Texting | SM

By Vanillake

314K 6.7K 2K

Famous singer-songwriter, Shawn Mendes, accidentally sends a text to someone, thinking it's a girl he met at... More

Texting Shawn Mendes
Who Is This?
Dj Khaled
What's Wrong?
21 Questions
Sorry About Last Night
Stephen Amell
Marry Me?
Perfect Strangers
Gossip Girl
The Day
Wake Up Call
Scrambled Eggs
Mysterious Date
The Debt
Pulse of Life
Cinderella My Ass
Two Years Later
Decisions, Decisions


8K 144 35
By Vanillake

(Sorry for not updating for a while. I've been busy with school, but I'll start updating again. I added the cast for the story so you guys can visualize the characters when reading the story. They're under 'cast' go check them out. I'll start putting the characters pictures up as well in the next few chapters, like now)


My alarm goes off, making the most irritating noise in the whole wide world. "Ugh. Why" I groan into my pillow. I look at the time, it's 5:20 A.M.

Oh hell no.

I reset my alarm at 6 A.M. and go back to sleep. After what seems like five minutes, my alarm goes off once again. I lazily sit up and go to the bathroom to brush my teeth and take a quick shower.

Life shouldn't be this hard.

After brushing my teeth and the ten-minute shower, I go straight to my closet to pick my outfit for the day. I wear a light pink dress that I don't even remember buying, with my denim jacket and white sneakers. I look at myself in the mirror and shockingly admire my reflection. I actually look nice for someone that had three hours of sleep last night. I stayed up until 3 in the morning writing my English essay. I had two weeks to do it, but me being my-lazy-self, decided to wait until the final day. I procrastinate a lot and by "a lot" I mean a lot, I still have no idea how I have straight A's because I'm obviously not a good student and I never study.

I have four and only four priorities in life: eat, watch tv, spend time on social media, and getting good grades in school so I get into a good college. My priorities may seem boring and even a little cliché, but they are mine and I somehow manage to achieve them.

I throw my backpack over my shoulder and open the door to go to the kitchen. I'm welcomed by a smell of something burning as soon as I open the door. The door was the only thing keeping the smell out of my room.

I head over to the kitchen and the smell gets worse and stronger as I get closer. I see my mom cooking eggs or what used to be eggs in this case. "Mom, you're the worst cook in the world. " I politely tell her and she rolls her eyes. "I tried to cook eggs but they... They got burned. I followed the instructions carefully." She makes a moue. I almost feel bad for her. I try to be sincere for a second, but I can't. I can't help but laugh at how she is starting at the burned eggs in the pan, like a mother grieving her only child. "You're so mean," she grumbles.

I know it's mean to laugh at her because she really is trying to learn how to cook. She downloaded over a hundred recipes online and the kitchen has been her playground lately. In my defense, she should know to cook by now. She's a mother to a seventeen-year-old for god sake. My stepdad, Mark, has been the chef in the house ever since they got married and before that... Before that, we use to eat out.

"Just give up, woman." I tell her. She really should. She's using a recipe to cook eggs for god sake. "Give up? What? What are you talking about? I'm getting better, I know it and I raised you better than this. You don't go around and tell people to give up on something they feel passionate about." She proud says with a roll of eyes. "You technically didn't raise me, Mark did." I tell, with a stick of a tongue. "True" she laughs and I join her. "And passionate where?" I laugh even more. She seriously needs to stop. "Go to school" she shakes her head. "Gladly." I tell her, before grabbing my backpack and leaving for school.

I arrive at school at 7:40 with only five minutes to get out of the parking lot and get to my class, which just happens to be on the other side of the building. I close my door and walk to my class calmly. There's no need to rush, I'm gonna be late no matter so I might as well take my time and enjoy the walk.

I go to the attendance office to get a pass for being late to class. The lady tells me to write the reason why I was late in the list on her desk and I do just that. I look at her outfit while she stamps the date on the pass and signs it and I gotta say, I'm a little taken back it. She is wearing a black pencil skirt and a golden blouse that blends perfectly with her short blonde hair. You know when you look at a teacher or a school staff member and you're just like Oh wow. They actually have a life?... Yeah, I've had one of those moments just now. "Here you go sweety," the lady says, handing me the pass. I thank her and leave the office and head over to my class.

