BOOKWORM [Sirius Black] [DISC...

By InTheFormOfWords

274K 7.4K 2.6K

''It's 27 degrees, sunny and a brilliant day to go outside and you're curled up on an armchair - reading!'' '... More

[O N E]
[T W O]
[T H R E E]
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[S I X]
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[T H I R T E E N]
[F O U R T E E N]
[F I F T E E N]
[S I X T E E N]
[S E V E N T E E N]
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[T W E NT Y O N E]
[T W E N T Y T W O]
[T W E N T Y T H R E E]
[T W E N T Y F O U R]
[T W E N T Y F I V E]
[T W E N T Y - S I X]
[T W E N T Y - S E V E N]
[T W E N T Y - E I G H T]
[T W E N T Y - N I N E]
[T H I R T Y]
[T H I R T Y - O N E]
[A U T H O R S N O T E]

[E I G H T]

9.6K 271 156
By InTheFormOfWords

AFTER THAT INCIDENT, Maia and Sirius miraculously stopped hating each other in an incident the student body of Hogwarts liked to call a 'Sirius Maiacle'. As soon as Maia and Sirius heard what they we're talking about they both had different reactions.

Maia choked on her apple in surprise.

Sirius laughed. Mostly at the pun.

"That's horrible!" Maia yelled as soon as she swallowed the bit of apple that got stuck. Sirius started shaking in silent laughter. He ultimately started leaning on Maia for support. Finally breaking, Maia started giggling as well. Both James and Lily, who were on the other side of the room on the lounge - admired the sight of Maia and Sirius laughing together for what seemed like the first time ever. It was a weird sight - but probably a sight both of them could get used to.

"Who created that?" Maia demanded. James, Peter and Lily all pointed to Remus who shrank back on his chair - smiling guiltily but blushing all the same. Sirius got up of the lounge and bro-hugged Remus.

"Goodness, Moony. Didn't know you had in ya'!" Maia groaned and got her book before softly hitting her head with it.

"All respect I had for you Remus is gone." Remus laughed, smiling.

"Sorry Maia." Maia just shook her head and smiled back at him. Suddenly, a new feeling ran though his veins and it was unpleasant. He didn't know what that feeling was, but the one thing he knew was that he didn't like the smile Maia was giving Remus. He didn't like that at all.

"I'm going to bed now, bye guys." Sirius quickly got up and went up the stairs in a few strides. Finally out of sight, he leaned on the wall on the hallway that branched through the boys dormitories. Sighing, he tried to calm himself. The new feelings inside him were certainly bad.

Sirius felt a sudden hate towards Remus, like a primal instinct that made Sirius' stomach twist and turn - envious of the simple smile that Maia gave him. Sirius had felt envious many of times - Envious of James' full family, envious of the love his younger brother got instead of him. Heck, he was once envious of Maia's impeccable grades! He knew envy through and though, but this... this wasn't envy. It was stronger... more powerful. It squeezed and slithered around his body. Hot, steaming anger shot out of him like one-thousand volts to his body. To be honest - he wanted it to stop. Running up the hall to their dormitories, he quickly took off his shirt and flopped onto his bed. Shutting his eyes tightly, like he was scared to open them and find Remus and Maia haunting them. Finally, after a minutes silence, he drifted of to sleep in his comfortable bed.


Maia woke up the next morning, and immediately felt as if she had forgotten about something. She got out of bed, showered, brushed her teeth and put her favourite weekend clothes and perfume on. Humming a simple miscellaneous tune to herself, she racked her brain.

'Gave Matilda a brush?' Check.

'Give in my Charms assignment?' Check.

'Have I got my book in my bag?' Check.

Everything Maia thought of was accounted of, and she frowned at the cat who innocently meowed at her. Crouching down, she patted Matilda. Matilda meowed adorably and rolled over, demanding a belly rub. Not unwilling to comply with the request, Maia scratched her belly. The cat nudged her and purred affectionately. Picking her up, she decided to bring her down to the common room. There lay Remus and Lily, both reading on different sides of the room. Sitting on the three seater, Matilda nudged her jaw and purred.

"Hey guys," Maia smiled. Remus and Lily both looked up and their eyes landed on the cat.

"Hello Matilda!" Lily said in her 'baby' voice.

"Aww, she's so cute!" Remus put his book down and moved on the other side of the lounge. Patting her, Matilda purred harder.

"Alright, don't acknowledge my existence then." Maia rolled her eyes and joked. Lily, who laughed, greeted her while Remus' attention stayed in the cat. Matilda looked up at the brown haired girl and meowed, before nudging her jaw and licking it affectionately.

