Team Crafted's New Member (Te...

By ToxicDJ

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Meet DJ. She's a 17-year-old girl who lives with Mitch who is also known as the BajanCanadian in Team Crafted... More

Chapter 1 - Mitch and his Minecraft
Chapter 2 - Skateboards and Songs
Chapter 3 - Surprises
Chapter 5 - Party Time!
Chapter 6 - Fighting
Chapter 7 - The Hunger Games
Chapter 8 - Recordings
Chapter 9 - Editing and Youtube
Chapter 10 - He asked me...
Chapter 11 - Betting and Vlogs
Chapter 12 - New Friend Alert
Chapter 13 - Secrets Spilled
Chapter 14 - Skateboarding
Chapter 15 - Captured
Chapter 16 -Tortured
Chapter 17 - Critical
Chapter 18 - Hospital Trip
Chapter 19 - Thee Results
Chapter 20 - First Kiss
Chapter 20 - Livestreaming
Chapter 22 - Birthday Planning
Chapter 23 - First Date
Chapter 24 - DJ's Birthday
Chapter 25 - Heart Break
Chapter 26 - Set Things Right
Chapter 27 - Too Late?
Chapter 28 - Forgotten
Chapter 29 - Bowling
Chapter 30 - Minecon
Chapter 31 - Minecon: Day 2
Chapter 32 - Minecon Singing
Chapter 33 - Home Again
Chapter 34 - DJing and Happy Faces
Chapter 35 - Rage
Chapter 36 - Vlogs and Video
Chapter 37 - SPRING BREAK?
Chapter 38 - Summer Party!
Chapter 39 - Summer Partay!
Chapter 40 - Final Chapter

Chapter 4 - Day at the Races

6.5K 153 205
By ToxicDJ

This chapter is mainly written in the view of Ty and DJ. But the next chapter will have a few more POVs in it.

DJ'S POV (A/N Sorry people, but this POV is gonna be rather long)

'I want the budder kart!' Shouted Adam as he jumped inside of it.

Typical. There were a red, blue and purple kart left. Ty looked at them before deciding on the purple one.

'This one looks fast' he said.

'Either blue or red for DJ,' called Jerome from his converable sports car.

'I know what one I want.' I said as I walked over to the red one.

Then I continued walking to the motorbike. 

'I'm chosing this.' I say as I sit down on it.

Mitch, Ian and Quentin shared confused and worried looks. They mentally asked what do we do, but Ian shrugged his shoulders. 

'DJ, you seriously aren't gonna ride that right?' Said Mitch.

Smiling, I say, 'Yeah! Course I am.'

'But you can't. You'll fall and hurt yourself or something,' Adam tried t persuade me to ride in a kart.

Rolling my eyes, I continue to speak. 'Dude, calm down. I'm gonna be fine! I may be a girl, but I can still ride a motorbike.'

Mitch sighed before saying, 'Trust me. She's as hard as nails.'

The guy that greeted us at the start came over to us and asked, 'Have you chosen your cars?'

We all said yes and he told us to start them up. But before I could start mine, he walked up to me and said, 'Wow. I don't think I've seen a girl choose a motorbike before. So you will need this.'

He said as he gave me a black helmet with a skull on. I flick my hair out my eyes before putting it on. It had a plastic visor so I lifted it up so I could so them better. 

'Right. Now you guys can power it up!' 

On cue, the guys in the car revved their engines and Ty and Adam started their karts. The guy jumped into a golf cart kind of thing and said 'Girl on the bike, start it up!'

I sat on it and kicked down the starting pedal. It roared to life and I kicked away the standing pedal and supported the bike with my feet on the ground.

'Now we are all ready, follow me!' He said as he began to drive away slowly.

'I'm gonna stay with ya.' Said Ty.

'Alright. This is gonna ROCK!' I shout as I put down the visor on my helmet.

Everyone drove after the employee. I revved up the engine of my bike and let go of the brakes. Turns out I revved up a bit more than I expected. The front wheel left the pavement and I was balancing on the back. Slowing down, the front wheel landed back on the floor and I sped off after Adam and the rest of the guys. The air was cool and refreshing and blew the ends of my hair in all directions. I was going at around 20 mph. Then I heard an approaching sound of a kart and glimpsed down to my left to find Ty keeping up with me.

