Eminem Imagines (Eminemzminni...

By Eminemzminnie

337K 7.6K 2K

Imagines that will probably take you on a journey now to where..i'm not sure. :) More

Imagine your first encounter
Imagine you teach him how to text
Can I tell you what's been happening?
Imagine the worst day of your life
Here Alessia Cara Songfic
Shortest Imagine Ever
Imagine he kidnapped you
Imagine it's halloween
Imagine 1941
Imagine 1941 (part 2)
4th of July disaster
I'm sorry
About me
It all started with a kiss
She hit me with a lamp so I married her.
Frito fight!
Life according to 7-eleven girl (Teaser)
You Deserve better
Roast myself
You are so annoying
The Slim to my Shady
Imagine Fiesta Marathon!
Imagine marathon continued
Imagine Marathon continued (Dystopian themed)
Imagine Marathon continued some more (Back Together)
Imagine Marathon (New assistant)
Imagine Marathon (Ignored)
Imagine Marathon (Two different people)
New Imagine!!
can you do me a favor?
Lost, but..Together
What do u think?
We're good
3 words
Call me when your sober
Drake Shut It Down!
So I just realized something
Request please
A love called hate
Worst case Scenario (Part 1)
Making it together (Happy B-lated Birthday Renae)
Only relevant to Naruto fans
Worst Case Scenario (part 2)
Feminism and Cinnamon buns
Little miss Sweetness
Imagine you met on the bus
A drunk proposal
Life according to 7-eleven girl is here!!
Guess who's back?
My everything
Cakes and Love
Robbers and inspiration
Love and Happiness..
You're my Superstar
You Match
October Ideas?
bad news
Your gonna make it
Happy Birthday Marshall!!! (Surprise!!)
Can you help me out?
From where you are..
So what should I update?
I just wanted Oatmeal....
November ideas?
Just news
In this town
In this world..
You CAN'T be my superman
Final Contest of the Year!!
Writing Tips & Eminem's new album?
Pieces (Merry Christmas!)
My Birthday Imagine ;)
New years resolution
Little update
Wedding Stopper
Patiently Waiting
In 10 seconds
Marshall's doing what?
Superbowl Night
Contest entry
Should i do this?
Locked out
Be without you
Shady's Cinderella
I'm only human (Don't put the blame on me)
Cute but Deadly.
Contest time
Jealous you
Good News!
I gave my robber a makeover (NEW STORY)
Imagine you created 8 mile
Marshall's pick up lines part 2
The Bet
He IS blue
Super Heroes
You want a divorce?
Jealous Him
Prank wars
lil apology
Wattys? omg!
No way..
Cake for one
Please Marry my Dad
Must see!!
We're not dating
Fall out of love with me
The End
Prank Wars Pt. 2 (I Surrender)
Forever with me Pt.1 (Last Imagine)
Forever with me Part 2 (Last imagine)
Eminem News
Knowing No.7 story trailer
Eminem had me near tears/ Eminem Imagine book pt.2
Eminem Imagines Pt. 2 (PREVIEW for Imagine #1)
Surprise!! And Happy New year!!

Marshall shut the party down!

2.4K 68 19
By Eminemzminnie

A:N This is an imagine, he didn't actually shut any parties down around here...lol though that would be fun to see ;)

Marshall P.O.V

It was 8 o'clock at night and I had no idea where the heck my daughter was at. Well to be correct, he had no idea where YOUR daughter was at.

You see he had married you about a year ago and had known you for over 30 years considering y'all basically grew up together. You eventually had a kid by this guy you were seeing who was also a good friend of yours, until he cheated on her with her own sister and now it's safe to say She(you) don't talk to them anymore.

(A:N/ Cue Charlie Puth and Selena Gomez, We don't talk anymore, we don't talk anymore, we don't talk anymore like we used to do!! </3)

Sorry this ain't relevant to the story at all..but I just really like this song, so here!  ^

  But that was fine with him, because he got you. 

And he also got your 17 year old daughter named Leona Grace Mathers since he ended up adopting her since her real dad left her at the age of 6.

