. Peter ducked down to avoid being seen. He heard Wendy's voice and smiled, it sounded like she was telling a story, and it was about him! Wonderful!

Wendy finished telling her tale and sat with hands folded, "And that is the truth I promise. It was Peter Pan and we were just talking about Neverland."

Wendy's aunt had her hand clutched to her throat in disbelief. Mrs. Darling had a sad disapproving look in her eyes and shook her head slightly.

"PETER PAN! PIRATES! PIXIES! POPPYCOCK! Wendy Moira Angela Darling! This time your storytelling has gone too far! I have had had enough of these silly childish fantasies. THIS HAS GOT TO STOP!"

Wendy stood up, "But they aren't stories father they are real and it really did happen!" She looked to her mother for support. Her mother was always on her side when it came to Peter Pan.

Mrs. Darling just shook her head. "Wendy darling, this really has gone a bit too far dear. We just wanted the simple truth not a tale. I am afraid I have to agree with your father. This has got to stop."

"I'll say. This child is possessed! What sort of nonsense is she speaking about? What are you teaching her Mary?" Aunt Millicent looked absolutely horrified.

Mrs. Darling just looked down at her hands.

"But Peter is real! Please you must believe me!" Wendy begged. But nothing was changing. Her father had won; no one was on her side. She was alone, her word against three adults. Wendy bowed her head in defeat.

Mr. Darling didn't like upsetting his daughter, but she had to be shown the ways of the world. Captain Crook and Peter Pirate simply couldn't exist in the real world. And the sooner she knew that, the better it would be.

Outside, under the window, Peter couldn't believe it. OF course he was real! That is what really happened! He couldn't understand how Wendy's parents wouldn't believe their own daughter! Something had to be done, that was for sure. Peter just didn't know what.

Mr. Darling turned to his wife. "Mary I've had an Idea. It's high time Wendy grew up. She needs to move out of the nursery! Tonight will be her last night as a child; tomorrow she will face the world as a young lady. This will be the last night in the nursery. Then tomorrow, no more stories, no more pirates, no more Peter Pan!"

Several voices shouted "NO!" Michael and John burst into the parlor from listening on the stairs. Michael ran and clung to his sister. "No father no! Wendy can't leave the nursery! She just can't!"

Wendy just stood in shock. Her father's words had cut into her. Knives twisted around in her heart and her stomach threated to loose its dinner. Grow up? She couldn't! She didn't want to!

"But father," She started.

"NO BUT FATHERS! MY decision is final!"

"Well I for one think it is about time. She needs to focus on her lessons and not her imagination." Her aunt stiffy supported.

Wendy had nothing more to say, she couldn't. The overflow of emotions was too strong. She was going to burst into tears. Wendy looked once more at her mother, who nodded her head in agreement. That was the last straw. Wendy flew out of the parlor and up to the nursery.


"George dear, let her go. This is a very big upset for her. She just needs time." Mrs. Darling placed a kiss on her husband's cheek. Then turning to her boys who were in tears "Come children, it is time for bed. It has been a long day. Tell your aunt goodnight."

John and Michael reluctantly gave their aunt a goodnight kiss, and followed their mother upstairs.


Outside Peter was absolutely livid and clutching his dagger. Wendy grow up? Who did these grownups think they were?! NO! He would never let Wendy grow up! Because growing up meant no more stories, no more adventures. And growing up meant forgetting. That thought put an unpleasantly sharp feeling inside Peter's chest. He tried to rub it out, but it was doing no good.

Peter had to find a way to keep Wendy from growing up. Peter looked at Tinkerbell who was watching her reflection in the window.

"That's it!" Peter whispered. Tink looked at Peter confusingly. She hadn't been paying any attention to what was happening. She just liked the fact the big ugly girl was getting yelled at.

Peter grinned. His idea was ingenious! OH the cleverness of he!

What's it Peter? Tink chimed.

"I'm going to kidnap Wendy tonight! Taker her to Neverland where she will never ever have to worry about grown up things again! Tink it is perfect!"

Wouldn't she mind being kidnapped? Tink asked.

"Nah! She'll thank me for it! I'll be her hero! Now we just have to wait until she falls asleep." Peter almost crowed but remembered where they were. He was so clever! That solved both of his problems. He'd bring Wendy to Neverland, the Indians would believe him and Wendy would never ever grow up!


Peter waited until he was sure Wendy was asleep. It seemed to take days for it to finally happen. But the time eventually came. Silently he flew up to the nursery window and pushed it open. Scanning to make sure the "Nana" beast wasn't around, he quietly entered the room. Drifting over to where Wendy was sleeping he paused.

Wendy had fallen asleep crying, her eyes were puffy and the tip of her nose was red. Peter tilted his head. The pang in his chest deepened just a little. He didn't like seeing Wendy cry. He wanted to see her dazzling smile, and hear her musical laugh. Then Peter smiled, he would see and hear them in Neverland.

"Tink, come here I need you." Peter whispered. Reluctantly Tink flew over to peter, folded her arms and popped out a hip.

Yes Peter?

"I need some dust, so I can carry her." Peter motioned to the sleeping Wendy. Tink rolled her eyes. She did not want this big ugly thing running around in her Neverland. But, she thought, there are lots of dangers to running around. Something dreadful could happen to her. What a tragedy that would be. With a sickeningly sweet smile, Tink shook pixie dust onto the sleeping girl, with less than pleasant thoughts in mind.

Peter smiled thanks to Tink and gently scooped up Wendy into his arms. Remembering her last experience with flying, and falling Peter leaned down to whisper in Wendy's ear.

"Don't worry. I've got you, and nothing will happen so long as I've got you."

Wendy stirred slightly and snuggled closer to Peter in her sleep. Making sure her head was supported he smiled. This was going to be the greatest adventure ever! With that Tink, Peter, and a sleeping Wendy headed for the magical second star to the right, and straight on till morning.



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