Lazarus Project: Mass Effect...

By Julianne_Winters

12.7K 672 59

~~MASS EFFECT: BOOK 3 of 3~~ *Book 1: English Bay Blues *Book 2: Dragon's Teeth: Mass Effect 1 Ranked #4 in... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chatper 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94

Chapter 16

157 6 0
By Julianne_Winters

Milky Way/Serpent Nebula/Widow System/Citadel

Earth year: 2183 CE --- November

Upon returning to the Citadel, Anderson wasted no time getting Kaidan back to active duty and back in training. For the past month, he'd been refining his combat techniques and upgrading his tech skills. When he wasn't at the Alliance facility, he spent three hours every day practicing in the new combat simulator, Armax Arsenal Arena to refine his biotic endurance.

At first, Anderson had sent him on solo simulations, giving him time to work through any emotional triggers that might affect his judgment. He knew what Anderson was doing and for the most part he was grateful. The first week had been hell. Every time he pulled on his armour, his thoughts went to missions with Shepard. Geth were his first targets, but were soon replaced with nameless enemies like mercenaries groups and terrorists.

By the end of the first week he was calm, clear-headed and had begun to plan his mission in seconds seconds rather than minutes. By the end of the second week, it was a rare thing if any simulated enemy made it past his barrier or his shields.

Pleased by his progress, Anderson had given him two team members to work with, making Kaidan their squad leader. It took another week for him to work out his their skill set and combat style, but by the end of it he had a solid team.

"You know Dlaney," Kaidan heard Private Mason Zima say as they stripped out of their armour and into their BDUs. "I could tweak the targeting system on that assault rifle of yours by almost a minute if you want."

Corporal Tanner Dlaney laughed, a deep throaty sound that reached the corners of her eyes as she regarded him with amusement. "Thanks, but no thanks." She said. "I've seen what your tweaking did to that sniper rifle of yours. It jammed while you were sighting on that geth rocket drone. If I hadn't stepped in to save your ass, you would've taken a rocket to the face."

Mason frowned. "That's not true Corporal. I ducked."

"That just proves my point." She said, zipping up her jacket and turning to face him, arms crossed over her chest. "You wouldn't have had to duck if your weapon hadn't jammed."

"It just over-heated a bit, that's all. It wasn't jammed." Mason protested. "Besides, I tested it. Now it reloads twenty seconds faster than before."

"Twenty seconds isn't nearly long enough for me to let you anywhere near my weapon. My rifle works just fine as it is." Tanner retorted. "You want to mess around with your weapons, be my guest. But keep away from my rifle. I'd rather not have it blow up in my face in the middle of a real fire-fight."

"I've never blown up a weapon!" Mason protested. "Jammed maybe... but only the one time!"

"Once is all it takes." Tanner reminded him. "This is a simulator Zima, with safeties. You can't take that kind of risk in the field."

"Fine." Mason said, deflating. "I just thought I could help."

"No offence Private, but I'll pass."

"You both did great out there." Kaidan interjected, hearing the lull in their conversation.

"Thanks Lieutenant." Tanner said, a wry smile on her tanned features. She pushed her curly blonde locks off her forehead, turning her clear blue eyes to Kaidan. "It was great saving Mason's ass... again."

"You did not save my ass again!" Mason protested, his cheeks flushing in embarrassment. With his light red hair, green eyes and pale complexion , he was helpless to prevent his emotions from showing in his face. "We're a team. We complement each other's strengths."

"Mason's right Corporal." Kaidan agreed. "We work together to compliment each of our strengths and weaknesses. It's what makes us an effective team."

"Sorry Lieutenant." Tanner said, ducking her head. "I'm just teasing him. I can't help it. He's so easy to rile up."

Kaidan couldn't help but smile. It was true, Mason was easily flustered around people and it was hard not to be amused by the range of emotions that played across his features. "You've got me there Corporal."

"Sir!" Mason exclaimed, coming to his feet. "I don't think..."

Kaidan held up a hand to wave off whatever Mason had been about to say. "Relax Zima. We're just easing tension here. Adrenaline takes time to wear off and teasing your squad mates helps slow the crash."

"Right, yeah. I forgot about that." Mason said, relaxing. "In that case, how about we grab some drinks? I could use a break from all this training."