'Hey! Can you hear me?' Sounded Ty's voice.

'Yeah. It's really loud. I must have a microphone in my helmet so I can hear everyone speaking.' I answer.

'That's awesome! Gotta ask, is this your first time riding a motorbike?'

'Kinda. I don't tend to race in them, but I do do tricks on the motorbike trick range sometimes. Racing on a motorbike is odd for me since I keep getting told that I'm not allowed for some reason. Even I'm not sure why.' 

'Oh. That explains the wheelie you just did.' He says.

I laugh and see the image of cars and karts growing in the distace. I decided to challenge Ty kind of.

'Hey Ty! The person who stops their car the coolest infront of the guys wins?' I ask.

'Oh. You are so on. Me first,' He says speeding up.

I can seem him spin the kart around in a circle, slow down, stand up as it slows down to a hault and stop it next to Quentin's car. I heard 'That was awesome' and 'Awesome stopping Ty'. Then Ty said 'Better watch DJ. We are having a bet to see who can stop the coolest for you guys.'

I decided to try and spook Mitch and his friends by saying 'I can hear you talking to Ty.'

'How?' Asks Ian.

'I am behind you... Jokes. Microphone on helmet.' I answer.

I sped up slightly before I heard Adam say 'Guys, she's gonna crash into us.' I smile under my helmet and waited until they could see me properly. Then I pulled up on the front of the bike to go into a wheelie. I lifted myself off the seat so I was holding onto the handles and had my feet on the feet pads. I slowed right down and put the front of the bike on the floor. It grinded to a stop infront of Jerome's BMW. Lifting up my visor, I see everyone smiling at me. I get off the bike and take off my helmet.

'Who won?' Jerome asks everyone in general.

I walked over to Ty as we waited for the answer. Team Crafted huddled in a group and began muttering. Then they turned around in unison and Mitch delivered the verdict.

'We can't tell. It's a draw!' He announces.

The employee walked over to us and said, 'This is the race track course. You can race on this as long as you want. Come and find me when you want to change course or cars.'

'OK. Cheers.' Jordan said.

'So, who's racing first?' Mitch asked us.

'Umm... What about the cars race first?' Suggests Jordan.

Jordan, Ian, Quentin, Jerome, Mitch and Jason agreed and drove the cars to the starting positions. From left to right, it went TrueMU, Husky, Jerome, Bajan, Ian and finally Captainsparklez. I had put on my helmet and was perched on my bike, Adam and Ty sat in their Karts. 

'Guys, you have got microphones and speakers in your cars and karts so you can hear veryone else, and they can hear you. I have it in my helmet so can I do commentary?' I say.

'Go for it DJ! You have the mic!' Said Mitch.

'Right, here we go. On your marks,' the boys revved their engines slightly,'...Get set...' each car inturn had their go at revving the loudest (Jerome won that by far), 'GO!!' I shout into the mic.

Dust sprayed everywhere as the cars squeeled as they began racing. Mitch was in the lead, closely followed by Jerome in second with Ssundee in third. Jordan, Husky and Jason each quickly swapping places every two seconds.

'And here comes the first bend, Mitch is in the lead with Jerome bringing up the rear. In last place is Jordan. Ssundee has dropped back to fourth as the Mudkip overtakes him! Jordan is racing dirty as he tries to push Jason into the side.' I say. 

'Don't rub in how much I suck at driving. I fly,, not drive,' moans Jason. 

'How's the budder kart Adam?' Asks Jerome.

'It's sexy.' He answers plainly. 

Laughter fills my helmet. I watch the six cars zoom around the track. 

'Approaching the five turns, Mitch is fighting against Jordan to get first place. Jason pushes Quentin to the outside and Jerome squeezes past them. On the last lap and things are heating up! Ian is really pressing down on the gas as he rips up the straight to claim first place as his. Mitch eating the dust as he follows him. Mudkip is in a Pokemon battle against the ultra rare Fluffster, the stupid-fluffy type.' Everybody laughed. 'Jason gains a small lead against Jordan as they go around the corner. Husky shredding some tyre as he squeels and drifts. The five turns become difficult as Jerome uses the power of the slurp to give himself a boost to jump into first place! All six of the cars are equal now as they approach the straight to the finish line. Wow! Everybody has hammered down on the gas and as they approach the finish line.... Jason wins by an inch!!!' I announce.

