The Maze Runner Imagines

Autorstwa WritingInsanely

127K 2.1K 608

Just a bunch of imagines I've posted on my Tumblr already -thought I would share them with the rest of the TM... Więcej

Food Fight//Minho
Singing Drunkard//Newt
Thanks For The Memories//Newt
Newt's Secret//Newt
Confessions of a Worried Shank//Newt
Teasing and Kissing//Newt
You Read My Mind; Literally//Minho
Make Outs N' Such//Newt
Kiss Me All You Want But Don't Lick My Face//Newt
You're Totally Whipped, There's No Denying It//Newt
Climbing Mountains and Taking Selfies Are Not A Good Mix//Newt
Swimming Naked is Better Than Going to Prom Anyway//Newt
Parted Ways//Newt
The Blond Shuck Face//Newt
I Care//Newt
Giving You a Chance//Newt//Part 1
Giving You a Chance//Newt//Part 2
Let Me Love You//Gally//Part 1
Let Me Love You//Gally//Part 2
I'm Only Relatively Romantic When I'm Drunk//Minho
Happy New Year!//All Four
How Do You Say 'I Love You'?//Gally
The Bet//Minho
I Like Punching People, But I Also Like Hugging You//Gally
The Date//Newt//Part 1
The Date//Newt//Part 2
Finding A Friend//Newt
After The Power Goes Out//Newt
The Gang//Newt
Only Flirt With Me If You Mean It//Thomas
The Rescuer//Newt
The Ghost of Him//Gally
You're The One I Want//Thomas
Fighting For You//Newt
Trapped Together//Minho
Close To Him//Gally
Author's Note: IMPORTANT!
The Truth//Gally

Awfully Messy//Gally

3.3K 64 6
Autorstwa WritingInsanely

Prompt: Everyone in The Glade decides to take a day off, and Y/N gets closer with Gally because of it. 

"C'mon shanks, it's time to get up." Newt calls into the run-down room where most of the builders and some of the cooks they've befriended (including yourself) sleep. Someone pulls the curtains revealing a sharp flash of sunlight into the cave-like room.

You groan and roll over in your bundle of blankets, accidentally kicking Gally in the face whilst moving. "Hey!" He calls out and blindly grabs at your feet.

You squeal as his hands are incredibly cold, "Gally!" You kick your feet around crazily until his icy fingers lose their grip and you slide your feet back into the warmth of your blanket-cocoon. "Are you cold-blooded or something?"

He yawns loudly, "Maybe hanging around you so often caused that."

You sit up from your bed and stare wildly down at Gally who looks mildly amused while smirking at his own joke. "You take that back, you shank!"

He chuckles before saying, "Make me."

You tackle him immediately and his eyes widen with surprise, obviously thinking you weren't actually going to try and make him. You try to your best ability to keep him pinned but of course he easily switches from bottom to top. "Seriously, Y/N? You're half my size."

You poke your tongue out at him, "Don't be an ass. You were the one to challenge me."

"Yes but you were obviously silly enough to take it." He argues, face only inches away from yours as he tries to intimidate you.

You roll your eyes and try to kick him off but his grip only tightens. "Gally, this is the one day we get off, if you don't let me go you're seriously going to regret it."

He rolls off your body, "Alright, alright; killjoy."

After you and the other Gladers finish breakfast you all circle around Alby and Newt as they ready themselves to make an announcement. You assume they're placing some rules about today, so you're not keen to listen in as much as others are.

"Alright shanks, today is going to be a nice, fun day to relax and let out all of this stress that's been building up on us." Alby starts, "by the help of my dear friend," he gestures to Newt, "We've come up with some activities that will happen throughout today."

A few groans break out through the crowd, "Now, now." Newt settles the Gladers before continuing, "You don't have to participate; this isn't school. We just thought that most of you would enjoy it, alright? Doing nothing all day isn't in everyone's fancy."

You speak up, "He's right."

Teresa agrees and then asks, "So what's up first?"

Newt grins, "The first challenge, or activity, is...well..." He looks to Alby, "We haven't really gotten a name for it but it'll be great." He pulls in Thomas and Minho, "These two shanks are the best Runners in the Glade, and we all know that. So, we've made them team captains."

Only a few of the Gladers turn the heads away in disinterest, you're certainly not one of them.

"I've already written out who's where so no arguing." Alby interrupts.

"Exactly. Anyway, each team will be playing against each other, obviously. Both teams have a camp, or a base. This base is where you hide your team coloured balls. Red and Blue. Minho is blue and Thomas is red. The aim of the game is to collect as many balls as you can from the opposite team to your own. Now, along the way there are water balloons, paint and mud; anything messy you can think of. You can use these things to your advantage to tackle the other team members down. If you catch them you must take them to your prison which, if you're smart, will hopefully be placed somewhere other than where your treasured balls are. You can free your team members from the opposite teams prison, if you reach it. There aren't any limits to how many you can capture at once and how many you can free at once."