"I'd love to Private." Kaidan said, the smile leaving his lips. "But I've got a meeting with Anderson in less than an hour."

"Really?" Tanner asked, unable to keep the excitement from her voice. "Do you think it means we're finally going to get off the Citadel? See some real combat?"

"I don't know Corporal." Kaidan said. "But I agree. It would be good to get off the Citadel to test ourselves in the field. It's a lot different than being in a simulator."

"Don't I know it." Tanner muttered.

"We all do." Mason reminded her, unwilling to be left out of the discussion. "But there hasn't been much to fight since the geth attack. The Alliance has been pretty vigilant about putting down any remaining outposts."

"Yeah, I heard there aren't many left." Tanner agreed as they left the arena.

"I heard the same thing." Kaidan said, his tone quiet. "Rain-check on the drinks Zima?" He asked, moving to part ways as they exited the building.

"Definitely Lieutenant." Zima agreed, smiling.

As Kaidan disappeared into the crowd, Tanner cuffed Mason on the back of his head.

"Ow!" He cried, turning a confused look her way. "What'd you do that for?"

"Sometimes, for all your smarts you sure are stupid." She said, glaring at him.

"What? What did I do this time?" He asked, stepping out of her reach.

"Really? You know how Alenko feels about the geth attack. What the hell is wrong with you? Forget where he was that day or did someone drop a rock on your head when I wasn't looking?"

"Oh. Shit." Mason's face flushed scarlet. "You're right. I am an idiot."

Letting her breath out in a rush, Tanner let herself relax. "I wouldn't say idiot exactly, just... watch what you say alright?"

"Yeah okay. Sorry Tanner." He said, clearly annoyed with himself. "It's just that the Lieutenant is so calm and easy-going with us, I sometimes forget what he went through. Almost like he's two different people."

"Yeah, I get that." Tanner agreed as they fell into step together, heading for the casino. "Just don't do it again. Alenko's been through hell and back, literally, and I don't want to see him fall apart now. He's come too far, he deserves some peace."

"On that we agree Corporal." Mason said, holding the casino door open for her.

"Good to hear Zima." She said with a smile before moving passed him into the bright lights of the casino.


Kaidan made his way down the strip towards the nearest rapid transit terminal. If not for Mason's slip, he hadn't thought about the geth attack in months. Sadness tugged at his thoughts as he waited for his taxi, but was relieved it no longer overwhelmed him.

What with Anderson's support and encouragement, combined with his training and his squad, he'd begun to see a light at the end of a very dark tunnel. It wasn't near as bright as it had been after the Battle of the Citadel, but it was more than he believed possible.

"Lieutenant Alenko." Anderson beamed as he entered the Councillor's office. "Just the man I wanted to see."

"Councillor." Kaidan said, taking Anderson's hand.

"Please, have a seat." Anderson said, moving to his desk. "I hear you and your squad have been breaking a few records in the simulator."

"Yes sir. We have."

"Excellent. I knew you would."

"Thank you sir."

"Alenko, how many times do I have to tell you not to thank me?" Anderson admonished. "This is all to your credit. I just gave you direction. It was you who did all the work."

"That's not entirely true sir." Kaidan argued. "If you hadn't..."

"Alenko." Anderson interrupted, frowning. "I meant what I said. You've worked very hard against forces that would have broken any other man. I'm proud of you and what you and your squad have accomplished. Take the compliment."

"Sorry sir, and... thank you."

"Don't mention it." Anderson said, easing back in his chair. "That being said, your progress is part of the reason I've called you here today. I have a mission for you. In all that has happened since the attack on the Citadel, it's been non-stop damage control and repairs. What with the remaining geth outposts and cleaning up what's left of Sovereign, this intel got side-lined."

"Intel? I don't follow."

"Regarding that rogue terrorist group you and the Normandy crew were investigating during your pursuit of Saren, the group called Cerberus."

"Cerberus." Kaidan repeated. Of all the things Anderson could have said, that wasn't what he'd expected. "Right, I remember."

"Good. Well in any case, I want you and your team to follow up on some new information that's been brought to my attention. You'll be given a ship, the SSV Nomad. Dlaney will serve as your pilot. I doubt she's mentioned that she has flight training, but she's well qualified for the job."

"Where are we going?" Kaidan asked, his interest piqued.