As the cars come back into the waiting bay, I take off my helmet and flick my hair out my face. The guys got out their cars and Jason waved his arms in the air with victory.

'Yeah!!!! I won! Wooooooo!' He shouts.

We all congratulated him when Quentin, Adam and Jerome lifted him up onto Quentin's shoulders where he wooped with joy. Everyone began laughing as Jason was placed back on the floor again.

'That was so much fun. This is the first race and we still have the rest of the day here... This is gonna rock hardcore!!!' Shrieks Quentin.

'Heck yeah! And great commentation DJ,' Said Ian.

I smiled.

'Good race! But, DJ, was the Pokemon fight thing really required?' Jerome said, walking up to me and folding his arms.

'C'mon bro. It was close and it was only a joke!' I say.

Jerome then grabbed me in a tight headlock and held me by his side. Everyone then took it in turns to give me a noogie (everyone in Team Crafted likes doing that...).

'Don't do dis! Why you do dis?' I shout, but it was muffled becuase my mouth was in Jerome's stomach (don't take that weirdly).

'That's my saying!' Adam moaned.

Finally letting me go, Adam was the first to ask a question.

'Who's racing now? We can't do a kart race and a motorbike race since DJ over here is the only one on a bike.' Adam points out.

'Fair point, dude. What about the karts and DJ race?' Shrugged Jordan.

Ty looked at me and I nodded. We both turned to Adam.

'Good enough for me. To the Buddermobil!!!' He jumped into the kart. Ty smiled at him as he too got in his purple kart.

I replace the helmet on my head and start up the bike. I helped to guide it to the starting line where I was in the middle of Adam with the budder kart and Ty with the purple kart.

'Who's doing the commentary for this one then?' Ty asks.

'I wanna! Pick me! Me!!!' Jerome jumps around.

'I'll be vice commentator,' added Quentin.

I started to rev the bike as Adam and Ty did the same to theirs. I placed down the visor and got ready to go.

'3...2...1...' Jerome started before pausing. 'GO!!!!' 

I let go of the brakes and thefront wheel lifted off the ground slightly before I sped off round the course. Adam and Ty were right on my tail. The course was pretty fun. There was a small straight before a left turn, then a right, sharp right, sharp left, five bends (which made a wavey part of the course) before straight where you could really speed yourself up. Three laps around the course. 

As I rode, my hair began flying in all directions. Adam began wooping through the microphone and Ty began humming a tune that you would find in action films. The first bend was easy and smooth. I was second, Ty was infront and Adam was behind. The second bend was a bit harder when Adam began pushing you to the outside.

'...DJ is in last as they approach the sharp bends. Ty keeping rather close on the inside with Adam rigth behind him. DJ leaning dangerously low to the ground as she passes Adam. Careful not to fall DJ!' Quentin says.

'I'm fine. Hey Adam!'

'What?' He calls.

'Eat my dust budder boy!' I say as I zoom past him.

I had caught up with Ty. I glimpse at him before the wavey strip of the track came up. This is where the easy mobility of the bike comes in. Speeding up slightly, I weave infront of Ty.

TY'S POV (Change in POV before I write a whole chapter in one person's POV)


DJ zoomed past me before lifting herself off the seat. She leaned from one side to the other with ease. Me and Adam had to slow down in order to not crash into the side. We sped up lots at the last bend and we both caught up with the bike. DJ looked at us and we all went as fast as we could. It was a close call as to who won, so it was up to the rest of the group to say who won. 

'Budder! Yeah, gotta have me some budder!' Adam sung poorly and out of tune. 

'And at the end of that fast paced race, we are glad to announcce that the winner is...' Jerome started.

Jordan added a dramatic backing track to the silence.


'Seriously? We both won?' Adam said in disbelief.

'No. All three won, but we don't have a name which includes DJ yet. I mean, we all, Mitch being the exception in this, have only known her for like, a few hours!' Says Ian.

'It honestly doesn't feel like a few hours. It feels like we have all known each other for years.' Admits Jordan.

Laughing, DJ adds, 'I know! It's awesome hanging with you guys. And you guys are staying with Mitch for ages.'

I smile and everyone agrees. We took a break from racing for a bit before we carried on.


