Stars in Shadow and Light『Fai...

By KunoHikaYashi

153K 4.4K 1.7K

Lucy Heartfilia A young girl that had many dreams awaiting to come true. The stories you've read were that sh... More

[✓] Prologue
[✓] Chapter 1: I'm Back Sabers!
[✓] Chapter 2: Tomorrow
[✓] Chapter 3: Time Magic
[✓] Chapter 4: We missed you!
[✓] Chapter 5: Star of Sabertooth
[✓] Chapter 6: Ill
[✓] Chapter 7: Accept
[✓] Chapter 9: Appearance
Chapter 10: Pandemonium
Chapter 11: MPF
Chapter 12: Big Bro
Chapter 13: Day Off
Chapter 14: Ryuuzetsu Land
Chapter 15: Sting's Dance
Chapter 16: Naval Battle
Chapter 17: Tag Teams
Chapter 18: Grand Chariot
Chapter 19: Six Slayers
Chapter 20: Generations
Chapter 21: Reward
Chapter 22: Anger Issues?
Chapter 23: Survive
Chapter 24: Planning
Chapter 25: The Last Day
Chapter 26: Ice vs Memory?!
Chapter 27: Erza vs Kagura
Chapter 28: A Possessed Rogue
Chapter 29: Nakagami Armour
Chapter 30: The End Game
Chapter 31: Eclipse Gate
Chapter 32: Seven Dragons
Chapter 33: Combination
Chapter 34: Who Are You?
Chapter 35: Last Ages
Chapter 36: Bonds
Chapter 37: Happy Ending
Rogue's Ending: The End and Beginning
Sting's Ending: Drunken Confessions
Rufus' Ending: Masquerade Mischief

[✓] Chapter 8: Plan

4.7K 138 46
By KunoHikaYashi

Yo minna!!! New chap here right now! I will tell you the results of the votes for now, but that doesn't mean you can't stop voting!

Rufus: Of course, I would love for you to vote for me... *Uses two fingers, grabs hat and wink at readers* As well as Miss Kuno *kisses Kuno's knuckles*

Me: *blushes from Rufus* U-uhm... Oh look at the time! Let's continue with the S-story!

Edit: Yo minna! I'm trying to edit older chapters in this book to match the current writing style I have! I recommend you to re-read the chapters that I have edited, there may be slight changes within the chapters. -9th May 2018

(Edited on 9th May 2018)


'Now, let us begin the meeting.'


Sting's POV

All of us -the team participating for the Grand Magic Games- are current on our way to Crocus by the spawn of Satan himself. The most horrible creation ever to be made in history, the creature that parents tell their children every night to keep them away from.

Yes, I'm talking about the dreaded Train of Hell.

"Urgh....." I groaned, my body slumping down from my seat as my eyes swirled with dizziness, face turning into a weird shade of green as I felt the horrid thing shake and rattle underneath me.

I still don't get how Rogue was still able to sit upright opposite from me, his eyes closed as he sat motionless. I knew he was sick too, I knew he was trying hard to keep his composure to not embarrass himself. But I still don't get how he's able to keep still like that.

"You look so pathetic." Orga chuckled, staring down at me from his seat as I glared at him but instantly regretting my decision as my stomach did a cartwheel in me, making me groan and lurch back.

"S-shut.... the... h-hell... up..." I tried to say, hands clutching my stomach in attempts to keep my food within my system -let me emphasise on the word 'attempts' for you to understand my situation- till this ride was over and done with.

"I will definitely remember this moment." Rufus smirked, making me groan again, lifting my upper body upwards and out of the window, the bile giving up on me as it spills across the side of the train and the rails.

"If only Lucy were here. I wouldn't have to see you puke your organs out of the train like that." Orga muttered, disgusted by the sight of the greenish-yellow substance that still remained in the corners of my mouth as I turned around to face him.

"You t-think I-ugh... don't w-want... t-t-that?" I moaned, dropping back to the ground as I prayed to The Great Elders to throw me off this spawn of the devil.

Few Hours Later~

It has been a few hours of me continuously puking, groaning and suffering now. I don't even understand how I still have that much food in me to have this much puke and bile.

After what seemed like a miracle, the train had lurched forward, making me sick once more before hearing the oh-so-grateful screeching of wheels against the train tracks. My sickness had been lifted off me as I sprang back to life, dashing out the nearest exit like a madman as I flew above the heads of the people by the doors.

As I jumped out -and over passengers' heads which resulted in a few yells- of the doors, I then landed -face first- onto the cemented floor of the Crocus Train Station, my hands sprawled all over the ground as I cried tears of joy.

"Oh sweet sweet ground. I will never neglect you or spit of you ever again..." I cried, kissing it repeatedly while the others casually came down from the train.

Rogue gripped onto the back of my collar as he yanked me off the ground, making me choke as he let go, making me stumble. I yelled at him -to which he ignored- as Orga and Rufus grabbed our luggage out from the storing compartments.

After all of the commotion, we then went to the Royal Garden Inn where we would be staying throughout the whole Games. After all of us had settled in our rooms and picked beds, I then stretched my arms as I pointed to the door.

