Void ||

By AfroCentricx

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Love don't live here anymore. ~ Ā© More



1.1K 71 64
By AfroCentricx


"I didn't realize that you were such a fast learner. We might be able to start filming a few weeks early." Bishop offhandedly comments as they pack up their things for the day, putting them into their bags. Kamani quirks her lips in a awkward smile and hides her eyes as she slightly turns away. Telling him how she barely slept at all in favor of learning each and every line was not an option so she opts to keep her mouth shut.

She puts her satchel over her shoulder and turns to bid him goodbye, a habit she's acquired being around him.

"I'll see you tomorrow?"

The rest of the cast leaves the room, talking to each other comfortably while laughing. She gives a smile to one of the women (her name was Hannah) appreciating the pointers that she gave her that day.

Bishop hefts his black bag on his shoulders and nods. "Yeah, I think we'll be running through what we did today again. Mr. Clemmings wants to make sure everyone goes together one last time." He says simply. She recalls Mr. Clemmings being head of the creative department.

"That's a bit daunting." She mumbles, heart beating a tad faster. It would suck majorly if she were deemed not compatible with everyone else.

Bishop seems unconcerned as he takes a step to the door, glancing back to raise a broad shoulder. His brown eyes remain dark even in the lightest lighting.

"Don't worry bout it. Keep doing what you're doing now and you should be good." He says flippantly. She doesn't change her facial expression but if she did her face would be scrunched up. Usually when she was expected to do something it went the opposite way.

"Of course." She says with a faint hint of sarcasm, which he doesn't hear or maybe doesn't even care, as he just nods his head and walks away.

She takes a breath and follows after a moment of hopeful praying. She has a bus to catch.


"Good practice everyone and hey--get some rest as rehearsal days will be picking up as we get closer to the release date, which will be," Here Mr. Martinez pauses as he flips through a couple of pages that were in front of him. The rooms quiet as they wait for him to continue. "In less less than six months. That may seem like a lot of time but it's not, these days fly by faster than the time you change your underwear. So get some shut eye, eat healthy food and stay alert! We're on a tight schedule here people." Mr. Martinez claps his hands sharply as he's proned to do, dismissing the practice, and leans back to talk to Mr. Andrews, the lead director.

Kamani silently shoves her papers into her bag and checks to make sure she has everything. She doesn't bring much of anything to the rehearsals, so she was basically just pawing at air. One thing she was doing however, was going over in her mind on how she can improve on her performance.

A minute in doing this, the sound of someone clearing their throat has her looking up and pausing her mental checklist.

"Kamani right? A bunch of us are going downtown tonight. You wanna hang?"

In front of her stands Kimberly Bluette, a very pretty black girl who wears her hair long and straight with a cute little fringe in the front. Her figure was slim and shapely and her face was clear and beautiful, accented with hazel eyes. Her being a main character in the movie production wasn't too farfetched, and she figures that's probably why she landed a part as one.

She was so focused on the fact that someone as pretty as Kimberly was actually initiating conversation with her, that it takes her a second to register what she was asking.

She remembers and gives her a polite smile, shaking her head. "I'm a bit busy tonight, sorry." So she was lying, it wouldn't kill anyone. She just wasn't up for it tonight.

Kimberly frowns, her face turning into one short of an sad angel. She inwardly rolls her eyes at the act. She looks like the type to get her way with everything.

"Really? We were hoping to get to know more about you, seeing as you and Bishop would be seeing a lot of each other pretty soon. I'd love it if you'd come, even Bishop--" Kimberly cuts herself off as she turns around and grabs someone. Looking behind her, Kamani sees about five of her co-stars having a side conversation which cuts off abruptly as Bishop is pulled into her view.

Bishop raises an eyebrow at the way Kimberly snatched him away and sends her a look that questions why she was touching him. Kimberly ignores said look and smiles brightly, leaning slightly against his body confidently.

"Bishop, I was just inviting Kamani here to hang with us. You care if she comes right?"

Bishop looks at her and gives her a slow appraisal. Nothing he'd say would change her mind so she doesn't know why he bothers.

"No." Bishop finally says, making her pull back slightly in surprise. That was definitely not what she expected him to say.

