Nobody's Business (BOOK ONE)

By SincerelyPink

585K 18.4K 2.2K

Sevyn lives in a world where people are starting to loose the most valuable quality. Common Sense. Forget thi... More

Nobody's Business
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Book 2

Chapter 12

11.2K 357 28
By SincerelyPink

"Come on Sevyn, I know you're in here." Sevyn hears Monica say. She's curled up on a bed in the nurses office after fleeing the cafeteria and telling the nurse she had a headache, which was true. "Either you come out or I drag you out."

Groaning, Sevyn turns over on the bed and slides the curtain to the side. "Monica I don't feel good. Leave me alone."

Monica walks over to her and sits on the bed, pulling the curtain closed. "No, I'm not going to let you sit in this funky office sulking over Keenan. He's not worth it." She tells her. Sevyn rolls her eyes, resting her head on the stiff pillow.

"Well you didn't just break up with your boyfriend because he cheated on you and got a Florida hoe pregnant." Sevyn retorts with an attitude.

"Yeah because I'm a lesbian." Monica replies and Sevyn can't help but laugh. "I'm serious. Boys are too much drama."

"Whatever," Sevyn closes her eyes and pulls her legs closer to her body, wishing she had a warm blanket in this cold office. Monica sighs and strokes her hair, they sit in silence as Sevyn thinks about the horrible situation in the cafeteria. "I was so stupid, I should have known he was cheating." She grumbles.

Monica shakes her head, "You're not stupid Sev. It's not like he wore a t-shirt that said 'Cool story babe, by the way I cheated on you in Florida.'"

Sevyn laughs again even though she's still mad. No matter what happens she can always depend on Monica to make her feel better. Monica always tries to look on the positive side of things but when she's mad there's no sense of reasoning with her. Monica is like Sevyn's sister, she looks out for her and protects her whenever she needs to. Sevyn is more easy going than Monica so Monica sees it as her job to balance their friendship out and be the bold, loud mouthed, free spoken spirit out of the two of them.

"Seriously though, I'm not gonna let you sulk over Keenan. I'm sorry honey but I told you from the start that you could do so much better."

"Well I'm sorry that I don't always see things from your point of view Monica. I'm sorry I didn't let you corrupt my mind. I didn't know it was against the law to have my own thoughts." Sevyn snaps at her best friend, tears stinging her eyes again. She knows that her friend means well but she hates it when Monica is right, which is most of the time. Sevyn sighs and looks up at the ceiling.

"I loved him Money, I honestly did. He never gave me any reason to suspect he had cheated on me. Keenan may have a hard exterior around yall but to me he was always so sweet and passionate. So finding out he cheated and knocked Aubrey up was like a shock to my whole system and I found it so hard to believe."

It's hurts Monica to see her friend so distraught but its time to say what's been on her mind for a long time since Sevyn and Keenan started dating. "Maybe that was the problem Sev. Maybe y'all were too perfect."

Sevyn's eyebrows scrunch together and Monica continues. "Think about it. You and Keenan never had any suspicions to each other. You trusted each other too much and I think that's what caused this to happen." Monica tell her. Sevyn blinks, still not following along. Monica sighs, "Babydoll, Keenan cheated on you cuz he knew how much faith you had in him and he knew you would never suspect a thing. Y'all knew everything about each other and barely argued. It's like everything was so overly perfect that you had it in your head that there were no flaws and over looked the fact that Keenan was sleeping with some other girl in Florida."

Sevyn finally understands Monica's logic which only makes her feel worst. "I was so blinded by his empty promises of faithfulness and long lasting love that I didn't see any of this coming." Monica nods her head and Sevyn shakes her head. "I'm so stupid."

"Stop saying that!" Monica exclaims angrily. "You're not stupid Sevyn you're just hurt. And you're gonna hurt even more if you don't get up off this bed so we can go to class. You're stronger than this, come on now."