After a quiet walk through the art hall, I hear footsteps coming behind. I don't bother to look at who it is, but the footsteps keep getting closer. I turn around who the hell is following me and why they're acting all sneaky. "looking good Lils" says idiot in front of me. "Well, you look like trash Ezra, as always." I roll my eyes at him and keep walking. "Why are you late? " he asks. Why is he following me?.. Oh wait, we have English together. I almost forgot. "It's non of your business." I tell him. He's literally the most annoying person in school. " Well, I'm late because I was up all night, jerking off to this hot porn." he proudly says. "When did I ask? " I shake my head and start walking faster than I was before. He just knows how to get me mad. Really knows how to.

Ezra's been quite the man whore since middle school. I'm one of the very few girls that haven't actually seen his manhood in the whole school. He's had sex with almost every girl in school and probably slept more outside. The messy-looking brown hair that lands on his forehead perfectly like God commanded it to stay messy in the most attractive way possible, the deep green eyes and the perfectly sharp and symmetrical jawlines always get the girls. I would fall for him myself and throw myself at him if I was like most girls in school, but I'm not. I know him well. Too well to know that every word that comes out if his mouth is a lie. He says anything to get laid. We've known each other since the third grade, we even used to be friends. But as we got older, he made so many other friends, became a man whore in middle school and now he's our school's football captain. And since our school known for the best football team across the county, he's quite the celebrity and almost all the girls in the county follow him on Instagram. You'll be shocked to read the comments on his account.

We finally to the classroom and I thank God in my head. He's been talking the entire way apparently, but I've been ignoring him the whole time. You'd be surprised to see just how good I am at ignoring people. I turn around and smile at him without actually opening my mouth to show him how annoyed I am with him, before turning around again and going into class. He comes in a second after me and we receive some glares. I just hope they're not getting ideas.

I sit down in my seat, in the front if the classroom, and the class goes by quicker than I remember and so does the day. Soon enough, it's 2:30 and the final bell rings. I love chemistry class, not because I enjoy writing equations for chemical reactions, but because it's on the eighth period and I get to ho home afterward. And chemistry class on the Friday before the winter break is my favorite.

Christmas here I come.

I get out of school and go straight home. I make myself a peanut butter and jelly with a cup of milk, my after school routine. I go upstairs to my room after I finish. I lay on my bed and stare at the ceiling for a while. I'm so excited for my date with Shawn tonight. I sigh deeply at the thought of it. Our first date was quite the date. I was scared but I somehow managed to feel safe by his presence. I know I don't really know much about him other than what newspapers publish about him. *cough. *Billboard. *cough. The point is that I don't as a person. I only know him as a celebrity. But last week, last week was different. He wasn't Shawn Mendes, the Canadian singer-songwriter that sold out a show at Madison Square Garden and not the funny stranger that I've been texting for the past three weeks. He was just Shawn. He's smart, funny, respectful, extremely handsome and damn, a good kisser. The kiss... The kisses. I close my eyes and relive our kiss from last week. How hot his lips felt on mine. How gentle yet sexy the kiss was. I remember every corner of his mouth. How our tongues moved with each other. His hot breath on my skin. Ugh, I need to stop thinking about the kiss before I lose my mind.

Just as I'm trying to get Shawn out if my head, my phone buzzes and I immediately know that it's him. I grab my phone, and I can't help but smile as I unlock it with my fingerprint.



Are you Spanish?

Por supuesto, muchacho.

Are you really tho?

Yeah, a little.

How little?


Ok dang
So around what time do you want me to pick you up?

Pick me up? For what

For our date. Please tell me you didn't forget!

Omg. I forgot. I'm in NY, visiting my aunt for Christmas



Dang, I was looking forward to seeing you tonight. Why didn't you tell me you left for New York? I mean even if you forgot about the date, you should've told me you were leaving. You know, because we're texting buddies and all. Now I won't see you for at least 4 months.

I'm really sorry Shawn. I truly am

It's ok

No, it's not. You don't understand

Understand what?

I'm sorry I lied to you

When did you lie to me?

Just now when I said I'm at New York

Wait. What? You're not in New York?


Where are you then?

Still in L.A. LMAO

Why would you do that? I got so scared


I hate you

Say that again and I'm never talking to you again

You're bluffing

Watch me...

I love you

Bitch I know

You're something else

I know Mr. Obvious

Are you sure you're 16? Cuz you act like a 3 year old.

