How The Bad Boy Saved Me

By MidnightWithMe

90.7K 2.5K 461

Eliana and Josh are two opposites, Eliana is unpopular and shy while Josh is just about the most well-known p... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 3

7K 214 51
By MidnightWithMe

How the Bad Boy Saved Me

Chapter 3

I'd arrived home on Tuesday from a boring day at school. Elena had gone off with her new boyfriend, Stefan ,leaving me to walk around by myself seeing as I hadn't really made any friends yet.

I walked up to my room, and then quickly checked my phones for messages, I had none because I was such a social butterfly. My mum was currently out, my younger sister at babysitters. Any normal seventeen year old would be inviting all their friends over right now, but not me, I only have one friend.

Dropping my phone onto my bed and deciding I was hungry, I headed down stairs, towards the kitchen.

I put a piece of bread in the toaster and got the jam and butter out of the fridge. Yeah, I know, I'm so creative with my cooking skills. Just as I'd finished buttering my bread, Caspar walked in so I smiled at him and he meowed politely back.

Caspar was my cat, I'd had him for a year now after I'd rescued him from the streets he was all skin and bone when I got him but now he was a lot healthier than when I'd first seen him.

Rain poured down heavily on the roof, which was why Caspar was here right now, he only ever came when it was raining or he needed food.

Loud knocking came from the front door, I sighed it was probably mum. I picked up Caspar and headed towards the door and opened it to the last person I thought I would see, Josh Ryder. He looked stunning, the way the rain made his hair fall on his face made him look perfect.

I was about to close the door on him but he seemed to know what I was thinking he put his hand on the door stopping me from closing it.

"You know Ellie I thought of you as a lot of things but I never imagined you as a cat lady." He said.

"Why are you here?" I asked irritated at him, how was it fair someone so annoying could be so good looking.

"Well we have a drama assignment to do don't we?" He reminded me.

"How did you know where I live?" It was weird that Josh knew where I lived, since we hadn't even crossed paths before Monday.

"That's for me to know and for you to not," he told me. "Now let me in."

I took my hand off the door then moved out the way to let him in. He gave me a cocky grin before entering the house. Walking into living room, I pointed Josh to the couch and he slumped down onto it. I took a seat next to him but sat right at the edge of the couch. Josh looked over to me. "Nice house, where's your parents."

"My mum's out." I said, I didn't really want to talk about family, especially with Josh.

"What about your dad?" he asked. My heart pounded, I looked at my hands which were twitching nervously, Say something.

"He died." I replied, no not that, why did you tell him the truth? I looked up at Josh, he looked pained almost like he was remembering a bad memory.

"Oh I'm sorry." I resisted the urge to roll my eyes.

"You don't need to say sorry it wasn't you who caused his death." That was the thing about people knowing about my father's death they always told me they were sorry but that not what I wanted to hear because 'sorry' wasn't going to bring him back. Josh shifted in his seat awkwardly, searching for something to say.

"Are we going to practice then?" he looked confused at my question.

"You know what you came here to do." I reminded him.

"Yeah let's start on that then." He said.

"We'll need to write a script you know." I remarked.

"I know." He nodded.

"You'll need to memorise it." I said.

He nodded again.

"And perform it to the class."

"Yeah." He shrugged.

"You'll have to be serious throughout."

"Look I know what to do I've done this before." He grumbled.

"Okay I was just checking." I stated.


It had been an hour since Josh had arrived and he'd done nothing but joke around and snap at me when I said the wrong things.

"Josh can we actually do something now." I shouted finally as he tried to balance a spoon on his nose, the spoon dropped on the floor and he looked at me.

"Why do you have to be such a spoil sport?" He whined, he actually whined I thought only babies did that.

"Why do you have to be so annoying?" I retorted.

"Why do you have to be so beautiful?" He said. What? How did we get from throwing insults at each other to him calling me beautiful? Butterflies filled my stomach, Josh thought I was beautiful,I stared at him. As aggravating as he was, he was handsome and the thought of him thinking me as 'beautiful' made the butterflies in my stomach fly.

"Did you just call me-

"I didn't say anything Ellie." He interjected.

"But you just said I was-

"Like I said before Eliana I didn't say anything."


