MPHFPC Alternate Universe (AU)

By Rachel5824

5.7K 202 127

So, other than the incident earlier, things are normal, yet again. It is like every time I am around one of t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Author's Note
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Author's note
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Help me

Chapter 14

221 9 6
By Rachel5824

Jacob's POV:

The rest of the day was practically normal, other that after school. Emma and I knew what to do without planning. Like  when you look at someone, and you just know. Wow, I sound even crazier that Millard... Anyways after school, Emma and met at the front of the school. Right where Millard hangs around at.

"Hey! Millard!" Emma shouts, and sporting a believable fake smile. He turns around, slowly, and saw Emma's smile. I think he knew what he did, because you can just see defeat in his eyes. Like an 'I am doomed' look.

"Yeah, come on! We just want a quick word." I say, playing along. This is going to be fun...

"Maybe later?" Millard squeaks, running away. (Like one of Jacob's plans)

"Oh no you don't!" Emma says, running after, pulling me and almost ripping my arm off it's socket.

"Get back here! You know what you did!" I yell, still holding Em's hand.

"Okay! Fine!" Millard spits out, very exhausted from running. I even know better that running away from a mad girl, she will never stop chasing her prey. Emma slowly walks towards him and smacks him in the back of the head.

"How dare you say that about Jacob and I. We haven't even gone on a date." Emma threatens, glaring daggers at him.

"Owwww and all I said was that you two were an item! Nothing else, I promise on The Tales!" he resists.

"Shoot he is telling the truth, I guess it is just people overreacting the truth." she mumbles. I was just staying back to be honest. I do not want to get in between a mad Emma and anything for that matter.

"It 's alright Em. It doesn't matter."I say, calming her.

"What? Me? I'm not mad. No, I just wanted you to have a good start at this school, and now people are talking about you. I'm sorry." she replies, giving me a half smile at the end.

"Hey, it doesn't matter about what anyone says about us. At least I have you." I answer, returning the smile.

"Oh Jacob, I love you!" Millard says, in an annoyingly high pitched voice, running as soon as he said it.

"You are dead my friend, dead." I say, leaning against a nearby wall, watching my show as Emma bolts after Millard.

Enoch's POV:

Horace and I have been spending quite a bit of time together. And I am not complaining. He is the only person who doesn't judge me. I know I might be a little out of the ordinary, other than being peculiar, but Horace ignores that part. We talk a lot, and I tell him everything. Well, almost everything. He doesn't know I am gay. I will tell him, just not now...

Currently, Horace is on instagram, again. It is like he can't live without it, a minute without internet and he is laying down with the bog boy.

"People may hate you for being different and not living up to society's standards, but deep down, they wish they had the courage to do the same." Horace says, out of the blue.

"Where did that come from?" I ask glancing at Horace. We were in the library, like every other lunch period. We meet here without saying goodbye each time, and not having to say to meet here again. We just do it.

"My mouth." Horace responds, still not looking up from his screen.

"No duh, but why did you say what you did?"

Horace's POV:

"Oh, well, I like when people are their real selves.Like me for instance,I am a bisexual male." I reply confidently. I turn my phone off and look at Enoch, who seems to be, blushing?

"Oh, cool." Enoch says, quickly looking down.

"What is up with that?" I ask, yawning. Last night I had a weird dream, well more like nightmare. Not that I am not used to them anyways.

"N-nothing."Enoch says, still avoiding eye contact.

"Look, I am sorry if you are not comfortable with me, but you will not change who I am. "I continue, my gaze still on him.

"No it's not that, ummm" Enoch stutters, his eyes catching mine. "I am gay. Sorry for not telling you earlier, I guess I was  just, embarrassed."

"You can tell me anything, you know that right?"

"Yea, I do. It is just, I didn't want things to get awkward between us. I mean it is bad enough that you hang out with a zombie loving freak."

"Don't you ever call yourself that. You are not a freak and no matter how people may make you feel, they will never really define you." I yawned, still tired.

"Thanks, here." Enoch says, offering up his shoulder.

"Thank you." I answer, leaning my head on his shoulder, and falling asleep.

Enoch's POV:

Once Horace is asleep, I carefully take my phone out to text Millard.

E: Hey, can I ask a favor????

M: sure

E: how do u ask someone out


     IS IT HORACE?!?!!?!??????????!

E: ...


E: Are you going to help me yes or no?

M: Just leave him a sappy quote and a teddy bear or something.

E: How do you know it is a him????

M: I can see you and Horace, now get him tea too, he loves classy stuff.


M: Error 404, Millard has died by being sailed over by Henoch

E: -_-


Two words:



Anyways, have a wonderful day and stay peculiar!


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