Project 1000 School Virgin ||...

By KenneyRou

150K 5.6K 2.2K

Play the game or be played. Once a year, one random girl is chosen to participate in the annual game called '... More

Project 1000 School Virgin
Chapter 1 | Project I Will Go To Church Every Sunday
CHAPTER 2 | Project Play The Game
Chapter 3 | Project Make Everyone Stop And Stare
Chapter 4 | Project Play Truth Or Dare
Chapter 5 | Project Bite His Lips...
Chapter 6 | Project You Wouldn't Be Alive For Much Longer
Chapter 8 | Project We Could Make Out
Chapter 9 | Project I Like You
Chapter 10 | Project Not Too Rough
Chapter 11 | Project No Need To Threaten My Dick
Chapter 12 | Project The Wheels On The Bus
Chapter 13 | Project Oompa Loompa
Chapter 14 | Project Finger In My nose
Chapter 15 | Project Kissing Behind The Tress
Chapter 16 | Project Something Is Poking My Butt
knowing your characters and book trailer
Chapter 17 | Project You Are Pretty Cool For A Fuck Boy
Chapter 18 | Project All You Need Is A Meaty Dick
Chapter 19 | Project He Is Just Playing You
Chapter 20 | Project Who Took Your Virginity?
Chapter 21 | Project I Didn't Kill Him
Chapter 22 | Project I want Revenge
Chapter 23 | Project Wonder Women
Chapter 24 | Project I Like Dicks
Chapter 25 | Project Sleep With Me
Chapter 26 | Project Loving Him
Chapter 27 | Project Our Gay Best Friend
Chapter 28| Project Lorenzo Albero
Chapter 29| Project Daddy Kinks
Chapter 30 | Project She Has A Black Vibrator
Chapter 31 | Project A Fart That Could Kill
Chapter 32 | Project I Can't Spread It
Chapter 33 | Project Soaked
Chapter 34 | Project Drunken Kiss
chapter 35 | Project Falling For You
Chapter 36 | Project Lazy, Unbothered, Teenagers
Chpater 37| Project Girls Are So complicating
Chapter 38 | Project The Game Has Ended
Chapter 39 | Project The Videotape
Chapter 40 | Project She Is Gone
Epilogue - The Final Chapter
Time To Say Goodbye

Chapter 7 | Project Tutor The Bad Boy

4.4K 153 112
By KenneyRou

"Turn over to page 186," Mr. Simon ordered as he turned his back towards the rest of the class and began to write in his awful handwriting on the board.

Everyone sighed deeply as they turned their page over to page 186.

Just twenty more minutes I thought as I continued to stare blankly at Mr. Simon, who was currently explaining Trigonometry to the rest of the class then I could be free and enjoy my weekend free from the constant whispers and stares that people threw at me whenever I walked by.

I drew my attention back to the bored and groaned. I was not complaining or anything, I really did like math and may I add - I was incredibly good at it, but there was just one reason why I despised this class -Lorenzo was in my class and if life could not get worse he sat directly behind me.

And I could not help myself but listen to his conversation which mainly included the number of girls he banged and then you got those desperate girls who would ask people closer to Lorenzo to pass notes to him.

"Psst," Someone whispered from my right.

I turned my head, to look at the person to my right, "Yes?" I asked whispering back.

She leaned over. "Could you please pass this note to Lorenzo?" She asked, pointing at Lorenzo behind me.

I stared at the girl for full minute, she had brown frizzy unkept hair, she had blue braces - like Ugly Betty type of braces, she had on those ugly big glasses - that was too big for her face, she was wearing a shirt of some boy band and loose dark jeans .

She did not looking like the typical girl to fawn over Lorenzo. Why would she want me to pass on a note to Lorenzo which probably contained her number or and address?

I mean there was nothing wrong with her, but she just was not Lorenzo type, not that I knew what his type was, but I was pretty sure she wasn't his type.

"So are you?" she snapped irritated, by my lack of response.

How could I have told her nicely that she should not embarrass herself? There really was no nice way to tell her that she should not give her number out to Lorenzo.

"Um," I started, scratching the back of my neck nervously. "I don't think you should give your number to him, not that there is something wrong with you, I just think that you are not his type," I said slowly, "So maybe you shouldn't give it to him," I suggested.

She gaped at me in anger. "Who the fuck do you think you are?!" she barked, standing up from her desk to her full height, which in result made the table fall, with the amount of force she used to stand up.

"You think you are so perfect than everyone else because you are the chosen girl but guess what you are not better than us!" She shouted, marching towards me angrily until she was right in front of my face.

I looked around the class, to see everyone watching us with an amused face.

"Look at me!" She demanded as she took hold of my shirt in a fist, bringing my face closer to her.