Kimberly smacks his shoulder and shakes her head, clucking her teeth like one would do a child. She shoots Kamani a look like, can you believe this guy.

Surprisingly she could.

Kimberly points a finger at Bishop, waving it at him reproachfully. "You were supposed to say you do care if she comes. Get with the social cues B."

Bishop takes a step away from her finger and shrugs his shoulders, adopting a disinterested expression. His hands goes into his jacket pockets.

Because even though it was nearly summer, there still was a bit of a chill in the air.

"Well I don't care if she comes. If she don't want too then that's her choice." Bishop says simply.

Kimberly looks about done with his ass and she responds by pursing her lips and turning her back on him. She finds that slightly amusing.

Facing her again Kimberly smiles big and clasps her hands together imploringly. "Come with us tonight, I really want to get to know you. Please?"

And even though she was nowhere near feeling sociable or even comfortable, she agrees. After all, this was the time to be building bridges.


Kamani giggles under her breath and watches as Rico tugs on Kimberly's hair, sprinting away as she squeals and tries to hit him. Observing them she could tell Rico wasn't using his full speed, his tall body easily evading Kimberly's slim form.

Kimberly almost trips on the sidewalk and she hides a smile. It was very apparent she wasn't a runner.

"Fuck you Rico!" Kimberly yells after him. Rico stops and turns in the middle of the street.

"When?!" He calls back and does a little jig that pisses Kimberly off. She stomps her foot and huffs.

Beverly, another pretty girl who's skin was light brown and rocking hair as long as her own, laughs and jogs ahead of them, her curvy form swaying seductivly.

Wrapping an arm around Kimberly's shoulder, Beverly grins at her friend. "It's okay sug, I'll help you get him later." She placates.

Even though she couldn't see her face in the waning light, Kamani just knows she was pouting. One thing she can say about this day is that these past couple of hours got her accustomed to Kimberly's mannerisms.

Left strolling by herself she goes to speed up her pace to join them when a hand grabbing her wrist gently stops her. Turning, she meets eyes with Bishop's, whom she almost forgot was next to her due to the fact he was so silent.

Bishop releases her when he sees her attention on him. He takes a moment to glance ahead at his friends before looking back at her.

"I just wanted to make sure we were still cool after earlier. I didn't mean to offend you or anything." He says sincerely. 

"What--" she breaks off confused, then closes her mouth in understanding. The moment from a couple hours ago.

"Earlier. When I said that I didn't care if you came. What I meant to say was I didn't have any problem with it. Kimberly is pushy at times too, so I didn't want to peer pressure you." Bishop says, walking at a slow even pace besides her. He was taller than her 5'2, her head meeting his shoulders. She always liked them tall.

She gives him a small smile which he doesn't notice as he was looking straight ahead.

"It's fine. You were just being honest." She appreciates the thoughtfulness in making sure she wasn't hurt. It shows he was a caring person.

"Yeah, well I didn't mean to be rude so if I was I apologize. Are we good?" Bishop stops walking and turns to face her, holding out his palm. She studies him for a moment and then laughs.

She places her small hand in his large one. "Yeah, we're cool."

                       1 week later.

Kamani was tired, her head hurt and her eyes were itchy. She threw on the first thing she found in her closet and was now standing bundled up in a pair of hideous green sweat pants, a pink sweater and a pair of black boots, along with the rest of her cast mates who were dressed a bit more appropriately. They were in coordinating colors at least. 

They were at the park for a photoshoot that was so last minute she didn't have the time to stress over it, so when the day finally came she was actually pretty calm and not anxious like she'd normally be. You know, besides the pain she was currently in.

Ten of the immediate cast were the only ones permitted to attend the photo shoot, so Kimberly, Bishop, Rico Angz, Beverly Simmons, Hannah Bell, Mark Romero, Ramon Williams, Mason Hatcher, Porshia Givens, and herself were the talent for the day.

So far it's just a bunch of mindless talking about things she really has no interest in. Mr. Martinez was telling them what would happen, who would takes pictures with who, the attitude he wanted to portray--that sort of thing. Such a bore.

When they were finally directed to the clothing rack that was set up in a patch of grass, she promptly takes the outfit that the costume manager hands her and walks over to the tent like structure that was set up to provide them privacy.