Sevyn rolls her eyes, knowing Monica won't leave her alone. She finally climbs out the bed and smooths down her hair that has frizzed out. Monica hands her her bookbag off the ground and together they check out of the nurses office. They take the stairs to the second floor and walk into history together.

As expected, all eyes lock onto Sevyn when she walks in. Everyone is watching her to see how shes being effected by the shocking news of Keenan cheating. They're trying to separate the truth from the rumors and Sevyn doesn't want them in her business. She doesn't want them to see her with her guard down so she keeps a completely blank face along with vacant eyes as she walks through the rows of desk to her seat. Monica sits next to her, glaring at everyone who's staring at her friend.

"Get out her face." She orders, narrowing her dark brownish-green eyes at them. A few people turn away, others lean close to their friend and start whispering. Sevyn keeps her face blank and opens her notebook, grabbing a pen and beginning to scribble down the notes on the board. She doesn't converse with Monica like she usually does in class. She actually focuses on what Mr. Wilson has to say because she needs something to occupy her mind. Any type of distraction is enough for her right now.

The bell rings an hour and twenty minutes later and Sevyn quickly packs up her stuff. She sits on a desk anxiously waiting for Monica to finish the assignment in the history text book. The sooner she gets out of here the better she'll be able to breath. All she wants to do is go home, lay in bed and talk with her mom. Her mother has a way of making situations better no matter how bad they seem.

"Hey Sevyn," Carson Matthews says coming to stand in front of her. Sevyn looks up slowly, wondering why Carson is in her face. She glares at her to indicate that she's not in the mood for any pointless conversations right now. Carson is known for being the gossip queen of Marian Parker magnet. She knows everything about everyone in and out of school and her favorite hobby is making sure everyone who doesn't know the latest gossip, knows it from her.

Carson's twinkling eyes see right through Sevyn's blank facade. "I heard about the lunch drama, it's crazy how Aubrey just got here and has already stirred up drama in the second week of school." She says with an eye roll.

"Carson what do you want? We haven't talked in all the years we've gone to school together and suddenly you're here in my face." Sevyn looks the girl up down from her platinum blonde hair to her bright blue Vans and back to her crystal blue eyes.

Carson smiles innocently, "Set me straight Sevyn. Is Aubrey really pregnant with Keenan's baby or is she faking it?"

Sevyn freezes up and swallows down the lump in her throat. She knew it wouldn't take Carson very long to start questioning her but she was hoping it wouldn't happen in the same day. She tries to think of a witty comment but nothing comes to mind. Sensing her friends sudden blankness, Monica slams her book shut and stands up. "I have a question for you Carson. Is it true you caught an STD from a member of the basketball team. Not that you know which one since you slept with all of them." She wonders with a smug smile. Sevyn's eyebrows raise in surprise as Carson shifts uncomfortably.

"It was a curable one," Carson says shrugging and glaring at Monica with no shame at all. Sevyn screws up her face at the fact that Carson happily admitted she was a hoe, a legitimately nasty one too.

Monica shakes her head, "And you have the nerve to talk about other people."

Sevyn gets off the desk and slings her book bag on her back, "Look if you want answers then you can go talk to Keenan. What he and Aubrey do doesn't concern me." She says, pushing past Carson with Monica behind her. She turns when she reaches the door. "Maybe you should start a new hobby Carson. Spreading gossip, spreading you legs, spreading STDs, it's not cute and neither are you."

Carson crosses her arms, glaring at Sevyn's back as the two girls leave the room. She hears a very low snicker and glances to the left only to find Mr.Wilson staring down at his desk, refusing to look up at her. She rolls her eyes at him and storms out the classroom, hearing the deep chuckle come from the classroom behind her.

"Do you wanna come over my house Sev? Just to chill and relax?" Monica asks when they reach Sevyn's locker.

"I guess so. I wanna tell my mom what happened but I guess I should just cool down before I get home and burst into tears or something. Especially after having Carson all up in my face, asking questions like she's Ellen DeGeneres." Sevyn says, throwing the books she doesn't need into her locker and grabbing her Physics binder.

