Bloody Curse | Book Two of Bl...

By CaitlinJadeP

66.4K 4.7K 242

After fighting for their love, Violet and Asher Sinclair thought that their fairytale had finally come. They... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56

Chapter 17

977 83 1
By CaitlinJadeP


He stared intensely through the window. The other men were chatting like automated robots, but his focus was anywhere but their conversation. I followed his gaze and studied the scene that he must've been taking in. His wife laid on the fountain, oh so peacefully, without a single bother in her world. 

With my attention back on Caleb, his breathing was long and deep and I was awaiting for his next move. This connection between the two was intimate yet not even showing such physical contact. 

I rubbed Alexandria's back in a slow circular motion as Caleb's fingers itched to reach out to his wife. Go. Go get her and bring her back in. I whispered in my thoughts. Asher showed no affect that he had heard my words. 

Caleb took off without another word. Long steps, one after the other, he reached her within seconds. He kneeled to her back and turned her around. 

No word exchange and they hugged each other in silence. It was as if I could feel their love radiating and warming my soul. It was as if she was asking for forgiveness due to his worries. It was like she was already forgiven the moment her husband's eyes landed on her. 

I looked down at my daughter's delicate face. Her eyelids were shut and fluttered occasionally. I just wanted to see the same chocolate eyes that I have fallen in love because whenever I look at her gorgeousness, I'm reminded of the person I devoted myself to for the rest of my existence. 

Shivers traveled down my arms. When I glanced up, his eyes were on me. Flames fired within them with such intensity that I couldn't remove my gaze that has been glued to his rich chocolate eyes. My lips cracked open slightly to release a sigh that I have been keeping in for too long. 

So many words were exchanged in such a quiet moment. His eyes spoke of many levels and I wanted to reach forward and cup his face in both my hands. I craved to claim his lips with mine and let him know that I was going nowhere; that I would remain by his side until the end of time with our beautiful children. 

Children. That word scarred my thoughts because I only held one child close to me. My son was nowhere near me. I felt a sudden draft flowing through the open door, which Caleb had exited from. When I broke eye contact with Ash, the coldness had never left. 

Even when Caleb and Jill entered through and sat beside me, nothing about my temperature changed. Not even the warm smile from Jill had wrapped around my heart. I could sense the couple communicating through telepathy but I brushed the thoughts aside because it was probably only an act of pity.

I dug my nails into the palm of my hand because I knew that wasn't true. They were family. They would never think of such a thing. This entire vampire community was now my family and I was surrounded by many people who loved me; who would do anything to bring back the happiness and sunshine that roamed our halls. Only the disappearance of my son had implanted thoughts into my mind which I would regret to even think of later on. 

"How are you feeling?" I asked across the table to my pregnant best friend. A small smile was provided from me, even though I was hurting on the inside. She rubbed her belly intimately with a sigh. 

"I felt much better after the whiffs of fresh air. How are you, Violet?" Her eyes begged me for an answer when I turned my head. I honestly felt like my heart had been ran over a million and one times. Nothing about anything made sense. I shrugged in response to her question. 

"I could be better." I whispered and peered at her through my eyelashes. Two firm hands squeezed my tense shoulders and massaged the muscles. I leaned back into his strong hands and look up to meet his warm smile. If only life could continue like this; if only I could stay like this forever. 

"Do not worry, my love. Do not over-stress yourself. We will get through this together, we are here for each other and that's all that matters." Ash stated. Cameron and Derek stood behind him with arms wrapped around each other. 

I sighed and wanted to seal my lips to his in that moment but resisted because Alexia was in a peaceful slumber in my arms, I would not want to disrupt her sleep after a rough night. So instead, he beat down to lay a soft peck on my forehead. A ring of heat spread down my body from where his lips rested.

I felt safe in that moment. Security from the people, my family, around me soothed my heart which gave me faith. 

Faith that we would recover from this experience and we would have Zayden's beautiful face within our closely knit circle in no time. 


Hello, lovelies!! I did not have time to edit this chapter, but just enough time to squeeze a chapter in for you all to enjoy this weekend. The cold is coming, so bundle up with a good story or two and ride on emotional rollercoasters while reading!

I have decided to make this part of the story not so depressing but rather have a lifted tone, so please enjoy and tell me how everything goes. 

I thank you for all the support that you have given me from beginning to end. This book has reached 2k reads and that makes me excited to keep writing for you all. I also can not believe that it has been a year since Bloody Kiss had been first published. So let's just take a second to say that we have made it and it had been a fun journey since then. I wouldn't have gotten here if it weren't for you. So I am sincerely thankful for each and everyone of you for the awesome motivation.

I love you all and have a great weekend!

~Jade xoxo

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