The Maze Runner Imagines

By WritingInsanely

127K 2.1K 608

Just a bunch of imagines I've posted on my Tumblr already -thought I would share them with the rest of the TM... More

Food Fight//Minho
Singing Drunkard//Newt
Thanks For The Memories//Newt
Newt's Secret//Newt
Confessions of a Worried Shank//Newt
Teasing and Kissing//Newt
You Read My Mind; Literally//Minho
Make Outs N' Such//Newt
Kiss Me All You Want But Don't Lick My Face//Newt
You're Totally Whipped, There's No Denying It//Newt
Awfully Messy//Gally
Climbing Mountains and Taking Selfies Are Not A Good Mix//Newt
Swimming Naked is Better Than Going to Prom Anyway//Newt
Parted Ways//Newt
I Care//Newt
Giving You a Chance//Newt//Part 1
Giving You a Chance//Newt//Part 2
Let Me Love You//Gally//Part 1
Let Me Love You//Gally//Part 2
I'm Only Relatively Romantic When I'm Drunk//Minho
Happy New Year!//All Four
How Do You Say 'I Love You'?//Gally
The Bet//Minho
I Like Punching People, But I Also Like Hugging You//Gally
The Date//Newt//Part 1
The Date//Newt//Part 2
Finding A Friend//Newt
After The Power Goes Out//Newt
The Gang//Newt
Only Flirt With Me If You Mean It//Thomas
The Rescuer//Newt
The Ghost of Him//Gally
You're The One I Want//Thomas
Fighting For You//Newt
Trapped Together//Minho
Close To Him//Gally
Author's Note: IMPORTANT!
The Truth//Gally

The Blond Shuck Face//Newt

2.1K 48 10
By WritingInsanely

Prompt: Y/N and Newt are in a forbidden relationship: according to Alby, no one is allowed to date her. But obviously that rule has been broken. Y/N wants more in their relationship, finding it hard to sneak around and pretend that they are not a couple around their friends. Newt starts to have second thoughts, he feels guilty for going behind Alby's back. Can the both of the fix their relationship or will they just have to go back to being friends?

Your back presses into the smooth trunk of the tree behind you, his body pushed up against yours with his soft lips kissing and nibbling onto the skin of your neck. You stifle a giggle, so no other Gladers can hear your forbidden act, before placing a sweet, loving kiss in the middle of his slightly crinkled forehead. His head rises, his brown eyes surprised by your act of affection.

You place a hand on the side of his face, his mouth twists into grin. You love his smile, the crinkles beside his mouth, the way his eyes show you true happiness. He straightens his posture and you let go of his face, his hand taking it into his instead. "What's up, love?" His voice is kind but also concerned.

You divert your eyes away from him and sigh, your voice quiet and uncertain, "We can't keep meeting like this, Newt."

Newt bites the inside of his cheek as his eyes skim over the tree behind you, "You know we can't... Alby said-

You shake your head and immediately cut him off, "Screw what Alby said!" You hold onto his hand tighter, circling the palm of his hand with your thumb. "I respect him and his leadership Newt, you know that, but he can't control my life just because I'm a girl. I make my own decisions."

Newt brushes away the hair upon your forehead and breathes out a long sigh, "I can't go against what Alby says."

"But you already are!"

Newt's eyes flash with hurt, he takes a step back and you feel vulnerable; naked without him close to you. He looks at you and rubs the tip of his nose nervously, his hair having fallen close to his eyes. "You're right, I already am." He brushes the hair away from his dark brown eyes, "So maybe I should stop altogether, huh? Is that what you want?"

You shake your head, "No, of course not!"

"I'm trying the best that I can, Y/N! I'm trying to make you happy because you deserve the best of the best in everything and anything but there are limits to what I can do for you!" Newt throws his hands in the air in frustration and suddenly looks very helpless.

You stare at your hands for only a moment before looking back up at him again, "I want this Newt, I really want this to work between us. But I can't keep sneaking around like this, intricately planning out our meetings, and not being able to show affection to each other whenever we want: like a normal couple!" You take a step closer to him and try to catch his eyes into yours again, "You deserve better than the best Newt, and that is what I'm trying to do."

Newt pushes himself away from you, "Alby is my friend and I'm supposed to support him, and his decisions." He walks around you until he's left the small patch of trees, the only thing you two have as privacy, and limps towards the Kitchens in time for breakfast.