"That's the thing Lieutenant. There are countless locations scattered across the Attican Traverse that I want investigated."

"The Traverse?" Kaidan repeated, surprised. Taking any ship, small or otherwise into that area of space was a dangerous prospect.

"Yes. Unfortunately, there are no leads within Citadel or Alliance space worth pursuing, but the Nomad is equipped with stealth technology. Nothing on the scale of the Normandy's tech but it'll do."

"Oh. Well that's good. I guess."

"Don't worry Alenko, you'll be fine. Here," Anderson said, activating his omni-tool. "I've forwarded you a list of locations and persons of interest I want you and your team to investigate. Also, there's no order of priority on. I trust your instincts Lieutenant, go where your gut leads you. I'll forward you any new intel your way as it comes up."

"Thank you sir." Kaidan said. "Again, I don't know what to say. I know I keep saying that, but I appreciate everything you've done for me."

"You're like a son to me Lieutenant." Anderson admitted. "You're a loyal officer to the Alliance and a good man. People like you are a rare gift and having you on our side within the Alliance is a benefit to humanity as a whole. It's my job and privilege to see good soldiers rewarded and recognized for their service."

"I'm humbled sir. I won't let you down."

"I know you won't. Your ship will be prepped and ready to go in 24 hours. Until then, you and your team are on shore-leave. Be sure to check in with them before then, I'm sure they're as anxious to get off the Citadel as you are."

Kaidan smiled. "That's putting it mildly."

Anderson laughed. "No doubt Lieutenant. Take care of yourself out there."

"I will."


"We're going where?" Dlaney asked, settling into the pilot's chair aboard the SSV Nomad.

"Grissom Academy." Kaidan repeated.

"Grissom Academy? What the hell are we going there for? It's just a bunch of biotic students and their teachers out there. We're not going to be arresting a kid are we?"

Kaidan frowned. "Of course not Corporal. Anderson wants me to speak with one of their teachers, a Ms. Kahlee Sanders."

"She's just pissed we're not flying straight into a combat mission filled with hostile geth. All those kills in the simulator gave her an inflated view of her abilities." Zima teased from the rear of the bridge.

"I am not." Dlaney protested, though her tone was subdued. "I just don't get it."

"Anderson thinks it's important." Kaidan continued, ignoring them both. "She might have a lead on Cerberus that she didn't list in her reports."

"Well if that's true, shouldn't he be the one asking her?" Dlaney pressed, still annoyed she wouldn't be seeing combat. "I mean, he is humanity's representative on the Council. He could get this done faster than we can."

"Dlaney, I know you're frustrated and I sympathize. But Anderson has his reasons and I got the distinct impression that this mission is personal. Maybe he could have got it done faster, but because he's now part of the Council he can't leave the Citadel without someone noticing."

"Personal?" Tanner smiled, her interest piqued. "You're not implying Anderson knows this Sanders woman personally are you? Not straight-laced, mission comes first Anderson?"

"Actually, that's exactly what I'm saying." Kaidan grinned.

"No way!" She laughed. "That just made this assignment much more interesting. Thank you sir, you do know how to perk a girl up."

"I have my moments. At any rate, whatever Ms. Sanders has to tell us shouldn't take more than a day."

"Sounds good to me." Mason quipped from the rear of the bridge where he was tinkering with something. "I'm looking forward to seeing this Academy. Heard some good things about the place."

"Same here Private." Dlaney agreed. "A school for biotically gifted kids sounds cool to me. Wish I could have enrolled there."

"You and me both Corporal." Kaidan said, thinking about his time at Jump Zero and BAat.

"I thought you went to a school like that Lieutenant." Mason said, joining them on the bridge.

"I did." Kaidan said, wishing he'd kept his mouth shut.

"So then why....?"

"Grissom Academy, this is the SSV Nomad, requesting permission to dock." Dlaney said loudly, cutting Mason off.

"Permission granted Nomad. Welcome to Grissom Academy. Please proceed to docking tube B5." Said a female voice through the comm.

"Aye, aye ma'am." Tanner replied, following the indicators on her console.

Kaidan knew she'd interrupted Mason on purpose. She constantly tried to hide her concern for his triggers, but over the weeks he'd noticed she was always stopping Mason from going too far with his questions. He appreciated her efforts, while at the same time he wished it wasn't necessary.

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