Big on keeping her body to herself, Kamani hurriedly strips and changes before the other girls made their way over there.

Pretty soon she was done and once again out with everyone else.

"You changed your hair. I gotta say, the style suits you." Kimberly starts from the other side of her. When she feels a hand gently pulling on a lock of her hair, she winces and jerks back.


Kimberly notices and releases her with a sympathetic look on her face. Kamani scowls and puts a hand up to her hair to feel the twists that were newly installed. They still were fresh and was causing her a lot of pain.

"It's still tender." She says.

"Be glad your role didn't have to have their hair shaved off. Mark has to get it all the way bald. He cried for an hour." Kimberly snorts and she can't help but reluctantly laugh along even though getting her hair locked up wasn't comfortable. But hey, it could be worse.

Kimberly gestures to where a woman was putting makeup on Hannah. "That's where you get your makeup done. I already got mines so just go over there when you're ready." She informs.

Kamani nods her head and dismisses herself from her presence.


They were looking good. Right before the photographer started taking photos, she had a chance to actually take in what she and her cast mates were wearing. And she suddenly could see how they'd go together.

Everyone was dressed in various forms of black outfits, ranging from black jeans and a t-shirt, to a black sweater dress that was sweeping the ground. She was clothed in a black sweatshirt that stopped under her breasts and a pair of soft felt shorts that covered her belly button. They provided her with a pair of new black and white shoes that were very nice and short white socks that she grudgingly accepted. She forgot to put some on earlier when she left the house.

The hair tech even styled her locks in a high ponytail on the back of her head and added a few gold beads to her twists, bringing a eccentric look.

And with her makeup done she was feeling more awake as the minutes goes by.

They start off with taking group photos, which was a tad difficult because all Mr. Martinez kept on screaming was "pain, show me pain!". It was harder than you'd think it'd be.

They moved on to single photos and when it got to her they placed her in the parking lot across the street that was overrun with grass and random trash bags. Behind her stands a huge brown building decorated with graffiti.

Before her session started Joe, the photographer, told her that she was to represent her character and because her character goes through a lot, it was to be a somber affair.

It wasn't going too well.

Feeling properly awkward, the placements of her limbs didn't feel right nor did the expression on her face. A couple of people who were working on god knows what, were just staring at her and it does nothing to ease her nerves.

Joe moves the camera away from his face and studies her. "Just relax alright? You're beautiful, just take a deep breath. Try anger." He places the camera back up to his eye. She does and it doesn't work either. It feels too forced.

At the corner of her eye she sees Bishop cock his head and place a finger to his lips, looking to be thinking about something. She wonders what could possibly be on his mind.

It kind of distracts her and she stares for a moment, the clicking of the camera ringing in her ears. Bishop licks his bottom lip and nods his head at her.

You got this. She reads as he mouths to her. A certain kind of warmth comes over her.

"Try melancholy!" Joe calls to her.

This time she actually tries to conjure up the emotion instead of just faking it. She thinks for several silent moments and then her gaze slides to the camera, looking right into it. Her head cocks to the left and her right leg slightly bends as her facial expression closes. She holds that for pose for several moments before she has to snap out of it. She certainly felt melancholy and if it doesn't show then she was done.

"Wonderful, really saw the emotion that time. I think we're done with you. Bishop, you ready?" Joe turns to look at Bishop who nods.

She takes a deep breath and follows them back over to the park where Bishop takes several photos in the grass.

The man was talented.

With every snap Joe makes, Bishop was there with a new look. He was dressed pretty heavy in black jeans, black sweatshirt and a thick black felt coat. Despite the heat, he doesn't look the least bit hot and instead completely at ease.

She scratches at something on her arm and glanced back up towards the shoot. Heart jumping, she almost has an panic attack because Bishop was looking right at her.

His hair perfectly picked and his facial hair lined up to the straightest point--boy he sure was a sight to behold. His skin was the smoothest chocolate brown and his lips just the right shade brown and pink.

She looses all coherent thought but gains it a moment later when he looks away.

However she looses it again, when responding to the commotion that was happening behind her, she turns her head and sees Michael.

Michael who was wearing a pair of sweat pants that were riding low on his hips and who's bare chest was glistening with sweat.


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