You slowly make your way over, kicking up grass and dirt along your way, constantly wondering whether things between you and Newt are over or not.

Your legs arch up, your right leg crosses over your left, you stare down at the pieces of paper propped up against your thighs. You chew the end of the pencil in your hand while skim reading over the past few pages you've written. Not a diary, as those dreadful things only make you more depressed, but a poetry book of sorts. Or descriptive writing, you can never really tell. It's the only time you feel absolutely comfortable. You remember when Newt read through these same pages, first he laughed at you but as he read he liked it even more and more. In fact, by the end of it, he loved it. Days like those, reading and writing with Newt's head lying on top of your stomach, gave you peace and sense of reassurance when everything else seemed horrible. Newt was always your rock, someone you fell back on when things got tough, what's going to happen now that he could be gone forever?

"Y/N?" Alby knocks on the front side of your door before walking in slowly, no specific expression on his face. "Sorry if I'm interrupting something... I just need to talk with you about something."

You immediately sit up and cross your legs, placing your papers beside you; face down. You smile up at him kindly and try to ignore the fact that your heart is beating rapidly and heavily in your chest. "No its... it's alright, go ahead."

Alby grabs the chair by the window, the one that Newt made Gally make for you, and pulls it closer to you and your bed before sitting down in it. "What are our rules here?"

"Sorry?" You crease your eyebrows in confusion, why would he be asking you this? It's not like you're still a Greenie or anything. You've been here almost six months already!

"What are the rules we have in place here in the Glade, Y/N?" He presses, his tone of voice shows slight irritation but more so concern.

You list each of the three rules off on individual fingers, "Everyone does their part to help, no one can leave the Glade unless they're a Runner, and never ever harm another Glader." I say it quickly, without breath and any kind of effort. These three rules are desperately well-known around here as if any are broken would lead to a severe punishment; a Banishment.

"Never, ever, ever harm a Glader, Y/N."

You raise an eyebrow and start wondering what the hell has been said about you these days, "Are you suggesting... that I hurt someone? Alby-

"No, not entirely. But I saw you had a heated argument with Newt earlier today and I just wanted to make sure everything is alright between you two, I can't have another Thomas and Gally dispute."

"Can't a couple of Gladers argue once in a while?"

Alby's lips spread into a small smile, "Of course they can, but as a leader of these shanks I just want to make sure everyone is okay, especially when I see things like this with my very own eyes."

"Newt can handle himself, besides, it wasn't anything harmful. Just a disagreement."

"I'm not saying he can't. I'm just disappointed, you guys are great together; a team. I've seen it when you work together in the fields and when you help others around you together. I don't want something like that to fall apart."

You nod slightly and shuffle uncomfortably under Alby's gaze as it feels as though he's trying to refer to something... but it's probably just the fact that you've gone behind his back and done exactly what he said not to do. Maybe Alby is right though, you and Newt are a team. If being friends is all you can do for now then maybe that is the answer, if you guys do your best together than that might be what it has to be like from now on.

As your legs move to keep you comfortable, the piece of paper tumbles off the side of your bed and floats down to the ground, Alby immediately picks it up and holds it out to your hands, you hope he doesn't but there's a chance he read the first few lines.

"Y/N?" Newt walks in, his eyes look upon Alby immediately and the look in his eyes tells you that he'd rather be sinking into the walls around about now than being in the same room as both you and Alby.

Alby places the sheet of paper onto your bed again, nodding a goodbye to both you and Newt. "I'll see you guys at dinner, don't be too late."

Newt watches as Alby leaves the room and strides down and out of the Homestead before closing the bedroom door and turning his attention onto you. His eyebrows creased into a frown, his voice filled with questioning, "What did Alby want?"

You breathe in and out slowly while shuffling the piles of papers around your bed, trying to gather them up in some kind of neat pile. "He -uh, he wanted to know if we were alright."

He itches the skin around his jaw and doesn't give a reply, instead he wanders over to the papers on your bed, his delicate fingers flicking through them. You watch as his concentrated brown eyes skim over the words written down, and as his chest slowly raises up and down. How could you ever hurt this beautiful boy? "This one is about me." His voice is soft and on the edge of questioning.

You cross your arms over your chest and confirm his statement, "It is."