You take in all the information, this game sounds familiar but you're not able to place your finger on it. Maybe you played it in your life before the Glade; at least you hope you did. This game sounds incredible, you suddenly hope that Gally is on the opposite team so you can take him down. Which might be a little bit hard since he is double your size, but you're certain your determination is bigger.

"Okay, so if I call your name you're on Thomas' team..." Newt calls out each name. Some people refuse to play and sit on the sidelines.

"Gally..." Newt says and your heart rises, maybe you won't be on the same team after all.

"Y/N..." Dammit! Your face turns sour as you make your way to Thomas' team. You were so looking forward to attacking that shank with paint... mud... even your bare hands.

"The teams are uneven." Alby says, slightly annoyed.

"How are they uneven?" Teresa asks.

"The shanks that sat out." Newt states, he turns towards your team. "Look, I know this will tick you off a bit but are there any volunteers to move to Minho's-

You shoot your hand up in the air, wide-eyed.

Newt looks at you with amusement, "Alright, Y/N. Off you go."

You move to Minho's team and slap on blue war-paint, creating patterns over your face, arms and your legs. Minho looks hyped up and ready to win, so are you but even if you lose; you'll still be happy if you take that sucker down.

"Alright, so everyone knows the plan?" Minho says.



"Let's do this!" Minho shouts and you all stomp your feet and sing a team chant before running off into different directions.

You make your way through the trees with Teresa, Jeff and Sam. At first you keep at a fast sprint until you hear crackling of twigs snapping from a distance, and voices. So you all hide as best you can behind bushes or up in the trees. Jeff and Teresa manage to climb a tree but you and Sam keep to a bush with hidden "weapons" inside. What looks like a stack of water balloons and mud.

"Don't you worry, Winston, we'll easily win this."

It's Gally.

You smirk as he comes closer and closer into your trap, you always knew he was a bit thick when it comes to thinking through situations.

"Now!" You shout as they literally step into the center. Teresa and Jeff tackle most of the enemies down and you grab a water balloon and a handful of mud. You edge closer to Gally but Teresa tries to take him out.

She misses, unfortunately and Gally escapes. Retreating. You look to the group and see that most of them are on the ground, you decide that Sam, Jeff and Teresa can handle them themselves so you take off after Gally.

You stealthily sneak around trees and bushes until you spot Gally up ahead, taking a seat on a log; catching back his breath. You crawl passed him and loom over his back, and then you slap the mud onto the top of his head. You watch as it trickles down his face while grinning evilly.

But soon that grin disappears as he turns around slowly, quite angry. His eyes narrow and he stands up from the log, suddenly becoming very, very big. You immediately regret attacking him on your own, how could have you been so stupid?

"Hey?" You try but Gally doesn't laugh, not even a smile.

You gulp as he steals the water balloon from your hand, lifts it over your head and then squeezes. You squeal as it pops in his hand, splashing over your face and down the front of your shirt. You look back up at him and he grins evilly.

You turn to run, as you know there is absolutely no way you can take this beast down but his arms wrap around your waist, you try to pry his fingers off your body but they don't budge. He encloses you and then swings you around so he's got you slung over his shoulder. "No!" You shout in refusal but it's too late. Your attack backfired and he captured you all too easily.

As he trudges back to his base, well, his prison, you think of ways to try and get out his grip. Maybe if you kick him hard enough he'll let you go? But then again, this is Gally you're talking about. He's equivalent to a tank. No way would one of your feeble kicks suffice.

"See what happens when you judge a situation wrong? Can't believe you thought you could take me down, Y/N."

"Oh ha-ha." You say sarcastically, "Just slim it, taking me to your dumb prison is enough punishment; stop rubbing it in."

"Prison?" He laughs maniacally, "I'm not done with you yet! Remember, you slapped mud all in my hair."

"Yeah but you got me back with that water balloon!" You panic.

"Water's nothing." You catch a group of boys to your left and spot a couple of balls. If you remember where the base is then maybe you can escape Gally, steal a ball and get the hell out of there! A new urge of positivity surges through your mind, there is no way you're going to leave empty handed.

Gally leads you to a patch of grass, cans of paint litter the ground. Some evidently used but there are still plenty filled to the brim; untouched. "Oh shuck no."

Gally looks amused as he gently sits you down, he knows you can't leave because of the boys outside. They'll surely catch you... right? You start to think. Maybe if you use the paint to your advantage instead, you could escape Gally and go around the back way; freeing any prisoners from your team and then group together to steal their balls. The more of you there are, the more chance you can get out of here.

"As soon as I saw this paint, I thought of you."

"Oh yeah? How romantic."

He grins and lifts a bucket of paint but before he can pour it all over you, you jump up at him and kick the bucket upwards. It splashes some of its contents directly onto his face and you take this opportunity to get the hell out of there.

