Chasing Pavements: Death the...

By XxWishForMexX

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Would You Kill Someone You Love Because You Love Them...? (My first story here! Enjoy!) More

Chasing Pavements - Death the Kid Love Story
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapte Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Sixteen

1.1K 31 2
By XxWishForMexX

I breathe in and focus on the target. I try to remember that the person up there isn’t the real Yomi. Just some witch taking control of her mind. I aim with both guns. She stands completely still. Confidence seeps out of her. I can feel my hands shaking. “Focus.” Liz says. “Yeah, Kid! You can do this!” Patty says. It helps, but it wasn’t enough to make my anxiety go away. I breathe deeply and fix the guns in my hands. A perfect shot.

KA-POW!!! That’s two…damnit… I wasn’t supposed to shoot out one of Patty’s bullets. This has thrown me off completely. And that’s not the worst part. The worst part is, I missed both shots. “That’s two, Kid.” Yomi says with a serious voice. “What’s the matter Kid? You know what to do!” Liz says. I sweat lightly. Damn, why is it so hard to shoot? I look at Yomi standing there. I can’t help but to think of her smile. When she was normal, that is.

                “C’mon. This is getting boring.” Yomi says with a heavy sigh. I take aim again. This time I fire Patty first and then Liz. I close my eyes and wait to see what I hit. “Hey, Kid, I think you got her!” Patty claps. We can’t see yet because of the thick fog that seemed to just recently roll into the forest. We wait. Out of the fog emerges a beautiful young girl. Yomi. She’s coming at me, at a slow pace. She places her hand on my chest and sighs again. She looks up at me with tears in her eyes. Her big beautiful blue eyes…blue? Weren’t they purple? “Kid,” she says. “Please forgive me.” she cries. I nearly cry too. “I-it’s the witch, Kid.” she holds her head down, still crying. “Please forgive me.” she whispers. The hand that rested on my chest, her katana was summoned. She stabbed me, right on the right side of my body. Liz and Patty cry my name. The pain moves through me quickly. The warm blood seeps through my jacket. It hurts like hell. I can’t bring my body to move.

                Soon, I somehow get used to the pain…it’s quite miraculous actually…

                Yomi waits for a reaction. I don’t give her one…


The moon had taken its rightful place in the sky, signifying that night had finally arrived. Yomi and I sat in an awkward silence… I could feel her black eyes staring at me as I stared down at the forest floor.

“It’s time to end this, Kid,” she says blankly. I can hear her summon her sword and drag it behind her as she slowly inched her way toward me. I remained completely still. Liz and Patty yelled at me. They told me to move out of the way or I would die. That she would kill me and take my soul if I didn’t do something.

She stood directly in front of me. She placed her sword up to my neck, forcing me to hold my head up. I see the swollen clouds in the sky. It’s gonna rain…

“Disgusting.” She spat. “You’re not even trying. Why won’t you attack? I’m not the same person any more, Death the Kid. My soul had been converted into a kishin egg and it’s your duty to get rid of all the evil souls that throw off the balance of peace in the world, isn’t it? If so, then why won’t you strike?”

“Kid, she’s right! I know you don’t want to ruin her symmetry, but you need to…” “Shut up, Liz.” I say. “Don’t you see? Symmetry is not the problem. Dot you see why I can’t do this?!” I shout. I feel my eyes water and my voice quivers. She lowers her sword and I look down at her. Her eyes were slowly returning to their normal deep blue and she lowers her sword.

I finally build up the courage to tell her…to tell her what’s been on my mind since the day our lips touched…without thinking, I told her the three most dangerous words you could ever say to a person:

“I love you, Sayomi.”

Not a moment later her eyes go back to their cold dark purple and she snaps. “Don’t say that...EVER!”

She raises her sword to strike me down…

What will happen next…?

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