"The Blond Shuck Face."

"I personally think that title just makes the piece, don't you agree? Like the cherry on top."

Newt smiles crookedly, "You don't put a cherry on top of a disaster." He hands you your writing back and his hand reaches to the back of his neck nervously. "Look... about before..."

And for the first time since you entered the Glade, you know exactly what to do. What you should do. You hold up a hand, "Wait a second." You sigh and hop off the edge of your bed and come face to face with the Blond Shuck Face, "You don't need to apologise Newt. It was my fault this whole mess started."

Newt immediately shakes his head, "No, it's not your fault."

"I should have realised your position, you have to support Alby no matter what because that's what a guy in Second in Command does. I let my feelings get in the way of how things work around here, so I shouldn't have tried to push you like that."

"No, you're completely wrong. My position doesn't matter." He grabs a hold of your hand, his voice slightly shaky and nervous. "If I was going to listen to Alby then I should have done it from the start instead of pulling you in only to shut you out. I want you, Y/N, I need you. I'm not letting you go."

You immediately grab onto the front of Newt's t-shirt and pull him in closer, kissing his gentle lips lovingly and passionately. He responds by wrapping you up in his arms and deepening the kiss, the connection. You rest your forehead against his chest and feel the fast pace of his beating heart against your skin.

"I think I buggin' love your blond-shank-ass."

"Oh I know you do."

"I'm sorry that I broke your rule, Alby, but I love her. And I know that doesn't excuse my actions, my decision to go behind your back, but I'm not going to hurt her."

Alby's eyes blink slowly, and the intensity and anticipation of waiting for his answer almost rips your heart right out of your chest. What is he going to say, you think to yourself, what if he can't trust Newt anymore?

But instead of an answer of any kind, he laughs out loud. At first it starts off like a slight chuckle but soon he's doubled over, huffing and puffing for oxygen after laughing it all out of his lungs. "Thomas! Minho! Get your shank butts over here!"

They both run over, mildly confused but as soon as Alby whispers something in their ears they join in with the laughter. You cross your arms over your chest, "What, is this so unbelievable to you guys that you find it funny? We're not joking!"

Alby stands up and coughs, trying to regain all of his seriousness. Minho wipes the tears from his eyes while Thomas bites down on his cheek to keep from succumbing to another outburst of laughter. "I can't believe you didn't think we already knew about you two."

"What?" Both you and Newt question at the same time, almost bewildered.

"Oh come on!" Minho exclaims, laughing even harder. He takes Thomas by the shoulders, setting him out directly in front of himself before dropping his hands to his sides again. He coughs slightly and then says, "I-I'm just going to the bathroom real quick." Making an obvious imitation of Newt's English voice.

Thomas flutters his eyelashes and pouts his pink lips, "And... well I have to go get something, I'll be back in a second though!"

Alby smacks Newt's shoulder playfully, and you see the colour red flush throughout his former pale cheeks, his eyebrows turned into a concentrated frown. "You both always came back together at like, what, twenty minutes later? Please, our memories of the world aren't fully taken away. We can spot when two people are hooking up."

You cover your mouth and try not to laugh whereas Newt continues to stare down at his feet, shifting uncomfortably from all the awkwardness hanging in the air. "So... so you knew this whole time huh..."

"I can't believe he still doesn't get it!" Minho hoots, "Yes Newt, we know that you and Y/N are getting it on."

Newt glares over at Minho, "We're not "getting it on" thank you very much..." He turns his head away from the boys but all he gets in reply is more laughter and more slaps on the back.

"So... you're okay with it?" You ask light-heartedly, trying to keep the mood as upbeat as possible.

Alby smiles, "If I wasn't okay with it I would have told you a long time ago. Don't worry, I think you two make quite a team."

Newt grins, his arm wrapped around your shoulders. "Thanks Alby."

Before both you and Newt can leave them though, Thomas turns around to say one last thing, "Oh and guys, if you want to go make out, don't leave a group of people at the same time going to the same place where everyone can clearly see you, okay? Last time I had to cover my eyes." All three of the boys burst into laughter again as they turn and desperately try to make their way back over to the bonfire.

Both you and Newt look each other in the eye before turning back to Thomas, "Oh, slim it." You say, rolling your eyes.

"Yeah," Newt huffs, "What she said."

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