"I'm gonna go out for a stroll. You comin' Rogue?" I asked, Rogue nodding as the exceeds came along with us out to the city of Crocus.

While we were there, all sorts of stalls ranging from food to flowers were lined up by almost every street, tourists and people alike filling the paths as we walked towards the main city square to take a slight break.

"Hey, Sabertooth!" Someone yelled, making the four of us look towards the voice to see a gang of what looked like middle-aged troublemakers who thought they were cool and 'hip' with dirt coated bandannas and torn up leather jackets.

"Fight us!" The man said again, holding a bat -seriously you're weapon's a bat? I mean, even the dude wearing a flower pattern shirt and mascara has a machete and all you have is a bat?- up in a fighting stance as the other men around him got into a stance as well.

"Fine." I smirked, cracking my knuckles and neck as I bent down slightly, Rogue ready to pull out the katana he had wrapped around his waist -I don't even know why he had that- as he glared at them.

They then started yelling some lame battlecry, swinging their weapons randomly and sloppily as they lunged towards us, making me smirk as I clenched my hands into fists.

'Just follow the plan.'


"Members that are participating in the Grand Magic Games, please come to my office." Master Jiemma suddenly said, walking back into his office as the five of us looked at one another.

Shrugging, I then start to head up the stairs towards Master's office, the others doing the same as Yukino knocked on the door, all of us walking in as we either sat or stood around the place.

"You called, Master?" Rufus spoke up first, Master putting the feathered quill in his hand down as he looked at us.

"I have a plan that Lucy has told me before she left." He started, all of us listening intently at the mention of a plan.

"You will all act like heartless mages that only care for power during the games to piss off Fairy Tail. If any of us lose in a battle, I will temporarily remove your guild mark for until the end of the games and you will go visit Fairy Tail at their inn to apologise." Master explained, us nodding as he then dismissed us, reminding us to remember the plan.

End of Flashback~

I had punched the leader square in the jaw, making him stumble back before falling to the ground with a bruised chin and bloodied nose, his measly bat to the side as he couldn't fight back anymore.

Rogue had taken care of the other members easily, I bet some of them even ran away scared. I smirked and kicked another incoming thug in the gut, making him couch up blood as he let go of the pitchfork -what is this? The Dark Ages?- in his hand as he fell to the ground in pain.

"How weak, you dare challenge Sabertooth with suck weak strength?" I taunted, looking down on the pathetic so called Leader that was on the ground as I scoffed.

"Who dares challenge Sabertooth?!" I yelled, raising my hands up in arrogance while looking at the gathered up crowd that had watched the fight go on, the people whispering about how Sabertooth was truly the strongest.

"Who are you?!" A voice suddenly came from the crowd, pink hair suddenly popping up by the floor as I stare down at him, smirking more as I saw none other than-

"Natsu Dragneel." Rogue said beside me, his eyes looking down at the said Dragon Slayer in front of us as he looked back at us in confusion.

"You know me? Then who are you?" Natsu questioned, an eyebrow raised.

"We are real Dragon Slayers!" I boasted, looking at him with a smirk on my lips as he stared with shock.

"You're Dragon Slayers too?! Then did your dragons disappear on 7th July, X777?!" Natsu exclaimed, excitement and amazement filling his tone as I inched closer to him.

"No, we killed our Dragons with our own bare hands." I muttered darkly, seeing the horrified looks on his face and the white haired chick next to him.

"You killed your own parents?!" He raged, making me chuckle as I leaned back, tilting my head smugly as I look at him.

"We did it to get real power, Rogue and I killed them with our own hands and bathed in their blood. We're what you can call true Dragon Slayers. Dragon Slayers that are more powerful than you First Generations." I said, some weird blue cat exclaiming in shock at seeing Lector and Frosch.

"Let me explain the different Generations of Dragon Slayers. Seven years ago, there was the First Generation Dragon Slayers, like Natsu-san, Wendy, and Gajeel who were brought up and trained by actual Dragons." Lector explained, pointing at Natsu who was glaring at me.

"Then there's the Second Generation Dragon Slayers. They are ones that had Dragon Lacrima implanted into their body to gain Dragon Slayer Magic. Like Fairy Tail's Laxus Dreyar and Cobra from Oración Seis." Magically, a board had appeared next to Lector and Frosch, Frosch pointing at the different heads of Dragon Slayers as Lector continued to explain.

"And now there's the Third Generation Dragon Slayers. They were trained by Dragons yes, but they also had a Dragon Lacrima implanted into them to make them twice as strong than the older generations. Deeming them the strongest and most superior Dragon Slayers! That's who Sting-kun and Rogue-kun are! The strongest Dragon Slayers in all of Fiore!" Lector grinned, Frosch agreeing as they came to stand next to us.

"You see, Dragneel? We are far more stronger than you. Your guild had four Dragon Slayers and couldn't even kill one Dragon. Talk about embarrassing." I mocked, seeing him getting more and more angrier as he tried to lung at me, the white hared girl holding him back.