Her phone rings and she digs it out of her pocket, using her shoulder to press it against her ear. "Hello?"

"Hey Sevyn it's Mrs.Brown."

"Oh hey Mrs. Brown," Sevyn says, shutting her locker and walking down the hall to the parking lot with Monica by her side.

"I was hoping you'd come and watch Jamie for me. I have a doctors appointment to run to and Jamie is always getting into something when we go there, and Lord knows I don't have the money to replace anything she breaks." Mrs. Brown pauses to laugh lightly. Sevyn smiles a little and glances across the hall at the sound of a locker shutting, just in time to see Keenan shuffling towards the school doors with a slump in his walk. His hat rest on his head, shielding his eyes as he keeps his head low. Sevyn's stomach lurches at the sight of him and she spaces out for a moment, reliving the intense argument that took place at lunch.

"Sevyn?" Mrs. Brown asks.

Sevyn blinks coming back to earth. "Sorry, yeah I'm here. Um," she thinks about whether or not she wants to babysit today. All she really wants to do is lay in bed and vent to Monica or her mom, having one of them comfort her as she spills her heart. But then again Sevyn doesnt want the break up to tear apart her life. That will only make her seem weak and let Aubrey have the satisfaction of ruining her life.

No. Sevyn is going to continue on with her life even if it kills her. Besides, Jamie always keeps Sevyn on her toes and babysitting her will be a perfect way to help her get her mind of Keenan and Aubrey.

"I can babysit today, what time do you need me?" She asks, pushing through the doors and going outside to the steps.

"I know it's short notice but I need you by 4:00." Mrs. Brown tells her.

Sevyn glances at her watch and nods. "That's fine, I can make it."

"Alright, see you in a little while baby." Mrs. Brown says before hanging up.

Sevyn puts her phone away in her back pocket. "Change of plans Money. I'm heading over to Mrs.Brown's house to babysit Jamie, so no late night chat sessions unless you want to join me."

Monica scoffs, "Are you kidding me? I'd probably tie that little girl to her bed post. I got enough baby cousins that come and visit my house un-announced and I'm not tryin' to spend my free time watchin' somebody elses. Maybe next time."

Sevyn laughs and rolls her eyes. An arm goes around her neck and she jumps, ready to smack any boy that's already trying to make a move on her, only to find Ty standing next to her with Malcolm coming up behind him. "You need a right home?" He asks, knowing she used to carpool with Keenan.

"I need a ride but I'm not going home. I'm going to Mrs. Brown's house. Can you bring me?"

Ty nods his head, "Yeah, we're going over to Corey's house to play his play station anyway." Sevyn rolls her eyes, wondering how they maintain grades good enough to play basketball.

"Well if you need someone to talk to, I'm here Sev." Monica gives Sevyn a brief hug before walking away towards her car. Sevyn follows her brothers to their moms car and climbs into the backseat. "So we were looking for Keenan when the bell rang but he ducked out of class so fast he was gone without a trace." Ty laughs.

Sevyn sighs, "Don't even stress about it. He should have known I wasn't going to take the news of him easily and he knows how y'all are. Trust me, he'll be staying low key for awhile."

"I hope so, cuz Shaun and Corey are lookin for him right now." Ty says.

Sevyn looks around, "Is that why we haven't moved yet? Guys come on, please don't put your hands on him. I don't want y'all getting suspended during your senior year because of me. That goes for Corey and Shaun too. He's not worth it."

"Sevyn we're fighting for you. We're not letting him get away with screwing you over. If you don't want Corey and Shaun to do it then fine, but Malcolm and I will happily bust his ass up no matter the consequences." Ty argues back, his body tensing up.

"Ty I don't need you fighting for me. I can handle this on my own alright? Keenan isn't going to bother me." Sevyn argues back. She'll never admit it to anyone but she still has enough faith in Keenan to know he won't confront her after he got bashed in the head with a tray and told off by Sevyn. "Promise me you won't put your hands on him unless absolutely necessary."

