Hetalia Oneshots

By Angelbellz

90.8K 1.7K 966

These are going to be stories I write which contains my favorite ships! More

The Ships
Superstar!Finland x Bodyguard!Sweden
Prussia x Canada
Denmark x Norway
2p!England x 2p!America
Bullied!Liechtenstein x 2p!Italy
France x Self-Conscious!Seychelles
Pregnant!Belarus x America
Hong Kong x Iceland
Belgium x Netherlands
Lithuania x Poland
Switzerland x Austria
Spain x Romano
Ukraine x Estonia
Belarus x America
Sealand x Wy
Vietnam x Taiwan
Spain x Bullied!Abused!Romano
Kugelmugel x Ladonia
China x Russia
England x Portugal
Pirate!Spain x Mermaid!Romano
Bullied!America x Russia
S. Korea x Abused!America
Russia x Mermaid!China
Germany x Nyo!Germany
Jealous!Ladonia x Wy
America x Dead!Germany
America x S.Korea
Neko!Lithuania x Neko!Poland
The Dream Wedding (PruHun)
Adventurer!Sweden x Mermaid!Finland
Viking!Denmark x Viking!Norway
Denmark x Prussia x Bullied!Abused!America
Mermaid!Finland x Mermaid!Sweden
Bullied!Russia x America
Russia x Mermaid!America
Prussia x Romano
Hong Kong x Sick!Iceland
Germany x Italy
Russia x Canada

Germany x Artist!Italy

2.4K 69 27
By Angelbellz

A/N: I am in love with soulmate AUs and since it's October it's time to get SPOOPY!!

In this one: World is black and white until eye contact with soulmate
(Happy birthday Germany!)

Google translate ahead!

Feliciano Vargas was one of the words most prominent artists, famous for his extremely colorful paintings and realistic sketches. All of those who are interested in Feliciano would assume that he's met his soulmate, after all he uses extravagant colors, it seems impossible for him to still be color blind. However, the truth is much more painful.

Feliciano met his soulmate when he was extremely young and the two had a budding romance and enjoyed the world with all it's color together, however Feliciano lost his soulmate tragically and his vision turned back into it's two-toned colors.

Feliciano remembers the day he knew Gabriel had died, he was sweeping Roderich's brown porch, when suddenly the color was gone. Surprised, Feliciano had looked up to see his whole world has black and white and he began to freak out as well as run around to try to see color.

Denial was what Elizaveta had called it when she told him Gabriel must be dead for his vision to have lost it's color and Feliciano said it wasn't true and called her a liar. Denial. Funnily enough Denial was the name of his painting that made him a renounced artist.

Anyway, Feliciano smiled at the kind man who had helped him with his art gallery.

"Here are these," The man said and handed Feliciano a huge pair of scissors to open his art gallery.

"Grazie," Feliciano smiled and cut the ribbon to the entrance for his eagerly waiting fans who rushed in as soon as they could upon the ribbon falling.

"Come, come, you must give a speech!" Said the man, his name being Leopold. Feliciano nodded and allowed himself to be escorted to the stage where the crowd had been lead.

Once Feliciano stepped onto it he was almost deafened by the cheers from the crowd, he giggled and turned to the crowd. He wished he could see the different hair colors of his fans, he missed being able to see Elizaveta's chestnut hair and Roderich's dark oak hair. Shaking the thought Feliciano went to his mic to address his crowd.

"Hi," He said awkwardly causing a few laughs to ripple the crowd, "Um welcome to my-a newest art-a gallery...I-a hope you-a like it..." He searched his brain for more to say, "I honestly don't-a know what else to-a say," He paused for a moment and laughed himself as he heard a few more in the crowd laugh, "Thanks for-a coming, and please give-a big round of applause for-a Leopold who is the-a reason this gallery exists." Feliciano bowed and smiled at the crowd as they cheered and then he stepped off of the stage as Leopold waved to the applauding crowd.

"Pleaze feel free to valk around," Leopold was saying though Feliciano had already left the stage and was walking around himself, making sure his guests enjoyed himself.

He soon saw a man who felt oddly familiar and he walked over, cautiously, and poked the man's shoulder for his attention, the man turned around and Feliciano noted he had beautiful blue eyes, "Do I-a know you?" He asked before he realized something...the man has blue eyes...blue! He could see color!!

Feliciano couldn't contain himself and just leaped into the man's arms and gave him a huge hug as a crowd slowly formed around them awkwardly.

"Amber," The man said in a heavy German accent.

"Huh?" Feliciano asked, hopping down, but keeping his soulmate as arm's length.

"Jour eyez..." The man said, his voice shy. Feliciano giggled, sure he was confused, I mean, his soulmate is dead, but he wasn't going to let this opportunity slip through his fingers.

"I'm Feliciano Vargas!" Feliciano giggled.

"Ja...I know," The man said.

"And you are?"

"Ludwig Beilschmidt," The man answered.

"Nuh-Uh!" Feliciano argued, confusing both the man and the now intrigued crowd, "It's Ludwig Vargas!"

"Vas?!" Ludwig cried, and crowd was now far more confused.

"You're my-a soulmate!" Feliciano said, the crowd gasped. "As my-a soulmate, you are-a Vargas!" As Ludwig went to argue, Feliciano placed a finger upon his lips to silence him, "Come with-a me!" Feliciano grabbed his hand and Ludwig looked at it and allowed Feliciano to navigate them through the crowd to the penthouse above the art gallery.

Soon, the two had talked about many things. Feliciano now knew that Ludwig has a brother named Gilbert, and two cousins who were named Vash and Lily, he also knew that Ludwig had memory problems from when he was a young child. Ludwig now knew that Feliciano has two brothers named Lovino and Romeo, and had a cousin named Francis.

"I-a have one more thing to-a tell you..." Feliciano said, taking a deep breath which turned the mood into that of seriousness.

Ludwig leaned closer to Feliciano and placed a shy hand over the Italian's, "Jou can tell me anyzing."

Feliciano smiled at his soulmate and began his sad tale of past love, all the way to the details of his loss of colored vision.

"I'm...I'm zorry..." Ludwig sighed, "I..I don't mean to be insensitive, but how did jou keep making art?" The question had been burning at the back of Ludwig's mind since he first saw amber colored eyes and he had to ask.

"My-a favorite thing to-a do with Gabriel was teach him how to-a paint," Feliciano smiled wistfully, "I couldn't give that up...I can't give it up."

"Vill you...teach me to paint?" Ludwig asked.

Feliciano giggled and nodded, "Lessons start now!" With both hands pulling on Ludwig's he led him to an easel and the first of many lessons began (this one ended a bit messily with paint everywhere BUT on the easel)

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