"That dragon was Acnologia, the Chaos Dragon." She said, eyes stern making me scoff, smirking at them as I shrugged.

"So what? We could have killed it anyways." I said, hearing Rogue sigh as he gestured us towards the direction of the inn.

"Sting, come on. Let's go, I'm not planning to talk to the weaker generation any more longer than this." Rogue said, a bored tone in his voice as I nodded, looking back at Fairy Tail with one last mocking smirk.

"We will win the Grand Magic Games." Was all I said before leaving the scene, Rogue by my side as the exceeds walking by our sides.

"Well, we got Fairy Tail pissed." I chuckled, raising my arms and putting my hands behind my head as we continued to make our way back to the inn.

"Just as planned." Rogue said, looking straight ahead as we passed through the inn's main doors.

We made our way to the room where Master Jiemma was staying in, telling him about what we had done and said, making him nod in approval.

"Good work, let us see how they treat their family." Master then excused us, as we walked back into our team's room, Rufus and Orga were playing cards -Rufus obviously winning- while Yukino sat on her bed fumbling through her Celestial Keys.

"It's almost midnight. Get ready." Rogue announced, earning the attention of the three as they stood from their positions, a loud rumbling shaking the entire inn as we ran towards the large balcony we had.

What we saw what the inn rising up higher and higher from the usual ground, making me feel slightly sick at the sudden motion.

"What the?!" Orga yelled, shock clear in his voice as we look around to see the other inns also being lifted from the ground.

Suddenly, a large projection appeared before us, the figure turning out to be the Grand Magic Games' official mascot, Mato.

"Hello-kabo! Welcome to the X791 Grand Magic Games! This year we are going to have an elimination round-kabo!" Mato cheered, raising his hands up as a huge sphere of sorts formed behind him, pathways being formed from our balconies towards the ball.

"It seems more and more guilds take part in the Grand Magic Games each year-kabo! But, it gets boring to see so many battle all the time-kabo. This year we have 113 guilds too many participating, so to tone it down, all guilds will have to go through this Labyrinth and make it out in the top 8 to officially be in the Games-kabo!" " He explained, waving over to the sphere behind him, us slightly in shock at the number of guilds participating this year.

"Whichever guild gets to the Damus Flau arena first will move on to the actual games-kabo! Remember, you have to make it in a team and we will not hold responsible for any deaths-kabo! Now, let Sky Labyrinth... BEGIN-kabo!" The projection disappeared, the sphere in front of us for some reason having glowing red eyes.

"Let's go!" I said, jumping up on the path and running into the labyrinth, the others following behind me as we make it into the labyrinth.

As we looked around, what we saw was something very confusing. Paths leading to all directions, front, back, over, under, even upside down. The five of us then thought of a strategy as we then nodded at each other.

The plan was that Rufus was to memorise all the paths within the place while Orga using his Lightning Transportation Ability to take Rufus through the whole place, so that we would know which was the real way out.

Once the both of them came back to where we were, they then leaded us towards the path that would lead to the exit, going through multiple different pathways until we reached the end where Mato was standing. The goal was insight, making us dash towards it at full speed.

"Congratulations-kabo! Sabertooth has got through Sky Labyrinth first! You may now go back to your inn and rest until the official start of the Games tomorrow-kabo." Mato congratulated, opening the door behind him as he pushed us is, teleporting back to or inn.

"We better get some rest for tomorrow." Yukino suggested, all of us agreeing as we got ready and went to bed, thinking of what lies ahead for us tomorrow.

Me: CUT!!! Perfect guys!

Sting: Well, that was fun! Natsu will be so shocked to see Blondie next time!

Rufus: Agreed. I remember that Natsu was the one that abandoned Miss Lucy.

Rogue: I think he wouldn't care since he has that 'Lisanna' girl.

Me: Never Mind that! We have the Games to take care of! Now may you three do the honour of saying the disclaimer.

All three: Of Course. Miss Kuno does not own Fairy Tail, Hiro Mashima does. She only owns the story plot and original characters she made. VOTE, COMMENT & SHARE Miss Kuno's story!

Me: Okay! Make sure to vote for your favourite OTP!

1. StiCy/StiLu [moments] (Sting×Lucy)

2. RoLu [moments] (Rogue×Lucy)

3. RuLu/LuFus [moments] (Rufus×Lucy)

Me: Those are the suggestions!

Sting: Vote for me and I'll invite you guys to me and Blondie's wedding for sure! *winks at readers*

Rogue: Don't listen to that moron. Vote for me and you'll get to see an epilogue of me and Lucy.

Rufus: I beg to differ. Vote for me and you'll be able to see some very dramatic scenes. *holds hat with two fingers and smirks at the readers*

Me: *sweatdrops* uh... all of you have the same things like epilogues and dramatic scenes so there's no difference.

Sting: What?! *sulks in a corner*

Rogue: *shrugs* Never Mind then.

Rufus: I will surely remember how Sting sulks in a corner like that.

Me: Anyway... We must get going to the next chapter! Let's go guys!

All: BUH-BYE!!! *waves at readers*

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