The car stays quiet and Sevyn leans forward in her seat, looking from left to right at her brothers. "I said promise me!" She yells forcefully.

Malcolm winces and looks over at Ty. "Come on Ty, just promise the girl. If we really need to, we'll lay Keenan's punk ass out."

Ty takes a moment before exhaling and gripping the steering wheel. "Fine. We promise not to put our hands on Keenan unnecessarily."

"Thank you. Finally someone listens to me." Sevyn says, flopping back in the seat. Ty fires off a text to Corey and Shaun telling them to give up the search for Keenan and come to the car. Five minutes later the back doors open and Corey and Shaun climb into the backseat on either side of Sevyn. "Whoa, didn't expect you to be here Sev. I thought you'd ride with Money." Corey says after he's bumped into her.

"Im babysitting Jamie today so I didn't go with her." She says as Ty starts the car and pulls out the spot. They cruise down the street with the music shaking the car.

"How you holdin up?" Shaun inquires.

Sevyn shrugs, "Fine I guess. You know, other than avoiding Keenan and Aubrey at all cost. And having everyone stare and whisper about me makes me feel like a bug under a microscope. I've been trying to ignore it's hard when the whole school knows or wants to know your business."

"Damn Sev, anything we can do to make it better?" Corey rubs her shoulder lightly and Sevyn glances at him with a smirk.

"Bringing me one of those huge coffee cake muffins from Dunkin Donuts tomorrow might lift my spirits a little bit Dough Boy." She teases.

"All you do is eat girl. It's a good thing you're athletic." He says to her. Sevyn smiles and shrugs because its true. If she wasn't athletic she would most likely be 300 pounds. She doesn't have a fast metabolism like Monica, she actually has to work hard to maintain such a toned stomach.

"Guys I have a question." Seven says, wanting to change the topic. Malcolm lowers the music to hear what she's about to ask. "Is it true Carson Matthews slept with the whole basketball team?" The boys start cracking up, all of them nodding their heads yes. "Even y'all?" She adds on, the question aimed at Ty, Malcolm and Shaun.

"Yup," Shaun admits.

Sevyn raises her eyebrows, "So y'all caught her 'curable' STD?" She asks, putting finger quotes around the word curable.

Malcolm turns in his seat, "No. We were one of the first few to smash her, she caught it from TJ Davis and didn't even know it. She gave it to three other people on the team, the last ones to get a piece."

Sevyn makes a face and looks over at Corey, "Have you ever slept with Carson?"

He scrunches up his thick eyebrows and shakes his head, "Nah, I don't mess with her cuz she talk too much. Too many people had been with her anyway and I'm not tryin to catch anything."

"Smart boy." Sevyn comments, relieved that someone in this car thinks with the head on his shoulders instead of the one in his pants.

Ty pulls up at Mrs. Brown's house and Corey gets out the car to let Sevyn out. She leans down to Ty's window, "I'll call you to come pick me up later, alright?"

"Your legs ain't broke." He tells her.

She glares at him, "Come on Ty,please." She pouts, widening her eyes like she always did to get what she wanted as a child.

He sighs, "Fine, but you better have gas money."

"Boy bye," Sevyn says, turning and walking up the steps to the house. She jiggles the knob to find the door unlocked and goes inside. Jamie is sitting on the couch and squeals loudly when she spots her. "SEVYNNNNN!" She shouts, running into her arms. Today she has her hair out in a big puff with a headband holding it away from her face. She's wearing a flowy tank top with zebra striped pants and knee high sneakers.

"What's our plans for the day?" Sevyn asks, crouching down to Jamie's eye level.

Jamie thinks for a moment, "Lets have a girls day. I can paint your nails and you paint mine and we do each others hair. We can just sit and relax and watch tv."

Sevyn smiles, "Thats just what I need."

Ignore any errors, I was distracted by the tv

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