House Full. (Nick Jonas Spank...

By Sweet-Intoxication

79.7K 937 266

House full of kids, two older brothers, what could go wrong? ****COMPLETLY EDITED**** More

Helmets For Hardheads.
Wrong Answer, Try Again.
I'm Up.
Dark Tunnels.
Candy & Running.
Ass Whooping Of The Year Award.
Kevin's Punishment.
Rubber Ball & A Big Disaster.
Sick Nick.
Flea Market.
Furious Zayn.
House Visit.
The Note.
The Bottom Fell Out.
My Life, Not Yours.
Stay Safe.
Hitting Is Hateful.
Video Games.

The Two K's Are In Trouble.

6.4K 69 17
By Sweet-Intoxication

Nick's POV. I take Keira into the house, shaking my head as Kevin takes off yet again. I knew I couldn't deal with him, I would go off on him before I would be able to stop myself. But I did want to help find him because I am truly worried about him and his well being.

I send Keira to her room as soon as we walked into the house, to make sure she wouldn't run off again like Kevin did.

"Chad and Zayn, come on we need to see if we can find Kevin. Bryant, I want you to stay here and watch the kids. Keira is in her room. Make sure you keep an extremely close eye on her and watch the other kids, keep them in the backyard or the house, they are not to be anywhere else until we are back and all of this is settled. Understood?" I say looking at Bryant. He nods his head as he sits down on the couch to watch tv with the younger kids.

"Alright, we'll be back as soon as we find Kevin," I say, grabbing my jacket and car keys, jumping in my truck.

I back out of our driveway, Zayn following me and Chad following Zayn. We reach the main road and I know Kevin hasn't gone far from the house, considering his age and he is on a bike.

I go one way, Zayn goes the other, Chad following behind me, till he turns off another road.

I roll my window down, putting my arm out the window and setting it against the door, going a couple miles down the road real slow while I call Kevin's name repeatedly.

I finally see a bike and I knew it was Kevin's. I check behind me for car's coming and when I didn't see any I stop to pick up the bike.

"Kevin!" I yell pulling my truck over to the side of the road.

If his bike is here, he definitely couldn't be very far off.

I immediately text Zayn and Chad that I found his bike.

I get out of my car and put his bike into the back of my truck, not seeing Kevin anywhere.

I look down at my phone as it buzzes and it's a text from Zayn. I read the text and it says.

"Hey Nick, I found Kevin, I'm heading back to the house, I didn't find his bike, though. He must have ditched it somewhere."

I let out a breath of relief and begin to drive home, texting Zayn back.

"I found his bike. Did you text Chad, though?"

I hit send as I pull into our driveway, waiting for Zayn and Chad.

I hear my phone go off again.

I read another text message.

"Yeah I texted Chad, he's behind me right now, we're pulling onto our street, see ya in a bit."

I get out of my truck, watching their trucks come up the road.

I walk inside to see how the rest of the kids are doing with Bryant.

"Hey did you find Kevin?" Bryant asks, standing up from the couch.

"Yes, Zayn found him, I found his bike, he's safe," I say, taking off my jacket and putting my car keys on the table next to the door.

"Good that's a relief," Bryant says as he looks at me.

"How're the other kids?" I ask, eyeing Bryant.

"Christian is in his room because he got irritated and caught an attitude with me about cookies, but I didn't want to ruin his dinner," Bryant states, shaking his head slightly.

"I'm glad Kevin is safe as well. Christian also better quit with that attitude before he gets an ass-whoopin'. " I say, hearing the boy's pull into our driveway.

I wait a few minutes, Chad, Zayn and Kevin walk into the house, Kevin immediately running upstairs while Zayn and Chad get out of their jackets.

"Kevin and Keira! Come on it's dinner time." I holler.

I walk over and begin to put lasagna on plates for everyone.

We eat dinner, Kevin and Keira going back up to their rooms where they belong.

I figure I would deal with them in the morning when everyone was more calmed down.

Hey, guys! So I updated, I know this was sorta short and maybe sucky. But I didn't have enough time to finish it. And I wanted to update like I said I would, please vote and comment to tell me what you guys think. I am always open to ideas and prompts so feel free to drop them in my inbox or comments down below. Thanks.

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