I could literally smell her breath and believe me it was not a good smell. I tried unclenching her fist from clutching my shirt, but to no avail I couldn't she had a tight grip on me.

"Let her go." Someone demanded from behind me. It did not take a genius to know who had said that. It was Lorenzo.

"W-what?" she stuttered nervously, looking at Lorenzo, who stood up from his chair.

"Are you deaf?" Lorenzo mocked, tilting his head to the side.

She shook her head, losing her grip on my shirt.

"Move away from her," Lorenzo ordered her. "Fatty." He added, staring at her as if she was a piece of gum at his bottom of his feet.

The comment that Lorenzo had made, made everyone snicker at her, throwing remarks such as fatty, hideous, obese and brace face.

I averted my gaze towards Mr. Smith, who did not comment on the behavior of the class.

I mean sure she properly was planning on killing me, but still, she did not deserve this, no one deserved that.

She blinked her dull brown eyes, trying to get rid of the tears accumulating at the corner of her eyes, her lips were quivering, and she kept on sniffing.

I felt bad, I wanted to demand everyone to stop, but inside, the cruel part of me wanted her to cry. She did after yell at me for no reason

She couldn't hold it anymore, one tear dropped out of her eye, another one and then another one until they all flowed out of her eyes.

"Sasha, you may leave the classroom," Mr. Smith suggested softly.

She nodded her head, grabbing her bag and sprinting to get out of the class.

One of the boys in front of the class shot his feet out, in the way, so that Sasha tripped over and fell flat on her bum.

I gasped out loud as she started to cry, the others they all snickered. I looked at Sophia who sat in front; she was staring blankly at the girl before averting her gaze to me.

I looked away from Sophia and stared blankly at the white board.

It was my fault.

Mr. Smith walked over to her, offering his right hand to her, smiling gently at her. She took hold of Mr. Smith's hand, muttering a thank you before walking away from the class.

"Quiet down!" Mr. Smith ordered furiously when Sasha had left the classroom.

The class instantly became quiet, but you could still hear one or two snickers from someone and that someone was, of course, Lorenzo, who didn't feel any sympathy for the girl he openly embarrassed in front of the whole class.

I knew that I should be grateful that Lorenzo interfered between me and her.

"Lorenzo I suggest you stop laughing," Mr. Smith, advised Lorenzo disappointed at his lack of consideration towards Sasha.

"Okay, okay, I will stop," Lorenzo agreed.

No sooner, we all carried on with our work.

I could not help but gaze at the door, hoping to see Sasha coming to back to class. I needed to apologize and I had no idea what I had to apologize for.

*ring* *ring*

My thought was interrupted by the bell ringing.

I sighed in relief. "Finally," I muttered under my breath.

I shoved my textbook and notes into my bag, slinging my black bag over my shoulder. I was about to leave the classroom before Mr. Smith called out my name.

"Lorenzo and Alex, please stay behind,"

I waited by the door until everyone left the class.

Why would he want me to stay behind? I started to panic, I was going to get into trouble, and then I would not be able to get into any university because I was cruel towards Sasha.

"Why do you look, like you are going to pass out?" Lorenzo questioned, leaning against Mr. Smith's desk.

I ignored Lorenzo's question. "Sorry, Mr. Smith, but why am I here?" I asked politely.

"Well, I heard from some teachers, that you have been looking for some credits, correct?" I nodded my head slowly. "So, I was hoping you could tutor Lorenzo."

"What?!" I exclaimed in horror. Never in a million years. There was no way I was going to tutor Lorenzo, no matter how bad I wanted credits.

"That's not happening," Lorenzo stated.

Mr. Smith ignored both of us, moving pages around his messy desk, trying to look for something. He grinned in victory when he found what he was looking for.

"What's that?" I asked curiously, looking over his shoulder, to see what he was staring at.

"This," he said lifting up the paper. "Are Lorenzo math's mark."

I grabbed the stack of paper from his hand, looking through it. "Wow, you are really stupid," I commented as I skimmed through the stack of papers surprised at how low his marks were.

"What did you just say?"

I looked up from his marks. "I said you are stupid," I repeated, what I had previously said.

"I am going to kill you," He threatened taking a step closer to me, clenching his fist.

"Stop it, Lorenzo." Mr. Smith ordered, taking hold of Lorenzo's marks.

I smirked. "Yah, stop it, Lorenzo," I teased.

Mr. Smith exhaled in annoyance at the two of us. "So will you tutor him?" Mr. Smith asked hopefully.

"I don't need a tutor," Lorenzo interrupted me before I could answer Mr. Smith's question.

"That's not what your marks say and your father, demanded that you get a tutor."

