Carl Grimes {Imagines}

Da -gemini13

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Carl Grimes imagines-COMPLETED Altro

{Only in my dreams}
{I could've danced all night}
{I smoke, you smoke}
{Please don't leave quite yet}
{Goodbye is the sweetest word}
{Hello is the worst word pt 2}
{Hold me closer}
{What if this is just the start pt 2}
{Now and then}
{Happy Halloween}
{My tears are an ocean}
{My sunshine}
{The trees have eyes too}
{You drive me crazy}
{You drive me crazy pt.2}
{My youth is running out}
{Its like a memory}
{Teddy bear}
{Merry Christmas}
{Before he cheats}
{Little unsteady}
~Author note~
{Imagine for @tomoskibay}
{Imagine for @MusicLover1303}
{What's a friend}
{That's not my name}
{No sanctuary}
{Blue Hydrangeas}
{Needed me}
{Gotta love it *SMUT*}

{What if this is the end}

214 4 0
Da -gemini13

So for this imagine I'm going to be taking Season 6 episode 16 and season 7 episode 1 of TWD and kind of making it my own while adding (Y/N) into it. Hope you enjoy! PS, let's pretend Enid doesn't exist;)
"We have to get Maggie medical attention" Rick told us as he paced the kitchen. I was sitting on Carl's lap on a chair as the sick feeling in my stomach grew. Everyone watched Rick as he ran his fingers through his hair nervously. "We should leave in an hour, Eugene and I'll go get the RV ready. The rest of y'all, grab guns and anything else we'll need for the ride to HillTop.

We all got up and started running around hurriedly. Carl and I climbed the stairs to our room. I felt like puking and I sat down. "Don't worry" Carl sighed as he sat down beside me and slowly rubbed my back. I relaxed slightly and I leaned into him. We sat hugging for a moment before packing a bag. "It's just, what if-what if Maggie dies?" I murmur as I stuff a jacket into the bag. Carl tilted his head slightly and kissed my head. "She'll get the help she needs, she will survive."

After about thirty minutes Carl and I made our way downstairs. Sasha was holding Judith and Carl took her from her. Judith was wrapped in one of Carl's plaid shirts. I smiled at how adorable she was and Carl did as well. Carl sat down with her and she looked up at him with her big blue eyes. Carl took some of his shirt in his hands and laughed, "now that's my kind of princess" he whispered. I nudge him gently, "I thought I was your princess" I say smugly with a laugh. "You're both my princesses" he murmured as he kissed my lips sweetly. Judith screeched with delight and clapped her hands. We pulled away and smiled at how cute she was.

A moment later, Rick walked in. "Do you guys have everything? Guns?" He asked us quickly. I nodded stiffly, "good, we're leaving in five. Go put your stuff in the RV." Me and Carl stood up and Carl kissed Judith's head lightly. I took her and hugged her before handing her to Rick. Rick stood by the door as Maggie slowly made her way to the RV. Outside, the others were milling around waiting. Abraham got in the drivers seat as he saw Maggie making her way towards them. I grabbed Carl's hand and we said goodbye to Gabriel who had taken Judith from Rick. Rick and Gabriel exchanged some words that me and Carl couldn't hear. The RV grumbled to life and Carl and I helped Maggie into the back. When she got in, we directed her to where Sasha had built a small bed on the couch. Maggie smiled gratefully and sat down. Rick jumped into the RV just as Abraham had started driving. As some Alexandrian's opened the gate for us, I clutched Carl's hand as I looked back at our home. Hoping to god we would all return alive.

After we had drive down the road for a few miles, Rick took Abrahams place. So far we hadn't seen more than three walkers and no humans. Carl and I were sitting at the small table, keeping an eye on Maggie who was asleep on the couch. Maggie's eyes snapped open and I jumped up. "Is everything ok?" I ask worriedly as I crouch down next to her. I push her sweaty, cropped hair, out of her eyes as she slowly nods. "I-I just need Glenn" she mumbled to me hoarsely. "You'll see him soon" I coo as she closes her eyes.

I glanced behind my shoulder at Carl who was watching me. I stood up and wiped my mouth with my sleeve before going into the small washroom. I placed my hands on both sides of the sink and looked into the mirror. My eyes looked tired and bloodshot, my hair looked greasy and messy as it hung in a loose ponytail. My lips were chapped and my cheeks looked pale and sallow. "God, I'm a freaking mess" I whisper. I hear a knock on the door and I slowly open it.

Carl was standing outside, "dad said for us to come up front" he paused for a moment. "You sure you're ok? No offence but you've looked better." I cross my arms and stare at him icily. "For the umpteenth time, I'm fine" I reply. I try to walk past him, but he grabbed my arm. He leaned in close to me for a moment, "a-are you pregnant?" he whispered. I gasp and pull away from him. "No I'm not pregnant, thank you very much!" I snap. With that I glide I past him and go up front. When I get up front, I look out the window.