"Aww." Lily and Remus cooed in sync. Sitting down on Maia, Matilda rolled over and Maia gave her another stomach rub. Meowing and purring so much Maia thought she might explode, Maia giggled. Remus - who was at his cuteness threshold - asked politely for the tortoiseshell coloured cat. Picking her up and placing Matilda on Remus' lap, she meowed at Remus.

Lily stopped reading her book and sat on the floor next to the three seater. Transfiguring her book into a piece of wool, she rolled it across the floor. Matilda, who was enjoying the belly rub, jumped up and looked at the wool. Lily collected the wool ball and rolled it again, causing the cat to jump at the wool, and claw it. Remus went to the floor and started playing with the cat.

"HEY HONEY WE'RE H- KITTY!" James screamed and advanced towards the cat at lightening speed. Matilda, who was scared because of the rambunctious kid, meowed and jumped on Maia's lap.

"Aww, cute kitty." James sat down quite close to Maia.

Sirius', who had came in with James, who was now basically all over Maia and the cat, felt a rush of anger and hate towards James now. Trying to control it, he sat down next to Maia. Matilda, who was loving the attention that James was giving her, stopped what she was doing and leaped into Sirius' lap. Sirius, who was surprised, yelped and jumped a little.

"Aww, she likes you!" Maia rubbed Matilda's whiskers and gave him a huge smile. Sirius smiled back wearily and returned the cat's affections. Matilda meowed up at Sirius and licked his chin before nudging it hard.

"What! Matilda only does that to me!" Maia gasped. Sirius' heart swelled at the comment. Somehow sharing something with the short haired girl that no else had made the bad feelings that he had disappear. They replaced it with a sense of accomplishment.

Although Sirius didn't REALLY like cats all that much, as he saw those wide unblinking eyes staring up at him, he learned to appreciate cats a little more often. Giving her a little pat, Matilda purred and rolled over. Scratching the cats belly, she purred and got up, sandwiching herself between himself and Maia.

Lily nestled the ball of wool in between Matilda's paws and smiled. Remus and James kept asking to pat the cat but Maia refused them, stating that once Matilda assumed her nap position, you couldn't play with her.

"Lily, can you please get my book for me since Matilda is keeping me hostage?" Maia asked politely. Lily clapped her hands and brought out her wand.

"I learnt a new spell that can retrieve your book!" She smiled. Maia nodded and urged her to do it. Casually leaning back on the arm chair, Sirius put his arm across the lounge and behind Maia.

"Accio Maia's current reading book!" A book soon zoomed through the air and landed in Lily's hand neatly. Maia gasped. Lily gave her the book with a gloating smile.

"If I mastered that spell I'd never have to get up!" James exclaimed. Lily rolled her eyes.

"Your limbs would slowly stop working." Lily deadpanned. James shrugged.

"I wouldn't need my limbs." James declared. Lily gave him a look.

"To eat?"

"Levitate it in my mouth."

"To shower?"

"I'm sure there a spell that makes you clean." James shrugged.

"How do you go to the bathroom?" Remus chuckled. James thought about it for a moment.

"Haven't thought about it that far." He shrugged. The group thought about it.

"Well, there is a muggle invention that could solve it." Maia spoke up, casually petting Matilda.

"No," Lily groaned. "Is it the one that's shown on TV?" Maia nodded and laughed.

"Yeah! It's like a toilet imbedded into a lounge chair!" Maia started. "Isn't it called a Toilounge?" She asked Lily.

"Yeah! Apparently it's been recalled due to leakage in the toilet." They both laughed.

"TV? What's that?" James asked, adjusting his glasses.

"It's a muggle invention that broadcasts things from across the world. It's actually called a-" Remus began to explain. Maia was going to add some stuff but she just stayed silent, petting Matilda. Looking through her head, she checked her mental dates once more.

Mental dates.

Mental dates.



'I forgot about the date.' Maia thought. She cursed under her breath and quickly got up. Lily, who was listening to Remus' explanation, looked up.

"I forgot about the date." Maia gasped. Lily's eyes widened and her jaw slackened.

"Did you seriously forget about a WHOLE date!" Lily screeched. Maia shrugged.

"Well I was occupied until early hours of Today! I completely forgot about it in between being stuck in a broom closet with my ex enemy and being so tired I could barely get to the tower!" Maia defended. Lily sighed and pinch the bridge of her nose. Sirius put on a sorrowful face but inside he was cheering. That Thomas wasn't good enough for the brilliant bookworm Maia. Sirius would boost her confidence and set her up with a better guy, and not a cocky Slytherin.

The plan would go perfectly should nothing get in the way.



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