Rainbow Heart

By Kayashipsit

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Red is unique, just like everyone else. He has his own colorful personality... More

Story Thing
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Q and A answers!
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Listen Up
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter Who Gives A Fuck
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43

Chapter 23

218 28 10
By Kayashipsit

It's a new day, a new chapter of Rainbow Heart. Today we got some more plot. And we all know at this point how triggering and sad the plot for this book can be. So if you don't think you can handle my shit today, come back tomorrow. Or just skip the chapter. It's okay, babe. We're a non-judgemental community.


Damn! Their ranks had been scattered. But not defeated. They still had men. And they weren't giving up.

"Boss." Munchkin said. "Come on, the men have taken a hit. You don't know what they saw. They're traumatized. They can't take on that purple monster again."

He snarled. "FOOL!" The Boss shouted. "They are my men! I am their leader! Which means that I call the shots! I decide how much they can take! You're the bitch boy who sucked dicks to get into higher ranks! Now, go get the men to FUCKING COOPERATE!"

Munchkin flinched. "Yes sir." He ran off to go do what the Boss told him to do. Boss sighed and clenched his teeth. That damn Vacktor boy! He was too powerful. Too unstable for his own good. But killing him wouldn't get their hands on the fortune. Who knows what would happen to the money if they killed the runt? It'd get in the hands of that greedy ass government. They could not let that happen. Boss needed that money. He needed it. And he would do whatever was necessary to get it. No matter how many men died. No matter how many bullets it took. They would best that damn Vacktor in all his colors and kill his puny boyfriend as well.


Blue fiddled with the laces of his shoes. He could see the Purple begin to crawl in, mingling with his cerulean skin as time went on. It was unusual for Mommy and Daddy to be long for this long. For the first time in what seemed like years his head was clear. Is that because they had stopped forcing the prickly things and mysterious capsules in his mouth? They always made him feel fuzzy... And nauseous.  But now he was perfectly clear headed and one hundred percent panicking. His parents hadn't been home in days. He could tell by the passing of shadows on his floor. All the windows in his room had been painted black except the skylight. Lord forbid someone see him from the window. But the skylight helped him tell time when he was lucid enough to do so. And he knew that this was unusual. His parents had been gone too long. Long enough for the cuts, bruises, and bones to heal. Long enough to clear his system of drugs. But this wasn't a good thing, at least not in Blue's opinion. Those mysterious substances had helped him not be so sad. Now that they were gone, his addicted body begged for them. Even the maids had stopped coming to visit. Nobody knew he was here.

"Help." He whispered, head falling back weakly. He was so hungry. He had been getting water from the bathroom attached to his bedroom. But he had received nothing else during his lonely days. No social contact, no food, no beatings. All things that he had been used to. Even the other colors were getting scared.

From outside his door, in the hall, he heard thumping, then the front door opened. A loud squeal echoed the manor's halls as the door swung on its rusty hinges. Blue sat upright, a tinge of hope rippling through every fiber of his weakened being. Giving him the strength to make his heart beat faster.

Footsteps rhythmically clicked on the hardwood of the stairs as the landlord ascended the long spiral staircase. Everything was in order to sell the property. There was no heir listed to the Vacktor's mansion and fortune. Today they were here to gather up the furniture and take inventory on the rooms in the house. That is... Until they reached the door at the end of the hall.

They knew something was wrong with this door as soon as they saw it. It was hidden in the shadows, painted according to the wallpaper in the shadows as if they were trying to hide it. There were fourteen locks lined up against it from the floor to the ceiling, keeping the door shut tight. Both the woman and her helper were scared of this door. What kind of rabid animal or shameful secret were hiding behind this door?

"Geoffrey, get the axe." The woman said.

"Won't that damage the property value?" Geoffrey asked.

"I don't care anymore! This door is clearly important! Aren't you curious?"

Geoffrey hesitated. "Yeah, a little."

"Then get the axe!" She hissed.

"Yes, Miss Hart."

Miss Hart glared at the door before her. She would find the secret hidden behind this barrier. She needed to know. The need burned inside of her. Anticipation made her skin prickle and hand stand on end when Geoffrey came back with the axe in hand.

"Bust this door down!" Miss Hart ordered. Geoffrey did as he was told.

Blue gasped as the blade came crashing through the door to his bedroom. He wanted to scream, but his voice was too weak. So he sat helplessly in a panic, his skin igniting in a deep purple color. It kept coming. Smashing into the door again and again. Creating a bigger hole with each blow. Splinters sprayed from the openings and covered his bedroom floor. Finally, what was left of the door came crashing down.

Miss Hart and Geoffrey were shocked into silence when they saw what lay behind the damaged doorway. A strong, putrid metallic scent hit them. Blood? And they saw a rickety bed frame. A little carpet covered with countless stains. Dark and questionable. So were the sheets. In the dim corner was a child. Cowering back and looking horrified at them with big violet eyes.

"No!" He gasped quietly. "Please don't hurt me!"

At first they didn't know how to respond. They had never seen so many bloodstains before. Or a purple child for that matter. And now that they looked closer, they weren't sure he was actually a child. Maybe a teenager, but certainly no child. Disturbed and scared, Geoffrey couldn't say anything. Miss Hart was the first to break the long silence.

"We're not here to hurt you." She said as kindly as she could with her shaking voice. "We didn't even know you existed..."

"Oh." The strange man-child said quietly. He didn't seem to know what to say either. But he was definitely still afraid of them. Like he had never seen another human being before. Curious and cautious. "Then why are you here?" He asked carefully.

"We came to sell your house." Geoffrey finally said. "George and Venus Vacktor have died."

A little gasp of horror came from the man, and they were shocked to see his skin abruptly change from purple to blue. "Mommy and Daddy are dead?" He whispered.


After a few hours and a lot of digging through paperwork they found the files. Red Michael Vacktor was indeed the child of George William Vacktor and Venus Valentine Vacktor. He was a special child with magical powers and the ability to change color on a whim based off of mood. It seemed as though George and Venus had put quite a lot of work into hiding their only sons existence. But it didn't matter. He had been found. And he was now the rightful heir of the Vacktor family fortune and estate.

At first, the child was stuck in a blue form. He refused to talk to anyone or eat anything. He just looked off into the distance and cried silently. No uneven breathing, no gasping or sobbing or whimpering. It didn't seem that he was even aware that he was crying. The nurses just left him alone. We fed him through a tube and put him under anesthesia a lot. The poor boy seemed so lost and scared. Everyone pitied him. Especially after hearing what the workers of the Vacktor estate had to say about what had happened to him. Everyone was surprised he even knew what death was when they told him his parents had died.

Vacktor was an adult. He was clearly unfit to go through the educational system and putting him into a correctional facility would invite a field day from the media. The poor boy didn't need photographers and reporters in his face after everything he had been through. No. They decided to help him recover from his starvation and let him go. Nothing on his record, a new social security number and a wish of good luck from the doctors, Blue Michael Vactor was released into the world with no idea where he was going and who he would meet. Only that he was finally free for the first time in his life.

Free and all alone.


Whoo that was a sad one. I'll get to explaining the mafia soon. Just wait for it, aight?

-💕 Bubblegum 💕

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