"I don't care what he wants!" Lorenzo exclaimed.

Mr. Smith pinched the bridge of his nose before walking over to Lorenzo, putting his right hand on Lorenzo's shoulder. "Lorenzo, you are on the bridge of failing senior year and I am pretty sure you wouldn't want to disappoint your mother,"

"I know," Lorenzo muttered softly.

I averted my gaze away from the two who were whispering to each other. I didn't want to intrude, so I took a step back and patiently waited for them to finish, whatever they whispering about.

"Lorenzo has agreed to you tutoring him," Mr. Smith said snapping me out of my thoughts.

"He did? But who says I am going to tutor him?" I inquired, raising my dark eyebrows.

"You are tutoring me," Lorenzo stated, crossing his arm over his firm chest.

I glared. "I don't think so,"

"Please, Alex," Mr. Smith pleaded.

"I will do it...if Lorenzo asks nicely,"

Lorenzo scoffed, "I don't think so,"

"Fine, I guess I am not needed here, I do hope you find a tutor," I said, turning my back away from them, heading towards the door.


"Okay, what?" I asked, stopping dead in my tracks, turning around to look at Lorenzo with a wicked smile.

"Can you please tutor me?"

I tapped my index finger on my chin. "Fine, I will tutor you, only because you asked nicely."

"So all you guys have to do is set a time and day,"

I turned to face Mr. Smith. "Sure, what about today?" I suggested, directing my question to Lorenzo.

He nodded his head in agreement. "Yah sure, head over to my car and wait for me there, I got to do some things."

I agreed and made my way to my locker as I took some books out of my bag. Once i was done, i casually strolled towards Lorenzo car, hoping he would be there already.

Once I reached outside, I scanned the parking lot and saw his car but no Lorenzo.

I tapped my left foot on the ground, scanning the parking lot for Lorenzo. I was getting angrier by the minute. He was wasting my time. If I am not mistaken he was the one, who needed the help, not the other way around..

"Stupido," Lorenzo called out, banging the front door of the school open and hurriedly ran towards me.

I stared at him confused. "Why are you running?"

"Get in the car." He demanded. I looked back, trying to see if someone was chasing him.

"Now!" Lorenzo exclaimed, shutting his driver seat.

I quickly got inside the car; looking around once more and then fastening my seatbelt in place.

Once we pulled out of the parking lot, I asked. "Mind telling me, why you ran?" He ignored me as he continued to drive.

"Are you going to answer me?" I questioned annoyed.

"Lorenzo!" I snapped at his lack of response.

He sighed irritated "What?!"

"Don't yell at me!" I yelled frustrated.

"Well stop talking to me!" He too yelled.

I scoffed. "You are honestly so annoying."

He smirked. "Whatever you say, stupido,"

"Stop calling me that,"

"Okay, idiota,"

I groaned, banging my head on the window.

He surprisingly kept quiet and didn't bother me the whole ride to his house. The car ride took longer than expected; it was about a thirty minute drive from the school to his house.

He pulled his car into a brownish small type of tradition house, with white picket fence, grass that was kept well, freshly cut. Toys such as Barbie and a pink bicycle scattered the front lawn.

I couldn't help but stare at the house. This was his house...

"Get out," Lorenzo ordered, opening the passenger seat.

I unbuckled my seatbelt, grabbing my black school bag and math textbook from the backseat of the car.

"Is this your house?" I inquired slowly.

"Yes." He replied nonchalant, kicking the toys out of his way.

I stared at him for a second, then back to him and then finally to his brand new BMW.

If he lives here, then how come he drives that?

He groaned as he muttered 'stupido' under his breath. "My mom and dad are divorced, so in other words, I live with my mom and if you still don't understand, which you won't because you are stupid, my mom is poor and my dad is rich,"

"Then how come you drive such a fancy car?" I asked, still not understanding.

He groaned once again, "You really are stupid, you know?"

I could not help but laugh this was coming from the person who was on the bridge of failing.

"I am only going to explain this once so listen," He said slowly as if I was a five-year-old child, who didn't understand English. "My dad, buys me all sort of junk for one reason and that's so I can take his position as a CEO when he retires at his company and that's the reason why he bought me that car," He pointed in the direction of the black sleek BMW car. "In other words, he doesn't care about my sister and mom hence why we live in this house," he explained.

I titled my head to the side, chewing my lips. "Oh." I said simply.

We made our away towards the front door of his house.

"Ma, are you home?" I heard Lorenzo call out as I entered the house.

"Lorenzo, you are home," a small girl came rushing into Lorenzo's arms, squealing in delight when Lorenzo picked her up and threw her in the air.

"Stop it, Lorenzo, stop it," The little giggled in delight.