Up front is about eight or nine people blocking the road with cars and themselves. They don't exactly look the nicest and they were carrying guns. I took my gun from my holster and gripped it tightly as, me, Carl, Rick, Abraham, Eugene, Aaron and Sasha walk out front. The crisp autumn wind nipped at my nose and cheeks and I shivered. Rick raises his hands up and we follow him. I notice that there's a guy on the ground, in front of the men. Rick and one of the guys start to talk loudly. I drone out there voices as I stare at the back of Carl's head. His shaggy hair blowing lightly in the wind. I snap out of my trance as I hear Rick yell  "we could make a deal!" I glance at him and then at the others. I then look at the guy who Rick is talking to. "You're right, we sure as hell could. So let's start this deal off with you giving us your crap." Rick stares at him for a moment. The continues to talk, "next I'm gonna have to kill one of y'all. Because, well that's just the way it is. But after that we could definitely sit down and have a nice heart to heart conversation about that deal." I slowly inch towards Carl. I slip my hand into his hand he squeezes it protectively. Rick sighs and shifts his gun in his hand. "Well now here's the problem, that 'deal', just isn't gonna work for us. You know, the thing is, is that we were actually about to ask for you're crap and the maybe we'd have some fun killing one or two of you." The guy down the road scowls at us. Rick takes a step forwards and tilts his head slightly. "So, who wants to make this their last day on earth?"

The group across from us smirk. "Naw, I think we'll wait a while. We could make today your last though." I glance at Carl but he doesn't look at me. The guy across the road, crosses his arms. "Today's not over, and besides there's plenty of ways to get to where your going." With that he stopped talking. Rick turned back towards us, "come on, let's go." We begin walking back towards the RV. I glance over at my shoulder at the people. Carl pulls me along and I turn back around. Inside the RV, Carl and I go and check on Maggie. She was asleep again and we sat down where we were before. I gazed out the window as Rick turned the RV around. Carl lightly turns my face towards his and I give him a small smile. I hug him tightly and he hurts his head in my neck. "What'd he mean, there's plenty of ways to get to where we're going?" I mumble into his shoulder. He pulls away and pecks my lips. "Don't worry about it babe, dad and the others will figure it out, they always do." I nod, "try to get some sleep, kay?" he murmured. I rubbed my eyes with the heel of my hand and leaned against Carl as I close my eyes.

I dreamt that I was reliving all my worst moments. The first one I dreamt was when I had first joined the group. We were at the prison and my mom had died from a walker bite. A few days later, the governor had come. He'd killed Hershel, I still remember how I couldn't believe how much I could hate a person as much as I hated the governor. The. next one was when Beth had been shot. I was standing with the group outside of the hospital. Daryl had come outside, holding her limp and frail body in his arms. Beth had been one of my best friends and I can still remember how I couldn't believe how much tears I had in my body. Then there were all the deaths between, before and after. Tyreese, Noah, Deanna, Bob, Jessie, Ron, Sam. Why was I reliving all these awful memories. And how was it possible that after all this time, after all the deaths, I was still alive?!

I woke up with Carl lightly shaking my shoulders. "Wake up (Y/N)" he whispered lightly into my ears. I slowly opened my eyes drowsily and yawned. "How long was I out for?" I asked him as I sat up. I glanced out the window and realized that we weren't moving. "Why're we stopped?" Carl glanced out the window, "there's a whole bunch of walkers blocking the road." He fiddled with the windows curtains as I looked over at Maggie. Carl and I got up and walked back to the front of the RV.

Up ahead there were, like Carl said, a bunch of walkers. In front of the RV were about a dozen walkers strung along on a chain. Rick and the others filed out of the RV. I slowly traipsed after them, my gun in hand. "Lets make this quick" Abraham muttered gruffly as he took out a knife. Rick, Sasha and Carl did the same. They walked over to the walkers and quickly walked down the line, sliding their knives into each of their heads. I stood by the RV, looking around for any walkers or people. After they finished they walked back and Rick motioned for everyone to get in the RV. As Carl walked past me I caught his arm. He turned to look at me, "what?" he asked. I looked at the line of dead walkers and back at his slightly annoyed face. "I-I have a really bad feeling about this all" I say quietly. "I mean first those guys were blocking the road and then they said that thing about getting to where we're going and now this!" Carl tilted his head and grabbed my hand. "It's fine" he told me for the millionth time. I shook my head and followed him into the RV.

The next couple hours went by in a blur. All I could do was sit and stare at nothing as the ominous feeling I had became worse and worse. During those dizzying hours, we had come to a halt and turned around due to the road being blocked by men. And of course Carl had sat there saying it was going to be fine. But I can now tell that he's more saying it for his benefit than mine. I was now crouched next to Maggie, feeling her temperature. "Is it bad?" Carl asked me as he glanced at his dad who was standing up front by the door. I turned away from Maggie and nodded my head. I turned back to Maggie. "Am I going to die?" she asked me hoarsely. My eyes welled with tears and I squeezed her hand. "Of course not, we're going to get you to the doctor and Glenn." She gave me a faint smile and nodded her head. "Now, I think what's best is if you try and get some more sleep" I tell her. Maggie laughs shortly as I stand up. "Sleep, sleep I can do."