He didn't even warn her that he was leaving, one day when they woke up his bags were packed and all the money in their savings were gone.

Til this day nobody knew what happened to him, even though they're rumors that people saw him around a drug house..

Which ain't surprising to him considering he been had a probably with Cocaine.

I eventually called Leona on her cell phone hoping she would pick up and tell me where the hell she was.

Leona and him did not have the best relationship since she felt like he was trying to replace her dad who she still loved even though he left her.

"Hello?" A voice answered sounding frantic already.

"Leona, where are you?" I asked getting real pissed knowing she had done something she wasn't supposed to be doing.

"M-marshall, please come get me, I-i went to this party with Emma and Carolyn and-and things are getting really bad around here." She explained through tears.

Just as she said that he could hear a glass breaking in the background.

"Okay baby calm down, where are you sweetie?" I asked concerned with just what in the world was going on over there.

"Kingsley St on 7 mile and Avon the address is 45431." She quickly spoke. (A:N Completely fake address btw)

"On my way!" I said immediately hanging up the phone and running towards the door catching Alaina who was on her way in.

"Alaina watch your sisters oh and Nate.." I said.

"Okay what's up, and Nate can take care of himself Uncle Marshall." She laughed knowing her uncle still thought of his lil brother as immature and always getting into things.

Which he did do..just not as often.

"Did you see the way his room looked, and I gotta save Leona from dangerous teens." I said seeing Alaina eyes widen in question.

"Don't worry i got it, now i gotta go, remember watch everyone." I said continuing to run out the house and into my car heading to save my daughter who was soo grounded when I find her.

Normal P.O.V

He eventually made it to the location and found himself in front of this huge mansion where guys were running around in their underwear and girls in nothing but bikini's.

Where were these kids parents?

He hopped out the car and was immediately met with many stares.

"Yo Eminem's here, hey man what up!?" A drunk boy slurred excited to see him.

"You know where a Leona Mathers is?" He angrily said catching the young man off guard completely.

"No idea who that is, but can you drop a few bars tho?" He laughed excitedly.

"No, but I can drop you in this pool." He flatly said.

"Pool?" The man questioned but then found himself being thrown into the pool by Eminem himself.

"Hey man that ain't cool, well..kinda!" The young man yelled feeling kinda indifferent.

Marshall ignored him and went into the house finding that the inside was even worst then the outside.

Streamers were every where, bottles of alochol littered the floor like confetti, someone was swinging from the chandelier ironically singing that song from Sia.

"IIIIII'MMM GONNNAAA SWWWIINNGGG FRROOMMM THE CHANDELIERRRRRRR!!!" The drunk girl sang while her friends laughed in hysterics.

"HEY GET DOWN!" Marshall yelled concerned that this girl would fall and kill herself.

"Is that Eminem?" The girl yelled making her way down safely from the chandelier.

"Does anyone know where Leona Mathers is!?" Marshall asked seeing some point upstairs.

"Thanks, NOW EVERYBODY PUT YOU DAMN CLOTHES ON AND CALL YOUR PARENTS BEFORE I CALL THEM FOR YOU!" He angrily yelled realizing he had to be responsible for all these bratty teens who thought they were way older than what they really were.

"SHUT UP OLD MAN, INSTEAD OF WORRYING ABOUT US HOW ABOUT YOU WORRY ABOUT MAKING ANOTHER CRAPPY ALBUM!" Some guy from the second floor yelled over the stair case causing some people's mouth to fly open in shock.

"Well...sh*t's about to go down..." Some girl said eating some popcorn like she was at the movie theater.

Marshall immediately felt his anger rising at this little punk's smart remark.

But then he calmed down recognizing that this was one of Leona's guy friends that she had told him his girlfriend had cheated on him with a Football Player.

"HOW ABOUT YOU WORRY ABOUT YOUR GIRLFRIEND MAKING OUT WITH THE FOOTBALL PLAYER IN THE MEN'S LOCKER ROOM!?" Marshall retorted gaining some OHH's and NO HE DIDN'T's from shocked teens throughout the house.

