By Dugnin

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A sci-fi serial in 69 parts featuring original art with every chapter. Braggadocio between American and Japan... More

GIANT FREAKIN' ROBOTS part 1: Lumin lays down the law
GIANT FREAKIN' ROBOTS part 3: Buttercup in the darkness
GIANT FREAKIN' ROBOTS part 4: Lumb and Lumin
GIANT FREAKIN' ROBOTS part 5: Fantasy fulfillment
GIANT FREAKIN' ROBOTS part 6: Test run
GIANT FREAKIN' ROBOTS part 7: Buried hopes
GIANT FREAKIN' ROBOTS part 8: The Wizard of Z
GIANT FREAKIN' ROBOTS part 9: Highsteaks
GIANT FREAKIN' ROBOTS part 10: Painful stomach pressure
GIANT FREAKIN' ROBOTS part 12: Shuffle Pigs unite!
GIANT FREAKIN' ROBOTS part 13: Edridge Roundstone on the Line
GIANT FREAKIN' ROBOTS part 14: Meet the Kyoto Team
GIANT FREAKIN' ROBOTS part 15: Lamb Plantations
GIANT FREAKIN' ROBOTS part 16: 7 minutes
GIANT FREAKIN' ROBOTS Part 17: Shuffleboard
GIANT FREAKIN' ROBOTS Part 18: Dirty Dozens
GIANT FREAKIN' ROBOTS part 19: Eight days until the match
GIANT FREAKIN' ROBOTS part 20: Seven days until the match
GIANT FREAKIN' ROBOTS part 21: Six days until the match
GIANT FREAKIN' ROBOTS part 22: Robot Monster
GIANT FREAKIN' ROBOTS part 23: Three days until the match
GIANT FREAKIN' ROBOTS part 24: Cardboard Riker
GIANT FREAKIN' ROBOTS part 27: Wasteland 2.0
GIANT FREAKIN' ROBOTS part 28: Less than a day before the match
GIANT FREAKIN' ROBOTS part 29: Final preparations
GIANT FREAKIN' ROBOTS part 30: This is happening
GIANT FREAKIN' ROBOTS part 33: Control the narrative
GIANT FREAKIN' ROBOTS part 34: Concessions
GIANT FREAKIN' ROBOTS part 35: Crappie
GIANT FREAKIN' ROBOTS part 36: Sheer, stupid luck
GIANT FREAKIN' ROBOTS part 37: The Outlaw
GIANT FREAKIN' ROBOTS part 38: Never good
GIANT FREAKIN' ROBOTS part 39: Hog fodder
GIANT FREAKIN' ROBOTS part 40: Early death
GIANT FREAKIN' ROBOTS part 41: Amateur psychology
GIANT FREAKIN' ROBOTS part 42: An entirely different place
GIANT FREAKIN' ROBOTS part 43: Sorry for your loss
GIANT FREAKIN' ROBOTS part 44: Not even Beyoncé
GIANT FREAKIN' ROBOTS part 45: No love lost
GIANT FREAKIN' ROBOTS part 46: Hail Mary
GIANT FREAKIN' ROBOTS part 47: F***ing maniac
GIANT FREAKIN' ROBOTS part 48: Timothée Chalame
GIANT FREAKIN' ROBOTS part 49: We now join the final match, already in progress
GIANT FREAKIN' ROBOTS part 50: I'd rather be at Loaf 'N Jug
GIANT FREAKIN' ROBOTS part 51: Samurai
GIANT FREAKIN' ROBOTS part 53: Shuffle Pigs are go!
GIANT FREAKIN ROBOTS part 54: Poker face
GIANT FREAKIN' ROBOTS part 55: Highsteak® revisited
GIANT FREAKIN' ROBOTS part 56: All That Jazz
GIANT FREAKIN' ROBOTS part 57: The 5th Dimension
GIANT FREAKIN' ROBOTS part 59: Joan & Lita
GIANT FREAKIN' ROBOTS part 61: Unit 04 (死/し) and Unit 09 (苦/く)
GIANT FREAKIN' ROBOTS part 62: Miu Dokujima mourns
GIANT FREAKIN' ROBOTS part 63: The world misses you
GIANT FREAKIN' ROBOTS part 64: Head to toe
GIANT FREAKIN' ROBOTS part 65: The woods
GIANT FREAKIN' ROBOTS part 66: Fat little toes
GIANT FREAKIN' ROBOTS part 67: Giant freakin' robots
GIANT FREAKIN' ROBOTS part 68: Rocket Fist Blues
GIANT FREAKIN' ROBOTS part 69: The Consecrated Planes

GIANT FREAKIN' ROBOTS part 11: Ferrofluid forever

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By Dugnin

Lumin met Skip and Bo in a small conference room on the factory's second floor to start work on her newly devised control scheme for their robot. The engineers spent hours hunched around a table stacked with folders, drafting devices and energy drinks.

"I gotta tell you, Lumin, this is pretty damn good. This could work," said Skip, leaning back in his chair with a grin.

"I don't know, Lumin. You have a lot of good ideas but most of them are butting heads with each other. If you can't adequately explain how this control scheme actually works--well--maybe we should consider going back to mine," said Bo, shuffling sketches.

Skip's brow furrowed. "It's all here, Bo! If you can't manage to swallow your pride maybe you should--"

"It's alright," interrupted Lumin as she took down her hair and wiped her brow. "One more time: I will be outfitted with a protective switch suit covered in accelerometers and a helmet equipped with a pair of eye-tracking goggles and an augmented reality display that converts stereoscopic video footage into a real-time 3D. Once suited up, I'll be lowered into Biz's central chamber--the control bell. Situated near his core, the bell is essentially a large electromagnetic vat containing several hundred gallons of ferrofluid."

"Ferrofluids are sensitive to magnetic forces--they're full of microscopic iron particles that can be manipulated with electromagnets," added Skip.

"I know what a ferrofluid is, Skip," said Bo.

"Then quit acting stupid!" barked Skip. "We've been sitting here for two hours and you're acting like you just walked into the room!"

"Stop," ordered Lumin. "As I was saying...I will be completely submerged into a large vat of ferrofluid which will be carefully formulated to support my body weight, effectively keeping me in a zero gravity environment. The accelerometers attached to my limbs will translate one-to-one movements to Biz's actuators. The weight of the fluid surrounding me will limit my mobility just enough to prevent excessive kinetic force from causing undue strain on Biz's limbs. Still with me?"

"Yes," said Bo with a groan, "Go on."

Lumin nodded. "The magnetized tank will have the ability to be calibrated on the fly, allowing me to adjust the density of the ferrofluid should I deem it necessary. At the same time, gyroscopic sensors will detect any damage Biz sustains in combat and automatically thicken the ferrofluid in the corresponding section of the control bell most affected by the impact, cushioning any potential blow to my body."

Bo sighed. "Alright, fine. I admit it's better--way better--than mine. You're a genius, Lumin."

"I agree," said Skip. "All you'll really have to worry about is drowning in an opaque mass of toxic, black syrup," said Skip.

"Luckily, I've scuba dived multiple times in my life, but...fuck you, Skip."

Skip laughed. "Okay, I deserved that."

"Alright," said Lumin, "I've laid it out in front of you two; it's time for you jokers to make it work."

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