Up front I heard the others whispering. "We can't turn around" I heard Sasha say. Carl and I lingered near the door to eavesdrop. "What else do we do?" Aaron sighed. No one talked for a moment. "We make a stretcher and carry Maggie through the woods. Eugene can drive the RV back and find another route. Some way or another we'll meet back up" Rick stated. Carl and I pushed open the door, causing the others to stare at us. Out the front window I saw a mound of logs were piled under a bridge, blocking the road. Again. As we all stood looking out the window, the logs instantly erupted into orange flames. I shielded my eyes as I continued to stare. "Something is happening, someone is messing with us!" Rick yelled as he thumped his fist on the wall.

Forty minutes later we had built a stretcher and had helped Maggie out of the RV and onto it. I laid a blanket over her frail body and she smiled at me. Abraham, Aaron and Sasha were holding the stretcher and Rick was whispering stuff to Eugene. Carl and I held our guns protectively in front of ourselves. Rick stopped talking and walked back to us. Eugene climbed into the RV and it grumbled back to life. Eugene turned the RV back around and we all started our trek into the forest. Carl and I walked ahead of everybody as the others were holding the stretcher. As we walked over logs and around trees my mind began to wander. Where was Daryl? Carol, Rosita, Michonne, Glenn? An image of us all at Alexandria seated around the dining room table eating dinner flashed through my mind. I bit back tears as I reminisced about when times were for once simple and easy for us. Carl snapped me out of my daze as he yelled "walker!" I looked up and saw a walker limping towards us. Not wanting to draw more walkers, Carl picked up a good size rock and ran at it. He cut the walkers head clean off. It's head landed with a thud on the ground and I smashed it in with my foot.

The sun was gone and was replaced with night. It was definitely harder to see where we were going. After we had been walking for about an hour without an interruption we heard it. A faint but clear whistle. We all stopped and looked around. We couldn't see anything and we couldn't hear anything other than the whistling. "Go left!" Rick yelled, we all ran to the left. We zigzagged around trees and branches and hopped over logs. As we continued to blindly run we ran straight into a blinding light. We all huddled in a circle and shielded our eyes. The whistle was louder than ever and a sick feeling grew in my stomach. The whistling stopped abruptly and the light dimmed.

Walking towards us was the guy we first met on the road. He stopped in front us and crossed his arms with a smirk. "Well, what do we got here?" he asked us. Carl and glared at him, "let's get these guys ready" he instructed. A bunch of men walked towards us. Rick helped Maggie stand up as they searched our pockets and took all of our weapons. The guy who searched me leaned in close to my face and I could heel his hot breath. I shove him away from me and he slapped me across the face. Carl took a step forward, ready to throw a punch or two but I stopped him. "Well, now that y'all are formally ready, let's get y'all down for the man." I glanced at Carl and the led us to where a familiar looking RV was parked. Sitting on the ground in front of it was Eugene. My breath caught in my chest as I saw I'm sitting there shaking. His face looked bruised and bloody. A guy came up behind me and shoved me to the ground over on my own. Carl planted his self beside Eugene and glanced at me. Rick and Abraham helped Maggie down beside me and the guy that we met earlier pushed Rick on the ground, front and centre. The others found places and sat themselves down.

The mysterious guys disappeared momentarily and came back a minute later. Each one had a different person in their grasp. I gasped as I saw who was in the first guys grasp. Daryl looked awful and had blood all over himself. He was shaking and a blanket was strewn over his shoulders. Next was Rosita, her eyes looked puffy and she looked terrified. They planted her and Daryl beside Abraham. Then Michonne staggered out and was placed next to Rick. The last person to make an appearance was Glenn. One of the guys roughly threw him onto the ground at the end of the line. One of the many guys, walked into the middle. "Full house tonight! Boss will be happy indeed, speaking of the boss, let's meet the man." He shuffled over to the RV and knocked on the door three times. The door flung open and the guy walked over to where the other men were standing. I glanced down at the line at Carl who glanced at me.

A man walked down the steps of the RV and planted himself in front of us. We all looked up and stared at him. He had black hair, was wearing a red scarf and a black leather jacket. In his right hand was a baseball bat that was wrapped lovingly in barbed wire. The menacing bat was slung over his shoulder. The man laughed at us. My breathing was heavy as I stared up at him. His laugh was so cold. "What was he gonna do to us?" I looked at the ground, my hair falling into my face, tears welling in my eyes. I knew that we weren't getting out of this one. No one was rescuing us, there wasn't a glimmer of hope shining at the end. There's something about kidnapping people and lining them up, that made me think we were all about to become a walkers dinner. The man took a step closer to us, shifting his bat. "Hi, I'm Negan."
So I'm gonna do a part 2, because I have a lot more to add and if I added it all, then this would be a suuuuuper long imagine. Like longer than it already is lol. So I hope you like this one so far, im having fun writing it. I also hope you all tuned in to watch the walking dead premier and I hope you all cried because let's face it, it was awful! Anyways other than having my soul broken into a million pieces, I thought it was good. Hope you guys have a great week!

Song you should try: Fragile/Gnash


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