"IT WAS ONE TIME!" A girl defended.

The guy said nothing but his face went as pale as Casper the friendly ghost.

"Now everybody call your parents and get out!" Marshall demanded seeing some teens reluctantly dial their parents numbers while other's just left.

"Now who's the owner of this house!?" Marshall yelled.

"I-I am sir.." A guy with fake mustache and sombrero and no pants on said meekly.

 "Yo parents know you having a party?" Marshall asked knowing good and well they didn't.

"W-well...not exactly." He said scared by Marshall's intimidating composure of anybody who don't listen to me is getting ready to get their behind's kicked.

"Well how about we call them and tell them all about the fun you had tonight." Marshall nicely said taking out his phone and handing it to the now very upset kid.

"Do we really have to call my parents sir?" The boy said not wanting to hear a 4 hour lecture from his parents who were both lawyers...

"Okay how about the police instead?" He asked.

"NO!" The boy immediately dialed his parents numbers and began telling them everything.

When he got through the kid gave the phone to him saying that the parent's had something to say to him.

He eventually got the phone and the kids parents thanked him gratefully on informing then on what was going on. They also thanked him for not calling the police seeing as how that would not make them look good as lawyers.

They also assured Marshall that they're kid would be grounded for the rest of his life without parole and he was okay with that.

After the conversation with this kid's parents he went in search for his daughter upstairs which was a lot more difficult then it sounded cause their was a lot of rooms and he had to search all of them.

Eventually he opened the door to the very last room upstairs and found his daughter crying while her boyfriend was knocked unconscious on the ground along with another guy who he didn't recognize at all.

"Leona! What the hell happened!?" He asked looking at the both boy's who was still breathing much to his relief.

"S-some guy tried to attack me and he tried to stop it and they both knocked each other out!" She cried.

"Alright we'll get an ambulance, now come here." He said as Leona went up to him hugging him for coming to get her.

"I am so sorry, I shouldn't have come." She said regretting being talked into coming here.

"No you shouldn't, but it's alright i'm here." He said giving her a kiss on the forehead.

"Thanks Dad." She said catching him off guard.

"Dad?" He asked her shock evident in his voice.

"Yeah your my dad right?" She asked giving him a smile.

He nodded smiling back at her extremely happy she finally acknowledged him as her dad.

"So i guess as the loving sweet father you are, i'm not grounded right, for learning my lesson?" She said in high hopes.

"Hahaha no, your grounded for a good 3 months." He said laughing at how she really thought she was in no trouble.

She frowned but then shrugged knowing she deserved it.

"Fine..but can we please not tell mom.." She asked.

You were currently out of town at a business conference and has no Idea of the chaos that was happening right now.

"Yeah that ain't happening either, she's gotta know." Marshall said.

"Fine, can we call the ambulance now and go home..i've had enough for tonight." She sighed.

"Alright." He said dialing 911 and the ambulance came to pick up her boyfriend and the other guy while the police assured the other guy would be going to Juvey for assault and battery.

The police also ended up calling the kids parents any way which only made them even madder at their son. So now he was grounded for eternity without the use of his phones or play stations.

This kid was seriously unhappy.

Everybody was also talking about how Eminem completely shut the party down much to all the parents benefits. And they immediately went from hating him and his music to awarding him parent of the year. He felt the whole situation bizarre but he didn't dote to much on it.

In the end he was just happy that he had gotten closer to you and him's daughter and that this whole night was finally over.

Until he got another phone call.

"Hey bro..uhhh..I need you to come bail me outta jail.." Nate said guiltly.

"What!?" Marshall exclaimed feeling a headache approaching.

"It's a long story..but big bro I swear I didn't know you couldn't  get free refills at dunkin donuts." He said.

What in the?

He sighed shaking his head making sure to give Alaina a piece of his mind when he got home for not watching Nate like she had told him too.


LOL nate is soo funny xD Anyway hoped you like this imagine and I hope the POV's didn't confuse you to much. :3

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