"Lorenzo put your sister down." A lady with black hair and piercing blue eyes ordered as she came out from where I am assuming was the kitchen.

Lorenzo threw her sister once again in the air before placing her on the ground.

"Who's that?" Lorenzo sister asked shyly, hiding behind his brother's leg as she pointed in my direction.

"Stupido," Lorenzo replied.

"Stop calling me that," I whined, stomping my feet childishly on the ground.

The little girl giggled.

"That isn't my name," I assured her, glaring daggers at Lorenzo.

"Lorenzo, don't call a lady stupid," Lorenzo's mother scolded.

"Sorry about my son, he has no manners," Lorenzo's mother playfully apologized as she threw a glare at Lorenzo

"No need to apologize, I am used to him calling me stupid," I reassured her.

She shook her head.

"What's your name?" Lorenzo's sister asked curiously, looking up at me.

I looked down at her and smiled at her. "I am Alex," I answered, crunching down to her level. "And what's your name?"

"Abrianna, but you can call me Anna,"

"That's an awesome name," I gushed. It truly was a nice name. "Nice to meet you Anna."

She blushed. "Thank you," she murmured.

"Nice dress too," I complimented her dark pink dress.

She paired her dark pink dress, with a pair of white pumps, her dark brown hair was in two pigtails, she had green eyes, not like Lorenzo and her mother, must have inherited her dad's eyes color, I thought, but nonetheless she was absolutely pretty.

Lorenzo was going to have his work cut out, with all the boys that were going to chase her when she was older.

She smiled, showing off her two missing teeth in front.

"Alex, would you like some cupcakes?" Lorenzo's mother question, holding a tray of cupcakes.

"Yes please," I replied, standing up to my full height.

"I want one too," Anna said, running towards her mother for some cupcakes.

"Do you want some Lorenzo?" Lorenzo's mother asked gently, handing the tray over to Lorenzo once I and Anna took one.

He nodded his head, grabbing two cupcakes from the tray.

"Thank you, Mrs....Miss," I trailed out, wondering what I should refer her as.

She grimaced, a little when I said Mrs. "No, call me, Angelica,"

"Oh okay, thanks Angelica for the cupcakes,"

She smiled. "No problem, if you want more you can take some,"

I beamed excitedly as I reached for two more cupcakes.

"Pig." I heard Lorenzo muttered.

"Lorenzo, stop calling Alex, names," Angelica once again scolded Lorenzo as she lightly slapped Lorenzo across his arm.

"Yah stop it, Lorenzo, you are the pig," Anna added, glaring at her older brother.

I smiled in adoration at Anna, she was just too cute.

"Whatever, we are heading to my room,"

"Too study, I am tutoring him," I added, just in case his mother had other ideas what we would be doing in his bedroom.

"Oh okay," she nodded.

Lorenzo grabbed my hand and literally dragged me all the way up to his stairs.

"Let go!" I demanded.

"I will as soon as we get to my bedroom," He answered.

We continued to walk up the stairs; well he dragged me all the way up to the stairs until we reached his bedroom. I cautiously entered his bedroom, looking around his room.

There was a king sized bed in the middle of his bedroom, with dark blue sheets covering it, the walls were painted in a white type of color, he had a study desk at the corner of his room, the desk was spotless, there was literally nothing on it, it just shows how little he studies.

His room looked so bare; nothing that showed him as a person, it was pretty much empty, nothing like a normal teenager room.

"Nice room," I complimented once I was done scanning his room.

"Mm, thanks," he muttered.

I looked once again around his room, wondering where I was going to sit, there was after all one sit and that was his study chair.

"You can sit on the bed, while I take the chair," he said once he noticed that I stood at the edge of the door debating if I should sit on the bed or the chair.

I walked over to his king sized bed, which was placed in the middle of his room.

"Okay so we are going to start with Trigonometry because we are writing a test about it soon," I said, taking notes from my back. "Is that okay with you?" I asked, when he did not speak for a minute.

He nodded his head. "Yah, that's sounds okay,"

I stood up from the bed as I walked towards Lorenzo to give him some of my notes.

"So what do you know about Trigonometry?" I asked.

He titled his head to the side. "Wait for it...wait for it. I really do know something."

I waited for about two minutes and he was yet to give me an answer.

"Lorenzo!" I snapped. "Do you have an answer?" I questioned.

He grinned. "No, no I don't have an answer,"

I frowned my eyebrows. "So you have no clue what Trigonometry is?"

"Not even the slightest."

I stared blankly at him. He was kidding, right?

"So..." he drawled out. "What do we start with?"

I took a deep breath in. "We will have to start right from the beginning," I said, turning around to walk towards his bed, to receive my calculator from his bed.

It seems I will be here, for a very long time.

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