Unconditionally (Sungyeol fan...

By SolidInspirit0809

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Unconditional love really exists in each of us. It is part of our deep inner being. It is not so much an acti... More

1. Daily Routine
2. Adventure Seeker
3. Please Allow Me
4. First Day
5. Sudden Actions
6. A Walk to Remember
7. Cold to Warm
8. In the Rain
9. Official
10. First Fight
11. The Past
12. Troubled
13. Pain
14. Promise
15. Secrets
16. Secrets (pt 2)
17. Misunderstood
18. Everything will be okay
19. Retreat
20. Retreat (pt2)
21. His Past and Acceptance
22. Caught!
23. Conflict
24. Forgiveness
25. Back in each other's arms
26. (Not) Everything is okay
29. You and me against all odds

27. Stay with me...Forever

354 18 3
By SolidInspirit0809


"Hey, that's not fair!" Sungjong whined as I flicked his forehead twice.

"What's not fair?" I asked innocently.

"We are suppose to flick just once," he whined more as he pouts.

"Well, I'm older," I teased more.

"That doesn't count as the rule of the game!"

"It does," I mocked.

"It doesn't!"

"It does!"

"Will the two of you shut it? You both are grown ups now. Stop acting like a preschooler," Woohyun said as he flips the page of the magazine he's reading.

"Yeah, right! Says the guy who acts crazy all the time," I snorted. "Ya! That magazine is not allowed here in school!" I scolded him as I noticed what he's reading (or rather just staring at).

"As what I say, were already grown ups so we are already allowed to read this kinds of stuff," he chortle and winked.

Aigoo... These perv! I look outside of the window of our classroom to check if Iseul is back but she still isn't. It's been thirty minutes now.

"What's taking her so long?" I impatiently said.

"The professor must have discussed something to her," Sungjong shrugged as he opened a lollipop and placed it in his mouth.

"But it's been half an hour," I said as I crease my eyebrows. I stood up and decided to follow her in the faculty room. "I'll just check on her."

I was about to reach the door when a female student rushed inside the room. Her eyes widely opened upon seeing me like she saw a ghost.

"S-Sunbaenim..." she stammered. It's like she's very nervous. "I-Iseul..."

Upon hearing Iseul's name, my eyebrows mushed in an instant. "What happened to Iseul?"

"I didn't mean to, Sunbae. I didn't know she'll do it. I have no idea, Sunbae," she said which I cannot understand.

"What? You're not making any sense. What happened to Iseul?" I am now panicking inside.

"She's locked in the storage room.."

I immediately went to the storage room as I hear it. Why the hell is she locked in the storage?

"Iseul?" I turn the knob of the door but it won't budge. That is when I noticed that there is a padlock attached on the door.

"Shit!" I cursed and pounded the door so hard. "Iseul? Are you inside?" No one answered and that made my panic heighten.

"Is Iseul inside?" I heard Woohyun asked. I did not even noticed that he followed me. I did not answer him. I am praying so hard that Iseul is not inside and that she's okay.

I tried using force with my whole body but it's no use. I tried kicking the door as well but it won't budge.

"Here, try this," Woohyun handed me a hammer which I don't know where he got from. I hammered the padlock so hard until it was destroyed.

"Iseul?" I called out as I got in the storage room. I froze for a second upon seeing where Iseul is. She's lying on the floor, unconscious.

"Iseul!" I heard Woohyun shouted as he rushed towards Iseul. "Shit! She's not breathing! Sungyeol, she's not breathing!" Woohyun shouted which made me snap out. I hurriedly knelt in front of Iseul and check her pulse. I can still feel her pulse.

"Go call an ambulance!" I told Woohyun and he immediately run out of the storage room.

I gave Iseul a CPR as tears start to trickle down my cheeks. "Iseul, please wake up," I whispered as I continue giving her CPR. "Baby, please wake up..."

I continue what I am doing hoping that it will work but it won't. She's still unconscious, not giving me any sign of life. I carried her in my arms and walked out of the storage room. As I walk on the school grounds, I saw Luna. She clasped her hand on her mouth when she saw Iseul unconscious in my arms. That gave me the idea that she did this. Who else will?

"Ambulance is already here," the school nurse approached me as I reached the main gate. Woohyun must have seek help from her. As the hospital staff helped in getting Iseul in the ambulance, I immediately hop in and held her hands. The school nurse got in as well and sat across me.

"Don't leave me, Iseul. Please... Not now..." I breathed as I held her hand tightly.


My eyes slowly flatter open and a face took shape. I can't quite distinguish who it is. My eyelids are giving up on me which made me close my eyes again. Then I felt something soft touch my hand like it is being kissed. That gave me the urge to open my eyes again.

"Hey..." I heard the voice of the man I love the most. "Mr. Choi, she's awake."

I look to my right and saw Mr. Choi taking a nap. He immediately stood up when Myungsoo called him. "Hey... How are you feeling?"

"W-Where am I?" I asked. My voice cracked.

"You're at the hospital, dear. You fainted at school," Mr. Choi explained. Now I remember. Luna... Luna locked me up in the storage room.