That's because I'm not 16

Say what now? You said you were 16

Yeah that was weeks ago, now I'm 17

Wait. When did you turn 17?




Why am I just finding out about this?

Idk. Because it's not a big deal?

It is a big deal! you've been alive for:
536,630,400 seconds
8,943,840 minutes
149,064 hours
6211 days887
weeks and 2 days

Please remind me why I talk to you?

Because you like me and you can't resist me

... Yeah I'm just gonna go with: I feel bad for you because you don't have any friends


It's true...

I see you hate math

Despise it.

I kinda like it and I obviously didn't calculate all of that, I just googled it

Phew. You scared me for a moment

Lol, you're crazy. So you still up for the date?

Yeah. You?

I've been up for it since last week.

Please tell me this date does not involve any car rides through abandoned roads in the middle of the woods

I can guarantee you, you won't see any trees

Thank you

Don't thank me yet

You better accept this 'thank you're because I don't thank people much

Okaaay. You're welcome


So how is 6?

6 sounds nice

You're so nice today

Ugh I know! I'm on my period. I'm not being myself.

I'm looking forward to this date more than I was 5 minutes ago


Because you're gonna be nicer

Bite me

Your wish is my command. Just tell me where

I just lost my phone. I'll text when I find it (probably around 6)


I put my phone down and go to the bathroom to take another shower, a long one. After an hour or so of singing, yelling, and dancing in the shower, I finally get out and go to my closet to pick an outfit for tonight. I go through my clothes over and over again and I can't seem to find anything to wear. What's the point of having a closet full of clothes if none of them are good enough for a date night? I just need something casual. Casual, but not too casual. I'm over thinking this, I'm sure I'll find something to wear. After half an hour of digging into the black hole I call a closet, I find blue ribbed jeans and white Loose -T-shirt with prints of glasses on it and a long black cardigan. I decide to wear nude heels with them. I turn my curler on and curl my hair at the ends to give it is a wavy look. I put a simple make up on to finish the look. After I'm done with the makeup and everything, I head over to the mirror on my closet to see my outfit, fully, and how everything goes together and I gotta say, I'm satisfied with the results. It's simple and very comfortable.

By the time I'm done with everything, it's 5:50, almost time, so I decide to go down to the living room to watch something and Jason just so happens to be there. "damn mami, where is you going." he asks in a playful teasing tone. "I'm going on a date," I say not bothering to look at his direction. "With that guy you went with las week?" he asks, his tone slightly changing into irritated? "Yeah. Anything wrong?" I ask, now looking at him. "no. It's just... How well do you know the guy?" he asks. I can hear the emotions in voice, anger with sadness. "I know enough," I reply. He takes a deep breath and shakes his head. I honestly don't know why he's acting weird. It's not like he actually likes me. Does he? I'm cut off from my thoughts by my phone's buzzing. Relieved to finally get out of this situation, I pick up my phone and just like I was hoping, it's Shawn. The text reads 'I'm down, should I know or something? 'I smile at it and reply with 'no, don't bother, I'll be out in a sec.' "I have to go." I tell Jason. He doesn't say anything in respond so I just leave. What's his issue?

I see Shawn standing on the porch as I open the door, and I can't help but smile at how handsome he looks. He's wearing black tight jeans and a black t-shirt with blue flannels. He's so attractive. "I didn't know if I was supposed to knock on the door or just text you, so I went with the texting because seemed less intimidating." he nervously says. "It's cool. Jason would've answered and it would've been awkward." I laugh, unsure of what to say. "Oh. He's here?" he asks. "Yeah he hangs out here all day." I tell him and he nods. "So, you ready?" he asks and I nod. We over to his car and I notice that this is his actual car. The Jeep. I saw pictures of it on instagram a while ago, when he bought it. He opens the door for me and I smile at him. "Where are we going?" I ask, once we're inside. "My original plan going to the movies first then go fir dinner at the restaurant of your choice, but I had a change of plans when I found that yesterday was your birthday." he explains. "You still haven't answered my question." I remind him. "It's a surprise" he smiles. I want to tell him that I'm not going anywhere with him if he doesn't tell me where we're going , but there's something about his smile that makes me not want to question him. "Buckle up" he tells me, after buckling up himself. I do as told and we take off to wherever he's taking me.


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