He's My Prince Charming

Oleh skpvz15

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Kylie Matthews is beyond shocked! Her boss has just told her; she's to go on a five-week trip to Terinian, d... Lebih Banyak

Chapter 1: My Keys Please
Chapter 2: Just In Time
Chapter 3: The Trip
Chapter 4: Jet Lag
Chapter 5: Last Word
Chapter 6: Who Knew
Chapter 7: Why Lady
Chapter 8: Who Are You
Chapter 9: My Seat, Please
Chapter 10: Who Is George
Chapter 11: What Is Ky
Chapter 12: The Kiss
Chapter 13: Revelations Brings A New Friend
Chapter 14: The Irish Temper
Chapter 15: Royal Lunatics
Chapter 16: What The Hell Kylie?
Chapter 17:Can I Say Overwhelmed?
Chapter 18: Stefan The Barbarian
Chapter 19: What Kylie Wanted
Chapter 20: Emmet Did What?
Chapter 21: It Was Only To Please You
Chapter 22: Kylie's Heart
Chapter 23: Morning Visitors
Chapter 24: And Your Answer Is?
Chapter 25: Destiny
Chapter 27: Passport, Please?
Chapter 28: Emmet, I love you..
Chapter 29: Chances
Sneak Peek of Chapter 30....
Chapter 30: My Dear Hellion
Chapter 31: There is Only One Answer...
Chapter 32: Are You For Real?
Chapter 33: Sarah's Help

Chapter 26: You Didn't Just Say That, Surely!

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Oleh skpvz15

Not yet edited.

Hello everyone!  I cannot tell you all how much it means to me; that you all have stayed patient with me.  I seem to be getting bogged down with my daily life, and keep putting off getting something up that I can be satisfied with.  The recent comments, and additional fans have been just the thing I needed!  So, thanks to you all!  This is not quite as long as I would have liked; however, I have two other stories to update.  I updated this one first though, since I have had more requests to hurry and upload:)

So, please keep the comments, and votes coming! xox


Chapter 26:  You Didn't Just Say That, Surely!

I need a freaking vacation; wait...oh yeah, I'm already on vacation. What a joke, this vacation has been.  I swear; something should be wrong with having so much drama; especially considering, this is my supposedly 'dream vacation'.  Four days ago, I was bullied by Emmet into being his girlfriend. I would like to mention that I am the girlfriend of the most pigheaded, annoying prince ever to grace this planet.  The only consolation, I now have reasoned to be thoroughly ravished. I have to admit, this part of being a girlfriend has been quite agreeable; however, all the other crap has been total torture!  My days have consisted with official meetings with the King and Queen, news conferences, photo shoots with my arrogant boyfriend, and charity events where people seem only interested in Emmet, and I; rather than the charity, the event was representing, and that of what they were supposedly supporting.  If this was not enough to send me to an early death; the paparazzi stalking me like I have just discovered how to end global warming, was definitely doing the trick.  I also feel compelled to mention the very annoying body guards whom I am required to have with me at all times.  I really think Emmet is going a little over board with all of this security crap; however, I have no clue. What is normal, or what's considered over-zealous protectiveness that borders the insane?

 As I ponder over this thought; I hear Emmet entering the penthouse; yes, the man has no manners! Apparently, he thinks that because he is my boyfriend, and the prince, he can just come in anytime he wants. I walk into the sitting room to berate him; however, he was already bellowing before I could open my mouth.

"Kyliette Alexander Matthews, get your glorious arse out here NOW!

Geez, what is his problem?

"What is your problem, Em?"

"Don't you Em me, you are in so much trouble with me!  I swear...I can't decide if I should kiss you hello, or lock you up!"

Lordy, what is he going on about? Last I checked I haven't offended in Royals...well at least no new ones.

"Try locking me up, and I will dump your sorry ass!"

"This is not the time to be pushing your luck with me; I am furious, and demand an explanation!"

"Ok, I see you have gotten yourself worked up; so maybe, tell me what I have done now."

"Tú a fuair a bheith ag magadh; Kyliette, I swear to God Almighty to better be joking! Why have I just learned from my press secretary, no less...that you confirmed a plane reservation back to the states for next week?"

Is it possible to bust your own blood vessels?  I know, why would I be pondering over such a crazy question at this very moment?  That would be because Emmet's neck veins look close to rupturing.  It makes me think about his blood pressure; all this stress must be unhealthy, for sure. 

I was about too ask this very question; however, I feel his anger shoot throughout my veins.  The man seems to forget; I am a working girl, and have a job to return to. Nonetheless, I am smart enough to know this would not be an appropriate time to remind him. No, instead I believe a diversion is the thing to do at this particular moment. This unusual connection can be beyond annoying; nevertheless, helpful in cases like this, which I might add happens more often than one would think.  Honestly, the man was a walking time bomb most days.  I have to give him credit though, if I was feeling the anger and anxiety, he feels I swear I would be going around jump-slapping everyone around me. However, back to my original thought; a diversion is a must, and soon because his dam looks about ready to break. There was only one thing I could do...

