Wonderful Accident {mpreg ZAR...

By voxgestyles

134K 6.4K 786

When proposing to the person you love you expect them to say yes and everything goes as planned till the ties... More

Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thrity Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight
Thrity Nine
Forty One
Forty Two
Forty Four
Epilogue (Louis)
Epilogue (Liam)
Cover Reveal

Forty Three

1.7K 97 19
By voxgestyles

The past two weeks have been nothing but fake emotions to keep the kids happy. During the day when Harry left for work I sat around with them all day either coloring, watching cartoon or trying to get them to nap. Next week I start my new job so I need all the lazy time I can get.

Whenever Harry comes home my mood shifts slightly, I go from wanting to cry but put on a smiling face for the kids. They don't need to be in this drama.

It was about the time for Harry to come home and I was in the kitchen trying to get my mind off of it. I didn't really want him to come home because I was over the fake emotions we've been having.

To get my mind off the thought I started making my homemade pizza that the kids love. I had music blaring from my phone and danced around the kitchen to it. I was so into my food and the music that I didn't even hear Harry come home and walk into the kitchen till I almost ran into him. I came pretty close to laying my flour covered hands all over his black dress shirt.

"Jesus, you scared me." I washed my hands off and turned the music down.

"Can we talk? Please?" His voice was soft and he sounded upset.

"About what?" I say fully knowing about what as I popped the pizza in the oven setting a timer. I turned around so I was looking him in the eyes with my emotionless walls still up.

"I don't want to have this talk with both of us having fake emotions. I want this to be real."

"Okay. What do you so badly want to talk about?"

"I fired Abby today. She tried to make a move on me today, I was done and over it so I fired her."

"What was the move?" He looked at me with his lips drawn into a straight line.

"She groped me through my pants. I pushed her off and took her straight to my head boss and told him what happened."


"Y-yes everything. It wasn't easy but I told him everything." He looked down at the island and messed with one of the rings on his fingers. I looked down at the ring seeing that it was mine, and it was on his ring finger. I looked back up at him seeing tears in his eyes, my sight also becoming blurry with tears.

"W-will you start w-wearing it again?" He was still wearing it but looked deep into my eyes, like he was searching for the answer himself. I hesitated at first then spoke.

"If I say yes I want to be sure that I'm making the right choice."

"I promise you Zayn, this is the right choice. I swear it is, I'll be completely honest with you about everything and-"

"You don't have to promise me that stuff. I want to be able to believe it on my own." I say holding my hands up then dropping them to my sides. I look at his eyes seeing them bright from his tears and how they look dull. Almost like they were filled with sadness.

"Yes. Yes I'll start wearing it again." He gave me a small yet loving smile and pulled the ring off his finger sliding it on mine. Once the ring was on my finger I looked back up at him and kissed him hard.

He let out a gasped then kissed me back almost immediately, he hands going to my waist as mine went to his hair. He picked me up and lifted me on the island pushing his hands up my shirt, moaning at the contact of my skin to his. If we weren't interrupted we probably would have gone all the way but my phone went off plus so did the timer. Harry pulled away from me looking at me lovingly with puffy lips then walked to he stove. I answered my phone without looking at the ID and back at Harry as he came back between my legs gripping my thighs.


"Z-Zayn?" Niall's voice came through sounding rough. Almost inaudible.

"Niall? What's wrong?" Both of us instantly tensed and Harry's grip on my thighs got tighter.

"L-Louis just left the room t-to t-talk to my d-doctor and I-I think it's b-bad." He started sniffling almost about to cry. Before I could speak he started talking again.

"I-I told L-Louis not to tell you guys b-but um my whole body hurts so b-bad. I feel like t-the c-cancer is e-everywhere. Z-Zayn I don't w-want to f-fight anymore. I-it hurts t-to much."

"Niall we're on our way. It's going to be okay just-" I say jumping off the counter as Harry runs to the living room frantically calling his mom.

"N-no! Please I-I don't want y-you to s-see me l-like this." He said warningly.

"Niall you've known me long enough, no matter what you say to try and stop me I'm still going to be there for you because I love you. I love you so much so I'm coming to see you immediately." I heard painful sobs coming from the other end and fast heartbeats. Then I heard the door bust open and frantic movement.

"Niall baby calm down. It's going to be okay. Niall-" and the phone hung up. I starred at the phone till I felt Harry's hand on my shoulder pulling me towards the door with my shoes and coat. I pulled myself away from his grip to turn the oven off and bent down to hug Payton.

"What's wrong Dada?"

"Nothing baby. It's going to be okay. Me and daddy are going to go see uncle Niall for a little bit and you guys are going to hang out here with grandma." I pulled away from her and pushed hair out of her face.

"But you crying?" I frowned and wiped my hand across my cheek seeing tears on it. I shook my head rubbing my hand on my jeans. I hugged Payton again and heard someone enter the door.

"Come on Zayn. We need to go." Harry rubbed my shoulder and I nodded filling him out of the door but sprinting to the car once outside.

Speeding to the hospital we get there in under ten minutes trying to find Niall's room. We didn't have to search long because it was the same as last time.

As we walked down the hall way to the room I saw Louis sitting on the floor gripping his hair hard. I looked up seeing the door open and the room looking empty, I started sprinting to him kneeling down and hugging him once I reach him.

Once he felt my arms around him he jumped into him arms letting out pained sobs.

"This is so bad Z, s-so bad."

"Ssh Lou, it's alright. Tell me what happened?" We pull away from our hug and I wipe tears from his cheeks. I can feel Harry pacing behind me.

"After I was done talking to the doctor I-I walked back in the room and he started h-having a s-seizure. S-so I called the nurse, then the doctors came and took him a-away. T-they were saying how they t-think I-it got to h-his b-brain." After he was done talking he started sobbing again, I pulled him into a hug and felt Harry kneel behind me resting his head on mine.

"I can't lose him Z, he's my e-everything. Jacks needs him, I need him!" His grip on my shirt got tighter to the point were I thought he was going to rip it.

We all sat in the hallway, on the floor, just waiting. People walked past us giving pitiful looks then speeding down the hall. It felt like time was standing still, we were just sitting there. I was laying my head on Harry's shoulder letting my own tears escape. My mind started to drift to what I would be like if I was in Louis shoes and it just made me cry harder. Harry's arms wrapped around me giving me a hard squeeze.

It was finally morning when the doctors came. We all jumped up hoping for something good but it was far from.

"Mr. Tomlinson, we did everything we could. I'm so sorry."

The only thing I could hear was Louis crying out and falling to the floor.


im sorry...

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