He growled at me and clenched his jaw, calm down you're not a fucking dog Josh.

"Can we just practise now." I asked, trying to ease out the tension.

"Yeah fine." He answered, unclenching his jaw.

We had about half an hour's practice before he told me he had to go.

"Before I go," he said "Can I see you room?"


"Well since we're going to spending a lot of time in there I just think it would be right." He winked. There he goes again one minute it's like he's going to kill someone the next he's back to flirting.

I sighed, there was no point arguing he would just be here even longer. Walking up the stairs I pointed him towards my room as I reached the hallway, I leaned against the doorframe watching him. He leaped onto my bed and was on there for a while. I raised my eyebrow at him as he walked past, he jogged down the stair and whirled around to face me.

"See you tomorrow Ellie." He smiled then walked out the door, shutting it behind him. As he left I sat down the stairs and I let it sink in what had just happened.

Josh Ryder had just been in my house,he called me beautiful,I smiled at the thought not many girls got to say that.

My mum walked through the front door with my little sister, Isabelle. The look on my mothers face brought me out of my thoughts. She looked angry, really angry, I hadn't seen her like that since... well I hadn't seen her like that for years.

"Go to your room Isabelle." My mom looked over to my sister.She had climbed the stairs to her room, I ruffled her hair as she went past and earned a laugh from her.

After Isabelle had disappeared up to her room, my mother turned her cold gaze towards me.

"What?" I asked innocently, I'd done nothing wrong so I didn't see why she would be angry at me.

"Why did a delinquent just come out of my house?" She question furiously, her nostrils flared.

"Who... Josh?"

"Yes that terrible Josh Ryder kid, why was he in my house." She shouted.

"He's my drama partner for an assessment coming up." I replied, trying to keep my voice calm while mum was shouting at me.

"Eliana Victoria Edwards you shall not under any circumstance be hang around with that poor excuse for a boy."

"Mum," I inhaled some air. "I have to hang around him because he is my assigned partner for drama and unless you want me to fail, even more than I currently am, then so will let me practice with him."

"He's done some bad things Eliana," Mum said, shaking her head. "Im not happy with him here you know."

I looked at her, what could've Josh done that made her resent him so much?

"What's he done that's so bad?" I prompted mum to give my more information about Josh. Seeing as he never talked about his life at school, there were only ever rumours.

My mum looked sad for a moment, then angry again."He's had a tough life I'll give him that but that's no excuse for what he did."

"What did he do."

"Just stay away from him OK I don't want to see you around him." she declared.

I stormed out the front door furiously, why the fuck I'd she get to choose who I hung out with I'm seventeen for god sake!

I don't even know why she had even reacted like that usually my mum didn't care who I was with or what I did with them. Come to think of it most of the time my mum didn't even care about me. Now mention Josh's name and suddenly she does.I walked down the street heading towards my den.

My den was a place I'd stumbled upon ages ago when I was ten and we'd first moved here.

I'd hated moving so much had been crying buckets since we'd arrived. Mum got angry at me due to the fact that I had not stop crying, she told me that if I wanted to cry I could go and do it in the park nearby. So I did but there was too many people there, they stared at me as I cried.

Eventually I went off to find a better place.I was wandering through a tree-land area, when I saw a couple of trees woven together making it look like a small archway. It looked beautiful with ivy decorated around it so I tried to get inside, it was difficult though I had to crawl to get inside.

There was path that sloped down on the inside and then turned into an open space it was about 2 meters high and 3 meters wide.

At first the den didn't really protect me from the rain. But over the years I had upgraded my den, it now had a waterproof sheet over it that keep the heat in as well as the rain away. I'd also put a plush chair, fairy lights operated with batteries, a mini table and a hammock in case I felt like sleeping here. I walked through the green sheet that I hung up to act as a door but also as camouflage.

Sitting on my plush chair I thought over today's events from Josh arriving to my mum telling me not to go near him. How can one person make your life so stressful so quickly?

Deciding on not going back to face my mum I walked over to my hammock and drifted off to sleep and staring in my dreams was the one person who seemed to be messing up my life recently; Josh Ryder.


Does anyone have someone in there school who is so good looking but the personality just puts you off them? :)

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