As you presumed, you find the prison in no time. For some reason however... no one is guarding it. You come to the entrance, you see Teresa, Minho and Jared. "Y/N!" They half whisper-shout with excitement and relief.

You take them out and lead them to the balls, still; no one there. "This is weird..." You mutter, "Where is everyone?"

"HA!" Gally and more of his team members ambush you all, throwing water balloons left, right and center. Sloshing mud all through your clothes and hair and adding paint as the final touch.

In the end, your team loses. Gally ended up torturing you with the paint as he promised, and you all look like confused, sad rainbows. But of course you're not going to let what Gally did slide, so later in the afternoon; you catch up with Minho, Jeff, Teresa and Jared to come up with a plan of revenge.

Gally is definitely going down this time.


"Alright, so we're all clear on what to do?" You say excitedly, keen to go and tear Gally and the rest of those slintheads down.

"Shuck yeah, let's do this!" Teresa says confidently and you make your way to the Homestead, hoses and buckets in hand.

You creep through the creaky floorboard covered room, mud and paint slosh over the sides of your containers and occasionally drip on the floor but neither of you are fussed because soon the whole Homestead will become one messy disaster.

You tip-toe past a few more bedrooms until you've come to the right place. Gently setting down your buckets, you open the door with a slight creak. You hope they're all asleep, and to your relief; they are. All snug as a bug.

You turn back to the others and gesture for them to come in, they nod and waddled forwards as you do yourself. You all group up together by the front of the room, careful not to splash anyone accidentally who lay asleep on the floor, legs splayed and arms spread.

But then Minho bumps into the back of you, almost sending you and the paint you carry, all over Gally who seems to be asleep right in front of your feet. You try to regain your balance, and you think you do until a noise from outside startles you and the bucket slips form your fingers, spraying its contents all over Gally and his blanket-cocoon.


Minho and the others charge forwards, splattering and smooshing all the dirty, messy liquids all over each Glader in the room. They all wake up looking terrified but once they wake up completely they become enraged.

"Y/N!" Gally shouts as he tries to wipe the paint off his face, not doing a very good job. It streaks down the sides of his face

"I –that's for before!" You shout angrily, but soon your spark of intimidation and bravery goes out as soon as Gally stands up; his body towering over you.

"Are you sure you want to do this again, Y/N?"

You scrunch your eyebrows in confusion and look up at his misleading face, trying to understand what the shuck he meant by that. "Excuse me?"

His hands reach out to you but you manoeuvre around them and head straight for the door, retreating from the battlefield. You run out of the Homestead and escape to the forest, hoping you have some kind of camouflage in the trees. You hear footsteps and immediately fall into a crouch, hoping he doesn't spot you.

He walks past the bush you hide behind, and then walks back again. He leaves the forest and you watch him walk away and then around a building. You stand up from your hiding spot and think of another place to hide, something a little more comfortable than this bush at least.

But you're stopped short, Gally has found you.

In one swift movement, Gally pulls you into him and shakes the paint off his body, then wipes it onto yours. He presses his cheeks against yours leaving dabs of green on either side. As you fight against his grip and try to escape, he only pulls you back tighter before your squirming leads to being pinned on the dirty ground. He grins down at you, and your no longer terrified... but instead highly amused.

"You're such a shank, you know that? Honestly, you already got owned today and you decide to try again?" Gally shakes his head; paint flies.

"It worked, didn't it?" You ask sassily, a drop of paint splatters onto your chin.

His eyes stare down at the paint as he removes a hand from your arm and rubs the green drop across your chin, his thumb brushing against the bottom of your lip. You probably closely resemble a pea by now, you forgot the paint was green. Really, really green.

His eyes drop to your now lightly tinged-green lips and he huffs, "Probably..." His head dips closer and when his lips touch yours you gasp inaudibly in surprise. Your free hand presses against his chest but soon rises to cup his jaw. This was a whole new side to Gally... and it confused you but... you had suspected there was something more to the both of you, you just hadn't dared.

You keep your hand on his face as he lifts his lips from yours, his eyes close for a moment after. He then flops to your right-side and drags his hands over his face, "I'm sorry... I shouldn't have done that." He groans.

"Why not?"

He turns to you, sort of surprised and sort of hopeful. "I thought... I don't know, I thought you and Minho had a thing going on or something..."

You blink in confusion, "Really?" You giggle, "What made you think that?"

Gally blushes slightly, "I –er, well you went over to his team."

"I went over there so I could attack you because you called me cold-hearted."

"You planned this with Minho too..."

"Stop arguing with me; I don't like Minho in that way. Nor do we have a thing."

"Oh." He says, as he stares up at the sky, looking relieved and peaceful. You never thought Gally would ever show his gentle side, as he always has this tough wall around him. And somehow, you think, you broke it down. Even if it's just a little, it's at least something.

You smile up at him, "You know Gally, around this time the kissing should be happening."

Czytaj Dalej

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