"I'll call the doctor," Mr Choi said and went out of the room.

Sungyeol leaned on me and rest his forehead on mine. "I thought I lost you. You scared me to death," he softly said as his hand went on my cheek.

I wanted to say something. Tell him that I'm okay. That he shouldn't worry because everything will be alright. But nothing came out of my mouth. I feel like it's been dried up. I feel so weak.

"Is she awake?" I heard a voice said and saw Mr Choi came in with a doctor with him.

Sungyeol slightly moved away from me to give the doctor space to check me up. His hand is still holding mine. The doctor placed the stethoscope on his ears and checked my breathing by my chest.

"Her breathing is somehow fine now but there still seems to be blocking her air passageway. Her breathing is still not back to normal," I heard the doctor explains. "We already run a full check up on her. We are just waiting for the results of the tests. Since she just woke up, the ttendency is for her not to talk since she's still weak. After minutes, she will be able to talk again and if that happens, let her drink water and as much as possible let her eat something. Please do not let her eat heavy meal."

"Will do, doctor. Thank you so much," Mr Choi said. Both him and the doctor bowed at each other as a sign of respect. Then the doctor went out of the room.

"I'll just buy something to eat for all of us. Please don't leave Iseul," Mr Choi said.

"I will never leave her, Mr Choi. That will never happen," Sungyeol responded.

"I know you won't," he said and went out of the room.


After minutes, I am now able to speak normally. Both Mr Choi and Sungyeol did what the doctor instructed. They are both very attentive to the things I want and need.

"Are you thirsty?" Sungyeol asked.

"I've just drank, Sungyeol," I said. He looks around, obviously feeling uneasy.

"Do you want to use the washroom?" he asks again.

"I still don't feel like going," I said as I stare at him. Amused at his every actions. He's so cute when he worry too much. He looks around the room again.

"Do you want water?" He asked again.

I chuckle and hold his hand. I was able to reach it since he is just sitting at the edge of the bed. "Sungyeol, you've just asked that seconds ago..."

"Relax, Sungyeol. You make me feel uneasy too," Woohyun oppa said who is sitting at the couch near the hospital bed. He together with Sungjong visited me here at the hospital.

"I'm sorry, I just can't help it," he said as he placed his hands above my hand which is holding his.

"Everything will be okay," I softly said as we stare at each other intently.

The doctor came in together with a nurse. "How are you?" the doctor asked as the nurse checks the dextrose attached on my hand.

"I'm fine compared to when I first woke up earlier. I still feel dizzy from time to time but I can endure them," I answered.

"That's good. Did you already eat?"

"She already did but she just ate a little. She said that she doesn't have the appetite," Mr Choi answered.

The doctor nodded. He did not say anything. I stare at the doctor and when he saw that I am looking at him, he immediately avoided my gaze.

"My I talk to the guardians at my office for a while?" He asked which gave me the idea that what he's about to say to them will be bad news. I know that the result of my tests are not good.

"Sure, Doctor. We'll follow you--" Mr Choi was cut from talking when I spoke.

"No, doctor. Say it here... I want to hear what you want to tell them," the doctor was taken aback at what I said.

"But Iseul---"

"No, Mr Choi. I want to hear it," I firmly said.

The doctor retrieved his posture and sighed. "Alright. If that's what you want..."

I felt Sungyeol's grip on my hand tighten. He is staring at the doctor. He is waiting for what he is about to say.

"Your heart already stopped responding to the medications. That is the reason why you fainted," the doctor starts explaining.

"I forgot to take my medicine this morning, doctor. That might be the reason why I experienced chest pain," I said, trying hard to hide my nervousness.

The doctor shook his head and pushed his eyeglasses by the bridge of his nose. "Your heart stopped responding to any medications for one month now."

"W-Which means?" Sungyeol's voice is shaky.

"Which means that even we give you medicine, your heart won't respond..."

"It's just like what you've said earlier, doctor. What does that mean? Please go staright to the point," I said as tears form at the edge of my eyes.

The doctor looks at me and sighed. "You don't have much days left, Ms Choi. Basically, your body is just waiting for your heart to stop."

Complete silence... No one dared to talk.

"Mr Choi?" the doctor called him.


"Please see me at my office. I still want to further discuss to you about Ms Choi's condition."

Both of them, together with the nurse, went out of the room. Sungyeol is still holding my hand but his gaze is blank. He is just staring blankly at the wall in front of him.

I captured his hand in my hands as I sat up. "Everything will be fine," I tried to convince him and myself. I know that everything is not fine. That everything will never be alright.

"Stop saying that everything will be alright, Iseul," Sungyeol breathed out as he lets go of my hand and raked his hair up. He looks like he's in the verge of crying.

"Stop acting like you don't give a damn about your life because I do f***ing care! Is it that easy for you to leave us just like that?! Is it that easy for you to leave me?!" he shouted which taken me aback. He is now crying.

"Sungyeol, calm down," Woohyun oppa tries to pacify him.

"Hell I won't calm down!" he shouted more. He looks up at the ceiling and heaved a heavy and long sigh. He's now starting to choke because of crying. He looks at me with his eyes soaked with tears. I just stared at him, not knowing what to say. And when I blinked my eyes, tears start to trickle down my cheeks.

