The Never Beginnings

By Serindiel

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"Do you want to go home?" He asked bracing himself for the answer that was sure to come. The girl looked at t... More

Prologue; An Awfully Big Adventure
Chapter 1: The First Story
Chapter 2: Nightmares
Chapter 3: The Most Wonderful Boy Who Ever Lived
Chapter 4: The Lost Boys
Chapter 5: Curiosity
Chapter 6: Shadows and Stitches
Chapter 7: Not a Dream
Chapter 8: Telling Stories
Chapter 9: Flying
Chapter 10: Kisses and Happy Thoughts
Chapter 12: Stories From a Girl
Chapter 13: Trouble
Chapter 14: Neverland
Who Shot the Lady?
The Clever Kiss
Little Sparrow
Plans and Promises
Introductions and Interrogations
Skull Rock
Fights and Feelings
Training Lost Boys and Mothers
Triumphs, Thimbles, and Tears
The Fairy Returns
The Accord
Beach Break
Mermaid Lagoon
Offers by Candlelight
The Chief of Wisdom
In Need of Help
The Pirate's Trade
Done For
Don't Leave
A Story and a Thimble
Just the Beginning

Chapter 11: A Dangerous Pirate

507 18 13
By Serindiel

Peter had to admit, he was impressed with how quickly Wendy had picked up flying. She was a natural! Of course she was not nearly as good as he was, but for a beginner he had to give her credit. Peter had almost caught up to her when Wendy stopped mid-flight. Puzzled he slowed down. Why on earth was she stopping? Peter watched Wendy's expression turn from one of pure joy to outright fear. Peter was about to call out to her when without warning Wendy began to fall.

For a moment all Peter could do was stare after her. Peter's body was frozen in place, his mind befuddled. Why wasn't Wendy flying? Nothing that just happened made any sense! The only connection Peter made was that Wendy looked like a falling star. A falling star....falling...Wendy was falling!

Shaking his head and leaping into action Peter raced after the girl. "Wendy!"

He dove down faster than a comet. Blood rushing in his ears and wind stinging his checks he sped on, but he was still out of reach. He needed to go faster, he needed a happy thought. But all of Peter's happy thoughts had vanished; the only thought left was that he had promised not to let Wendy fall. And here she was- falling.

Unhappy thoughts filled his head. He had failed to keep her safe. What was the one thing that he had promised her! Dread lodged itself into Peter's heart. He couldn't let this happen! But the thoughts weighed him down and could not be shaken. With no happy thoughts peter tumbled head over heels, spinning violently out of control.

Desperately Peter fought for a happy thought. His hand landed on his pouch. He opened it hoping for a miracle. Hand touching cool metal he remembered Wendy's kiss.

Wendy's kiss! A kiss that promised protection and good luck! He remembered how she looked when she gave it to him, a pink tint to her cheeks. How tingly it made Peter feel even though he didn't know what a kiss was. Sudden warmth rushed through Peter as he was able to cling to that happy memory. Regaining control he raced through the night air and underneath Wendy. With a great oomph! Peter caught her and slowed their decent to a complete stop.

Peter hovered midair to try and calm his racing heart. After a few deep breaths Peter looked down at Wendy. She was trembling in his arms. Her eyes still held the fear he saw before she fell. Hugging her just a little closer to him, he tried to calm her and reassure himself that things were alright now. After all he did just save her! A sinking feeling settled in the pit of Peter's stomach when he realized he was the one who hadn't kept his promise of not letting her fall.

Shaking away that unpleasant reminder, Peter tried to figure out why Wendy had fallen in the first place.


Wendy didn't answer. Still in a daze, she stared off into the distance. Peter tried again.


Blinking as if waking up from a dream, Wendy realized someone was calling her name. She looked up at Peter. His eyes were furrowed in concern and confusion.

"What happened Wendy?"

She tried to speak, it came out as barely a whisper. "Those eyes..."

"What eyes Wendy? What did you see?"

She shook her head and clung to Peter a little tighter.

