The Lost Diary

By DaErudite

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[ Updated everyday; need to finish before June; dedications for free just PM me. ] Sarah was just a normal gi... More



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By DaErudite

Chapter 6 - Leaving

I woke up early and wide awake because we're going to the mall and I'm excited. I was about to get up when I noticed the alarm clock flashing "2AM" and realized I still needed to sleep. Before going back to sleep, I decided to check on Steven if he was still breathing.

Positive. He was still breathing. At first, I wasn't comfortable with the idea of sharing a room with Steven, but when my dad said that I and Steven would have separate beds, my worries quickly faded. I need to sleep now. Too excited for tomorrow, I guess?


"Sarah, are you ready?" I was almost done taking a bath when my dad knocked on the bathroom door.

"Yeah, Dad. Almost done," I said as I wrapped a towel around my body. I couldn't stop smiling. I'm so excited. I couldn't believe that I could experience what it would be like to have a brother at least for a while. I opened the door and I almost jumped in surprise because Steven is standing in front of me.

"Sorry. Did I take too long or what?" I asked and I could see Steven's face. It looked sad and fearful. Is he afraid of me? I don't think that I look like a monster. Do I even look like one?

"It's fine. I almost finished reading this book while waiting for you to finish. Here hold this while I'll take a bath." He said, handing his book to me. Like me, he was also a fan of "Hyperion".

After some minutes, I finished changing my clothes and Steven was almost done in the bathroom.

"Steven, I'll just wait for you downstairs," I said, rushing to the door. I was just about to turn the knob when I remembered something. I forgot to bring my backpack.

I quickly grabbed it then went downstairs to eat.

I started eating and my dad's just staring at the food.

"Dad, Mom won't like it if you continue to stare at your food," I said as I chew another spoonful of food. Dad started eating while I heard Steven's steps on the stairway. He started poking me and my irritation grew, though, I hid it well.

"Can I borrow this book, Sarah?" He asked me and I nodded.

"Let's go guys." I said as they followed me like I'm the boss or the leader.

I'm always a leader in our school because I'm a straight A student, but I'm lazy as shit. I was the school's valedictorian last school year, but the idea of being valedictorian now is almost laughable.

Steven looked excited and happy. It looked like it was his first time at the mall. I remembered something John told me when he was alive:

"Money can't buy happiness, but which is better: Crying in a Lamborghini or crying on a bicycle?"

He was really silly when he said those words to me. He was so funny, but sometimes he was corny as hell. He always made me smile when I was sad and lonely. I loved him, not as a friend or a best friend, but more than that. I was just so scared to tell him and now it's too late.


"Wow! That's a big house!" Steven marveled, his face pressed against the car window. Here on Sad Planet, malls are kinda bigger than on the usual planet with lots of people roaming it.

"It's a mall," I chuckled and he gave me a 'shut-up' glare.

"Duh, I'm just describing it so shut up," Steven rolled his eyes, his face growing red.

"Steven, no one's asking. So you shut up." I rolled my eyes.

"Oh, forget it." He grumbled as he got out of the car.


"Will you please stop?" My dad said.

"Okay." we said in unison.


We were just staring at the strangely dressed people and looking at the delicious foods in the food court. My dad gave me $100 to buy the things that I want, while they will go and buy some clothes for Steven.

"Um, sir, where can I find a bookstore?" I asked a guard since I'm lost.

"Just go around the corner and stop when you see a restaurant then go left and you'll know it when you see it."

"Thank you!" I said as I search for the bookstore.

After some time, I finally found it. It was not that big, but not that small. It was what we would call medium. I searched through some adventure books, then I found an interesting story and bought it for $10. Now my mission was to find Dad and Steven.

I found them in a clothes store and Steven looked amazing in his new clothes. He looked classy and... hot?

"Nice clothes." I praised.

He smiled. "Thanks."

"Dad, can we go home now? I really feel tired and I want to take a nap," I ask. He agreed and bought us some food.

It was kind of strange that I was energetic an hour ago, but now I was exhausted. It was like I was being weighed down. It was also strange that John hadn't talk to me after the day before and I was beginning to worry.

I looked out my window to see a man holding a sign: "My Cat Needs Food". I could see the sadness in the man's eyes and the poor tiny cat. Since I had $90 left in my pocket, I wanted to buy cat food for the poor kitty. I asked a guard where I could buy cat food because I was new to this mall and he told me to find the supermarket. Luckily, I found the cat food faster than I thought and I bought it. I ran to find the man and his cat and gave the cat food to them.

"Thank you. Without you, my cat would've starved to death," he looked down at the small creature and meowed in thanks.

"You have a wonderful cat." I reach over and pet her.

"Thank you. I can't keep buying food for her. Do you want to take care of her?" The man said and I yelped in surprise.

"Sure!" I replied as the man handed his cat to me.

"She needs a good home. Please take care of her, let her eat three times a day and always give her a bath. Oh, and her name is Princess."

"Awwww, what a wonderful kitty. I will sir..." When I looked up, the man's gone. Where was the man who owned the cat? He quickly disappeared.

"At last, I found you Sarah. Where have you been? I've been looking for you all over this building," My dad said.

"Sorry dad. Look at this cute kitty. She's so cute. Her name is Princess. Someone just gave her to me." I looked up at him with pleading eyes, "Can we keep her? We can't give her back because the owner left so we have to keep her, right?"

"Awwww, fine. Can we go home now?" My dad said.

I opened the car door and quickly fell asleep. I don't know what happened next after that.


"Hey. Wake up," I heard a familiar voice say. Who is it? I couldn't quiet remember.

"Wake up."


"What the?" I open my sleepy eyes enough to see Princess laying beside me.

I turn to the other side to see John poking my hand. There's also a white, circular portal on my wall.

What's happening?

"Are you ready?" John asked me and I raised and eyebrow to him.

"Ready for what?" I asked, confused. Seriously? Could someone tell me what is happening?

"To leave," He tilted his head. I'm... I'm going to leave... This planet? I'm going to leave my dad here? Chesseca? I don't think I can leave this planet. I never knew that I was leaving so soon. I already feel like home here, in this room, in this house, on this planet. I just got a brother! And I'm going to leave dad.


"You have to leave because your mission is done," he explained.

"But... Can I have one more day with them?" I sit up, my heart racing.

"You just did. It was today," he rests a hand on my arm.

"But I fell asleep for most of it!" I shout in protest.

"Here watch this." He handed me a crystal ball.


"Look how happy Sarah was!" My dad looked at me as I slept in the back seat of the car. "I don't want to lose her. I don't want to lose someone again."

"It's okay. I'm here. You can call me your son. If you want," Steven said shyly.

"Ok son," He smiled.


"You just made your dad happy today. He somehow he moved on and is living life without his wife."

"Yeah," I nod, "I think it's the time to leave now." He's okay now. He finally moved on. Besides, there's Steven to become his son.

"Goodbye Steven, Dad and Princess. I love you all," I whispered as I stepped through the portal not knowing where it would take me next.

"Where am I?"

"You're back! We're in your old world, again." John said, taking a look around.

"Really?" I quickly stood up and opened the window. I saw some children playing outside. I saw some birds chirping. Yeah. I'm back in my own world. The plain, old world, the one where I used to be. I was kind of sad to leave Steven, Princess, and Dad behind, but things change. You need to leave others so that you can keep walking.

"Good morning, Sarah!" A familiar voice said. I turned around to see who it is.


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