"F**k!" he breathed out and stormed out of the room.


I roughly wipe my tears as I walk up the hospital rooftop. This is so messed up! Why her? Why do YOU have to take her from me?

"Ahhhh!!!" I screamed as I reach the rooftop. I fall on my knees and cry my eyes out.

"Please... I beg YOU from up there. Don't take her from me. Don't take her yet," I sobbed.

"I think we are having the same experience," I heard someone spoke. I lift my head up and looked around. I saw an old man on my right and he is now approaching me.

I wipe my tears with the back of my hand. "I'm sorry. I thought no one is here," I apologize and stare at the ground. Still catching my breath from too much crying.

"No, it's fine," he said and sat down beside me. "I do know how you feel. I've been there too."

I look at him and gave him a quizzical look. "What do you mean?"

He looks at me and gave me a sympathetic smile. "I as well lost someone I love so much. That's your situation, right?"

"She... No, she won't die. She will never leave me," I tried to convince  myself. I balled my fist as I try so hard to stop my tears from falling.

"That's what I said when she was still here," he said which made me look at him. He is staring up at the dark sky. There are no stars tonight. Seems like the sky sympathize with what I feel. "I also blamed HIM from up there. I asked him why? Why does He have to get her from me? What grave sin have I done for Him to punish me like this?"

He looks at me and smile a little then goes back to staring at the dark sky. "I was so devastated when I heard that she's dying. I was not even able to tell her how much I really love her. To show her that she's my whole world. She was just taken from me... Just like that... She's gone. That is the reason why I always go back here. Like you, I also went up here and cry my eyes out. I always go back here to say sorry that I was not able to keep my promise that I will not leave her no matter what. I always go here to tell her how much she means to me... how much I love her."

He looks down at the ground and sighed. He must be in deep pain right now. He looks at e and smiles.

"It's not yet too late for you," he pats my shoulder. "Show her how much she means to you. Don't regret in the end. Go to her and tell her how much you love her."

I stare at him, processing what he just said. He's right. I should be by her side at this moment. I stood up and made my way to Iseul. Before I could go that far, I glance back at the old man.

"Thank you," I said and hurriedly went to Iseul.


I lean my head on the window of the room I'm in. Woohyun oppa and Sungjong oppa already went home. They said that they'll visit tomorrow. Mr Choi went home for a while to get some things I need for I will be staying here longer.

I stare at the patients walking around the hospital's vicinity. Do they have the same condition as me? What are they feeling right now?

I look up at the dark sky. "I won't ask you why is this happening to me anymore. I know that I am destined to die at an early age," I talk to Him from up there. "But let me ask for one thing. Let me live for few more days. Few more days for me to fulfill the things I want to do with Sungyeol. Please... Just few more days," I begged as tears trickle down my cheeks.

I immediately wipe my tears when I heard someone came in the room. I look back and saw him standing there. Staring at me like I'm his everything. The reason why I fight for my life.

"I thought you already went home," I said, trying so hard to stop my tears from falling. He did not answer. He just kept staring at me.

"Why did you run away like that? I was thinking you were mad at me. I thought---" I was cut from talking when he took fast strides towards me and hug me tight.

"I love you," he whispers as he buries his face on my shoulder. I break down once again and cry. I wrap my arms around his body and sob.

"Where have you been? I thought you left me," I asked like I was so afraid of not seeing him again.

"I'm sorry," he kisses my hair and cups my cheeks. He stares at me as tears continuously flow down his face. "I won't leave like that again. That will not happen again," he assured me. He kisses my forehead and stayed in that position for a minute. He once again hugged me and buried his face in the crook of my neck.

"I'm scared, Sungyeol," I whipered.

"Marry me," he answered differently which taken me aback. I slightly pulled away from the hug to look at him.

"What?" I quizzically asked.

"Marry me," he repeats.

"But, Sungyeol---"

"I know what you're thinking of. You are thinking about what will happen to me  If you'll be...gone. You are thinking about my future," he continuously said. He cups my cheeks and stares intently at me. "You are my future, Iseul. I can't see myself not being by your side. I can't see myself without you."

He leans his forehead on mine, his breathing fast. "You. Are. My. Everything. So please marry me."

I close my eyes as I savour every word he said. I tried to picture myself with him...in one roof. I smile at that thought. I open my eyes and saw him trembling. His eyes are closed. I kiss his lips and that mad him open his eyes.

"Yes," I smile as I hold his hands which are cupping his cheeks, running my thumb on them. "I'll marry you."

His face brighten up as his lips form a wide smile. He deeps down and kiss my lips as my mouth open under his.

"I love you so damn much, Iseul," he whispers.

"I know," I whispered back. "I know..."


I'm back!!! And so is Infinite! Have you guys checked out their mv The Eye? I love the concept, love the mixture of orchestra and edm, love the mv. I just love everything about them!

And because I was inspired by their comeback, I made a long update this time. kekeke. Hope you guys enjoyed it =)

*hugs and kisses*

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