Peter sighed. Maybe if she was back in her room she might open up.

Trying not to fly to fast, Peter carried Wendy back to the nursery. Once there he settled her down on the window seat. Peter hovered just a few inches overhead, looking down at her.

"Now," He began. "Can you tell me what made you so scared that you lost all of your happy thoughts? We were having so much fun; I was even letting you think you were winning! Then you stopped and got this look on your face. You looked so terrified, then ...well you nearly gave me a heart attack! And after I saved you, you said 'those eyes.' What eyes Wendy? What happened?"

Wendy looked up at Peter, then down at her nightdress, "It would be easier to show you."

Taking a deep breath she slid off the window ledge and walked to her night stand. She opened a drawer and pulled out her sketch book. Wendy looked down and bit her lip. She'd never shown these to anyone before. Clutching her book to her chest, she turned back to Peter.

"A few months ago I had a dream, well it was a nightmare actually," she rambled. "But it's happened more than once and it is the same dream over and over again. I am flying and I am so happy I could burst. Then I see a flash of green eyes that are chasing me. I laugh and fly faster. Then I see a different pair of eyes. These eyes," She said gesturing to her sketchbook.

"These eyes grow bigger until they are all I can see. They see right through me, they see what I am afraid of, and they know how to use it against me. They are cruel. So tonight when I was flying I saw a flash of green eyes, your eyes. It reminded me of my dream. I knew what happened next. I knew I'd see these eyes and it petrified me. I lost all of my happy thoughts and well..." Wendy swallowed. "Then you know the rest."

Cautiously she handed Peter her book. He took it and began to flip through the pages. There were pages of sketches of the eyes. Some of the eyes were as deep and blue as the Neverseas. They were cunning and calculating, waiting for the opportunity to strike. Others were black as death and just as cold. No pity or compassion. No human feeling in them whatsoever. No light could escape the dark holes. And some burned red with the fires of hell and a tormented soul. Eyes filled with wrath, fueled by hate and longed for blood. Yet they were all the same eyes, same shape, same full lashes, and all very, very familiar to Peter.

Peter gasped, "Hook!"

Wendy inhaled, "Hook? As in Captain Hook? But I've never seen him before in my life! How could I have drawn Hook's eyes? I mean that is impossible! Quite inconceivable!"

Peter glanced between the pages and Wendy, "I don't know but these are Hook's eyes. I've stared into them enough I ought 'ta know."

Wendy sat down next to Peter on the window. "What is Hook like Peter?"

"What do you mean?" Peter asked, closing the sketchbook.

"Well," Wendy looked down shyly. "What is he like? If I've really drawn his eyes I can't even imagine what he must be like in person. And to be honest that frightens me. But, I don't want to be frightened! There is greater fear of the unknown than what you know. So if you tell me what he is like in person, I won't be afraid of him when I see him."

Peter cocked his head at Wendy; she sure was a strange girl and talked an awful lot. He had to confess, she did make a good point. Not that Peter feared anything! But for some he could see how not knowing your enemy was unwise.

"Alright, but you gotta understand a something. When I do take you to Neverland, you are staying far away from Hook. When we battle the pirates, Hook is mine, and only mine. All of the lost boys know that too. So you won't have to worry about coming face to face with him."

"Hook is a dangerous man. He calls himself a 'gentleman' being 'true to his word'" Peter scoffed. "But he is a dirty rotten pirate through and through."

Peter opened her sketchbook to a picture of the blue eyes. "When his eyes are blue he is thinking, scheming, planning. It's a perilous calm before the storm. In his mind he is already two steps ahead. Like a snake before he strikes, watching his prey before he goes after it. It's usually how he looks when he is planning an attempt to kill me. But it never works" Peter boasted.