Wow. Today was so much fun! Hanging with the guys plus meeting Mitch's friend at an awesome race course has to be the most fun I have ever had. We did races, tournements, relay races, tag races, time trails, tricks and even off roading. My favourite thing was the time trails because we had to go as fast as we could around awesome courses. We are all in the van again. Mitch is drving this time. Jason is up front with him. Then there was Jerome, Jordan, Ian and Adam in the middle with me, DJ and Quentin in the back. I was in the back with DJ to the left and Quentin to the right. Everyone was chatting about random things before Jerome began to sing really out of tune.

'Cause baby to night!!!! The creeper's gonna steal all our stuff again!' Everybody joined in except DJ who was laughing until the rap part came on. No one knew all the lyrics to the rap part, but there was one person who knew it all off by heart.

'Dig up diamonds,craft those diamonds craft some some armour get it baby going forge ml you so mlg pro swords made of diamonds so come at me bro,training in your room under torchlight home at home getting ready for the big fight,every single day and the whole night creepers out prowling eh alright,look at me look at you take my revenge thats what i'm gonna do i'm a warrior baby and what else is new and my blades gonna tear through you!' DJ rapped.

Everyone continued singing but Quentin said, 'Wow. That was awesome! How do you know that?'

She shrugged, 'I have watched nearly every Minecraft parody out there, but Jordan and Adam's are my favourites by far! I have watched them all so many times and learnt all the lyrics as fast as I could.' She paused. 'I am that big of a fan, I often fall asleep watching mod showcases, pixelmon and minigames. The other night, I fell asleep watching you play a parkour map with Adam.'

Wow. She really was a massive fan. I'm sure a large majority of the fans fall asleep watching them, but she really is dedicated. DJ offten falls asleep? And has watched every single video we have done and subbed to all our channels including the gaming ones and the vlogs (Mitch told me that)? Jeez. It felt nice to know she was such a big supporter.

'You guys aren't gonna tie another scarf around my face are you?' She joked.

Ian looked at Jordan who said, 'You never know...'

We all laughed as Mitch pulled up to his house. We got out and collasped in the living room. 

'Oh gawd that was fun,' Jerome said, still excited from the racing we did.

'You said it! That was the most fun I have had in ages.' I say, flicking the hair out of my eyes.

We were all collapsed around the living room. Adam, DJ and Jason were sat on the floor with the rest of us sat on the two sofas. The time was 7:15pm so we still had ages to stay awake yet. Then I had a thought. Since this our first night, why don't we do something to kinda celebrate it? Like a party or something.

'Where are we all gonna sleep? I'm sure your house doesn't have 10 bedrooms or whatever.' Jerome pointed out.

'Umm... If we move the table and push back the sofas, can't we put the mattresses and stuff along here?' Suggested  DJ.

'Brilliant!' Said Mitch as he ran off into a storage cupboard. DJ got up and ran upstairs, I followed her. Reaching the top of the stairs, I saw her kicking a duvet along and dragging a mattress down the stairs. Around the fifth step down, ,she stumbled and went to fall down the stairs. I grabbed hold of her shoulders and pulled her towards me. 

'Careful there, DJ.' I said as she turned around to face me. 

We looked straight into each others eyes and her cheeks went slightly red. Her eyes was shining in the light. They were a pale grey colour and looked so happy. Smiling, she thanked me.

'Thanks dude.' 

I smiled at her and grabbed the mattress whilst she got the duvets. The other guys had already set up the other mattresses and duvets with a pile of pillows to the side of them. I threw the mattress next to Adam who squealed slightly who thought I was going to throw it on him. 

'Right, now that's sorted. What do we do now?' Ian asks.

'Well, I don't know about you, but I think that since this our first night, we should have a house party.' I say.

'Great idea, dude!' Jason shouted as he patted me on the back.

'I bought a load of CDs so we can use your CD player to play em.' Jordan said.

I noticed Mitch glance at DJ who nodded and they both smiled. We all looked at them confused by what they were smiling at.

'Guys, we have a better idea. Go out into the kithcen and don't come out till we say.' Mitch said.

We all walked into the kitchen and Mitch shut the door on us so we couldn't see into the living room.

'What do you think they are doing?' Quentin asks.

No one had a clue. We waited for them to let us back in again. It was only around ten mintues before the door opened and we were allowed back into the living room.

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