BOOKWORM [Sirius Black] [DISC...

By InTheFormOfWords

274K 7.4K 2.6K

''It's 27 degrees, sunny and a brilliant day to go outside and you're curled up on an armchair - reading!'' '... More

[O N E]
[T W O]
[T H R E E]
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[F I V E]
[S I X]
[S E V E N]
[E I G H T]
[N I N E]
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[T W E L V E]
[F O U R T E E N]
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[S I X T E E N]
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[T W E N T Y T W O]
[T W E N T Y T H R E E]
[T W E N T Y F O U R]
[T W E N T Y F I V E]
[T W E N T Y - S I X]
[T W E N T Y - S E V E N]
[T W E N T Y - E I G H T]
[T W E N T Y - N I N E]
[T H I R T Y]
[T H I R T Y - O N E]
[A U T H O R S N O T E]

[T H I R T E E N]

6.9K 212 62
By InTheFormOfWords

"WHAT IN MERLINS name was that?" Lily questioned Maia as they walked the corridors to get to Transfiguration. Maia smiled and shook her head. 'Sirius and his bloody ways'. She thought. Pulling a loose strand of her freshly-washed hair, she chuckled.

"It's nothing, really." Lily rolled her eyes and sighed angrily.

"It didn't seem like that!" She remarked loudly. Maia sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose.

"Out of all the boys who take interest in you it had to be bloody Black." She muttered sourly. Maia's head snapped to Lily's.

"Why is Black so bad?" Maia said indignantly. Lily raised her eyebrow.

"You know why I hate them." Lily growled.

"No, I really don't." Maia snapped back, her blood boiling over the petty issue. Lily screamed in annoyance.

"He's a womaniser, he thinks he's Merlins gift to women, he's annoying, he's manipulative not to mention he hangs out with those bloody boys!" Lily listed with venom.

"Those bloody boys are better than you think! Sure, they're a bit egotistical but that's them! Once you actually get to know them - the actual boys - they are so much nicer! James is the nicest boy once you get past his-" Maia stopped and heaved before continuing. "-You know what - he is what he is because of you!" Maia screamed, causing silence in the hall. Lily's almond shaped eyes widened for a minute before glaring.

"He is the way he is because of himself. I had no part in his personality." She scowled. Maia had had enough.

"He loves you!" Pounding her fist on the stone wall, she roared.

"He loves you! Your ignorant mind can't see past his big head but he loves you!" Maia could see the hurt and slight uncertainty in her eyes and in a couple of fleeting moments, Maia fled.


Maia never realised how little friends she had until she lost Lily. In fact, she had none. It seemed as though Lily was a support network greater than 100 friends. Therefore losing Lily was like a jab to the heart for Maia.

Seeing her in the morning and not being able to greet her was a punch to the face to her. Walking alone in halls, sitting alone in classes, eating alone in meals.


She was like that regularly nowadays. It had been a week and a half since their fight and boy, was Maia regretting defending the boys.

Severus was obviously taking Lily's side - they had been best friends since childhood and Maia had the sneaking suspicion that he wanted a little more than friendship from Lily.

James and his crew had tried coaxing her out of her state of loneliness, inviting her to sit with them at dinner, helping her out in class and walking close behind her in halls but it just didn't replace what comfort Lily provided. She needed a girl to provide her with comfort and sort out what little issues she had.

Sirius was about the only person who was making a difference in her life. Slowly but surely, he was coaxing her out of her shell of self doubt and making her a bit more self confident. Sure, she wasn't as confident as a nudist or a Sirius, but she was getting there. She was slowly appreciating herself. She was putting her hair into a ponytail more often (she hated her pixie ears) and painting her nails. This was taking time out of of her reading.

Reading wasn't a hobby of Maia's, it was a passion. To jump into a world where every possibility was explored and good triumphing over evil was the most probable ending was exhilarating. Every page turn, sentence formed and word read thrilled Maia.

It was like an addiction, a drug of some sort. Books equal no worries.

Quite surprisingly, Leena dropped in one Lunch and asked to see Maia. Sirius was ready to deck her and leave but Maia stopped him and followed her out of the hall. As soon as they were far enough from civilisation, Leena burst into tears. Maia's eyes widened and she gaped at the sight before her.

"What's wrong?" Maia frowned, leading her to a nearby bench an rubbing her arm. Leena sniffed and wiped her eye.

"It's Thomas. Thomas Venta." Maia's lips curled in disgust at that name. She clenched her teeth.

"What about him?" She asked politely, but glared at the ground. Leena looked at her.

"He was threatening to hurt you badly, like put you in a Coma and make it an accident. He was threatening really bad things on you. On Black too. I really can't see anyone get hurt with me knowing about it. It makes me feel worthless." She croaked out. Maia frowned and a shot of fear struck through her heart.

"H-He was going to hurt me?" Maia whispered, covering her mouth. Leena nodded, her eyes filled with tears threatening to spill.

"And Sirius?" Leena nodded again. Maia cried out in anguish. Tears spilled down her cheeks and she froze in fear.

"I need to tell McGonagall." Maia got up and Leena stopped her.

"No!" She cried out. Maia turned back to see her wince.

"Please don't. No." She frowned. Maia asked why.

"He's going to hurt me again. He's going to find out and hurt me. Please no." Maia opened her arms out and Leena hugged her. As she weeped Maia comforted her.

"It's going to be alright. Shh." She awkwardly comforted. Leena wiped her eyes on her leather jacket and sniffled.

"Leena, we need to go see McGonagall. He won't find out because I'll ask her to keep who donned him in secret." Maia smiled. Leena repeated wiping her eyes and after a long moment, she nodded.

"Let's go, shall we?"



Leena grabbed her arm as Maia was about to knock and shut her eyes in fear.

"He's not going to hurt you anymore." Maia smiled at her. Leena breathed and nodded. Letting go of Maia's arm, the shoulder length girl knocked on the mahogany door. After a dull 'coming' and a rustle, the door opened to find McGonagall.

"Please, do step inside girls." She welcomed them as soon as she saw the tear stained faces. They all sat down on the chairs that matched the desk and the door and McGonagall offered them some tissues.

"Ms. McGonagall, a boy named Thomas Venta has threatened to hurt Maia here and Sirius Black."

"Oh my."



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