He turned the page to a picture of dead, black eyes. "When his eyes are black, he is ready to kill. And he does kill. I've seen him shoot his own crew before, without a second glance. The world is against him and he is ready to take back what is his and he doesn't care who gets in his way. Some say he sold his soul to the devil; the devil took it and left nothing behind."*

"And last, when his eyes glow red- I've only seen this once, when I cut off his hand. He was murderous. Blinded by hate, slashing out at anything and everything, so full of rage, he can't stop until he has satisfied his bloodlust. There have been times, when I have seen flashes of red but that is it. He is a dangerous pirate. Still no match for me though!"

Peter glanced up at Wendy. She was sitting still hands clasped, eyes full of intrigue. He was proud at how brave she was trying to be. But he could still sense some lingering fear from earlier that evening. He wondered at how he might squash her fear completely. Then a brilliant, brilliant idea came into his head. An incredible, amazing idea! Oh the cleverness of he!

"Wendy," Peter smiled, setting the book aside.

"Yes Peter?"

"I should like to give you something. Well two somethings."

Wendy raised an eyebrow, "Yes?"

Peter was grinning like a boy on Christmas morning."The first is a promise that I will always protect you from Hook. No matter what. The second, I'd like to give you my kiss!"

Wendy blinked, she wasn't expecting that. She thought he had forgotten all about the "kiss." "Alright Peter, you may give me a kiss." Wendy agreed.

"Close your eyes! And no peaking!"

Wendy did as she was told, heart pounding.

Peter hurriedly removed his acorn necklace. Then gently he grabbed Wendy's hand and placed his "kiss" in it. His skin tingled from the contact, and it made him smile.

"Now, you can open your eyes Wendy!"

Wendy looked down to her open hand. Peter's acorn necklace sat perfectly in her palm.

"It still has pixie dust in it!" Peter said excitedly. "So that if I am never around and you are in trouble you can just fly away! Isn't that the most clever idea! I am so thoughtful!"

Wendy had to giggle at Peter's cockiness. "Yes Peter, you are the most clever and thoughtful boy who ever lived! And this is a wonderful 'kiss'"

Peter lit up at her compliment. He knew he was the most clever boy in the world but hearing it from Wendy made it seem ten times better. He was practically floating on happy thoughts. He was about to crow when Wendy reached over and clamped her free hand over his mouth.

"Shh! Peter you'll wake John and Michael!" Wendy laughed. Peter smiled beneath her hand. Wendy shook her head at Peter's silliness.. Peter gazed into Wendy's eyes. They were a brilliant blue tonight, dancing with light. He smiled to himself, he had made Wendy happy. And he decided that, that was the most wonderful feeling in the world. The two stayed like this for just a moment too long.

Blush suddenly swept over Wendy's cheeks when she realized her hand was still on Peter's mouth. Quickly she removed her hand and scooted to the far side of the window seat.

Peter was still smiling like a fool and gestured to the necklace. "Well, aren't you going to put it on?"

"Oh! Yes of course." Wendy said sliding the sting over her head. The string was long enough that the acorn rested right above her heart.

"There! Now it will protect you even if I can't." Peter announced triumphantly.

Wendy smiled gratefully. "Thank you Peter it is lovely. But now it is getting late and I must go to sleep. But will you come back tomorrow? I've promised to tell a wonderful story!"

"What story?" Peter asked eagerly.

Wendy tisked Peter, "No it is a surprise! You'll just have to wait and see!"

"As you wish Wendy Lady," Peter floated of the seat and did a gallant bow. "I will return tomorrow night to hear the 'surprise' story!"

"Tomorrow night then," Wendy curtsied.

"Tomorrow night." Peter concluded. And with one last dazzling smile he was out the window and lost to the night.

Wendy twirled all the way to her bed and jumped into the pillows. Content smile on her face, and hand over her "kiss" Wendy fell into a fitful, nightmareless, sleep.


Unnoticed by the two children was the shadowy figure that watched them from across the street. Hand clutched to throat in disbelief, the figure almost fainted when she saw the Darling girl with a street urchin in her room. The girl was in her nightdress no less! Well, this figure concluded that something must be done, and a certain "Aunt" Millicent would be hearing from her in the morning.

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