Book One: My Ghostly Wolf Pro...

By Pantera06

5.9K 126 4

CayLynn Mathison, is your average normal girl, or is she? While she doesn't have friends, it's by her choice... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Eight

261 6 1
By Pantera06

I came to with my head pounding. It hurt so much. Like someone walked all over it. I slowly peeled my eyes open. There was barely any light in the room. Just a dim bulb above me, that kept flickering. It was very annoying too. It wasn't helping my head at all. I tried to move my arms, only to discover that they were tied. That's just great.

I tried my legs, moving them with no problem. Now where the hell am I? That is the biggest question. I looked around. It looked like I was in a cellar. It was damp, cold and very musty. Nasty. I kept looking around when I heard a voice.

"Want to see if she is awake now?" a male voice grumbled.

"We better." came a rough voice. Shit. I heard their footsteps, keys jingling. Great they are coming this way. I decided to close my eyes and pretend to be sleeping. Don't know if it will work but it is worth a try. I heard keys get insert into the lock and clicking noises but kept quiet. My breathing light as I can make it.

The door opened and I heard the first one say, "Still out." Well that changed fast, when ice cold water hit my body. I sat up gasping and coughing. 

"Good you're awake." the second one sneered at me. I glare at both of them. 

"Get up!" the first guy said. He gripped my arm and yanked me up. I held back a scream. I knew I had to be strong and show no fear. He dragged me out into the hall with the second following. They looked a lot alike. Brother's maybe.

They took me up a flight of stairs, and around corners until we reached another room. The second opened the door and I was dragged in like a rag doll. I clenched my teeth hard. Very hard.

"Ah I see you are awake." the guy who wanted me in the first place said, smirking at me. I glared hard at him. I don't care if they are wolves or not, I will not let them get the better of me. I will go down fighting for my life, if that's what it takes.

"No thanks to the wonder idiots." I growled. I felt a yank on my arm, but held in my scream.

"Hey, be nice. She just woke up and I don't want her hurt in any way." he told the idiots. "Well, yet!" he added, apparently for good measure. Whatever.

"What do you want from me?!" I demanded, pissed.

"Well, aren't we a fiery one." He chuckled, like it was a big joke. To him, maybe. To me, not so much. "Well you see, I want revenge. It's your mates packs fault you are here. They killed my father along time ago. Now, it's time for pay back, my dear." he told me.

"How long ago?" I warily asked.

"Six months before his brother disappeared. 1961." a familiar voice stated in a dead tone. I gasp and spun around to see, Trevor walking in. His eyes were blank of any emotion. "Same say my parents got killed. In the same exact area."

"Trevor?! What the hell is going on?!" I shouted, pissed to see him here with the enemy. Now knowing he is the enemy, as well.

"Revenge CayLynn." was his simple answer. The traitorous bastard. 

"Oh, you damn traitor." I whispered in menacing voice. I hated him so much. Byron and the pack trusted him.

"Whatever." he shrugged looking at the guy behind the desk. "So, Roman when do we kill her and send her remains back to her mate." he spit the last word out.

"Now, Trevor you know that agreement we have. No harm may come to her. Yet." Roman said. Trevor let loose a string of cuss words. Wow, nice.

"Whatever." he said sitting down. Roman got up coming over to me. He leaned down sniffing me. Must hurt to lean that far considering how tall he is. I stiffened when he got to my neck.

"He hasn't marked you yet." Roman muttered, looking at me. Next thing I know a sinister smile appeared on his face. Now, I can admit I was a little scared. I looked over to Trevor who was looking bored. "Guess that means I can mark you. Even though he is your soul mate, that doesn't mean another wolf can't claim you as well." he was saying still with that sinister smile on his face. Oh, please someone help me.

"Don't touch me!" I hissed at him.

"Oh, feisty!" he exclaimed to me. I backed away, or tried before he gripped my arm. "Not now though. I want to show you something."

"What?" I asked, not really wanting to know, but if it keeps him from marking me until Byron comes, fine.

"Come on." he growled pulling me out the door and the hall. We went a few doors, when he threw one open. There laying on the was  young man. He pushed me forward. I got closer to see who it was.

"What the hell?!" I shouted, turning back to him. 

"You look as if you know this person." he stated. I turned and looked back at the body. "Do you?" he asked.

"No. I don't but how many people are you kidnapping as revenge towards their pack?' I muttered, still looking at the person.

"Just a few is all." he told me, with laughter in his voice. He walked up to me and grabbed my arm, yanking me out with him. I followed without a word. I can't believe someone would do this. It's sick.Ok, yeah I understand he lost his father, but two wrongs don't make a right. That is just common sense.

I was sitting at a long table with Trvor, Roman and the two other guys. I didn't want to be here. I wanted be home with my dad, Donna, Byron and the pack. I missed them all so much. I can't believe this is happening. 

I still can't believe Trevor. How I hate him and yeah I think this will be the first time I will ever hold a grudge against someone. He has just become my number one candidate for it. 

I sat here looking at the food in front of me. I was certainly not hungry. Hell, I can't stomach anything right now. I am to disgusted with people's actions. How could someone be so cold like this. I know what it is to lose those closest to me. Hell, I am sitting there wanting revenge. Yeah, I am pissed, don't get me wrong. Revenge just doesn't solve anything. just makes more problems. Like the one I am in now.

I was back in my cellar after almost being force fed. Roman told them not to worry about it, I would when I got hungry. Not true! They did untie my hands though. Grateful for that. How nice of them to do that. Hope it wasn't a lot effort on their part to decide that.

"Cay?" I heard Axe's voice. I looked over to him. "You ok? I am so sorry I got you mixed in this." he whispered, kneeling by me.

"No worries. I am not mad Axe." I told him smiling. I still had Axe. Thank you! "I just don't get something though."

"What?" he asked looking at me.

"Why was Trevor's parents there?" I wondered looking at him for the answer.

"It was all set up. Roman's parents, Trevor's parents and mine where not suppose to go there. They got tricked. Well, since mine got away and their's didn't they believe we set it up. Mom got injured and they told my dad to get her out of there. No one thought they would get killed." Axe explained with sarrow in his voice.

"Oh my god. That's horrible!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah I know." he said.

"Wait! Then who set them up?" I snapped my head towards him.

"Trevor's aunt and uncle. They want power over the vamps. Trevor is the king since his parents passed away. But they forgot about Trevor. Plus Trevor is stronger than both of them put together. So, they thought by taking out all our parents that they would get it, not even remembering they just gave it to Trevor." Axe told me. I was shocked. His own family.

"Wow, hold on. Back up! What does your parents and Roman parents have to do with his aunt and uncle?" I was beyond confused.

"Our parents run the two largest packs in the world. We don't have royalty. Since Trevor's parents were good friends with ours, his aunt and uncle knew they wouldn't get with out parents still around. Our's would take revenge." he looked at me. I nodded. Now for my next question and boy this is a weird one.

"One other thing Axe." I mumbled.

"Yeah?" he questioned.

"Why is your body on that bed? Also, why do you look like your breathing?" I asked looking him in the eye. He looked away and was silence. "Well?" I wondered.

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