I looked into his eyes, letting him feel my desire. His eyes immediately darkened, and he pulled me roughly into his arms capturing my mouth in a ravishing kiss that made my toes curl. Lordy...this man knew how to kiss! Luckily, he had a good hold on me. I would have crumbled to the floor, if he hadn't lifted me up. I suddenly get slammed against the wall.   I hear moaning, and I honestly had no clue if it was his or mine. My hands had finally pulled his shirt free, so I could get my hands on burning skin. Electricity shoots through us like a lightening storm aiming to ignite something.

"Oh, for the love of all that's holy... Can y'all not give it a break?"

My sister's voice was like plunging into ice-cold water; Emmet literally growled at her. I held back a giggle, though my face was bright red with embarrassment. Sarah seems to always do this to us. I heard Emmet grumble in Gaelic; I believe he said something about killing my sister...

Emmet grumbles at Sarah.

"Bloody hell Sarah, how many times do I have to remind you to knock? You do know how, correct?"

"It's my sister's room; I've never had to knock!"

"Are you telling me, that Kylie could walk in your room without knocking when you were married?"

My sister's face turned a little pink; I was about to tell Emmet to leave her alone, but she spoke again.

"Well, now...I can see your point; however, you are not married to my sister. At least not yet, so until then I'm not knocking!"

I groaned, why did she have to bring that subject up?


I shot Sarah my evilest eyes, letting her know she was in some serious trouble with me. She had the nerve to shrug her shoulders at me. I'm so killing her myself!

"Sarah, go... bug someone else!"

"Hey, I just came to ask if you got my ticket changed, so that we are on the same flight tomorrow?"

Oh, craps... I had gotten him off that subject!  Sarah just made this worse, if that is even possible.


Emmet's voice was shaking with anger. Sarah glances at me, then back to Emmet. I can tell she is not sure who to be more afraid of, me or Emmet. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Stefan rush in. The bugger sees Emmet's face, and ducks out faster than the roadrunner. Yeah, he is supposedly my bodyguard, wimp! Thanks for your protection, you moron barbarian... Sarah's half whisper brought my attention back to her.

"Err, umm... yeah, I'm just gonna talk to ya later, sis."

I have never seen my sister move so fast in her life. Well, I feel loved, and protected; my bodyguard, and beloved sister just ran out leaving me with a very irritate prince.

I could feel Emmet trying to control himself; I quietly sat down. I really wished the connection, we had allowed me to calm him down; it would be ever so helpful. I figured sending him feelings of lust would not work this time. I was contemplating on if I should cautiously remind him of my job, or just wait until he spoke himself.

"Ky, for christ sake, stop with being so nervous! Do you actually think I would hurt you?"

I immediately jumped up, and ran over to him.

"Of course not, Em; if you feel my nervousness, it's only of my indecision of what to say, first. Heck, I would never think such a thing!"

I felt him relax in my arms; it always shocked me when I could feel his insecurities. He was just not one that you would think ever felt insecure. I decided to try and lighten the mood.

"Hellfire, if you ever thought of trying to scare me, I would dropkick your ass faster than you knew what happened."

He chuckled; it was such a good sound. He was much too tense.

"I have no doubt; you would do just that. Now, explain to me why the bleeding hell; you think that it's ok for you to leave."

I took some calming breaths to struggle with my desire to smack him.

"Emmet, this was my vacation; if you remember, I am an American. I have to get back to the states, you know my job...like; it supports Sarah, Mia, and I."

"You are my girlfriend!"

"Yes, I am very aware of that! I can't even leave my penthouse without a freaking bodyguard. I see my picture in every paper, and news channel, so do not be reminding me of that, or I just might dump your ass!"


I swear; he could crush Job's patience; I am sure!

"Em, you are annoying me."

"I am annoying you? Woman, you are the most annoying creature on this god forsaking planet! You are my girlfriend; you belong here, with me. I will support you, and your family! Sarah, and Mia can live here, along with you. If you desire a house in the country, then I can arrange it. If this penthouse is not to your liking, we will find you a suitable place in town, near the palace. I will even find Sarah one herself, if you prefer to live separately."

I was speechless; my mouth was like cotton. I couldn't decide if I wanted to kick him, or hit him.


So, what do you think Kylie will say to that?  In addition, what is everyone thinking?  Should Kylie go back to the states, or stay there? If she does what will happen with their relationship?

I can't decide if I should continue or start wrapping up this story...feedback would be very helpful!

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